CS代考 CS 421!

Introduction and Logistics Assignments Course
Course Introduction
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Department of Computer Science

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Introduction and Logistics Assignments Course
Welcome to CS 421!
Topics for discussion:
􏰃 Logisitics—instructor,courseobjectives 􏰃 Whystudylanguages?
􏰃 Majorthemesforthecourse

Introduction and Logistics Assignments Course
Name Mattox PhD,Fall2003,UniversityofIllinoisatUrbana-Champaign
Lecturer 2003–2015 Illinois Institute of Technology
ResearchAreas CSEducation,ProgrammingLanguages,MathematicalFoundationsof Computer Science
Specialty PartialEvaluation,FunctionalProgramming
ProfessionalInterests Teaching;ComputerScienceEducation;FunctionalProgramming;
Semantics and Types; Category Theory
PersonalInterests Cooking;Go(Baduk,Wei-Qi,Igo);Philosophy;Evolution;Meditation; Kerbal Space Program; Home-brewing; … and many many more …

Introduction and Logistics Assignments Course
Mastery Grading
􏰃 The first thing: your grade is not based on points in this course! 􏰃 WeuseMasteryGrading.
􏰃 Yourabilitytodemonstratemasteryofaconceptiswhatcounts. 􏰃 20(ish)LearningModules
􏰃 Eachmodulehassomeobjectives
􏰃 Advantages:
􏰃 OnceyouhavetheLM,you’redonewithit.
􏰃 Youwillknowpreciselywhattostudyforonthefinal!
􏰃 Youwillknowpreciselywhatyouneedtodoforaparticulargrade!

Introduction and Logistics Assignments Course
􏰃 Thisisaflippedclassroom!
􏰃 Pleasewatchthelecturevideobeforecomingtoclass!
􏰃 Inclassactivities(TPSorPOGIL)toreinforcelearning.
􏰃 Post-classprairielearnactivitiestoconsolidate/applylearning.
􏰃 TheseoftenfulfillpartofanLM.
􏰃 Thereisnotnecessarilyapost-classactivityforeachday.

Introduction and Logistics Assignments Course
Machine Problems
􏰃 MachineProblems
􏰃 Designedtohelpyoustudyfortheexams,andtoachievemajorcourseobjectives
􏰃 Youareallowedonepartnerfortheprogrammingpart,butyoumustciteyoursources! (Place partner netids in a comment at the top.)
􏰃 Don’tusethe“perturbationmethod”ofsolvingmachineproblems!Weexpectyouto understand the solution and the process very well.
􏰃 Seethesyllabusformoredetails.

Introduction and Logistics Assignments Course
􏰃 Thepurposeofanexamistomeasuremasteryofmaterial.
􏰃 ExamsaresubdividedintoproficiencyunitsthatcorrespondtoLMs.
􏰃 Examsare“secondchanced”.Midterm2willhaveallofmidterm1foraretry.
􏰃 Weexpectthreemidterms.

Introduction and Logistics Assignments Course
Why Study Languages?
􏰃 Blub – see Beating the Averages by . [Gra03] 􏰃 Languagefamilies

Introduction and Logistics Assignments Course
Different languages can express different concepts efficiently! 􏰃 A story from human languages: pai sei

Introduction and Logistics Assignments Course
Different languages can express different concepts efficiently!
􏰃 A story from human languages: pai sei
􏰃 Languagesandculturesgrowtogethertoshapeeachother.

Introduction and Logistics Assignments Course
Different languages can express different concepts efficiently!
􏰃 A story from human languages: pai sei
􏰃 Languagesandculturesgrowtogethertoshapeeachother. 􏰃 It’sdifficulttoreasonaboutsomethingwithoutvocabulary!

Introduction and Logistics Assignments Course
Different languages can express different concepts efficiently!
􏰃 A story from human languages: pai sei
􏰃 Languagesandculturesgrowtogethertoshapeeachother.
􏰃 It’sdifficulttoreasonaboutsomethingwithoutvocabulary!
􏰃 See Politics and the English Language by . [Orw46]

Introduction and Logistics Assignments Course
􏰃 FromBeatingtheAveragesbyPaul and Logistics Assignments Course
􏰃 FromBeatingtheAveragesbyPaulGraham
􏰃 Thedifferencebetweenaknownpowerfullanguagetoalesspowerfullanguageiseasyto see.

Introduction and Logistics Assignments Course
􏰃 FromBeatingtheAveragesbyPaulGraham
􏰃 Thedifferencebetweenaknownpowerfullanguagetoalesspowerfullanguageiseasyto
􏰃 Thedifferencebetweenaknownlesspowerfullanguagetoamorepowerfullanguageis not easy to see!

Introduction and Logistics Assignments Course
The course has four major parts:
1. FunctionalProgramming
You will learn functional programming by learning how to build interpreters in Haskell.

Introduction and Logistics Assignments Course
The course has four major parts: 1. FunctionalProgramming
You will learn functional programming by learning how to build interpreters in Haskell.
2. Parsing
You will learn how text becomes a data structure we can use to represent a program.

Introduction and Logistics Assignments Course
The course has four major parts:
1. FunctionalProgramming
You will learn functional programming by learning how to build interpreters in Haskell.
2. Parsing
You will learn how text becomes a data structure we can use to represent a program.
3. MathematicalFoundations
You will learn some of the mathematical theory that lets us reason about programming languages and the programs written in them.

Introduction and Logistics Assignments Course
The course has four major parts:
1. FunctionalProgramming
You will learn functional programming by learning how to build interpreters in Haskell.
2. Parsing
You will learn how text becomes a data structure we can use to represent a program.
3. MathematicalFoundations
You will learn some of the mathematical theory that lets us reason about programming languages and the programs written in them.
4. Pragmatics
You will learn some of the design decisions available to you when choosing (or creating!) a language.

Introduction and Logistics Assignments Course
So, what should you learn?
􏰃 Understand major classes of programming languages: techniques, features, styles. 􏰃 Howtoselectanappropriatelanguageforagiventask.
􏰃 Howtoreadaformalspecificationofalanguageandimplementit.
􏰃 Howtowriteaformalspecificationofalanguage.
􏰃 SomePowerfulIdeas: 1. Recursion
2. Abstraction
3. Transformation 4. Unification
The emphasis is on learning the theory, knowing why the theory is valuable, and using it to implement a language.

Introduction and Logistics Assignments Course
[Gra03] [Orw46]
. “Can Programming Be Liberated from the von ? A functional Style and Its Algebra of Programs.” In: ACM Turing Award Lecture (1997).
. Beating the Averages. Apr. 2003. URL: http://www.paulgraham.com/avg.html.
. “Politics and the English Language.” In: Horizon 13.76 (Apr. 1946), pp. 252–265. URL: http://www.resort.com/~prime8/Orwell/patee.html.

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