CS计算机代考程序代写 scheme Haskell algorithm Assessed Assignment 2

Assessed Assignment 2

Marking table

The exercises are defined so that it is hard to get a first-class mark.

1st class – 70 marks and above.

upper 2nd – 60-69 marks.

lower 2nd – 50-59 marks.

third class – 40-49 marks.

fail – 0-39 marks.

Question Difficulty

All questions have equal weight, but they are designed to increase in difficulty. We have

indicated an approximate difficulty level with the symbols according to the following

• – Normal
• – Challenging
• – Very challenging

In particular, note that Exercises 4 and 5 are meant to be quite challenging, and that this has

been done on purpose in view of the marking table described above.


• Do not modify the files Types.hs and Assessed2-Template.hs.

• Copy the file Assessed2-Template.hs to a new file called Assessed2.hs and write

your solutions in Assessed2.hs.

Don’t change the header of this file, including the module declaration, and,

moreover, don’t change the type signature of any of the given functions for you

to complete.

If you do make changes, then we will not be able to mark your submission and

hence it will receive zero marks!

• Solve the exercises below in the file Assessed2.hs.

Submissions should compile and run correctly on Jupyter


If your submission doesn’t compile or run correctly on Jupyter Notebook, it will get zero


Submission procedure

• Run the presubmit script to be provided to you on your submission from Jupyter by

running ./presubmit.sh Assessed2 in the terminal (in the same folder as your


• This will check that your submission is in the correct format.

• If it is, submit on Canvas.

• Otherwise fix and repeat the presubmission procedure.


Plagiarism will not be tolerated. Copying and contract cheating has led to full loss of marks,

and even module or degree failure, in the past.

You will need to sign a declaration on Canvas, before submission, that you understand the

rules and are abiding by them, in order for your submission to qualify.

Background material

• Each question has some Background Material, an Implementation Task and some


• Read this material first, then implement the requested function.

• The corresponding type appears in the file Assessed2Template.hs (to be copied by


• Replace the default function implementation of undefined with your own function.

Exercise 1 – Applying Functions to Trees

Background Material

There are many possible variants of the type of binary trees introduced in the Lecture Notes.

For example, consider the following definition:

data Tree a b = Leaf b | Fork (Tree a b) a (Tree a b)

deriving (Eq, Show)

Notice how now, the tree stores two different types of data: an element of type a at each fork

and an element of type b at each leaf.

Implementation Task

Your task is to write a higher-order function applyfuns that takes two functions f :: a ->

c and g :: b -> d, as well as an element of type Tree a b as input and applies the first

function to the values found at the forks, and the second function to the values found at the

leaves. That is, implement the function:

applyfuns :: (a -> c) -> (b -> d) -> Tree a b -> Tree c d

applyfuns = undefined



Lets consider the following two functions:

str2int :: String -> Int

str2int xs = length xs

int2bool :: Int -> Bool

int2bool n = n /= 0

and the following binary tree:


/ \

/ \

“Oliver” “Benjamin”

/ \ / \

/ \ / \

2 4 0 6

Then the expression applyfuns str2int int2bool should return the tree


/ \

/ \

6 8

/ \ / \

/ \ / \

True True False True

*Main> applyfuns str2int int2bool (Fork (Fork (Leaf 2) “Oliver” (Leaf 4))

“John” (Fork (Leaf 0) “Benjamin” (Leaf 6)))

Fork (Fork (Leaf True) 6 (Leaf True)) 4 (Fork (Leaf False) 8 (Leaf True))

As a second example, the tree

“New York”

/ \

/ \

“Paris” “Dubai”

/ \ / \

/ \ / \

“London” 14 5 “Shanghai”

/ \ / \

/ \ / \

0 10 0 21

is transformed into the tree


/ \

/ \

5 5

/ \ / \

/ \ / \

6 True True 8

/ \ / \

/ \ / \

False True False True

*Main> applyfuns str2int int2bool (Fork (Fork (Fork (Leaf 0) “London” (Leaf

10)) “Paris” (Leaf 14)) “New York” (Fork (Leaf 5) “Dubai” (Fork (Leaf 0)

“Shanghai” (Leaf 21))))

Fork (Fork (Fork (Leaf False) 6 (Leaf True)) 5 (Leaf True)) 8 (Fork (Leaf

True) 5 (Fork (Leaf False) 8 (Leaf True)))

Exercise 2 – Updating Nodes Along a Route

Background Material

In this exercise, we return to a version of binary trees which stores data only at the nodes. We

will use the following definition:

data BinTree a = Empty | Node (BinTree a) a (BinTree a)

deriving (Eq, Show)

Next, we define a type Route which will describe the “route” one must take to arrive at a

particular node in one of our trees.

data Direction = GoLeft | GoRight

deriving (Eq, Show, Bounded, Enum)

type Route = [Direction]

So a route is a list of directions, which tell you whether to go left or right, starting from the

root of the binary tree. For example,

1. The route to the root of any binary tree is [] :: Route.

2. In the tree Node (Node Empty ‘b’ Empty) ‘a’ (Node (Node Empty ‘d’ Empty)

‘c’ (Node Empty ‘e’ Empty)), pictured below, the route [GoLeft] takes you to

the node with value ‘b’, while the routes to the nodes with values ‘d’ and ‘e’ are

[GoRight,GoLeft] and [GoRight,GoRight] respectively.
3. ‘a’
4. / \
5. / \
6. ‘b’ ‘c’
7. / \
8. / \

‘d’ ‘e’

Implementation Task

Your task is to implement the function

updateNodes :: Route -> (a -> a) -> BinTree a -> BinTree a

updateNodes = undefined

such that updateNodes r f t applies f to the values of all nodes along the route r in the

tree t.


1. If you run out of directions before hitting a leaf, e.g. if running updateNodes on the

route [GoRight] in the tree above, then you stop and do not modify the remainder of

the tree (the values ‘d’ and ‘e’ in the example).

2. If the route is too long, e.g. if running updateNodes on the route [GoLeft,GoLeft]

in the tree above, then you discard the remainder of the route (so in the example, you

would only update the values ‘a’ and ‘b’ and then stop).

The examples given below should also help to clarify these points.


For the following binary tree:


/ \

2 \

/ \ 99

/ \ \

3 4 \


*Main> let t = Node (Node (Node Empty 3 Empty) 2 (Node Empty 4 Empty)) 1

(Node Empty 99 (Node Empty 100 Empty))

*Main> updateNodes [] (*8) t

Node (Node (Node Empty 3 Empty) 2 (Node Empty 4 Empty)) 8 (Node Empty 99

(Node Empty 100 Empty))

*Main> updateNodes [GoRight] (*8) t

Node (Node (Node Empty 3 Empty) 2 (Node Empty 4 Empty)) 8 (Node Empty 792

(Node Empty 100 Empty))

*Main> updateNodes [GoRight,GoLeft] (*8) t

Node (Node (Node Empty 3 Empty) 2 (Node Empty 4 Empty)) 8 (Node Empty 792

(Node Empty 100 Empty))

*Main> updateNodes [GoRight,GoRight] (*8) t

Node (Node (Node Empty 3 Empty) 2 (Node Empty 4 Empty)) 8 (Node Empty 792

(Node Empty 800 Empty))

*Main> updateNodes [GoRight,GoRight,GoLeft] (*8) t

Node (Node (Node Empty 3 Empty) 2 (Node Empty 4 Empty)) 8 (Node Empty 792

(Node Empty 800 Empty))

*Main> updateNodes [GoLeft,GoLeft,GoLeft] (*15) t

Node (Node (Node Empty 45 Empty) 30 (Node Empty 4 Empty)) 15 (Node Empty 99

(Node Empty 100 Empty))

NB: Remember that we are not storing the results of running updateNodes above, so all

examples above are run on the same tree t = Node (Node (Node Empty 3 Empty) 2

(Node Empty 4 Empty)) 1 (Node Empty 99 (Node Empty 100 Empty)).

Exercise 3 – Grafting Subtrees

Background Material

The type of rose trees is defined as

data Rose = Br [ Rose ] deriving (Show, Eq)

Compared with the binary trees we have seen before, that main difference is that each branch

point may now store an arbitray number of child branches. Moreover, there is no need for a

base case since a leaf of the tree can be represented by a branch with an empty list of

descendants: Br [].

Implementation Task

Write a function

graft :: Rose -> [ Rose ] -> (Rose , [ Rose ])

graft = undefined

which takes a “parent” tree and a list of “child” trees and grafts each of the children to the

leaves of the parent as we move from left to right.

Notice how the function returns two pieces of data: the grafted tree as well as a list. This

second value can be used if the length of the list of children does not match the number of

leaves of the parent. For example, if there are not enough child trees in the list, your function

should simply continue without modifying the remaining leaves and and return the grafted

tree as well as the empty list. Conversely, if there are more children than there are leaves of

the parent, then your function should return the grafted tree as well as the list of child trees

which are left over.


If this is the parent tree

and the children are given by the list of four trees

then your function should return the following grafted tree

as well as the list of remaining trees. In this case, since the parent tree has 3 leaves and 4

children were provided, there is a single tree left over. So the second return value is a list of

length one containing the last child:

In code, this examples looks as follows:

*Main> parent

Br [Br [Br [],Br []],Br [Br []]]

*Main> children


[Br [Br [],Br []],Br [],Br [Br [Br []]],Br [Br [],Br [],Br []]]

*Main> graft parent children

(Br [Br [Br [Br [],Br []],Br []],Br [Br [Br [Br []]]]],[Br [Br [],Br [],Br


Exercise 4 – Conjunctive Normal Form

Background Material

One common use of data types in Haskell is to model the expressions in a formal language.

For example, the following data type captures the syntax of logical expression:

data Expr = Var String — Variable

| Not Expr — Logical negation

| Conj Expr Expr — Conjunction

| Disj Expr Expr — Disjunction

| Implies Expr Expr — Implication

deriving (Eq, Show)

Using this type, we can write, for example, the logical law ((p ∨ q) → r) → ((p → r) ∧

(q → r)) as

example0 :: Expr

example0 =

((p `Disj` q) `Implies` r) `Implies` ((p `Implies` r) `Conj` (q `Implies`



p, q, r :: Expr

p = Var “p”

q = Var “q”

r = Var “r”

In this exercise we will work on rewriting such expressions so that they are in conjunctive

normal form. Informally, a logical expression is said to be in conjunctive normal form if it is

a conjunction of disjunctions of literals, where a literal is either a variable or the negation of a

variable. Now, let us express this formally:

• A formula is a literal if it is either a variable or the negation of a variable.

• A formula is a clause if it is either a literal or is the disjunction of two clauses.

• Finally, a formula is in CNF if it is either a clause or is the conjunction of two CNF


We could also express this as a context-free grammar:

x ::= “p” | “q” | “r” | ···

Literal ::= x | ¬ x

Clause ::= Literal | Clause ∨ Clause
CNF ::= Clause | CNF ∧ CNF

Note also that this definition of CNF means implication should not occur in a CNF formula.

Implementation Tasks


Your goal in this exercise is to implement a Haskell function

toCNF :: Expr -> Expr

toCNF = undefined

which takes an arbitrary expression and returns an equivalent expression which is in

conjunctive normal form. We’ll separate this task into several steps.

Task 1. As a first step, write a function elimImplications which removes all occurrences

of an implication p ⇒ q in a logical expression and replaces it with the equivalent expression

¬p ∨ q.

elimImplications :: Expr -> Expr

elimImplications = undefined

Task 2. To make things a bit easier later on, the next task will be to implement a function

which checks whether a given expression is in CNF. To this end, write a function

isInCNF :: Expr -> Bool

isInCNF = undefined

such that isInCNF e is True if and only if e is a CNF formula as specified by the context-

free grammar above.

Test your function with various expressions to make sure that it is working correctly. Once

you’ve got this right, it should make it easy for you to check that your toCNF implementation

is correct.

Task 3. Finally, implement toCNF such that toCNF e returns an expression which is

equivalent to e but is in CNF. You will have to apply three transformations:

1. Getting rid of implications (implemented in Task 1),
2. Simplifying multiple negations (that is, rewriting ¬ (¬ p) to p)

3. Using the de Morgan laws to push negations towards the leaves (that is, rewriting ¬

(A ∨ B) to ¬ A ∧ ¬ B and ¬ (A ∧ B) to ¬ A ∨ ¬ B)

4. Using the distributivity of disjunction over conjunction to push disjunctions inside
conjunctions (that is, rewriting A ∨ (B ∧ C) to (A ∨ B) ∧ (A ∨ C) and (A ∧ B) ∨

C to (A ∨ C) ∧ (B ∨ C))

How you break up the problem into these steps is up to you. However, we suggest

implementing a function for each transformation and testing each one separately.


Let us define the following expressions:

— ¬ (B ∨ C)
example1 :: Expr

example1 = Not (Disj (Var “B”) (Var “C”))

— (A ∧ B) ∨ C

example2 :: Expr

example2 = Disj (Conj (Var “A”) (Var “B”)) (Var “C”)

— A ∧ (B ∨ (D ∧ E))
example3 :: Expr

example3 = Conj (Var “A”) (Disj (Var “B”) (Conj (Var “D”) (Var “E”)))

— ¬ (A ⇒ B) ∨ C
example4 :: Expr

example4 = Disj (Not (Implies (Var “A”) (Var “B”))) (Var “C”)

These give the following results when passed to our algorithm:

*Main> toCNF example1

Conj (Not (Var “B”)) (Not (Var “C”))

*Main> toCNF example2

Conj (Disj (Var “A”) (Var “C”)) (Disj (Var “B”) (Var “C”))

*Main> toCNF example3

Conj (Var “A”) (Conj (Disj (Var “B”) (Var “D”)) (Disj (Var “B”) (Var “E”)))

*Main> toCNF example4

Conj (Disj (Var “A”) (Var “C”)) (Disj (Not (Var “B”)) (Var “C”))

Exercise 5 – An Isomorphism of Tree Types

Background Material

We have now seen two seemingly very different kinds of trees: binary trees in which each

branch has exactly two descendants, and rose trees in which each Branch can have an

arbitrary number. In this exercise, we will work with simplified versions of each of these

types which do not carry any data at all. The relevant definitions are:

data Rose = Br [ Rose ]

deriving (Eq, Show)

data Bin = Root | Branch Bin Bin

deriving (Eq, Show)

But in fact, it turns out that these two types are actually isomorphic!

Implementation Task

Write functions

binToRose :: Bin -> Rose

binToRose = undefined


roseToBin :: Rose -> Bin

roseToBin = undefined

which implement an isomorphism between these two different types of trees. Recall that this

means that for all r :: Rose and b :: Bin, these functions should satisfy the equations

binToRose (roseToBin r) == r

roseToBin (binToRose b) == b


There is not a unique solution to this problem: there are in principle many isomorphisms

between these two types, though some will be easier to implement than others. Consequently

there is not any reasonable way to provide examples.

Instead, let us say a couple more words about what you are being asked to do. In order to

implement such an isomorphism, you need to figure out a way to encode every binary tree as

a rose tree (this is the job of the binToRose function). Moreover, this encoding should be

such that the tree can late be decoded (by the roseToBin function) back to the original binary

tree you started with.

Assessed Assignment 2
Marking table
Question Difficulty
Submissions should compile and run correctly on Jupyter Notebook
Submission procedure
Background material
🌶 Exercise 1 – Applying Functions to Trees
Background Material
Implementation Task

🌶 Exercise 2 – Updating Nodes Along a Route
Background Material
Implementation Task

🌶🌶 Exercise 3 – Grafting Subtrees
Background Material
Implementation Task

🌶🌶🌶 Exercise 4 – Conjunctive Normal Form
Background Material
Implementation Tasks

🌶🌶🌶 Exercise 5 – An Isomorphism of Tree Types
Background Material
Implementation Task