Functional Dependencies – Part 3
Finding Keys
A Bunch of Keys
We will need keys for defining the normal forms later on.
A subset of the attributes of a relation schema R is a superkey if it
uniquely determines all attributes of R.
A superkey K is called a candidate key if no proper subset of K is a
That is, if you take any of the attributes out of K , then there is not
enough to uniquely identify tuples.
Candidate keys are also called keys, and the primary key is chosen
from them.
The Primary key
Candidate keys
Finding Keys
Given a set Σ of FDs on a relation R, the question is:
How can we find all the (candidate) keys of R?
Implied Functional Dependencies
To design a good database, we need to consider all possible FDs.
If each student works on one project and each project has one supervisor,
does each student have one project supervisor?
{ProjectNo}→{Supervisor}} |= {StudentID}→{Supervisor}
We use the notation Σ |= X → Y to denote that X → Y is implied by the
set Σ of FDs.
We write Σ∗ for all possible FDs implied by Σ.
Equivalence of Functional Dependencies
Σ1 and Σ2 are equivalent if Σ∗1= Σ
2 .
Example: Let Σ1 = {X → Y ,Y → Z} and Σ2 = {X → Y ,Y → Z ,X → Z}.
We have Σ1 6= Σ2 but Σ∗1= Σ
2 = {X → Y ,Y → Z ,X → Z}.
Hence, Σ1 and Σ2 are equivalent.
1 Is it possible that Σ∗1 = Σ
2 but Σ1 6= Σ2? Yes
2 Is it possible that Σ∗1 6= Σ
2 but Σ1 = Σ2? No
Implied Functional Dependencies
Let Σ be a set of FDs. Check whether or not Σ |= X → W holds?
We need to
1 Compute the set of all attributes that are dependent on X , which is
called the closure of X under Σ and is denoted by X+.
2 Σ |= X → W holds iff W ⊆ X+.
X+ := X ;
repeat until no more change on X+
for each Y → Z ∈ Σ with Y ⊆ X+,
add all the attributes in Z to X+, i.e.,
replace X+ by X+ ∪ Z .
See Algorithm 15.1 on Page 538 in [Elmasri & Navathe, 7th edition] or Algorithm 1 on Page 555 in [Elmasri &
Navathe, 6th edition]
Implied Functional Dependencies – Example
Consider a relation schema R = {A,B,C,D,E ,F}, a set of FDs
Σ = {AC → B,B → CD,C → E ,AF → B} on R.
Decide whether or not Σ |= AC → ED holds .
1 We first build the closure of AC:
(AC)+ ⊇ AC initialisation
⊇ ACB using AC → B
⊇ ACBD using B → CD
⊇ ACBDE using C → E
2 Then we check that ED ⊆ (AC)+. Hence Σ |= AC → ED.
Can you quickly tell whether or not Σ |= AC → EF holds?
Finding Keys
Fact: A key K of R always defines a FD K → R.
Input: a set Σ of FDs on R.
Output: the set of all keys of R.
for every subset X of the relation R, compute its closure X+
if X+ = R, then X is a superkey.
if no proper subset Y of X with Y+ = R, then X is a key.
A prime attribute is an attribute occurring in a key, and a non-prime
attribute is an attribute that is not a prime attribute.
It extends Algorithm 15.2(a) in [Elmasri & Navathe, 7th edition, pp. 542], or Algorithm 2(a) or in Algorithm 2(a) in
[Elmasri & Navathe, 6th edition pp. 558] to finding all keys of R
Exercise – Finding Keys
Consider a relation schema R = {A,B,C,D} and a set of functional
dependencies Σ = {AB → C,AC → D}.
1 List all the keys and superkeys of R.
2 Find all the prime attributes of R.
1 We compute the closures for all possible combinations of the attributes
in R:
(A)+ = A, (B)+ = B, (C)+ = C, (D)+ = D;
(AB)+ = ABCD, (AC)+ = ACD, (AD)+ = AD, (BC)+ = BC,
(BD)+ = BD, (CD)+ = CD
(ABC)+ = ABCD, (ABD)+ = ABCD, (ACD)+ = ACD,
(BCD)+ = BCD
2 Hence, we have
AB is the only key of R.
AB, ABC, ABD and ABCD are the superkeys of R.
A and B are the prime attributes of R.
Exercise – Finding Keys
Checking all possible combinations of the attributes is too tedious!
Example: Still consider a relation schema R = {A,B,C,D} and
Σ = {AB → C,AC → D}. List all the keys of R.
Some tricks:
If an attribute never appears in the dependent of any FD, this attribute
must be part of each key.
If an attribute never appears in the determinant of any FD but appears
in the dependent of any FD, this attribute must not be part of each
If a proper subset of X is a key, then X must not be a key.
Finding Keys – Example
Consider ENROLMENT and the following FDs:
{StudentID} → {Name};
{StudentID, CourseNo, Semester} → {ConfirmedBy, Office};
{ConfirmedBy} → {Office}.
Name StudentID CourseNo Semester ConfirmedBy Office
Tom 123456 COMP2400 2010 S2 Jane R301
Mike 123458 COMP2400 2008 S2 Linda R203
Mike 123458 COMP2600 2008 S2 Linda R203
What are the keys, superkeys and prime attributes of ENROLMENT?
{StudentID, CourseNo, Semester} is the only key.
Every set that has {StudentID, CourseNo, Semester} as its subset is a
StudentID, CourseNo and Semester are the prime attributes.