CS计算机代考程序代写 Homework 3

Homework 3

October 13, 2021

1. Growth model with investment-specific productivity shocks. Consider the social

planner formulation of the following stochastic growth model:

V (ks, ke, q) = max

θ log c+ (1− θ) log(1− h) + βEq[V (k′e, k

s, q

′)] s.t.

c+ is + ie = k
s k

e h


k′s = (1− δs)ks + is
k′e = (1− δe)ke + qie
c ≥ 0, is ≥ 0, ie ≥ 0

log q = ρq log q−1 + ε, ε ∼ N(0, σ2q ) (1)

where c is consumption, h is leisure, is is investment in structures and ie is investment in

equipment. Here, the primes ′ denote next-period value and the subscripts −1 denote past

values. The non-negativity constraint on each type of investment means that machines

cannot be removed once they are installed.

System (1) is a recursive formulation. One can also write the problem as an infinite

horizon as follows:



βtEt [θ log ct + (1− θ) log(1− ht)] s.t.

ct + ist + iet = k
st k

et h


ks,t+1 = (1− δs)kst + ist
ke,t+1 = (1− δe)ke,t + qtiet

ct ≥ 0, ist ≥ 0, iet ≥ 0 for all t

log qt = ρq log qt−1 + εt, εt ∼ N(0, σ2q )


This economy features a shock to the efficiency of new capital produced (aka investment-

specific technological change). A rise in q is an improvement in the quality of new

capital goods because the same raw units of investment goods have a larger impact on

the capital stock used in production. In a competitive equilibrium, q is the ratio of

the price of consumption and structures pc relative to the price of equipment pe, i.e.

q = pc/pe. You will not need to solve the business cycle version of the model. I will

discuss how to do so in a program later on.

(a) What are the state and control variables?

(b) Characterize the equilibrium of the economy. The equilibrium conditions involve a

resource constraint, labor leisure tradeoff, and two (intertemporal) Euler equations.

(Hint: take first order conditions with respect to ct, ht, ks,t+1 and ke,t+1 and rear-

range. You can follow the logic of the real business model closely but now note that

there are two types of investment).

(c) Carefully interpret the equilibrium conditions, in particular the intertemporal con-

dition with respect to investment in capital equipment.

(d) Suppose there is a positive realization to εt. Describe the transmission of the shock

into the economy. Compare the transmission to that of a total factor productivity

shock in the standard real business cycle model.

(e) Write the steady-state conditions of the model. (Take the equilibrium conditions

and remove the time indices. You can simplify by using the rate of time preference

r = (1−β)/β. The steady state can be written as a function of c, ke, ks and h alone,
where output satisfies y = kαss k

e h

1−αs−αe .)

(f) The parameter space is Θ = {β, θ, αs, αe, δs, δe}. Solve for the steady state recur-
sively. That is, solve for the steady state in a sequence of steps for variables xt such

that x0 = f0(Θ), x1 = f1(Θ, x1),… Note that the steady state can be solved without

the use of any numerical solver. (Hint: start by solving for the ratio c/ks.)

(g) Suppose the law of motion for equipment is

k′e = (1− δe(u))ke + qie


δe(u) = δ0 +

uω, ω > 1

Provide intuition on the effects of an endogenous utilization rate on the transmission

mechanism. How does a q shock change the utilization rate?

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