SQL – Part 4
Data Manipulation Language
(Advanced SQL Queries)
Advanced SQL Queries – Set Operations
SQL incorporates several set operations: UNION (set union) and INTERSECT
(set intersection), and sometimes EXCEPT (set difference / minus).
Set operations result in return of a relation of tuples (no duplicates).
Set operations apply to relations that have the same attribute types
appearing in the same order, e.g., list all students who have either a gmail
or hotmail email account.
(SELECT * FROM Student WHERE Email like ‘%@gmail.com’)
(SELECT * FROM Student WHERE Email like ‘%@hotmail.com’);
For example, the following query will not work
(SELECT StudentID, Name FROM Student)
(SELECT Email FROM Student);
Advanced SQL Queries – Join Operations
When we want to retrieve data from more than one relations, we often need
to use join operations.
Consider the following queries, which both need a join operation between
two relations:
List the names of all courses which have been enrolled by at least one
List all students, and their enrolled courses if any.
StudentID Name DoB Email
No Cname Unit
StudentID CourseNo Semester Status EnrolDate
Advanced SQL Queries – Inner Join
Inner Join: tuples are included in the result only if there is at least one
matching in both relations.
For the query “list the names of all courses which have been enrolled by at
least one student”, we use:
FROM Course c INNER JOIN Enrol e ON c.No=e.CourseNo;
No Cname Unit
COMP2400 Relational Databases 6
COMP3900 Advanced Database Concepts 6
StudentID CourseNo Semester Status EnrolDate
456 COMP1130 2016 S1 active 25/02/2016
458 COMP1130 2016 S1 active 25/02/2016
456 COMP2400 2016 S2 active 09/03/2016
Relational Databases
Advanced SQL Queries – Outer Join
Outer Join includes Left Join and Right Join.
Left/Right Join: all tuples of the left/right table are included in the result,
even if there are no matches in the relations.
Advanced SQL Queries – Outer Join
Left Join: A left join retains all rows of the left table regardless of whether
there is a row that matches on the right table.
StudentID CourseNo Semester
456 COMP1130 2016 S1
457 COMP1130 2016 S1
456 COMP2400 2016 S2
StudentID Name DoB Email
456 Tom 25/01/1988
458 Peter 20/02/1991
FROM Student s LEFT JOIN Enrol1 e
ON s.StudentID=e.StudentID;
StudentID Name DoB Email StudentID CourseNo Semester
456 Tom 25/01/1988 456 COMP1130 2016 S1
456 Tom 25/01/1988 456 COMP2400 2016 S2
458 Peter 20/02/1991 null null null
Advanced SQL Queries – Outer Join
Right Join: A right join retains all rows of the right table regardless of
whether there is a row that matches on the left table.
StudentID CourseNo Semester
456 COMP1130 2016 S1
457 COMP1130 2016 S1
456 COMP2400 2016 S2
StudentID Name DoB Email
456 Tom 25/01/1988
458 Peter 20/02/1991
FROM Student s RIGHT JOIN Enrol1 e
ON s.StudentID=e.StudentID;
StudentID Name DoB Email StudentID CourseNo Semester
456 Tom 25/01/1988 456 COMP1130 2016 S1
null null null null 457 COMP1130 2016 S1
456 Tom 25/01/1988 456 COMP2400 2016 S2
Advanced SQL Queries – Outer Join
For the query “list all students, and their enrolled courses if any”, we can
use either of the following statements:
SELECT s.*, e.CourseNo, e.Semester
FROM Student s LEFT JOIN Enrol1 e
ON s.StudentID=e.StudentID;
SELECT s.*, e.CourseNo, e.Semester
FROM Enrol1 e RIGHT JOIN Student s
ON e.StudentID=s.StudentID;
If we have 1000 tuples in STUDENT, then the query result should contain at
least 1000 tuples (one tuple in STUDENT may occur multiple times) with the
following attributes:
StudentID Name DoB Email CourseNo Semester
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Advanced SQL Queries – Natural Join
Motivation: An inner join retains all the data of the two tables for , with
FROM Student s INNER JOIN Enrol1 e
On s.StudentID=e.StudentID;
StudentID CourseNo Semester
456 COMP1130 2016 S1
457 COMP1130 2016 S1
456 COMP2400 2016 S2
StudentID Name DoB Email
456 Tom 25/01/1988
458 Peter 20/02/1991
StudentID Name DoB Email StudentID CourseNo Semester
456 Tom 25/01/1988 456 COMP1130 2016 S1
456 Tom 25/01/1988 456 COMP2400 2016 S2
Advanced SQL Queries – Natural Join
Natural Join: A natural join retains all the data of the two tables for only the
matched rows, without duplication
FROM Student s NATURAL JOIN Enrol1 e;
StudentID CourseNo Semester
456 COMP1130 2016 S1
457 COMP1130 2016 S1
456 COMP2400 2016 S2
StudentID Name DoB Email
456 Tom 25/01/1988
458 Peter 20/02/1991
StudentID Name DoB Email CourseNo Semester
456 Tom 25/01/1988 COMP1130 2016 S1
456 Tom 25/01/1988 COMP2400 2016 S2
Advanced SQL Queries – Natural Join
Natural Join: One kind of inner join, in which two relations are joined
implicitly by comparing all attributes of the same names in both relations.
For the query “list all students who have enrolled and their courses”, use:
StudentID CourseNo Semester Status EnrolDate
456 COMP1130 2016 S1 active 25/02/2016
457 COMP1130 2016 S1 active 25/02/2016
StudentID Name DoB Email
456 Tom 25/01/1988
458 Peter 20/02/1991
Result:(STUDENT.StudentID=ENROL.StudentID is used in the query)
StudentID Name DoB Email CourseNo Semester Status EnrolDate
456 Tom 25/01/1988 COMP1130 2016 S1 active 25/02/2016
Advanced SQL Queries – Subqueries
Subqueries are just queries that are used where a relation is required.
Subqueries can be specified within the FROM-clause (usually in conjunction
with aliases and renaming) to create inline view (exist only for the query)
Subqueries can also be specified within the WHERE-clause, e.g.,
IN subquery tests if tuple occurs in the result of the subquery
EXISTS subquery tests whether the subquery results in non-empty
using ALL, SOME or ANY before a subquery makes subqueries usable in
comparison formulae
in all these cases the condition involving the subquery can be negated
using a preceding NOT
Subqueries – In
Recall that, for the query “list all students who have enrolled and their
courses”, we have:
Now if we want to query: “list all students who have enrolled in a course that
has less than 10 students enrolled and the CourseNo of these courses”, we
SELECT s.*,e1.CourseNo
FROM Student s NATURAL JOIN Enrol e1
WHERE e1.CourseNo IN
(SELECT e2.CourseNo
FROM Enrol e2
GROUP BY e2.CourseNo
HAVING COUNT(*)<10); Subqueries – Exists For the query: “list all students who have enrolled in at least one course”, we have SELECT s.* FROM Student s WHERE EXISTS (SELECT * FROM Enrol e WHERE s.StudentID=e.StudentID); For the query: “list all students who have not enrolled in any course”, we have SELECT s.* FROM Student s WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM Enrol e WHERE s.StudentID=e.StudentID); Subqueries – More Complicated For the query: “list the courses that have the largest number of students enrolled in Semester 2 2016”, we have SELECT e.CourseNo FROM (SELECT e1.CourseNo, COUNT(*) AS NoOfStudents FROM Enrol e1 WHERE e1.Semester = '2016 S2' GROUP BY e1.CourseNo) e WHERE e.NoOfStudents = (SELECT MAX(e2.NoOfStudents) FROM (SELECT e1.CourseNo, COUNT(*) AS NoOfStudents FROM Enrol e1 WHERE e1.Semester = '2016 S2' GROUP BY e1.CourseNo) e2); Subqueries – More Complicated For the query: “list all the courses that have more students enrolled than at least one other course in Semester 2 2016”, we have SELECT e.CourseNo FROM (SELECT e1.CourseNo, COUNT(*) AS NoOfStudents FROM Enrol e1 WHERE e1.Semester = '2016 S2' GROUP BY e1.CourseNo) e WHERE e.NoOfStudents > ANY
(SELECT e2.NoOfStudents
FROM (SELECT e1.CourseNo, COUNT(*) AS NoOfStudents
FROM Enrol e1
WHERE e1.Semester = ‘2016 S2’
GROUP BY e1.CourseNo) e2);
Views in SQL
A view in SQL is a virtual table that is derived from other tables in the same
database or previously defined views.
How to Create Views?
Suppose we already have tables STUDENT(StudentID, Name, DoB,
Email) and ENROL(StudentID, CourseNo, Semester, Status,
EnrolDate). Then we can create a view ENROL1 as follows:
AS SELECT s.StudentID, s.Name, e.CourseNo, e.EnrolDate
WHERE s.StudentID=e.StudentID;