CS计算机代考程序代写 ITS64304 Tutorial – 5: PDA 1

ITS64304 Tutorial – 5: PDA 1

Bachelor of Software Engineering (Hons)

Bachelor of Computer Science (Hons)

ITS64304: Theory of Computation

Tutorial – 5: PDA


The aim of this tutorial is to get familiar with Pushdown Automata. By the end of this tutorial you

should be able to analyze and design some simple PDAs for a given language specification. (Aligns

with Module Learning Outcome 2)

Taylor’s Graduate Capabilities (TGCs) developed

3.1 Pushdown Automata


1) Let M be the PDA defined by

Q = {q0, q1, q2} Σ= {a, b} Γ = {A} Final States = {q1, q2}

(q0, a, λ) = {q0, A} (q1, λ, A) = {q1, λ}

(q0, λ, λ) = {q1, λ} (q2, b, A) = {q2, λ}

(q0, b, A) = {q2, λ} (q2, λ, A) = {q2, λ}

Give the state diagram of M


ITS64304 Tutorial – 5: PDA 2

2) Trace of the computations of the strings aab, abb and aba in M.

├ (q0, aab, λ)

├ (q0, ab, A)

├ (q0, b, AA)

├ (q2, λ, A)

├ (q2, λ, λ) accept

3) Give the language accepted by M in set notation.

{aibj | 0 ≤ j ≤ i}


1) Construct a PDA that accepts each of the following:

a) L = { anb2n | n > 0}

b) {aibjck | i = j or j = k}

c) The language { w  {a, b}* : w has twice as many b’s as a’s}

d) The language {w  {a, b}* : w = wR}

2) Construct a PDA for a language over {a, b} where the strings contain the same number of a’s

and b’s.

3) Construct a PDA for the language over {a, b} where if the strings have any b’s then all a’s

precede all the b’s.


Why a PDA is more powerful than a FSA/FSM? Use your tutorial sheet to give your answers and

observations from this tutorial.


├ (q0, abb, λ)

├ (q0, bb, A)

├ (q2, b, λ) reject

├ (q0, aba, λ)

├ (q0, ba, A)

├ (q2, a, λ) reject