Applications Programming
Assignment 2
OO design, GUIs, MVC, tables, lists
Learning Outcomes:
This assignment supports objectives 3 – 5
Due date:
29th Oct 2021 – 11:59PM (Friday Week 11)
Extended to 5th Nov. 2021 11:59 PM
Individual Work
All work is individual. You must write every line of code yourself except for code copied from study module
sample code, lecture sample code, tutor demos or lab code.
In most cases, you may discuss ideas, approaches and problems. However, if an assignment task is labeled
as “Advanced”, you must not discuss ideas, approaches and problems. Advanced tasks are designed to test
your ability to think on your own.
You MUST NOT let another student see your solution code, and you MUST NOT look at another student’s
solution code. Sharing your code on public forums such as the discussion board, or Internet forums such as
stackoverflow.com is not permitted. More information about Academic Misconduct can be found at:
Skeleton Code
As a starting point for this assignment, you must use the skeleton code provided in Assignment 2 Description.
There are two options, a NetBeans version, which includes the structure required to import directly into
NetBeans, and a plain version for other IDEs (which tend to be less rigid about their import requirements).You
are NOT allowed to modify the model or remove any of the starting classes or FXML files.
Expected workload
The time to do the assignment to a distinction level (i.e. a mark between 75% to 84%) has been estimated
at 25 hours for a student of average ability who has completed all the tutorial and lab exercises.
The specification is presented in the demonstration video. This demonstration video is considered the
specification and contains important details about the dynamic function of the assignment.
To get full marks, you should layout your windows to look as close as possible to the screenshots. This
means that you should try to duplicate the spacing between and around nodes that is shown in the
screenshots, and the width and height of the nodes, and the alignment of the nodes.
A CSS file is included in the skeleton code which provides all the styles used in the assignment.
Your solution must satisfy the following code requirements:
Your solution must follow the MVC architecture.
Your solution must keep the package structure and class names that were provided in the
skeleton code.
The models must notify the views of changes by correctly applying the JavaFX property patterns
and observable lists. Model data that can change must be observable. Model data that never
changes need not be observable.
The views must be laid out in FXML.
Submission to ED
You will need to submit the source code of controllers to ED. There are 8 controllers. The subject coordinator
will check the source code to make sure all the requirements have been met. Missing the source code of
controllers will result 10 marks deduction of the assignment 2.
Submission to Canvas
Canvas Entry for assignment 2 submission will become available in Lab 11 session. For peer
marking allocation, you must submit your assignment to Canvas before the due date. Peer marking
process will start directly after the due date and you have 24 hours to complete the peer marking
task. Your assignment should be submitted as a JAR file that includes:
All FXML, CSS and image files required to run your assignment.
The binary files(.class) of the runnable jar file.
You can check the JAR file on a lab PC to make sure it works. The JAR file should NOT include:
Any identical information such as student ID or student name.
Any Java source files required to compile your assignment.
There is no scheduled late submission period. No extension will be given before or after the extended
due date. If you have documentary evidence for special consideration, you will be assigned an alternative
assignment instead of getting an extension.
To apply for special consideration for reasons including unexpected health, family or work problems, you
can refer to more information about how to apply for special consideration at
Peer marking
You will be assigned two other students to peer mark, and two other students will be assigned to peer mark
you. The purpose of this peer marking is to mark the functionality of your application which cannot be tested
by ED. Your marks for functionality will be based on these peer marks after they are moderated by the
subject coordinator. Aside from marks for the functionality, the subject coordinator will also mark your code
to ensure that all code requirements have been met. Your final mark will be a combination of marks for
functionality and marks for code (See “Marking scheme”). Note that you can only be marked for features
that can be demonstrated to work.
Marking the code and analyzing spoofing, cheating and plagiarism is done in the two weeks following the
due date. If you are suspected of Academic Misconduct, I will forward your case to the Misconduct
Committee and will notify you by manual feedback in ED. Your mark will be finalized within 2 weeks of the
due date.
Online support
The Assignment 2 discussion board has been set up in each MS Teams so that students can ask
questions, and other students can reply. The teaching team may post a reply only if they think the student
response was wrong, or in the case of correcting a mistake in the assignment specification.
You must not post Java code to the discussion board. The board is there to help you, not to provide
the solution. Posting your code is academic misconduct and will reported. Each time this rule is violated,
I will delete the code and post a comment of the form: “Strike 1: Posting code”. After 3 strikes, the
discussion board will be deleted because it did not work.
A FAQ list (Frequently Asked Questions) will be posted in the assignment 2 description page after one week.
If you have a question, check the FAQ first, it may already be answered there. You should read the FAQ at
least once before you hand in your solution, but to be safe check it every couple of days. Anything posted on
the FAQ is considered to be part of the assignment specification. The FAQ will be frozen (no new entries)
one day before the due date; no questions will be answered after it is frozen.
If anything about the specification is unclear or inconsistent, check the FAQ first, then contact the subject
coordinator who will try to make it clearer by replying to you directly and posting the common questions and
answers to the FAQ. This is similar to working on the job, where you ask your client if you are unsure what
has to be done, but then you write all the code to do the task. Email huan. .au to ask for any
clarifications or corrections to the assignment.
mailto:huan. .au