CS计算机代考程序代写 scheme Java c++ algorithm Basic Computability Theory

Basic Computability Theory

Lecture Notes COMP 330 Winter 2021

Prakash Panangaden

10th March 2021

These notes are a basic introduction to the abstract part of basic computabil-
ity theory. It is assumed that the reader understands what an algorithm is
and has seen many different models of computation including Turing ma-
chines, while programs and perhaps others. You do not have to be familiar
with all of them, of course. It is sufficient to be proficient in at least one pro-
gramming language and to be aware that Turing machines, while programs,
λ-calculus, RAM machines and all programming languages are essentially
equivalent, so it does not matter which formalism is used to express an al-
gorithm. I expect the readers to be familiar with the idea that there are
problems that cannot be solved algorithmically: for example, the halting

Here we will study the functions computed by algorithms. A computable
function is just a function for which there is an algorithm to compute it.
An essential aspect of computability is that to produce a finite piece of
information requires only a finite piece of input. Thus, for example, a Turing
machine may have an infinite tape, but the input is only on a finite piece of

1 Partial Functions

One of the basic facts of life is that a lot of algorithms do not terminate
on all their inputs; indeed, many never terminate. In order to define the
functions computed by algorithms we need to work with partial functions.
When I write “function” I will mean “partial function”; if I want to talk
about what we usually call “functions,” I will say “total function.”

We typically use the natural numbers N = {0, 1, 2, . . .} as the basic data


type. We will write f : N ⇀ N to indicate that the partial function f takes
a natural number as an argument and may produce a natural number as a
result. This means that there are values of n for which f(n) may not be
defined. If we write f(n) = m we mean that f is defined at n and produces
the value m. We write f(n) ↑ to indicate that f(n) is undefined, and f(n) ↓
to indicate that f(n) is defined.

The function f is an abstract mathematical entity: if we pass to a partial
function an argument where it is not defined there is simply no result; it is
not as if the function “signals” that it is undefined. It is more sensible to
ask “what do we see when we run the algorithm for a partial computable
function where the function is not defined?” In this case the algorithm will
never return and we will be waiting forever; at any finite stage we will not
know for sure whether it is going to terminate or not. The algorithm does
not print on the screen “Hey, I’m not terminating!”

Definition 1. The domain of a partial function f , is the set of values for
which f is defined. The range of a partial function f is the set of values
that f can return.

dom(f) = {n|f(n) ↓}, ran(f) = {n|∃m.f(m) = n}.

If we have two partial functions f and g, we write f = g to mean that

dom(f) = dom(g) and ∀n ∈ dom(f), f(n) = g(n).

Definition 2. We say that g extends f if dom(f) ⊆ dom(g) and ∀n ∈
dom(f) f(n) = g(n).

The partial function g can be defined in places where f is not defined.
The empty function has domain ∅; it is nowhere defined. Clearly this is a
computable function.

2 Remarks on Algorithms and Data types

The use of natural numbers is not important: I could have used strings,
lists or whatever data type of finite objects that you like. The real numbers
are not finite entities and computability on the reals is a story that I will
not tell here. I will not normally spell out algorithms in some formal nota-
tion like C++ or Turing machines. I will use informal – but convincing –


It is important to understand what does and does not count as an acceptable
algorithm. Here is one example that I see students use in the homework
quite often: “I will check for every possible string if…” Of course this is not
possible if you are working with an infinite set of strings. Another danger is
the following: “I will run the algorithm with input x and if it fails to halt
I will …” This is also not an algorithmic step, because we cannot always
know in finite time whether an algorithm halts or not.

We can always code descriptions as numbers. First note that we can (and
usually do) write programs as strings of ascii characters. Every ascii charac-
ter can be viewed as a number so every string can be viewed as a (very large)
number. Thus, we can think of a program in Java (or whatever language
you use) as a natural number. We can think of Turing machines as being
given descriptions in some formal language as a string and, in the same way,
we can view this string as a number. I will often say, “the code number of
an algorithm A” meaning the number obtained in this way without being
specific about the coding scheme. If M is a Turing machine I will often
write 〈M〉 to mean the code number for M , and for an algorithm A, in some
algorithmic notation, like pseudo-code, I will write 〈A〉 for the code number
of A.

We can always view a pair of numbers as a single number. For example,
given the pair 〈n, m〉 we can represent it as the single number x = 2n3m
(this time I do mean arithmetic exponentiation!), and we can recover the
original pair by factoring the number x. Clearly, we can represent arbitrary
finite sequences of numbers in a similar way: a lot of information can be
packed into a single number!

3 Computable and Computably Enumerable Sets

We now come to the all-important central concepts of the subject. Given
a set X ⊆ N, a subset of the natural numbers, we define its characteristic
function by the following formula:

1X(n) =

1 if n ∈ X
0 if n 6∈ X

Note that the characteristic function is always a total function.

Definition 3. A set x ⊆ N is computable or decidable if its (total)
characteristic function is computable.


A computable set is one for which we have a decision procedure, i.e. one
which always terminates with a definite answer. For example, the set of
prime numbers is computable: we definitely have an algorithm that can take
a number as input and decide whether it is prime or not. This algorithm
will always terminate.

If we write 〈M, x〉 to be the encoding of a pair of numbers where 〈M〉 is
the code number of a Turing machine and x is the code of an input string
we know that the set below is not computable

= {〈M, x〉|M accepts x}.

The following set is also not computable

= {〈M, x〉|M halts on x}.

The next proposition illustrates what can be done with these ideas.

Proposition 4. An infinite set X, of natural numbers is computable if and
only if it is the range of some total non-decreasing computable function
f .

Proof. It is one of the assumptions that X is infinite and hence that the
range of f is infinite. Suppose we have an f as described in the proposition
and A is the algorithm that computes it. We give a decision procedure for
X as follows. We want to know if a given x is in X. Run A successively on
0, 1, 2, . . . and look at the outputs. If the output is x we stop and say “Yes,
x is in X,” if the output is less than x we go on with the next input, if the
output is more than x we stop and say “No, x is not in X.” This algorithm
has to terminate (please convince yourself that this is true) and it decides
the question.

Suppose that we know that X is computable and that B is an algorithm
that decides the question “is x in X?” We define f as follows. Given n the
input for f we run B successively on 0, 1, 2, . . ., every time we find a number
in X we store it in a list and count how many numbers we have seen. When
we hit the nth number we return this as the output. Convince yourself that
this always terminates. Thus, f is computable and non-decreasing and its
range is exactly X.


The computable sets are the first step in a hierarchy of increasingly compli-
cated sets. The next step is the class of computably enumerable sets; these
are affectionately called the CE sets.

Definition 5. A set X ⊆ N is called computably enumerable (CE)
if there is an algorithm A that lists all the members of X, and only the
members of X, in some arbitrary order.

In this case we do not expect A to halt, except in the rare cases where we
are enumerating a finite set, because it has to list all the elements of X.
Each individual entry in the list is produced at some finite stage and we can
inspect the list as it is coming out. It is very important to understand this
definition carefully. A set is CE if there is an algorithm with the following
properties: if you give it an element in the set the algorithm is guaranteed
to terminate and say that the element is in the set, if you give it an element
not in the set it may terminate and say so or it may loop forever without
giving any answer. If we wait long enough we will get a “yes” answer for
every element in the set but the elements come out in some arbitrary order
so we can never be sure if a particular element that we are waiting for is not
in the set or whether it will appear later.

Theorem 6. A set X ⊆ N is CE if and only if any one of the following
equivalent conditions hold.

(i) X is the domain of a computable function

(ii) the semi-characteristic function of X

SX(n) =

1 if n ∈ X
undefined if n 6∈ X

is computable.

(iii) X is the range of a computable function

Proof. Clearly (ii) immediately implies (i). We show that the definition of
CE implies (ii). Suppose that we have an enumerating algorithm A for X.
To compute SX(n) we run A and inspect the list as it comes out checking for
n. If n does appear on the list we output 1; of course if n does not appear, we
wait forever, but this is fine, we only want to construct a semi -characteristic

Now we show that (i) (and hence (ii)) implies that X is CE. Suppose that B
is an algorithm to compute f and dom(f) = X. This looks hard, we cannot


say “run B on 0, 1, 2, . . . and output any numbers for which it terminates.”
The algorithm B may fail to terminate on the very first number. However,
there is a technique called “dovetailing” which allows one to do just this
apparently impossible task. We first run B on 0 for one step and store the
state of the computation. Then we run B on 0 for one (more) step and on
1 for one step; then we run B on 0 for two more steps and on 1 for two
more steps and on 2 for two steps. In every phase we run the computation
longer and we include more arguments in our simulation. As soon as B
terminates on any input we print this input and continue. Of course, as
soon as one of the sub-computations terminates we remove it from the list
of computations that are active. If n ∈ dom(f), then this procedure will
eventually run B on n long enough to determine that it has terminated and
n will get enumerated. Thus X is CE.

If, in the dovetailing procedure, we print the outputs with which B ter-
minates instead of the inputs, we see that (iii) implies that X is CE. To
show that X is CE implies (iii) we proceed a follows. We know that the
semi-characteristic function is computable by some algorithm C. We define
a partial function g as follows:

g(n) =

n if C terminates on n
undefined otherwise.

Clearly g is computable and its range is X.

The basic closure properties of CE sets are given in the next few theo-

Theorem 7. The union and intersection of two (hence any finite number
of) CE sets is CE.

Proof. Suppose that X and Y are two CE sets with enumerating algorithms
A and B respectively. We run A and B is parallel and as soon as an item
appears on the list we enumerate it. It is only slightly more complicated to
prove the analogous result for intersection but this is a homework question
so I will leave it to you.


The following simple theorem is called Post’s theorem.

Theorem 8 (Post). (a) If X is computable it is also CE.

(b) If X is CE and its complement X is also CE then X is computable.

Proof. The first part is trivial; but that does not make it unimportant.

For the second part, we assume that A enumerates X and that B enumerates
X. In order to show that X is computable we need a decision procedure for
X. We run both A and B in parallel and as soon as one of them enumerates
n we know whether n is in the set X or not. This has to terminate because
n is in one of the sets and the enumerator for that set has to produce the
answer in some finite time.

The following theorem is easy but very important. We work with pairs of
numbers 〈n, m〉. We know that we can define a total computable function
that converts pairs of naturals into individual naturals and that there are
computable functions in the reverse direction as well. We write π1(〈n, m〉) =
n and π2(〈n, m〉) = m for these functions; they are called the projection
functions. In fact (exercise for you, I will show you the answer in later
notes) you can make the pair function and its inverses bijective. We will
just assume that we have enriched our language with a pair constructor and
the projections.

Theorem 9. A set X ⊆ N is CE if and only if there is a computable set
Y of pairs of natural numbers such that

∀x, x ∈ X ⇔ ∃y ∈ N(〈x, y〉 ∈ Y ).

Proof. If Y is computable (or even just CE) we can enumerate its elements
and use π1 to extract the first components. So if such a Y exists then X is
certainly CE. If X is CE, with enumerating algorithm A, we construct Y as

Y = {〈x, n〉|A enumerates x within n steps}.

Clearly Y is decidable because we are putting a time bound on the running
of the algorithm. Clearly, if x is in X then A enumerates x after some
number of steps so

∀x, x ∈ X ⇔ ∃n ∈ N(〈x, n〉 ∈ Y ).