CS代考 CS 111 Spring 2022

CS 111 Spring 2022
Lecture 4 Page 1
Operating System Principles: Scheduling
Spring 2022 Operating System Principles Peter Reiher

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Outline • What is scheduling?
– What are our scheduling goals?
• What resources should we schedule?
• Example scheduling algorithms and their implications
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What Is Scheduling?
• An operating system often has choices about what to do next
• In particular:
– For a resource that can serve one client at a time – When there are multiple potential clients
– Who gets to use the resource next?
– And for how long?
• Making those decisions is scheduling
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OS Scheduling Examples
• What job to run next on an idle core?
– How long should we let it run?
• In what order to handle a set of block requests
for a flash drive?
• If multiple messages are to be sent over the network, in what order should they be sent?
• We’ll primarily consider scheduling processes
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How Do We Decide How To Schedule?
• Generally, we choose goals we wish to achieve
• And design a scheduling algorithm that is
likely to achieve those goals
• Different scheduling algorithms try to optimize different quantities
• So changing our scheduling algorithm can drastically change system behavior
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The Process Queue
The OS typically keeps a queue of processes that are ready to run
– Ordered by whichever one should run next
– Which depends on the scheduling algorithm used
When time comes to schedule a new process, grab the first one on the process queue
Processes that are not ready to run either: – Aren’t in that queue
– Or are at the end
– Or are ignored by scheduler
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Potential Scheduling Goals
• Maximizethroughput
– Get as much work done as possible
• Minimizeaveragewaitingtime
– Try to avoid delaying too many for too long
• Ensuresomedegreeoffairness
– E.g., minimize worst case waiting time
• Meetexplicitprioritygoals
– Scheduled items tagged with a relative priority
• Realtimescheduling
– Scheduled items tagged with a deadline to be met
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Different Kinds of Systems, Different Scheduling Goals
• How should we schedule our cores?
• Time sharing
– Fast response time to interactive programs
– Each user gets an equal share of the CPU
– Maximize total system throughput
– Delays of individual processes are unimportant
• Real-time
– Critical operations must happen on time
– Non-critical operations may not happen at all
• Service Level Agreement (SLA)
– Make sure all agreements are met
– Various agreements may differ in details
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Preemptive Vs. Non-Preemptive Scheduling
• When we schedule a piece of work, we could let it use the resource until it finishes
• Or we could interrupt it part way through – Allowing other pieces of work to run instead
• If scheduled work always runs to completion, the scheduler is non-preemptive
• If the scheduler temporarily halts running work to run something else, it’s preemptive
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Pros and Cons of Non-Preemptive Scheduling
+ Low scheduling overhead
+ Tends to produce high throughput
+ Conceptually very simple
− Poor response time for processes
− Bugs can cause machine to freeze up − If process contains infinite loop, e.g.
− Poor fairness (by most definitions)
− May make real time and priority scheduling difficult
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Pros and Cons of Pre-emptive
Scheduling +Can give good response time
+Can produce very fair usage
+Good for real-time and priority scheduling
−More complex
−Requires ability to cleanly halt process and save its state
−May not get good throughput −Possibly higher overhead
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Scheduling: Policy and Mechanism
• The scheduler will move jobs onto and off of a
processor core (dispatching)
– Requiring various mechanics to do so – Part of the scheduling mechanism
• How dispatching is done should not depend on the policy used to decide who to dispatch
• Desirable to separate the choice of who runs (policy) from the dispatching mechanism
– Also desirable that OS process queue structure not
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be policy-dependent
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Scheduling the CPU
yield (or preemption)
ready queue
resource granted
resource manager
context CPU switcher
new process
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resource request
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Scheduling and Performance
• How you schedule important system activities has a major effect on performance
• Performance has different aspects
– You may not be able to optimize for all of them
• Scheduling performance has very different characteristic under light vs. heavy load
• Important to understand the performance basics regarding scheduling
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General Comments on Performance
• Performancegoalsshouldbequantitativeand measurable
– If we want “goodness” we must be able to quantify it – You cannot optimize what you do not measure
• Metrics…theway&unitsinwhichwemeasure – Choose a characteristic to be measured
• It must correlate well with goodness/badness of service – Find a unit to quantify that characteristic
• It must a unit that can actually be measured
– Define a process for measuring the characteristic
• That’sabriefdescription
CS 111 – But actually measuring performance is complex
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How Should We Quantify Scheduler Performance?
• Candidatemetric:throughput(processes/second) – But different processes need different run times
– Process completion time not controlled by scheduler
• Candidatemetric:delay(milliseconds)
– But specifically what delays should we measure? • Time to finish a job (turnaround time)?
• Time to get some response?
– Some delays are not the scheduler’s fault
• Time to complete a service request
• Time to wait for a busy resource
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Software can’t optimize what it doesn’t control.
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Other Scheduling Metrics • Mean time to completion (seconds)
– For a particular job mix (benchmark) • Throughput (operations per second)
– For a particular activity or job mix (benchmark) • Mean response time (milliseconds)
– Time spent on the ready queue
• Overall “goodness”
– Requires a customer-specific weighting function
– Often stated in Service Level Agreements (SLAs) Lecture 4
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An Example – Measuring CPU Scheduling
• Process execution can be divided into phases – Time spent running
• The process controls how long it needs to run
– Time spent waiting for resources or completions
• Resource managers control how long these take – Time spent waiting to be run when ready
• This time is controlled by the scheduler • Proposed metric:
– Time that “ready” processes spend waiting for the
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Typical Throughput vs. Load Curve
Maximum possible capacity
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offered load

Why Don’t We Achieve Ideal Throughput?
• Scheduling is not free
– It takes time to dispatch a process (overhead)
– More dispatches means more overhead (lost time) – Less time (per second) is available to run processes
• How to minimize the performance gap
– Reduce the overhead per dispatch
– Minimize the number of dispatches (per second)
• This phenomenon is seen in many areas besides process scheduling
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Delay (response time)
Typical Response Time vs. Load Curve
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offered load

Why Does Response Time Explode?
• Realsystemshavefinitelimits – Such as queue size
• Whenlimitsexceeded,requestsaretypicallydropped
– Which is an infinite response time, for them
– There may be automatic retries (e.g., TCP), but they could be dropped, too
• Ifloadarrivesalotfasterthanitisserviced,lotsof stuff gets dropped
• Unlessyou’recareful,overheadsexplodeduring periods of heavy load
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Graceful Degradation • When is a system “overloaded”?
– When it is no longer able to meet its service goals
• What can we do when overloaded?
– Continue service, but with degraded performance – Maintain performance by rejecting work
– Resume normal service when load drops to normal
• What should we not do when overloaded?
– Allow throughput to drop to zero (i.e., stop doing
CS 111 – Allow response time to grow without limit Spring 2022
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Non-Preemptive Scheduling • Scheduled process runs until it yields CPU
• Works well for simple systems
– Small numbers of processes
– With natural producer consumer relationships
• Good for maximizing throughput
• Depends on each process to voluntarily yield – A piggy process can starve others
– A buggy process can lock up the entire system
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Non-Preemptive Scheduling
Algorithms • First come first served
• Shortest job next
– We won’t cover this in detail in lecture – It’s in the readings
• Real time schedulers
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First Come First Served
• The simplest of all scheduling algorithms
• Run first process on ready queue
– Until it completes or yields
• Then run next process on queue
– Until it completes or yields
• Highly variable delays
– Depends on process implementations
• All processes will eventually be served
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First Come First Served Example
Dispatch Order
0, 1, 2, 3, 4
Start Time
Average wait
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Note: Average is worse than total/5 because four other processes had to wait for the slow-poke who ran first.
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When Would First Come First Served Work Well?
• FCFS scheduling is very simple
• It may deliver very poor response time
• Thus it makes the most sense:
1. When response time is not important (e.g., batch)
2.Where minimizing overhead more important than any single job’s completion time (e.g., expensive HW)
3. In embedded (e.g., telephone or set-top box) systems
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• Where computations are brief
• And/or exist in natural producer/consumer relationships
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Real Time Schedulers
• For certain systems, some things must happen at particular times
– E.g., industrial control systems
– If you don’t rivet the widget before the conveyer
belt moves on, you have a worthless widget
• These systems must schedule on the basis of real-time deadlines
• Can be either hard or soft
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Hard Real Time Schedulers
The system absolutely must meet its deadlines
By definition, system fails if a deadline is not met
– E.g., controlling a nuclear power plant . . .
How can we ensure no missed deadlines?
Typically by very, very careful analysis
– Make sure no possible schedule causes a deadline to be missed
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– By working it out ahead of time
– Then scheduler rigorously enforces deadlines
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Ensuring Hard Deadlines
• Musthavedeepunderstandingofthecodeusedin each job
– You know exactly how long it will take
• Vitaltoavoidnon-deterministictimings
– Even if the non-deterministic mechanism usually speeds things up
– You’re screwed if it ever slows them down
• Typicallymeansyoudothingsliketurnoffinterrupts
• Andschedulerisnon-preemptive
• Typicallyyousetupapre-definedschedule – No run time decisions
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Soft Real Time Schedulers
• Highly desirable to meet your deadlines
• But some (or any) of them can occasionally be missed
• Goal of scheduler is to avoid missing deadlines – With the understanding that you miss a few
• May have different classes of deadlines – Some “harder” than others
• Need not require quite as much analysis
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Soft Real Time Schedulers and Non-Preemption
• Not as vital that tasks run to completion to meet their deadline
– Also not as predictable, since you probably did less careful analysis
• In particular, a new task with an earlier deadline might arrive
• If you don’t pre-empt, you might not be able to meet that deadline
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What If You Don’t Meet a Deadline?
• Depends on the particular type of system
• Might just drop the job whose deadline you
• Might allow system to fall behind
• Might drop some other job in the future
• At any rate, it will be well defined in each particular system
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What Algorithms Do You
Use For Soft Real Time?
• Most common is Earliest Deadline First
• Each job has a deadline associated with it
– Based on a common clock
• Keep the job queue sorted by those deadlines
• Whenever one job completes, pick the first one off the queue
• Prune the queue to remove missed deadlines
• Goal: Minimize total lateness
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Example of a Soft Real Time Scheduler
• A video playing device
• Frames arrive
– From disk or network or camera or wherever
• Ideally, each frame should be rendered “on
– To achieve highest user-perceived quality
• If you can’t render a frame on time, might be better to skip it entirely
– Rather than fall further behind
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Preemptive Scheduling
• Again in the context of CPU scheduling
• A thread or process is chosen to run
• It runs until either it yields
• Or the OS decides to interrupt it
• At which point some other process/thread runs
• Typically, the interrupted process/thread is
restarted later
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Implications of Forcing Preemption • Aprocesscanbeforcedtoyieldatanytime
– If a more important process becomes ready • Perhaps as a result of an I/O completion interrupt
– If running process’s importance is lowered • Perhaps as a result of having run for too long
• Interruptedprocessmightnotbeina“clean”state – Which could complicate saving and restoring its state
• Enablesenforced“fairshare”scheduling
• Introducesgratuitouscontextswitches
– Not required by the dynamics of processes
• Createspotentialresourcesharingproblems
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Implementing Preemption
• Need a way to get control away from process
– E.g., process makes a sys call, or clock interrupt
• Consult scheduler before returning to process – Has any ready process had its priority raised?
– Has any process been awakened?
– Has current process had its priority lowered?
• Scheduler finds highest priority ready process
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– If current process, return as usual
– If not, yield on behalf of current process and switch to higher priority process
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Clock Interrupts
• Modern processors contain a clock
• A peripheral device – With limited powers
• Can generate an interrupt at a fixed time interval
• Which temporarily halts any running process
• Good way to ensure that a runaway process
doesn’t keep control forever
• Key technology for preemptive scheduling
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Round Robin Scheduling Algorithm
• Goal-fairsharescheduling
– All processes offered equal shares of CPU
– All processes experience similar queue delays
• Allprocessesareassignedanominaltimeslice – Usually the same sized slice for all
• Eachprocessisscheduledinturn
– Runs until it blocks, or its time slice expires – Then put at the end of the process queue
• Thenthenextprocessisrun
• Eventually,eachprocessreachesfrontofqueue CS 111
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Properties of Round Robin
• All processes get relatively quick chance to do
some computation
– At the cost of not finishing any process as quickly – A big win for interactive processes
• Far more context switches – Which can be expensive
• Runaway processes do relatively little harm – Only take 1/nth of the overall cycles
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Round Robin and I/O Interrupts
• Processes get halted by round robin scheduling if their time slice expires
• If they block for I/O (or anything else) on their own, the scheduler doesn’t halt them
– They “halt themselves”
• Thus, some percentage of the time round robin
acts no differently than FIFO
– When I/O occurs in a process and it blocks
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Round Robin Example
Assume a 50 msec time slice (or quantum)
Average waiting time: 100 msec
Firstprocesscompleted: 475msec
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Comparing Round Robin to FIFO
• Context switches: 27 vs. 5 for FIFO
– Clearly more expensive
• First job completed: 475 msec vs. 350 for
– Can take longer to complete first process
• Average waiting time: 100 msec vs. 595 for FIFO
– For first opportunity to compute – Clearly more responsive
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Choosing a Time Slice
• Performance of a preemptive scheduler depends heavily on how long the time slice is
• Long time slices avoid too many context switches
– Which waste cycles
– So better throughput and utilization
• Short time slices provide better response time to processes
• How to balance?
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Costs of a Context Switch
• EnteringtheOS
– Taking interrupt, saving registers, calling scheduler
• Cyclestochoosewhotorun
– The scheduler/dispatcher does work to choose
• MovingOScontexttothenewprocess
– Switch stack, non-resident process description
• Switchingprocessaddressspaces
– Map-out old process, map-in new process
Probably the most important cost nowadays
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• Losinginstructionanddatacaches
– Greatly slowing down the next hundred instructions
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Priority Scheduling Algorithms
• Sometimes processes aren’t all equally important
• We might want to preferentially run the more important processes first
• How would our scheduling algorithm work then?
• Assign each job a priority number
• Run according to priority number
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Priority and Preemption
• If non-preemptive, priority scheduling is just about ordering processes
• Much like shortest job first, but ordered by priority instead
• But what if scheduling is preemptive?
• In that case, when new process is created, it
might preempt running process – If its priority is higher
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Priority Scheduling Example
Process 4 completes So we go back to process 2
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Process 3’s priority is lower than running process
Process 4’s priority is higher than running process
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Problems With Priority Scheduling
• Possible starvation
• Can a low priority process ever run?
• If not, is that really the effect we wanted?
• May make more sense to adjust priorities – Processes that have run for a long time have
priority temporarily lowered
– Processes that have not been able to run have priority temporarily raised
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Hard Priorities Vs. Soft Priorities
• What does a priority mean?
• That the higher priority has absolute precedence over the lower?
– Hard priorities
– That’s what the example showed
• That the higher priority should get a larger share of the resource than the lower?
– Soft priorities
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Priority Scheduling in Linux
• A soft priority system
• Each process in Linux has a priority
– Called a nice value
– A soft priority describing share of CPU that a process should get
• Commands can be run to change process priorities
• Anyone can request lower priority for his processes
• Only privileged user can request higher CS

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