%% Input dictionary:
word([a,d,d]). word([a,d,o]). word([a,g,e]). word([a,g,o]). word([a,i,d]).
word([a,i,l]). word([a,i,m]). word([a,i,r]). word([a,n,d]). word([a,n,y]).
word([a,p,e]). word([a,p,t]). word([a,r,c]). word([a,r,e]). word([a,r,k]).
word([a,r,m]). word([a,r,t]). word([a,s,h]). word([a,s,k]). word([a,u,k]).
word([a,w,e]). word([a,w,l]). word([a,y,e]). word([b,a,d]). word([b,a,g]).
word([b,a,n]). word([b,a,t]). word([b,e,e]). word([b,o,a]). word([e,a,r]).
word([e,e,l]). word([e,f,t]). word([f,a,r]). word([f,a,t]). word([f,i,t]).
word([l,e,e]). word([o,a,f]). word([r,a,t]). word([t,a,r]). word([t,i,e]).
%% Handy predicate to display the result list:
writelist([H|T]) :- write(H), nl, writelist(T).
%% The predefined predicate nth1(N,L,R) binds R to the N-th element of L
%% (fails when the list is too short). Elements in L are considered
%% numbered starting from 1. For example:
% ?- nth1(3,[a,b,c,d],R).
% R = c.
% ?- nth1(5,[a,b,c,d],R).
% false.