CS计算机代考程序代写 matlab deep learning Excel algorithm Department of Electrical Engineering and Electronics

Department of Electrical Engineering and Electronics


Assignment on Multi-Layer Perceptrons

Module ELEC320

Coursework name Assignment on Multi-Layer Perceptrons

Component weight 30%

Semester 2

HE Level 5

Work Individual

Assessment method Individual, formal word-processed report

Submission format Online via VITAL

Submission deadline Midnight on Friday 7th May, 2021

Late submission Standard university penalty applies

Resit opportunity August resit period

Marking policy Marked and moderated independently

Anonymous marking Yes

Feedback via VITAL GradeMark® / Turnitin Feedback Studio

Subject of relevance Neural Networks and modelling

Learning outcomes Mathematical aspects of backpropagation

Practical training of a neural network

Marking Criteria

Section Marks

Indicative characteristics

Adequate / pass (40%) Very good / Excellent

and structure

• Contains cover page information,

table of contents, sections with
appropriate headings.

• Comprehensible language;
punctuation, grammar and
spelling accurate.

• Equations legible, numbered and
presented correctly.

• Appropriately formatted
reference list.

• Appropriate use of technical,
mathematic and academic
terminology and conventions.

• Word processed with consistent

• Pages numbered, figures and tables

• All sections clearly signposted.
• Correct cross-referencing (of figures,

tables, equations) and citations.
• Appendix containing source code

and any additional evidence such as
further results, graphs, photographs

Method and

• Steps presented clearly,

numbered, and in passive tense.
• Design of each task follows a

logical sequence.
• Code corresponds to design for

each task.

• Calculations shown in full, justifying
and explaining any decisions.

• Code easy to follow, with clear
comments and signposting.

• Well-written code demonstrating
programming proficiency.

Results 30%
• Results presented for each task,

including screenshots of figures
and numerical results.

• Results for each task
accompanied by a commentary.

• Correct results for each task.

• Thorough and insightful commentary
on all results explaining differences
and demonstrating understanding of
the underlying theory.

Discussion 30%
• Correct responses to discussion

questions reflecting an
understanding of the underlying

• Conclusions correctly inferred
from the results and linked back
to experiment objectives.

• Evidence of wider reading.

• Demonstrating an understanding of
multi-layer perceptron.

• Meaningful reflection on the outputs
of the experiment.

Important: Marking of all coursework is anonymous. Do not include
your name, student ID number, group number, email or any other
personal information in your report submitted via VITAL. A penalty will be
applied to submissions that do not meet this requirement.


This assignment has two tasks with the objective of developing, exploring and testing the learning

processes of artificial neural networks. The first task focuses on the underlying mathematical

foundations. The second task focuses on the design of a neural network to solve a real-world problem,

using Matlab neural network toolbox.

This assignment is assessed by means of a formal report that must be uploaded through Vital. The

Matlab code to solve Task 2 must be submitted as an appendix to the report. While it is possible to

solve Task 1 by writing Matlab code, the report should include detailed mathematical derivations with

explanations, not Matlab code.

The report should contain detailed solutions and discussion of the results. The quality of the

presentation and discussion is assessed.

Task 1 [45 Marks]

We consider a neural network with two layers and the following diagram

The equations that represent this neural network are

1 = 𝜙1(𝑤11

1 𝑥1 + 𝑤21
1 𝑥2)

1 = 𝜙1(𝑤12

1 𝑥1 + 𝑤22
1 𝑥2)

𝑎2 = 𝜙2(𝑤1

1 + 𝑤2


𝑦 = 𝑎2

The activation functions 𝜙1(⋅) and 𝜙2(⋅) are sigmoid and rectified linear units, with the equations:

𝜙1(𝑥) =


𝜙2(𝑥) = {
𝑥, 𝑥 ≥ 0

0, 𝑜𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑟𝑤𝑖𝑠𝑒

Note that this neural network does not include biases. The initial weights are 𝑤11
1 = 1, 𝑤12

1 = 0.1,

1 = 0.3, 𝑤22

1 = 0.4, 𝑤1
2 = 0.1, 𝑤2

2 = 0.2. The following tasks must be completed.

1) For each neuron, calculate its induced local field and output for the following input value 𝑥1 =

1, 𝑥2 = 2. [10 Marks]

2) If the desired output to the previous input is 𝑑 = 0.5, use the backpropagation algorithm to

compute the gradients of all weights. [15 Marks]

3) Calculate the updated weights for a learning rate 0.1. [12 Marks]

4) Calculate the output to the input value 𝑥1 = 1, 𝑥2 = 2 with the updated weights. Discuss the

result. [7 Marks]

Task 2 [55 Marks]

In this task, we make use of the Matlab deep learning toolbox to design and evaluate a neural network

in a real world data set and a synthetic data set. A preliminary step is to install Matlab, with the deep

learning toolbox1. The student should first understand the basics through the Matlab tutorial for crab



We will use the cancer dataset, in which we aim to classify tumours as either benign or malignant

depending on the characteristics of sample biopsies. Run “open(‘cancer_dataset’)” in Matlab to

understand the dataset.

The Matlab script must start as

Above, we use setdemorandstream(1) to get reproducible results, this line must not be changed.

Variable x represents the feature vectors and variable t the desired output for the feature vectors.

The first task is to understand and visualise the dataset. As the feature vectors have 9 dimensions, they

are not straightforward to visualise, so we focus on the first two dimensions and the corresponding

class. Draw a figure in which samples (data points) of the benign class are shown as a circle and samples

of the malign class as a cross. In the figure, the x axis represents the first dimension and the y axis the

second dimension of each feature. [5 Marks]

Hint: The command “plot” with arguments ‘or’ and ‘xb’ can be used to draw points represented as
circles (with red colour) and crosses (with blue colour).

1) Based on the above figure, is it easy to perform the classification task based on the first two

features? Justify your answer. [5 Marks]

2) How many data points are there in the dataset? How many data points corresponds to the

benign class and the malign class? Explain the procedure to answer these questions. [5 Marks]

1 https://www.liverpool.ac.uk/csd/software/software-downloads/

close all
%Cancer dataset
[x,t] = cancer_dataset;


A fully connected neural network with one hidden layer with N neurons can be created with

the command

net = patternnet(N);

This neural network is not complete as one needs to set the input and output neurons that

match the data. The structure of the neural network is finalised by using the training command

[net,tr] = train(net,x,t);

This command trains the network with some standard parameters that are stored in the

variable net.trainParam. In addition, the dataset is stored into three different subsets: training

set, validation set and test set. The indices of x that correspond to each subset are stored in

variables: tr.trainInd, tr.valInd and tr.testInd.

3) Use Matlab documentation and/or other resources (with citation) to explain the purpose of the

training set, the validation set and the test set. [5 Marks]

4) Create and train a network with N=5. What is percentage of data points that belong to the

training set, validation set and test set, respectively? Does this number change if we change N?

[5 Marks]

5) Run “net.performFcn=’mse’;” to use the mean square error as the cost function to train the
network. Set “net.trainParam.max_fail=10000;” so that the validation set is not used to stop
the training. Run “setdemorandstream(1);” to set the random seed to be able to reproduce
the results. Re-train the network and run the command “plotperform(tr)”. This command
shows a figure with the cost function against the number of epochs for the training, validation
and test set. Include the figure in the report and discuss the results. [5 Marks]

6) Repeat step 6) but without calling the command “net.trainParam.max_fail=10000;”. Now, we
make use of the validation set to stop the training. Discuss the results. [5 Marks]

7) Plot the confusion matrices for the trained neural network in 7) clicking on “Confusion” in the
dialog that arises after training. In the report, include the confusion matrices and explain
them with your own words by looking at Matlab documentation and/or other resources (with
citation). For the test set, what is the probability of correct classification in this example? [5

8) We now proceed to evaluate a synthetic data set. For this task, you should create a new
Matlab script (new m file). The m-file must start with “setdemorandstream(1)” to obtain
reproducible results.
We consider points (x,y) that belong to the two dimensional plane and have two classes.
Points in class one, represented as a vector [1,0] belong to the set

𝐶1 = {(𝑥, 𝑦): √𝑥
2 + 𝑦2 > Γ1, √𝑥

2 + 𝑦2 < Γ2} where Γ1 = 5 and Γ2 = 20. That is, the points that belong to class one meet √𝑥 2 + 𝑦2 >

Γ1 and √𝑥
2 + 𝑦2 < Γ2. The label for class one is the column vector [1,0] T. The points in class zero, with label [0,1]T, correspond to the points in the plane that do not belong to class one. Sample 10000 points from a zero-mean Gaussian distribution with zero-mean and standard deviation 10 by writing x=10*randn(2,N_data); Obtain the class for each of these points and draw a figure all the points in the data set and their classes, such that the points in class one are shown with red colour, and the points in class zero with blue colour. [5 Marks] 9) Use patternnet to train a network with N=2 and the default training parameters. Calculate the output of the neural network for the points in the dataset. The outputs are 2-D vectors, whose components sum to one. The most likely class for each data point is given by the component with the highest value. Draw a figure with all the points in the data set and their predicted classes by the neural network. Discuss the results. [5 Marks] 10) Re-run the code with N=5, N=10, N=20 showing the previous figure. Show the figures and discuss the results in the report. [5 Marks]