MKAN1-UC 5103 Marketing Analytics Fall 2021 HW 4
Instructions (total 5 points):
• Develop the SAS syntax for each question below and save all syntax in ONE SAS
file called “YourLastName_HW4”
• Submit that file under Assignments as your answer to HW4
• Start your SAS file with this header by using SAS comments syntax:
o Course Name – Semester Year
o Your name
o HW4 – date you complete the assignment
• Start your answer to each question below with the Question # by using SAS
comments syntax
• Keep your syntax in a clear format
1. (5 points) Import “IRIS.csv” file into a SAS data set named “hw4” in one of your
libraries (Please copy and paste the syntax generated even if you use point-and-
click method).
2. (30 points) (1) Use Proc Univariate Statement to obtain descriptive statistics of
the four numeric variables in hw4 data set. (2) On the basis of (1), then use
CLASS statement to obtain descriptive statistics of the four numeric variables
based on different groups of “species_type” variable. (3) On the basis of (1), then
use BY statement to obtain descriptive statistics of the four numeric variables
based on different groups of “species_type” variable.
3. (10 points) Create a frequency table based on the categorical variable
4. (20 points) (1) Create a boxplot where the dependent variable is “petal_length”
and grouping variable is “species_type”. (2) Use SAS comments syntax to
describe the information that you see from RESULTS (explain the boxplot).
5. (20 points) (1) Create a scatter plot where the dependent variable is
“petal_length” and the independent variable is “petal_width”, and color code
points based on the “species_type” variable. (2) Use SAS comments syntax to
describe the information that you see from RESULTS (explain the scatter plot).
6. (10 points) On the basis of Question 5, create a proper title for the scatter plot by
using TITLE statement.
• This is a 100-point assignment. You need to submit your answer by the due time,
answer satisfactorily all points in each question and follow these instructions
fully. Late submissions will receive automatic 0 point. This is an individual
assignment. Any teamwork found will receive automatic 0 point.