CS代写 FIT5214: Blockchain

FIT5214: Blockchain
Lecture 9: Byzantine Agreement Lecturer:


Copyright By PowCoder代写 加微信 powcoder

Unit Structure
• Lecture 1: Introduction to Blockchain
• Lecture 2: Bitcoin
• Lecture 3: Ethereum and Smart Contracts
• Lecture 4: Proof-of-Work (PoW)
• Lecture 5: Attacks on Blockchains
• Lecture 6: Class Test/Alternatives to PoW
• Lecture 7: Proof-of-Stake (PoS)
• Lecture 8: Privacy
• Lecture 9: Byzantine Agreement
• Lecture 10: Blockchain Network
• Lecture 11: Payment Channels
• Lecture 12: Guest Lecture

Unit Structure
• Lecture 1: Introduction to Blockchain
• Lecture 2: Bitcoin
• Lecture 3: Ethereum and Smart Contracts
• Lecture 4: Proof-of-Work (PoW)
• Lecture 5: Attacks on Blockchains
• Lecture 6: Class Test/Alternatives to PoW
• Lecture 7: Proof-of-Stake (PoS)
• Lecture 8: Privacy
• Lecture 9: Byzantine Agreement
• Lecture 10: Blockchain Network
• Lecture 11: Payment Channels
• Lecture 12: Guest Lecture
Learning outcome:
Have basic understandings on BFT protocols.

Recap: consensus
Definition 1. (Consensus.) There are n nodes, of which at most f can be malicious, i.e., at least n f nodes are correct. For all i 2 [1, n], node i starts with an input value vi. The nodes must decide for one of those values, satisfying the following properties:
• Agreement: All correct nodes decide for the same value.
• Termination: All correct nodes terminate in finite time.
• Validity: The decision value must be the input value of a node.
In Bitcoin, the number of nodes does not matter, what matters is the computing power.

Recap: safety and liveness
❖ The safety of the global state is ensured by the consensus
The entire valid transaction history can be agreed by all correct nodes.
Agreed values cannot be changed later on. 
 (Agreement & Validity)

❖ The liveness of the system is ensured by the consensus
All nodes can terminate their process and reach a conclusion.

Recap: Agreement cannot be reached

Recap: Eventual Consistency
Eventually, all the nodes will agree on the same blockchain
…but some day in the future

Recap: Common Prefix
Global view:
Node 1: Node 2: Node 3:

Recap: PoW Consensus
Assuming a synchronous network, PoW guarantees eventual consistency, or more actually, nodes in PoW agrees on a Common Prefix of the blockchain.
T-consistency is used to quantify the quality of the blockchain consensus — after cutting down the last T blocks, all nodes should agree on the rest of the blockchain.

Recap: T-Consistency
Global view:
Node 1: Node 2: Node 3:

Recap: T-Consistency
Global view:
Node 1: Node 2:
The best consistency is 0-consistency, which can be provided by traditional consensus protocols (Week 9)

Computer systems provide crucial services, but they may fail!!!!
Nuclear power plant
❖ software errors
❖ power outage
❖ natural disasters
❖ hardware failures ❖…
boeing 777

Replication is a technique used for tolerating faults. Each replica is a state machine, which is a deterministic program that:
❖ receives an input;
❖ changes its state according to the input;
❖ produces an output.
By replicating machines with a shared state, we can tolerate faults when some replicas are not available. This is called crash fault tolerance (CFT) — systems tolerate faulty nodes that are somehow not available.
Replication can be passive or active.

Passive replication
Passive replication is also called Primary-Backup (PB) or master-slave:
❖ Clients talk with the primary server, that sends the operations and checkpoints to the backups.
❖ If the primary crashes, one of the backups take over.

Passive replication
An example:
Sorry, I can’t go to lab today…
No worries, I’ll go
This is replication to tolerate a potential fault!

Active replication
Active replication is also called State Machine Replication (SMR):
❖ All servers execute the same sequence of operations, so they are always synchronised.

Replication with malicious server
An example:
I will just play at home…
What if we have someone malicious?

Byzantine Fault Tolerance
Lamport, L.; Shostak, R.; Pease, M. (1982). “The Byzantine Generals Problem”. ACM Trans. on Programming Languages and Systems. 4 (3): 382–401

Byzantine Fault Tolerance
Lamport, L.; Shostak, R.; Pease, M. (1982). “The Byzantine Generals Problem”. ACM Trans. on Programming Languages and Systems. 4 (3): 382–401
Group discussion:
If majority wins, can all honest parties reach the same agreement to attack or wait?

If there are f malicious (or Byzantine) nodes, what is the minimum number of total nodes n to ensure the safety and liveness?
Answer: it depends …
Group discussion:
Can you try to work out the problem?

Network synchrony
Asynchronous network:
There are no bounds on the amount of time a node might take to complete its work and then respond with a message. Therefore it’s not possible to say whether a processor has crashed or is simply taking a long time to respond.
Answer: Byzantine agreement CANNOT be solved if f > 0 under asynchrony.
. Fischer, . Lynch, and . Impossibility of distributed consensus with one faulty process. J. ACM, 32(2):374–382, 1985.

FLP impossibility
Fischer, Lynch, Paterson (FLP) result:
There is no deterministic algorithm which always solves the Byzantine Generals’ Problem in the asynchronous model, with f > 0.
. Fischer, . Lynch, and . Impossibility of distributed consensus with one faulty process. J. ACM, 32(2):374–382, 1985.

Network synchrony
Partially synchronous network:
An upper bound on message delivery time exists, but we do not know what it is a priori.
We know , but the message system is sometimes unreliable, delivering messages late or not at all.
Answer: Byzantine agreement can be solved with f < n/3 under partial synchrony. Byzantine agreement (BA) Byzantine agreement (BA) systems, also known as Byzantine fault tolerant (BFT) systems, provide solutions to the Byzantine generals problem. PBFT: n=3f+1 A primary node, is also called a leader. PBFT is a leader based BFT protocol. • Partial synchrony. • Deterministic termination. • Deterministic agreement. • Not scalable. View represents the current state of the system. , : Practical byzantine fault tolerance. OSDI 1999, pp. 173-186. , : Practical byzantine fault tolerance and proactive recovery. ACM Trans. Comput. Syst. 20(4): 398-461 (2002) PBFT: n=3f+1 To initiate agreement, a client c sends a request of the form < REQUEST, o, t, c >c to the primary, but is also prepared to broadcast it to all replicas if replies are
late or primaries change.
< REQUEST, o, t, c >c specifies the operation to execute o and a timestamp t that orders requests of the same client. Replicas will not re-execute requests with a lower timestamp than the last one processed for this client, but are prepared to resend recent replies.
Client signature
Client ID timestamp

PBFT: n=3f+1
The primary of view v puts the pending requests in a total order and initiates agreementbysendingp toallthebackups,where m should be the n-th executed request. Sequence number
Client The strictly monotonically increasing and contiguous sequence number n en- message sures preservation of this order despite message reordering.
, : Practical byzantine fault tolerance. OSDI 1999, pp. 173-186.
, : Practical byzantine fault tolerance and proactive recovery. ACM Trans. Comput. Syst. 20(4): 398-461 (2002)

PBFT: n=3f+1
Node i acknowledges the receipt of a pre-prepare message by sending the digest d of the client’s request in < P REP ARE, v, n, d, i >i to all replicas.
, : Practical byzantine fault tolerance. OSDI 1999, pp. 173-186.
, : Practical byzantine fault tolerance and proactive recovery. ACM Trans. Comput. Syst. 20(4): 398-461 (2002)

PBFT: n=3f+1
Node i acknowledges the reception of 2f prepares matching a valid pre-prepare by broadcasting < COMMIT, v, n, d, i >i . In this case, we say that the message is prepared at i.
, : Practical byzantine fault tolerance. OSDI 1999, pp. 173-186.
, : Practical byzantine fault tolerance and proactive recovery. ACM Trans. Comput. Syst. 20(4): 398-461 (2002)

Quorum: at least n-f votes
f >= f f+1

PBFT: n=3f+1
Execution & Reply
Nodes execute client operations after receiving 2f + 1 matching commits, and follow the order of sequence numbers for this execution. Once node i has exe- cuted the operation o requested by client c, it sends < REP LY, v, t, c, i, r >i to c, where r is the result of applying o to the service state. Client c accepts r if it receives f + 1 matching replies from di↵erent replicas.
, : Practical byzantine fault tolerance. OSDI 1999, pp. 173-186.
, : Practical byzantine fault tolerance and proactive recovery. ACM Trans. Comput. Syst. 20(4): 398-461 (2002)

Definition 1. (Consensus.) There are n nodes, of which at most f can be malicious, i.e., at least n f nodes are correct. For all i 2 [1, n], node i starts with an input value vi. The nodes must decide for one of those values, satisfying the following properties:
• Termination: All correct nodes terminate in finite time.
• Validity: The decision value must be the input value of a node.
If f+1 nodes send back the replies of the same decision, then that means at least one honest node has agreed to this decision, thus all honest nodes have agreed to this decision.
Agreement: All correct nodes decide for the same value.

View Change
The view-change protocol provides liveness by allowing the system to make progress when the primary fails.
If the client does not receive replies soon enough, it broadcasts the request to all replicas (If the request has already been processed, the replicas simply re-send the reply; replicas remember the last reply message they sent to each client. Otherwise, if the replica is not the primary, it relays the request to the primary).
View changes are triggered by timeouts that prevent backups from waiting indefinitely for requests to execute (a backup starts a timer when it receives a request).
If the timer of backup expires in view v, the backup starts a view change to move the system to view v+1. It stops accepting messages (other than checkpoint, view-change, and new-view messages) and multicasts a VIEW-CHANGE message to all replicas.
When the primary of view v+1 receives 2f valid VIEW-CHANGE messages for view v+1 from other replicas, it multicasts a NEW-VIEW message to all other replicas.

Synchrony in PBFT
The PBFT algorithm does not rely on synchrony to provide safety. Therefore, it must rely on synchrony to provide liveness.
The synchrony assumption of PBFT is rather weak (high-level idea: message delays do not grow faster than the timeout period indefinitely).

Why are the 3 phases important?
The pre-prepare and prepare phases are used to totally order requests sent in the same view even when the primary, which proposes the ordering of requests, is faulty (i.e., non-faulty replicas agree on a total order for the requests within a view).
The prepare and commit phases are used to ensure that requests that commit are totally ordered across views.
If a message is prepared at a non-faulty node and that node received 2f+1 commits for that message (including its own), then it is true that the message is prepared in f+1 non-faulty nodes (even if there are view changes). This ensures that any request that commits locally at a non-faulty replica will commit at f+1 or more non-faulty replicas eventually.

A brief summary
PoW of BTC
A pre-fixed committee for voting
Open to everyone
Non-malicious participants
Honest or rational
f < 50% mining power n total; f faulty Deterministic Eventual consistency Practical Byzantine Fault Tolerance Next lecture: Blockchain Network Enjoy the break! 程序代写 CS代考 加微信: powcoder QQ: 1823890830 Email: powcoder@163.com