CS计算机代考程序代写 matlab chain Bioinformatics algorithm A Genetic and Iterative Local Search Algorithm for

A Genetic and Iterative Local Search Algorithm for
solving Subgraph Isomorphism Problem

Mina Mazraeh Farahani, Seyed Kamal Chaharsoughi*
Department of Industrial Engineering

Faculty of Engineering, Tarbiat Modares University
Tehran, Iran

mina.m. , .ir

Abstract—Finding the subgraph of a graph that is isomorphic
to a given graph has practicalapplications in several fields, from
cheminformatics to image understanding. Since subgraph
isomorphismproblem is NP-Hard, meta-heuristics are of especial
use and importance in solving it. In this paper a hybrid meta-
heuristic algorithm for subgraph isomorphism is proposed. The
main idea of the new algorithm is to use the iterative local search
(ILS) to improve the genetic operations and to better guide the
search process in the genetic algorithm. The concept of the
permutation matrix was used for the matching process. By applying
permutation matrix, we could also define an efficient fitness
function for the optimization version of the Subgraph Isomorphism
problem which made possible the generation of instance problems
of subgraph isomorphism for the first time. A landscape analysis
was alsoconducted to justify the application of a population-based
algorithm (namely GA) for this problem.

The results of the hybrid GA and ILS are computed for four
groups of instance problems and are compared to the solutions of
the genetic algorithm which show the improvement in performance
of the GA, both in value and time.

Keywords: Subgraph Isomorphism Problem, Optimization,
Meta-heuristics, GA, Iterative Local Search


Graphs are one the most powerful tools in describing data
structures useful in various fields of science and engineering.
In this representation, nodes represent relations between
primitives or structured objects and branches between nodes
represent relations between them. One way to recognize the
structure of an unknown pattern/object is to transform it into a
graph, then match it with other graphs representing of
prototype patterns.

This process of matching is called graph isomorphism.
Formally, two graphs G and G’are said to be isomorphic (to
each other) if there is a one-to-one correspondence between
their vertices and between their edges such that incidence
relationship is preserved [10].

If the isomorphism is encountered between a graph and a
subgraph of another larger graph, then the problem is called
subgraph isomorphism or graph monomorphism [13].

In theoretical computer science, the subgraph isomorphism
problem is a computational task in which two graphs G and H
are given as input, and one must determine whether G contains
a subgraph that is isomorphic to H. Subgraph isomorphism is a
generalization of both the maximum clique problem and the

problem of testing whether a graph contains a Hamiltonian
cycle, and is therefore NP-complete [2]. However certain
other cases of subgraph isomorphism may be solved in
polynomial time [3]. Graph isomorphism problem has a wide
range of applications in pattern recognition, image processing,
genetics, bioinformatics and scene analysis, which involves
finding whether a given chemical compound is a
subcompound of further specified compounds [12]. With the
development of subgraph isomorphism, it is an important form
of exact pattern recognition [3]. The algorithm has been also
applied to integrated circuit testing [1], microprogrammed
controller optimization [5], robot motion planning [7] and
other problems.


If a graph G consists of a finite nonempty set V of p
elements that are called points, together with a set E of q
distinct unordered pairs of distinct points that belong to V. A
pair of points that belongs to E is a line. A subgraph of G is a
graph whose points and lines all belong to G. A graph Gais
isomorphism to a subgraph of a graph Gb if and only if there
is a 1:1 correspondence between the point sets of this
subgraph and of Gathat preserves adjacency. Figure 1 is a
simple example of subgraph isomorphism. G1 is isomorphism
to subgraph of G2. The correspondences between G1 and G2
are {a,b,c,d} in G1 to {2,1,3,4} in G2 or {a,b,c,d} in G1 to
{2,5,4,6}. There are many mappings in G1and G2 for
subgraph isomorphism. Therefore subgraph isomorphism will
not be a unique correspondence.

Much research has been conducted on the algorithms to
improve the efficiency of matching search and to reduce
computational complexity. Refinement enumeration algorithm
was introduced by [3]. Nonlinear optimization [11],
deterministic matching [8] techniques are used in the
recognition or evaluation of subgraph isomorphism. Also a
genetic algorithm based solving method for assignment of
RTDSs1 was developed in [14].

1Real Time Digital Simulators

Proceedings of the 2015 International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management
Dubai, United Arab Emirates (UAE), March 3 – 5, 2015


Fig. 1. Example of subgraph isomorphism

Fig. 2. The process of generating instance problems


A. Problem Modelling

 Matrix Representation and Encoding of SIP

Adjacency matrix is a very effective approach to describe a
graph. In the matrix, the ones indicate there are connections
between the nodes, while the zeros indicate there are no edges
connecting two nodes. With the adjacency matrix, the graph
can be operated mathematically. If H is a subgraph of G1, then
the adjacency matrices of H and G1 satisfy:

MH⊆MG1 (1)

where MH and MG1 are the adjacency matrices of H and G1
respectively. If G1 is isomorphism to G2, there must exist a P
(permutation or transform matrix) satisfying the following

P* MH*PT=MG2 (2)

P represents the rows and columns conversion of MH. A
permutation matrix is a square binary matrix that has exactly
one entry 1 in each row and each column and 0s elsewhere.
suppose that n is the number of nodes in subgraph G2, and a
value i at position t=1,…,n indicating a node number, is an
integer less than or equal to m, where m is the number of
nodes in graph G1.Suppose that the problem is to find
subgraph H of G1(with m nodes) which can be matched to G2
(with n nodes, such that m≥n). If H is the subgraph isomorph

2Subgraph Isomorphism Problem 

to G2, then it has an adjacency matrix of size n. If C is the
matrix satisfying the following equation:

C = P* MH*PT*MG2 (3)

where P is the transform matrix, P will make the C a full
ones matrix.

The objective function or the fitness function can be
defined as the number of ones in the expended incidence
matrix C. If C is a matrix of all ones, the objective function
will be at a maximum, which is n2. The objective function can
also be defined as subtract of n2 the number of the ones in the
matrix C. The objective is minimal when zero. The fitness
function is given as:

Fitness_Func=min(n2-number of ones in matrix(C))

 Generating instance problems

The SIP is at first the problem of deciding whether there
exists a subgraph of G1 isomorphic to G2 and so it is a
decision problem until we make sure of the existence of some
subgraph of G2, e.g. H.

Because of the unavailability of the instance problems in
the literature, we have generated some instances which can be
regarded as optimization versions of SIP. The process was
designed in a way which insures the existence of an
isomorphic subgraph. This process is exhibited in Figure 2.

In this paper for the sake of generality, four classes of
problems were generated for which the number of nodes
belongs to the following uniform distributions (m is the
number of nodes):










G1 G2


C1: class1: m~uni[7,12]
C2: class2: m~uni[13,18]
C3: class3: m~uni[19,24]
C4: class4: m~uni[25,30]
 Encoding

A solution for SIP is represented by a permutation vector
without repetitions. Thus, P is encoded as a vector of length
n(Fig.3) where n is the number of nodes in subgraph G2, and a
value i at position t=1,…,n indicating a node number, is an
integer less than or equal to m, where m is thenumber of nodes
in graph G1.The problem is defined as the problem of finding
a subgraph of G1 which can be matched to G2.

Fig. 3. Example of a permutation vector

B. Fitness-Distance-Correlation

The Fitness-Distance-Correlation (FDC) [6] is a measure
for problem difficulty for evolutionary algorithms. The FDC
measures the correlation between the fitness differences of a
solution and the global best solution and their distances in the
search space. Thus, with a sample of solutions, the FDC
coefficient δ is defined as


Input: initial solution x
Output: best solution found
Initialize with random permutation p, d=0
for i := 1 to N do
N ← SelectNeighborhoodOperator(ρ)
x′← N(x)
if x′.fitness ≤ x.fitnessthen
x ← x′
end if
i ← i + 1
end for

Withdoptbeing a solutions distance to the nearest optimal

solution and cov(f, dopt) the covariance of f and dopt. A value of
δ = 1 indicates a perfect correlation between fitness and
distance to the optimum. The more both values are correlated,
the easier the resulting problem is for selection based
algorithms as a path of solutions with increasing fitness values
leads to the optimum [9].

In order to analyse the landscape of the SIP, an iterative
local search was conducted and the correlation of the fitness
values with a distance measure of local solutions was
calculated for the above mentioned four classes of instances.
the distance measure which has been used is the hamming
distance of two solutions. the iterative local search pseudo
code is stated in Fig. 4.

C. Results of Landscape analysis

We have determined 100 local optima for each class of
instance problems, by applying the ILS algorithm using the
respective 2-swap operator which starts from a random
solution and stops if a local optimum is reached. The global
optimum for each instance is known, which clearly equals 0,
regarding the formulation of fitness function (equation 4).

Applying the hamming distance as the distance measure of
solutions, FDC coefficients are calculated for the distance to
the local optimum. Table I presents the respective results. the
scatter plot of the change in fitness values in terms of the walk
length (distances) to local optimum of every instance for two
special case of the graphs with m~uni[13,18] and
m~uni[19,25] number of nodes is exhibited in Fig. 5.


A. Solution encoding and genetic operators

SIP faces the challenge of a tremendously expanded search
space when there is an increase in the number of nodes in a
graph. Though this can be mitigated by increasing the
population size to provide a larger variety of building blocks
for the search, this increase is limited, however, by constraints
in computational resources. To address this problem, it should
be noted that previous work has shown that genetic algorithm
(GA) could be rather efficient for heuristic searches in a large
search space with a relatively small population.

Fig. 4. Outline of ILS

Table I. Fitness-Distance-Correlation

Problem Class (number of nodes) Correlation Coefficient (δ) Average of Fitness Values

Uni[7,12] 0.51 32.17
Uni[13,19] 0.31 128.14
Uni[20,25] 0.2 328.82
Uni[25,20] 0.33 499.67


Fig. 5. Fitness Values vs. solution distances to local optimum

Fig. 6. Outline of Genetic Algorithms

 Encoding

The coding of GA can use the modulo-N vector {v1,
v2,…,vn}. Vi is the number of vertices in G2=(V2,E2) where
|V2|=n, 1≤vi≤m and G2 is a random subgraph generated by
applying the procedure described in Fig.2. The vector is taken
as an individual in a population. Every individual represent a

subgraph of G1, where G1=(V1, E1), |V1|=m. The fitness
functions of individuals can be calculated. By applying
selection, crossover and mutation operators, the next
population can be generated. The different patterns of
subgraph are being searched. If the object function reaches
minimal which is zero, the match pattern is found, otherwise
the search will continue to the next iteration. Finally an


iterative local search was conducted to intensify the search
procedure. The flowchart of GA is given in the Fig. 6.

 Selection

During the operations of a GA process, a new generation is
born by selecting some particular parents and some children.
The problem is how to select good chromosomes from the
population. There are many existing methods in the literature,
for instance roulette wheel selection, Boltzmann selection,
rank selection and some others. While we have used the
sequential parents selection procedure, we have maintained
the good solutions of the population by an elitism approach. In
every generation the first and second chromosomes with
minimum fitness values will be preserved to be transferred to
the next generation.

 Cross over

After deciding the encoding representation of a solution,
two parents are selected according to the selection method,to
create a new offspring. The crossover operation tries to swap
parts of two parents in the population to generate new
offspring. The crossover is made in hope that an offspring will
inherit good parts of old chromosome. There are many ways to
do crossover, more the crossover is specific to the problem
more the GA is performant. Our crossover operator is applied
on the permutation vector P.

We use a two point crossover by randomly choosing two
crossover points cp and dp uniformly selected from 1 to m. An
offspring is then obtained by appending the beginning (resp.
the end) of the first parent to the end (resp. the beginning) of
the second parent. The same procedure will be done for
generating the second child, by switching first and second
parents. This will maintain the population size constant. For
clarity let us consider an example with n=5 , m=8 and
crossover points cp=2 and dp=4 as depicted in Fig. 7.

Fig. 7. Crossover operator for GA

 Mutation operators

When designing a GA, mutation appears to be among the
most important operations to escape local optima since it
preserves the diversification in the population. The mutation
step takes place immediately after the crossover is performed.
In our approach, we randomly modify the permutation vector
by swapping a vertex to another one belonging to the set of
potential vertices not have been chosen so far. This gives rise
to a possibility of considering new subgraphs of G1, allows us
to explore new solutions and thus to diversify the search.

 Fitness Function

Comparing the quality of two individuals plays an
important role in any GA. In our work, the fitness function has
been defined as previously stated in equation (4).

B. The ILS method

This section describes the ILS heuristic we have developed
for our hybrid LRP approach. As stated previously, the ILS is
used to mainly improve the genetic operations and to better
guide the search process. The main steps of an ILS, namely,
local search and perturbation were first given in [4]. The
general framework of an ILS is depicted in Fig. 8 below. Let
x0 be the initial solution for the ILS process. A local search
using some neighbourhoods structures is applied to x0 to find
a better solution x’. Once a better solution is found,
perturbation is performed on x’ to obtain a new solution x.
After that, a local search is applied again to x to obtain a new
local optimum x’’. The solution x’’ replaces x’ only if x’’ is
better than x’ is verified and the ILS process continues until a
stopping criterion is met.

1 let x0 be an initial solution;
2 x’← LOCAL SEARCH (x0)
3 repeat
5 x’’←LOCAL SEARCH (x);
6 if FEVAL(x’)