CSC 403, Assignment 3
Due on 12 November at 11:59 pm
In this assignment you will create small crossword puzzles starting from a given set of words.
Here is the problem statement:
A word is defined as a list of letters. The set of words (or dictionary) is given by a
collection of PROLOG facts defining the predicate word/1. One such a dictionary is
given in the file Six words from the dictionary must be arranged in a 3 × 3
crossword puzzle (three across and three down) while the following constraint must
be observed: for any two words, the letter where they intersect must be the same.
You must approach the problem from two perspectives:
1. Assign one PROLOG variable for each square in the grid, such as Xij for grid square (i, j).
Then, row j will be [X1j, X2j, X3j] while column j will be [Xj1, Xj2, Xj3]. Then match
the dictionary with this kind of lists, thus solving the problem.
2. Formulate and then use PROLOG to solve the problem at hand as a state space search prob-
lem. In addition to the program itself provide (in a comment) the query that will need to be
issued to obtain the solution.
How many crossword puzzles are produced? Depending on the dictionary that is provided as
input, the number n of answers may be different. What is the property that holds for n no matter
what is the input? Experiment, find out, and explain.
You may notice that SWI Prolog prints only a truncated version of the result whenever the whole
result it is too long. To see the whole result use the predicate writelist/1 provided in the file In other words, instead of
?- search(…, R).
use the following query:
?- search(…, R), writelist(R).
The following hints apply to Question 2:
There are six locations in the puzzle (across-1, across-2, across-3, down-1, down-2, and down-
3), all of them having the whole set of words as domains. A location can be assigned a word or
not. You can therefore represent a state as a list of assigned location (and their assigned words)
plus a list of locations not yet assigned1. The latter can be represented explicitly or implicitly.
In order to obtain the letter J of some word W, you can use the predefined predicate nth1 (the
last character is the number 1, not the letter l!). Given some number N and some list L, the query
nth1(N,L,R) binds R to the N-th element of L, considered numbered from 1; the query fails if the
length of L is smaller than N. Examples are given in the file
Submission guidelines
Provide your scripts and the plain English answers to questions as appropriate. Also provide
sessions listings that test your functions (any untested part of your submission will be disregarded).
Please do not submit anything else than plain text. Ideally, everything should be submitted
in one text file containing your PROLOG code and including the rest of the required deliverables
as comments. Note that in PROLOG the character % is used as comment prefix, but C-style block
comments (/*…*/) are also recognized. Provide your submission by email.
Recall that assignments can be solved in groups2 (of maximum three students), and a single
solution per group should be submitted. Also recall that a penalty of 10% per day will be applied
to late submissions.
1Note in passing that having to assign values to variables subject to certain constraints is a very common pattern
in AI (and not only AI) applications. This pattern defines a “constraint satisfaction problem”. There are more efficient
ways of solving constraint satisfaction problems than state space search, but you are not expected to know about them
so for the purpose of this assignment you are stuck with state space search.
2It is often easier to learn new concepts by working together in a group—you may learn more if you work with
smart people. This being said, the purpose of group assignments is that all people in a group should be involved in
creating the solution. You can of course choose to sign an assignment you haven’t done, but then you risk not learning
the material, and this will come back to haunt you during the mid-term examination.