Exploratory data analysis¶
We want more students to do research with professors. The incentives seem to exist: professors need students to publish and students need professors for guidance (what to ask, what papers to read, where to publish, etc).
Copyright By PowCoder代写 加微信 powcoder
We have anecdotal evidence that
If students approach professors without any direction, chances are low
If students approach with their own problem, chances are better
If students approach knowing the professor’s research, chances are much better.
So our initial dataset only has
authors and the papers they wrote in author_and_papers.csv
papers and the references in paper_and_references.csv
Task 1 – basic exploration¶
Load the data
For both datasets, look at the first few, last few, and a random sample of records in the datasets (hint: pandas.DataFrame.sample()).
(no code) Why do we care about looking at a few records
How many professors are there in our dataset? (Multiple answers!)
How many papers are in our dataset? (Multiple answers!)
import pandas as pd
auth_pap = pd.read_csv(“author_and_papers.csv”)
biblio = pd.read_csv(“paper_and_references.csv”)
Unnamed: 0 auth_id auth_title ref_id ref_title
0 0 20 Nonlinear evolution via spatially-dependent li… 278 Penalized matrix decomposition for denoising, …
1 1 20 Nonlinear evolution via spatially-dependent li… 1392 Resting-state hemodynamics are spatiotemporall…
2 2 20 Nonlinear evolution via spatially-dependent li… 1498 Wide-field optical mapping of neural activity …
Unnamed: 0 auth_id auth_title ref_id ref_title
3718 3718 11636 Population predictive checks 11705 Scalable bayes via barycenter in wasserstein s…
3719 3719 11636 Population predictive checks 11706 Stan r&d: research and development expenditure…
3720 3720 11636 Population predictive checks 11709 Cross-validatory choice and assessment of stat…
Unnamed: 0 author_id given_name family_name middle_name paper_id paper_title
2114 2114 114 NaN 1478 Distinct contributions of mouse cortical areas…
1613 1613 1046 NaN 1051 Covariance estimation in high dimensions via k…
551 551 3706 NaN 299 NaN
Why care about a few records?¶
Data is rarely entered randomly. Seeing the beginning and ending records can inform us about possible rules governing the data entry (e.g. by time, by alphebet) and whether certain format changes have occurred.
A random sample is useful to catching unexpected things (e.g. missing data) in the data.
Number of Prof¶
num_prof = auth_pap.author_id.unique().shape[0]
print(“there are {num_prof} number of professors in the dataset”.format(num_prof=num_prof))
there are 7098 number of professors in the dataset
Getting paper count¶
paper_set1 = biblio.auth_title.unique().tolist()
paper_set2 = biblio.ref_title.unique().tolist()
paper_set3 = auth_pap.paper_title.unique().tolist()
pap_titles = paper_set1 + paper_set2 + paper_set3
# set() can only hold unique values
len(set([str(title).lower() for title in pap_titles]))
Task 2 – Some analysis¶
Calculate, then graph the following:
How many papers are associated with each professor?
How many authors does each paper have?
How many references does each paper have?
Are the same references being used by multiple papers?
# for-loop over the unique set
# pandas.DataFrame.groupby()
Unnamed: 0 author_id given_name family_name middle_name paper_id paper_title
0 0 2 S Rahmann NaN 4 Snakemake–a scalable bioinformatics workflow …
1 1 1678 J Koster NaN 4 Snakemake–a scalable bioinformatics workflow …
2 2 109 NaN 15 Scientific tests and continuous integration st…
# Approach 1, using for-loops
paper_count = []
for prof in auth_pap.author_id.unique():
is_target_prof = auth_pap.author_id == prof
paps_by_target_auth = auth_pap.loc[is_target_prof, “paper_id”].unique()
import seaborn as sns
auth_count = auth_pap.loc[:, [“paper_id”, “author_id”]].drop_duplicates().groupby(“paper_id”).count()
auth_cnt2 = auth_count.reset_index()
ref_count = biblio.loc[:, [“ref_id”, “auth_id”]].drop_duplicates().groupby(“auth_id”).count()
ref_cnt2 = ref_count.reset_index()
auth_id ref_id
3049 rows × 1 columns
auth_count2 = biblio.loc[:, [“auth_id”, “ref_id”]].drop_duplicates().groupby(“ref_id”).count()
import seaborn as sns
Index([‘auth_id’], dtype=’object’)
auth_count2.loc[auth_count2.auth_id > 20,:]
biblio.loc[(biblio.ref_id == 299) | (biblio.ref_id == 917),”ref_title”].unique()
array([‘Preprint repository arxiv achieves milestone million uploads’,
nan], dtype=object)
Task 3 – Targeted search¶
Which and how many professors have a paper with the word “deep learning” in it? What about “bayesian”? What about “causal”?
Index([‘Unnamed: 0’, ‘author_id’, ‘given_name’, ‘family_name’, ‘middle_name’,
‘paper_id’, ‘paper_title’],
keyword = “bayesian”
def profs_with_skills(keyword, auth_pap):
has_keyword = auth_pap.paper_title.apply(lambda x: str(x).lower().find(keyword) != -1)
return auth_pap.loc[has_keyword, [“family_name”, “given_name”]]
test = profs_with_skills(‘deep learning’, auth_pap)
test = profs_with_skills(‘causal inference’, auth_pap)
test = profs_with_skills(‘bayesian’, auth_pap)
Task 4 – Joining the datasets¶
If a paper has more authors, does it likely have more references? How are you testing this out?
Do the same professors reference the same papers over multiple publications?
auth_cnt2.rename(columns={“author_id”: “auth_count”}, inplace=True)
paper_id auth_count
ref_cnt2.rename(columns={“ref_id”: “ref_count”}, inplace=True)
auth_id ref_count
# We use an inner join because otherwise we cannot see this
jdf = pd.merge(auth_cnt2, ref_cnt2, left_on=”paper_id”, right_on=”auth_id”)
paper_id auth_count auth_id ref_count
0 20 6 20 40
1 48 7 48 78
2 74 12 74 45
import seaborn as sns
sns.scatterplot(jdf.auth_count, jdf.ref_count)
/usr/lib/python3.10/site-packages/seaborn/ FutureWarning: Pass the following variables as keyword args: x, y. From version 0.12, the only valid positional argument will be `data`, and passing other arguments without an explicit keyword will result in an error or misinterpretation.
import numpy as np
perm_outputs = []
for i in range(2000):
perm_auth_cnt = np.random.choice(jdf.auth_count, jdf.shape[0])
perm_outputs.append(np.corrcoef(jdf.ref_count, perm_auth_cnt)[0, 1])
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
plt.axvline(x=np.corrcoef(jdf.ref_count, jdf.auth_count)[0, 1],
Very unlikely to see our correlation by chance¶
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