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Virtual memory

Previously, we talked about virtualization
static data

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Virtual memory
static data
Virtual memory
static data
Virtual memory
static data
Virtual memory
Previously, we’ve talked about sharing the processor.
The Machine 2
How about sharing DRAM?

Reviews: abstractions we’ve learned so far …
Process — the abstraction of a machine
Thread — the abstraction of a processor
Virtual memory — the abstraction of the memory

Why: If we expose memory directly to the processor (I)
What if my program needs more memory?
0f00bb27 509cbd23 00005d24 0000bd24 2ca422a0 130020e4 00003d24 2ca4e2b3
00c2e800 00000008 00c2f000 00000008 00c2f800 00000008 00c30000 00000008 00c2e800 00000008 00c2f000 00000008
InstructionsInstructions Data

Why: If we expose memory directly to the processor (II)
What if my program runs on a machine with a different memory size?
0f00bb27 00c2e800
00000008 00005d24 00c2f000 0000bd24 00000008
2ca422a0 130020e4 00000008
00003d24 00c30000 2ca4e2b3 00000008
Memory Memory
Instructions Data

Why: If we expose memory directly to the processor (III)
What if both programs need to use memory?
Instructions Data
Instructions Data

The virtual memory abstraction Segmentation
Demand paging
Making demand paging efficient Swapping

The Virtual Memory Abstraction

Virtual memory
tual Memory Space
rtual Memory Space
Instructions Data
Instructions Data

The operating system and hardware work together to handle the mapping between virtual memory addresses and real/ physical memory addresses
Virtual memory
An abstraction of memory space available for programs/ Programs execute using virtual memory address

#define _GNU_SOURCE
Demo revisited
Process A’s Mapping Table
&a = 0x601090
Process B’s Mapping Table
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
int i, number_of_total_processes=4;
number_of_total_processes = atoi(argv[1]);
for(i = 0; i< number_of_total_processes-1 && fork(); i++); srand((int)time(NULL)+(int)getpid()); fprintf(stderr, "\nProcess %d is using CPU: %d. Value of a is %lf and address of a is %p\n”,getpid(), cpu, a, &a); sleep(10); fprintf(stderr, "\nProcess %d is using CPU: %d. Value of a is %lf and address of a is %p\n”,getpid(), cpu, a, &a); How to map from virtual to physical? Let’s start from segmentation The compiler generates code using virtual memory addresses Segmentation The OS works together with hardware to partition physical memory space into segments for each running application The hardware dynamically translates virtual addresses into physical memory addresses Segmentation current segment (CS): data load 0x8 0 0x20000000 0x40000000 Segment Table 0x40000000 0x40000000 + 0x8 0f00bb27 509cbd23 00005d24 0000bd24 2ca422a0 130020e4 00003d24 2ca4e2b3 0f00bb27 509cbd23 00005d24 0000bd24 2ca422a0 130020e4 00003d24 2ca4e2b3 00c2e800 00000008 00c2f000 00000008 00c2f800 00000008 00c30000 00000008 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 = 0x40000008 Segment Table 0x20000000 Data Instructions Instructions Data Instructions 0f00bb27 509cbd23 00005d24 0000bd24 2ca422a0 130020e4 00003d24 2ca4e2b3 current segment (CS): code load 0x20000008 0 0x20000000 0x40000000 00c2e800 00000008 00c2f000 00000008 00c2f800 00000008 00c30000 00000008 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 Segment Table 0x40000000 This belongs to another process! 0x40000008 = + 0x20000008 0f00bb27 509cbd23 00005d24 0000bd24 2ca422a0 130020e4 00003d24 2ca4e2b3 0x20000000 egment Table 0x20000000 Data Instructions Instructions Data Instructions current segment (CS): code load 0x20000008 is offset < bound? 0f00bb27 509cbd23 a segmentation fault (often shortened to 130020e4 00005d24 0000bd24 segfault0)0,0ra03isde2d4 by hardware with memo2ryca422a0 130020e4 2ca4e2b3 0x20000000 00003d24 2ca4e2b3 protection, when the software has 00c2e800 0f0 attempted to access a restricted area of memory00(ac2mf0e0m0ory access violation). Segment Table 00c2e800 00000008 00c2f000 00000008 Segment Table 0bb27 509cbd23 05d24 0000bd24 422a0 130020e4 00003d24 2ca4e2b3 0x20000000 0x40000000 00c2f800 00000008 00c30000 00000008 0x30000000 Bound 00000008 0x40000000 0x40000000 Yes— proceed No— segmentati on fault!!! Data Instructions Instructions Data Instructions Now, make sure you login to Poll Everywhere (through the App or the website) with UCRNetID Now, you have about 90 seconds to answer the question! Regarding segments, how many of the followings are correct? ! Eachsegmentmustoccupycontiguousphysicalmemorylocations " Thesystemmustallocateandreservethephysicalmemorylocationsfora segment whenever the program using that segment is scheduled # Anapplicationcanpre-allocatealargesegmentbutturnoutnotusingeverybyte in the segment $ Thesystemmaynotbeabletoallocatespaceforasegmenteventhoughthe total capacity of available physical locations is sufficient Efficiency of Segmentation https://www.pollev.com/hungweitseng close in Now, it’s time to discuss with your surroundings (with masks on) — and make sure you vote again after the discussion! Internal fragment 0 0x20000000 0x40000000 0x20000000 0x20000000 Segment Table 0 0x20000000 0f00bb27 509cbd23 00005d24 0000bd24 2ca422a0 130020e4 00003d24 2ca4e2b3 0f00bb27 509cbd23 00005d24 0000bd24 2ca422a0 130020e4 00003d24 2ca4e2b3 00c2e800 00000008 00c2f000 00000008 00c2f800 00000008 00c30000 00000008 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 0x40000000 0x30000000 Segment Table We waste some space in the allocated segment 0x40000000 Data Instructions Instructions Data Instructions External fragment Segment Table 0 0x20000000 0x40000000 0x40000000 Even though we have space, we still cannot map data section! 0x20000000 0x20000000 0x40000000 0f00bb27 509cbd23 00005d24 0000bd24 2ca422a0 130020e4 00003d24 2ca4e2b3 0f00bb27 509cbd23 00005d24 0000bd24 2ca422a0 130020e4 00003d24 2ca4e2b3 00c2e800 00000008 00c2f000 00000008 00c2f800 00000008 00c30000 00000008 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 Segment Table 0x20000000 0x40000000 0x30000000 Data Instructions Instructions Data Instructions each of this is a fix-sized page Instructions Data Instructions Data Paging: partition virtual/physical memory spaces into fix-sized Page fault instruction VirtualA f m u a pe each of this is a fix-sized page Page fault! Instructions Data Instructions Data Page fault Paging: partition virtual/physical memory spaces into fix-sized Page fault: when the requested page cannot be found in the physical memory — created the demand of allocating pages! Demand paging instruction 0x80000000 instruction each of this is a fix-sized page 0x80008000 Page fault! Virtual A s Space for Ch m Page fault! u a pple Music Page fault! Page fault! Instructions Data Instructions Data Demand paging Paging: partition virtual/physical memory spaces into fix-sized Page fault: when the requested page cannot be found in the Demand paging: Allocate a physical memory page for a virtual memory page when the virtual page is needed (page fault occurs) There is also shadow paging used by embedded systems, mobile phones — they load the whole program/data into the physical memory when you launch it physical memory — created the demand of allocating pages! Segmentation v.s. demand paging How many of the following statements is/are correct regarding segmentation and demand paging? ! Segmentscancausemoreexternalfragmentationsthandemandpaging " Pagingcanstillcauseinternalfragmentations # Theoverheadofaddresstranslationinsegmentationishigher $ Consecutivevirtualmemoryaddressmaynotbeconsecutiveinphysical address if we use demand paging A. 0 B. 1 C. 2 D. 3 E. 4 https://www.pollev.com/hungweitseng close in Segmentation v.s. demand paging How many of the following statements is/are correct regarding ! Segmentscancausemoreexternalfragmentationsthandemandpaging segmentation and demand paging? " Pagingcanstillcauseinternalfragmentations # Theoverheadofaddresstranslationinsegmentationishigher — the main reason why we love paging! — within a page — you need to provide finer-grained mapping in paging — you may need to handle page faults! $ Consecutivevirtualmemoryaddressmaynotbeconsecutiveinphysical address if we use demand paging A. 0 B. 1 C. 2 We haven’t seen pure/true implementation of segmentations for a while, but we still use segmentation fault errors all the time! Address translation in demand paging Demand paging instruction instruction each of this is a fix-sized page 0x80000000 0x80008000 Page fault! Page fault! Page fault! Virtual A s Space for Ch m Page fault! u a pple Music Instructions Data Instructions Data Address translation Processor receives virtual addresses from the running Virtual address space is organized into “pages” Virtual address code, main memory uses physical memory addresses The system references the page table to translate addresses Each process has its own page table The page table content is maintained by OS Page table Physical address In addition to valid bit and physical page #, the page table may also store Reference bit Modified bit Permissions virtual page number 0x 0 0 0 0 B 0x D E A D B physical page number page offset page offset valid access permission Assume that we have 32-bit virtual address space, each page is 4KB, each page table entry is 4 bytes, how big is the page table for a process? A. 1MB B. 2MB C. 4MB D. 8MB E. 16MB Size of page table https://www.pollev.com/hungweitseng close in Size of page table Assume that we have 32-bit virtual address space, each page is 4KB, each page table entry is 4 bytes, how big is the page table for a process? A. 1MB D. 8MB E. 16MB The size of each entry in the page table Number of entries in the page table ! = 4 ! 1 M = 4 MB What if we have 16 processes? 4MB*16=64MB — we need a separate page table for each process Assume that we have 64-bit virtual address space, each page is 4KB, each page table entry is 8 bytes (64-bit addresses), what magnitude in size is the page table for 32 processes? A. MB — 220 Bytes B. GB—230Bytes C. TB — 240 Bytes D. PB—250Bytes E. EB—260Bytes Size of page table https://www.pollev.com/hungweitseng close in Assume that we have 64-bit virtual address space, each page is 4KB, each page table entry is 8 bytes (64-bit addresses), what magnitude in size is the page table for 32 processes? A. MB — 220 Bytes B. GB—230Bytes 8bytes!264 B =23B!264 B =255 B=32PB Size of page table C. TB — 240 Bytes 4 KB 212 B D. PB—250Bytes 32 PB ! 32 = 260B = 1 EB E. EB—260Bytes — memory access overhead Address translation (cont.) Page tables are too large to be kept on the chip (millions of Instead, the page tables are kept in memory entries) — space overhead: surpasses cache capacity — space overhead: can be bigger than physical main memory when address space is large Smaller page tables Conventional page table Virtual Address Space — must be consecutive in the physical memory 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF — like a big segment! — difficult to find a spot — simply too big to fit in memory if address space is large! 264 B page table entries/leaf nodes 212 B “Paged” page table 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF Heap Virtual Address Space Stack Break up entries into pages! Each of these occupies exactly a page 212 B Thesenodesarespreadout, — 23 B = 29 PTEs per node how to locate them in the memory? Otherwise, you always need to find more than one consecutive pages — difficult! These are nodes are not presented if they are not referenced at all — save space Allocate page table entry nodes “on demand” https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/B-tree#/media/File:B-tree.svg Break the virtual page number into several pieces If one piece has N bits, build an 2N-ary tree Only store the part of the tree that contain valid pages Walk down the tree to translate the virtual address Hierarchical page table level 1 index level 2 index physical p57age # Two-level, 4KB, 10 bits index in each level If we are accessing 0x1006000 now... 10 bits 10 bits offset = 12 bits 0000000100 0000000110 000000000000 Page table walking example 0x7fffffffe000 emory page in 0x7fffffffe000 1001010 000000000000 physical page # Hierarchical Page Table 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF Heap Virtual Address Space Stack "log29 264 B # = "log29252# = 6 levels 212 B 264 B 212 B These are nodes are not presented astheyarenotreferencedatall. page table entries/leaf nodes (worst case) How many levels do we need? Assume that our sy 程序代写 CS代考 加微信: powcoder QQ: 1823890830 Email: powcoder@163.com