CS计算机代考程序代写 SQL database COMP2400/6240 – Relational Databases

COMP2400/6240 – Relational Databases

SQL Sample Questions
Due date: TBD

Question 1 Unknown Marks

The relational database moviedb has the following database schema:

Movie(title, production year, country, run time, major genre)
primary key : {title, production year}

Person(id, first name, last name, year born)
primary key : {id}

Award(award name, institution, country)
primary key : {award name}

Restriction Category(description, country)
primary key : {description, country}

Director(id, title, production year)
primary key : {title, production year}
foreign keys : [title, production year] ⊆ Movie[title, production year]

[id] ⊆ Person[id]

Writer(id, title, production year, credits)
primary key : {id, title, production year}
foreign keys : [title, production year] ⊆ Movie[title, production year]

[id] ⊆ Person[id]

Crew(id, title, production year, contribution)
primary key : {id, title, production year}
foreign keys : [title, production year] ⊆ Movie[title, production year]

[id] ⊆ Person[id]

Scene(title, production year, scene no, description)
primary key : {title, production year, scene no}
foreign keys : [title, production year] ⊆ Movie[title, production year]

Role(id, title, production year, description, credits)
primary key : {title, production year, description}
foreign keys : [title, production year] ⊆ Movie[title, production year]

[id] ⊆ Person[id]

Restriction(title, production year, description, country)
primary key : {title, production year, description, country}
foreign keys : [title, production year] ⊆ Movie[title, production year]

[description, country] ⊆ Restriction Category[description, country]

Appearance(title, production year, description, scene no)
primary key : {title, production year, description, scene no}
foreign keys : [title, production year, scene no]⊆Scene[title, production year, scene no]

[title, production year, description]⊆Role[title, production year, description]


Movie Award(title, production year, award name, year of award,category, result)
primary key : {title, production year, award name, year of award, category}
foreign keys : [title, production year] ⊆ Movie[title, production year]

[award name] ⊆ Award[award name]

Crew Award(id, title, production year, award name, year of award, category, result)
primary key : {id, title, production year, award name, year of award, category}
foreign keys : [id, title, production year] ⊆ Crew[id, title, production year]

[award name] ⊆ Award[award name]

Director Award(title, production year, award name, year of award, category, result)
primary key : {title, production year, award name, year of award, category}
foreign keys : [title, production year] ⊆ Director[title, production year]

[award name] ⊆ Award[award name]

Writer Award(id, title, production year, award name, year of award, category, result)
primary key : {id, title, production year, award name, year of award, category}
foreign keys : [id, title, production year] ⊆ Writer[id, title, production year]

[award name] ⊆ Award[award name]

Actor Award(title, production year, description, award name, year of award,category,result)
primary key : {title, production year, description, award name, year of award, category}
foreign keys : [award name] ⊆ Award[award name]

[title,production year,description]⊆Role[title,production year,description]

There are five different categories of awards: movie awards, crew awards, director awards, writer awards and
actor awards. A movie can only win an award after being nominated for the award.

Your task is to answer the following questions using SQL queries. For each question, your answer must be a single
SQL query that may contain subqueries, and you must write your answers into the template file myqueries.sql.

1.1 Find all the movies produced in Australia. List the titles and production years of these Australian movies.

SELECT title, production_year

FROM movie

WHERE lower(country) = ‘australia’;

1.2 How many persons are there in this database? List that number.

SELECT count(id)

FROM person;

1.3 Which writers have won a writer award in 1994? List the ids, the first and last names of the writers along
with the award names.

SELECT w.id, first_name, last_name, award_name

FROM writer_award AS w INNER JOIN person AS p

ON w.id = p.id

WHERE year_of_award = 1994 AND lower(result) = ‘won’;

1.4 Which directors have directed crime movies (i.e., the major genre of the movie is crime)? List the directors’
ids and the titles and production years of these crime movies.

SELECT d.id, m.title, m.production_year

FROM director d NATURAL JOIN movie m

WHERE m.major_genre = ‘crime’;


1.5 How many different crew members have worked on at least one movie produced in 1993? List that number.


FROM crew

WHERE production_year = 1993;

1.6 List all titles of movies produced in 1995 along with the corresponding number of scenes in each movie.
Order your result in the ascending order of the number of scenes in each movie.

SELECT title, count(*)

FROM scene

WHERE production_year = 1995

GROUP BY title, production_year

ORDER BY count(*) ASC;

1.7 Which year was the youngest director (i.e., the youngest person in the database who has ever directed a
movie) born in? List that year.

SELECT MAX(year_born)

FROM person NATURAL JOIN director;

1.8 How many directors are there in this database who have never written a movie? List that number.



FROM director



FROM writer) AS dnw;

1.9 What is the maximum number of scenes in any movie? List that number.

WITH MovieSceneNum AS (SELECT COUNT(*) AS SceneNum

FROM scene

GROUP BY title, production_year)


FROM MovieSceneNum;

1.10 Who has/have won a most recent writer award? List their id(s).


FROM writer_award wd

WHERE wd.year_of_award = (SELECT MAX(year_of_award)

FROM writer_award

WHERE lower(result)=’won’);

1.11 Find all the movies which have won exactly two movie awards. List the titles and production years of
these movies.

SELECT title, production_year

FROM movie_award

WHERE lower(result) = ‘won’
GROUP BY title, production_year

HAVING count(*) = 2;


1.12 Who have won both writer and director awards for the same movie? Provide their ids, and the titles and
production years of the corresponding movies.

SELECT w1.id, w1.title, w1.production_year

FROM writer_award w1

WHERE lower(w1.result) = ‘won’

SELECT d1.id, d1.title, d1.production_year

FROM director_award da NATURAL JOIN director AS d1

WHERE lower(da.result) = ‘won’;

1.13 Who have been nominated for an actor award at least twice but never won? List their ids, the first and
last names, and order them in the ascending order of their last names.

SELECT id, first_name, last_name

FROM person


FROM actor_award natural join role

WHERE lower(result) <> ‘won’

HAVING count(*) > 1



FROM actor_award NATURAL JOIN role

WHERE lower(result) = ‘won’)
ORDER BY last_name ASC;

1.14 Which crew members have worked on a movie that has won the greatest number of movie awards? Give
the ids of the crew members.

WITH movie_wins AS (SELECT title, production_year, COUNT(*) AS wins

FROM movie_award

WHERE lower(result) = ‘won’
GROUP BY title, production_year)


FROM crew c NATURAL JOIN movie_wins

WHERE wins = (SELECT MAX(wins)

FROM movie_wins);

1.15 Who is/are the most productive director(s) (i.e., who has/have directed the greatest number of movies)?
List their id(s).

WITH DirectorNum AS (SELECT id, COUNT(*) AS num

FROM director



FROM DirectorNum dn

WHERE dn.num = (SELECT MAX(num)

FROM DirectorNum);