CS计算机代考程序代写 Functional Dependencies algorithm Normalisation – Part 2

Normalisation – Part 2


From BCNF to 3NF


(1) There exists an algorithm that can generate a lossless
decomposition into BCNF.

(2) However, a BCNF-decomposition that is both lossless
and dependency-preserving does not always exist.

3NF is a less restrictive normal form such that a lossless and
dependency preserving decomposition can always be found.

3NF – Definition

A relation schema R is in 3NF if whenever a non-trivial FD X → A holds in
R, then X is a superkey or A is a prime attribute .

3NF allows data redundancy but excludes relation schemas with certain
kinds of FDs (i.e., partial FDs and transitive FDs).

Normalisation to 3NF

Consider the following FDs of ENROL:

{StudentID, CourseNo, Semester} → {ConfirmedBy ID, StaffName};
{ConfirmedBy ID} → {StaffName}.

StudentID CourseNo Semester ConfirmedBy ID StaffName
123456 COMP2400 2010 S2 u12 Jane
123458 COMP2400 2008 S2 u13 Linda
123458 COMP2600 2008 S2 u13 Linda

Is ENROL in 3NF?
{StudentID, CourseNo, Semester} is the only key.

ENROL is not in 3NF because {ConfirmedBy ID} → {StaffName},
{ConfirmedBy ID} is not a superkey and {StaffName} is not prime

Normalisation to 3NF

Algorithm for a dependency-preserving and lossless 3NF-decomposition

Input: a relation schema R and a set Σ of FDs on R.

Output: a set S of relation schemas in 3NF, each having a set of FDs
Compute a minimal cover Σ′ for Σ and start with S = φ
Group FDs in Σ′ by their left-hand-side attribue sets

For each distinct left-hand-side Xi of FDs in Σ
′ that includes

Xi → A1,Xi → A2, . . . ,Xi → Ak :
Add Ri = Xi ∪ {A1} ∪ {A2} · · · ∪ {Ak} to S

Remove all redundant ones from S (i.e., remove Ri if Ri ⊆ Rj )
if S does not contain a superkey of R, add a key of R as R0 into S.
Project the FDs in Σ′ onto each relation schema in S

Normalisation to 3NF

Normalisation to 3NF

Normalisation to 3NF

Minimal Cover – The Hard Part!

Let Σ be a set of FDs. A minimal cover Σm of Σ is a set of FDs such that

1 Σm is equivalent to Σ, i.e., start with Σm = Σ;

2 Dependent: each FD in Σm has only a single attribute on its right
hand side, i.e., replace each FD X → {A1, . . . ,Ak} in Σm with
X → A1, . . . ,X → Ak ;

3 Determinant: each FD has as few attributes on the left hand side as
possible, i.e., for each FD X → A in Σm, check each attribute B of X to
see if we can replace X → A with (X − B)→ A in Σm;

4 Remove a FD from Σm if it is redundant.

Minimal Cover


The minimal cover of a set of functional dependencies Σ always
exists but is not necessarily unique.

Examples: Consider the following set of functional dependencies:

Σ = {A→ BC,B → C,B → A,C → AB}

Σ has two different minimal covers:

Σ1 = {A→ B,B → C,C → A}
Σ2 = {A→ C,C → B,B → A}

Minimal Cover – Examples

The set {A→ B,B → C,A→ C} can be reduced to {A→ B,B → C},
because {A→ C} is implied by the other two.

Given the set of FDs Σ = {B → A,D → A,AB → D}, we can compute the
minimal cover of Σ as follows:

1 start from Σ;
2 check whether all the FDs in Σ have only one attribute on the right

hand side (look good);
3 determine if AB → D has any redundant attribute on the left hand side

(AB → D can be replaced by B → D);
4 look for a redundant FD in {B → A,D → A,B → D} (B → A is


Therefore, the minimal cover of Σ is {D → A,B → D}.

Normalisation to 3NF – Example

Consider ENROL again:

{StudentID, CourseNo, Semester} → {ConfirmedBy ID, StaffName}
{ConfirmedBy ID} → {StaffName}

StudentID CourseNo Semester ConfirmedBy ID StaffName
… … … … …

Can we normalise ENROL into 3NF by a lossless and dependency
preserving decomposition?

Normalisation to 3NF – Example

Consider ENROL again:

{StudentID, CourseNo, Semester} → {ConfirmedBy ID, StaffName}
{ConfirmedBy ID} → {StaffName}

StudentID CourseNo Semester ConfirmedBy ID StaffName
… … … … …

A minimal cover is {{StudentID, CourseNo, Semester} →
{ConfirmedBy ID}, {ConfirmedBy ID} → {StaffName}}.

Hence, we have:
R1={StudentID, CourseNo, Semester, ConfirmedBy ID} with
{StudentID, CourseNo, Semester} → {ConfirmedBy ID}
R2={ConfirmedBy ID, StaffName} with
{ConfirmedBy ID} → {StaffName}
Omit R0 because R1 is a superkey of ENROL.

3NF – Exercises

Let us do some exercises for the 3NF-decomposition algorithm.

Exercise 1: R = {A,B,C,D} and Σ = {A→ B,B → C,AC → D}:

Exercise 2: R = {A,B,C,D} and Σ = {AD → B, AB → C, C → B}:

3NF – Exercises

Let us do some exercises for the 3NF-decomposition algorithm.

Exercise 1: R = {A,B,C,D} and Σ = {A→ B,B → C,AC → D}:

{A→ B,B → C,A→ D} is a minimal cover.
R1 = ABD, R2 = BC (omit R0 because R1 is a superkey of R)

The 3NF-decomposition is {ABD, BC} .

Exercise 2: R = {A,B,C,D} and Σ = {AD → B, AB → C, C → B}:

Σ is its own minimal cover.

R1 = ABD, R2 = ABC, R3 = CB (omit R3 because R3 ⊆ R2 and
omit R0 because R1 is a superkey of R)

The 3NF-decomposition is {ABD, ABC} .