import metapy
def tokens_lowercase(doc):
#Write a token stream that tokenizes with ICUTokenizer (use the argument “suppress_tags=True”),
#lowercases, removes words with less than 2 and more than 5 characters
#performs stemming and creates trigrams (name the final call to ana.analyze as “trigrams”)
”’Place your code here”’
#leave the rest of the code as is
tokens, counts = [], []
for token, count in trigrams.items():
return tokens
if __name__ == ‘__main__’:
doc = metapy.index.Document()
doc.content(“I said that I can’t believe that it only costs $19.95! I could only find it for more than $30 before.”)
print(doc.content()) #you can access the document string with .content()
tokens = tokens_lowercase(doc)