module Main (main) where
import Simplify
import Expr
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import Poly
import Test.Tasty — This is a testing framework which can nicely format our QuickCheck tests
import Test.Tasty.QuickCheck — This is just Test.QuickCheck with a few extras for Tasty
main :: IO ()
main = defaultMain tests
tests :: TestTree
tests = testGroup “Simplify Coursework”
task1 :: TestTree
task1 = testGroup “Task 1: `add`”
[ testProperty “No-negative exponents: noNegExp (add expr1 expr2)”
(\expr1 expr2 -> noNegExp (add expr1 expr2))
, testProperty “eval x (add a b) == (eval x a + eval x b)”
(\x a b -> eval x (add a b) === (eval x a + eval x b))
, testProperty “noJunk x && noJunk y ==> noJunk (add x y)”
(\x y -> noJunk x && noJunk y ==> noJunk (add x y))
task2 :: TestTree
task2 = testGroup “Task 2: `mul`”
[ testProperty “No-negative exponents: noNegExp (mul expr1 expr2)”
(\expr1 expr2 -> noNegExp (mul expr1 expr2))
, testProperty “eval x (mul a b) == (eval x a * eval x b)”
(\x a b -> eval x (mul a b) === (eval x a * eval x b))
, testProperty “noJunk x && noJunk y ==> noJunk (mul x y)”
(\x y -> noJunk x && noJunk y ==> noJunk (mul x y))
task3 :: TestTree
task3 = testGroup “Task 3: `addAll`”
[ testProperty “No-negative exponents: noNegExp (addAll exprs)”
(\exprs -> noNegExp (addAll exprs))
, testProperty “sum [eval x expr | expr <- exprs] == eval x (addAll exprs)"
(\x exprs -> sum [eval x expr | expr <- exprs] === eval x (addAll exprs))
, testProperty "all noJunk exprs ==> noJunk (addAll exprs)”
(\exprs -> all noJunk exprs ==> noJunk (addAll exprs))
task4 :: TestTree
task4 = testGroup “Task 4: `mulAll`”
[ testProperty “No-negative exponents: noNegExp (mulAll exprs)”
(\exprs -> noNegExp (mulAll exprs))
, testProperty “product [eval x expr | expr <- exprs] == eval x (mulAll exprs)"
(\x exprs -> product [eval x expr | expr <- exprs] === eval x (mulAll exprs))
, testProperty "all noJunk exprs ==> noJunk (mulAll exprs)”
(\exprs -> all noJunk exprs ==> noJunk (mulAll exprs))
task5 :: TestTree
task5 = testGroup “Task 5: `exprToPoly`”
[ testProperty “eval x expr === evalPoly x (exprToPoly expr)”
(\x expr -> eval x expr === evalPoly x (exprToPoly expr))
task6 :: TestTree
task6 = testGroup “Task 6: `polyToExpr`”
[ testProperty “eval x (polyToExpr poly) === evalPoly x poly”
(\x poly -> eval x (polyToExpr poly) === evalPoly x poly)
, testProperty “noJunk (polyToExpr poly)”
(\poly -> noJunk (polyToExpr poly))
task7 :: TestTree
task7 = testGroup “Task 7: `simplify`”
[ testProperty “Same eval: eval x (simplify expr) === eval x expr”
(\x expr -> eval x (simplify expr) === eval x expr)
, testProperty “Idempotent: simplify expr === simplify (simplify expr)”
(\expr -> simplify expr === simplify (simplify expr))
, testProperty “noJunk (simplify expr)”
(\expr -> noJunk (simplify expr))
noJunk :: Expr -> Bool
noJunk (Op MulOp (NumLit 1) b) = False
noJunk (Op MulOp a (NumLit 1)) = False
noJunk (Op MulOp (ExpX _) (ExpX _)) = False
noJunk (Op _ (NumLit 0) b) = False
noJunk (Op _ a (NumLit 0)) = False
noJunk (Op _ (NumLit _) (NumLit _)) = False
noJunk (ExpX 0) = False
noJunk (Op _ a b) = noJunk a && noJunk b
noJunk _ = True
noNegExp :: Expr -> Bool
noNegExp (ExpX n) = n >= 0
noNegExp (NumLit _) = True
noNegExp (Op _ x y) = noNegExp x && noNegExp y
instance Arbitrary Expr where
arbitrary = sized exprGen
exprGen :: Int -> Gen Expr
| n < 0 = oneof [ numGen, expGen ]
| otherwise = oneof [ numGen, expGen, opGen ]
numGen = NumLit <$> arbitrary
expGen = ExpX <$> nonneg
opGen = Op <$> elements [AddOp, MulOp]
<*> exprGen (n `div` 2)
<*> exprGen (n `div` 2)
nonneg :: Gen Int
nonneg = getNonNegative <$> arbitrary
— | Allow QuickCheck to generate random polynomials.
instance Arbitrary Poly where
arbitrary = do
l <- choose (1,9) -- Stick the nice looking powers
ns <- vectorOf l arbitrary
return $ listToPoly ns
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