University of Toronto Mississauga
Department of Mathematical and Computational Sciences
CSC 311 – Introduction to Machine Learning, Fall 2021
Assignment 2
Due date: Monday November 8, 11:59pm.
No late assignments will be accepted.
As in all work in this course, 20% of your grade is for quality of presentation, including
the use of good English, properly commented and easy-to-understand programs, and clear
proofs. In general, short, simple answers are worth more than long, complicated ones. Unless
stated otherwise, all answers should be justified. The TA has a limited amount of time to
devote to each assignment, so what you hand in should be legible, well-organized and easy
to evaluate. (An employer would demand no less.) All computer problems are to be done in
Python with the NumPy, SciPy and scikit-learn libraries.
I don’t know policy: If you do not know the answer to a question (or part), and you
write “I don’t know”, you will receive 20% of the marks of that question (or part). If you
just leave a question blank with no such statement, you get 0 marks for that question.
Read the file important guidelines.pdf
in the Files area on Quercus under Assignments.
No more questions will be added.
1. Multi-class Linear Classification. (? points total) This question is a warm-up and
preparation for Question 2, in which you will implement a learning program for linear
classification. First, you will use programs in scikit-learn to train a linear classifier
on 2-dimensional (2D) cluster data. The results produced by this classifier should
be similar to that of your own implementation in Question 2, so you can check the
correctness of your implementation. Second, you will derive some vectorized equations
and write some helper functions that you will use in Question 2.
The data you will use to train your classifier (both here and in Question 2) consists
of three classes (or clusters), which we denote 0, 1 and 2. The data is in the file
cluster in the Files area on Quercus under Assignment 2. Down-
load and uncompress this file. You can then read the file with the following Python
import pickle
with open(’cluster_data.pickle’,’rb’) as file:
dataTrain,dataTest = pickle.load(file)
Xtrain,Ttrain = dataTrain
Xtest,Ttest = dataTest
The variables Xtrain and Ttrain will now contain training data. Specifically, Xtrain
is a 2000 × 2 numpy array, where each row represents a 2D input point; and Ttrain
is a vector of length 2000, where each element represents a target value, i.e., a class.
Likewise, Xtest and Ttest contain test data. The training data is illustrated in the
scatter plot in Figure 1. Each dot in the figure corresponds to an input point in Xtrain.
The figure shows three clusters, coloured red, blue and green, which correspond to the
target values 0, 1 and 2, respectively. e.g., all input points with a target value of 2 are
coloured green in Figure 1. Your main task is to write a learning program that trains
a linear classifier to predict which cluster a test point is in.
To check your classifier, you will compare it to another classifier that is presumably cor-
rect. You will train this second classifier using the Python class LogisticRegression
in sklearn.linear model, which generates a Python object that does linear classifi-
cation. Use the following code to do this:
import sklearn.linear_model as lin
clf = lin.LogisticRegression(multi_class=’multinomial’,solver=’lbfgs’),Ttrain)
Here, the keyword arguments multi class=’multinomial’ and solver=’lbfgs’ spec-
ify multi-class classification with cross-entropy loss. The fit method then trains a
classifier on the training data. This classifier should give similar (if not identical)
results to the one you implement. You should read about the LogisticRegression
class, its attributres and methods in the sklearn user guide. (Simply google, skearn
In addition, download the file from the course web site and
import it into your program with the statement import bonnerlib2D as bl2d. It
Figure 1:
contains functions for displaying cluster data and 2-dimensional decision boundaries.
Note that you can add items (like a title) to a figure after calling these functions. You
should not modify these functions in any way.
Unless specified otherwise, in answering the questions below, do not use any Python
loops. Instead, all code should be vectorized.
(a) Training with sklearn. (? points) Retrieve the training and test data from Quer-
cus. Train a linear classifier using sklearn as described above. Using the score
method of the LogisticRegression class, compute and print out the accuracy of
the classifier on the training data and on the test data. (Accuracy is the propor-
tion of predictions that are correct.) This can easily be implemented as a Python
script with at most 8 lines of highly readible code (not counting comments) with
no loops. (Save the two scores for use in Question 2.)
(b) Displaying the results. (? points) Generate a plot of the training data with the
decision boundaries of the classifier superimposed on top. You can do this using
functions in bonnerlib2D. First, use plot data to plot the training data. Then
use boundaries to draw the decision boundaries. (Be sure to call plot data
before you call bounaries, to set the limits on the axes.) If you have done
everything properly, the decision boundaries should appear as three black line
segments meeting at a common point between the three clusters. Title the figure,
Question 1(b): decision boundaries for linear classification. This can easily be
implemented as a Python script with at most 4 lines of highly readible code (not
counting comments) that extends the script from part (a) and has no loops.
(c) Gradient equations (? points) Slide 8 of Lecture 4 gives the following equations
for linear classification with cross-entropy loss:
z = Wx+ b
y = softmax(z)
LCE = −tT log(y)
Here, (x, t) is a single data point, where x is the input and t is the target value.
Note z, y, x, t and b are column vectors, and W is a weight matrix. Recall that
t is a binary vector representing a one-hot encoding of class membership.
These equations are vectorized versions of the following:
zn =
Wnmxm + bn (1)
yn = exp zn/
exp zm (2)
LCE = −
tn log yn (3)
To these, we add the following equation for total cost:
J =
L(i)CE (4)
Here, the sum is over all training points, N is the number of training points, and
L(i)CE is the cross entropy loss on the i
th training point, (x(i), t(i)).
The goal of learning is to find values of W and b that fit the data well, that is,
which minimize J . You will do this later using gradient descent, so you will need
equations for the gradient of J wrt W and b. You will derive a vectorized version
of these equations in several steps in the questions below. Before attempting
these questions be sure to study the final section — on proving theorems — in the
important guidelines on Quercus. Be sure to justify every step of your proofs. Use
only the numbered equations above. You may also use the following fact about
= yn(δnm − ym) (5)
where δnm is the Kronecker delta (see the guidelines). All proofs should be typed
and easy to understand.
i. Prove that
= yj − tj (6)
Hint: recall that t is a one-hot encoding.
ii. Use the results above to prove that
= (yj − tj)xk (7)
Be sure to justify why you use the univariate or multi-variate chain rule.
(Most points are for this justification.)
iii. Use the results above to prove the following vectorized equation:
(Y − T )TX (8)
Here, X, Y and T are data matrices that contain one row for each training
point. Specifically, their ith rows are the vectors x(i), y(i) and t(i) (transposed),
respectively. Formally, this means that Xij = x
j , that is, the ij
th component
of matrix X is the jth element of the ith input vector. Likewise for the matrices
Y and T . Note that both sides of Equation (8) are matrices with the same
dimensions as W .
In what follows, it will sometimes be convenient to assume that the bias vector, b,
has been absorbed into the weight matrix, W , and that the data matrix, X, has
been augmented with a column of 1s, in the usual way. In this case, the bias vector
can be ignored and the gradient vector ∂J /∂b does not need to be computed. At
other times, it will be convenient to assume that the weight matrix and bias vector
are separate. Each question below will make it clear which assumption you should
(d) Using the notation of part (c), let Z be the matrix whose ith row is the vector
z(i) (transposed), that is, the z vector that results from input x(i). Write down
a vectorized equation for Z, one that you can translate directly into vectorized
code to efficiently compute Z in your program in Question 2. For convenience,
assume that the bias term has been absorbed into the weight matrix and can be
ignored, as discussed above.
(e) Define a Python function predict(X,W,b) that makes class predictions. Here,
W is a weight matrix, b is a bias vector, and X is a data matrix, as in part (c).
The function should return a class prediction for each row vector in X. That is, it
should return an integer between 0 and J − 1, inclusive, where J is the number
of classes. Thus, if X has N rows, then the function should return a vector of N
integers. You may find the Numpy function argmax useful.
Test your predict function by comparing it to the predict method of the
LogisticRegession class in sklearn. In particular, let clf be the classifier you
trained in part (a). Then, the expression clf.predict(Xtest) will return the
class predictions of the classifier on the test data. In addition, the following two
statements will retrieve the fitted weight matrix and bias vector of the classifier:
W = clf.coef_
b = clf.intercept_
(Here, coef and intercept are called attributes of the LogisticRegression
class, because they simply retrieve stored values. In contrast, predict is called a
method, because it performs computation.)
Let Y1 be the vector of class predictions returned by clf on the test data, and let
Y2 be the vector of class predictions returned by your predict program on the
test data using the same weight matrix and bias vector as clf. Y1 and Y2 should
be identical. Thus, Y1 − Y2 should be a vector of all zeros. To prove that your
function is correct, compute and print out the squared magnitude1 of Y1 − Y2. It
should be 0.
The predict function and the code for testing it should be vectorized, should not
have any loops, and should work for any number of classes. You should use this
function in Question 2. The function can easily be defined and tested in at most
11 lines of highly-readible Python code, not counting comments.
(f) One-hot encodings. Write a Python function one hot(Tint) that converts integer
target values to one-hot encodings. Here, Tint is a vector of non-negative integers
representing classes (target values). The function should return a binary matrix,
Thot, where each row of Thot is a one-hot encoding of the corresponding entry
in Tint. Thus, Thot has shape [N, J ], where N is the number of entries in Tint
and J is the number of classes. You should use the maximum value in Tint to
determine the number of classes. Your function should be vectorized, should not
contain any loops, and should work for any number of classes. You should use
this function in Question 2.
1If v is a vector, then its squared magnitude in
i v
i .
Test your function by computing the value of one hot([0,1,2,3,0,1,2,3]).
The result should be a binary matrix of shape [8, 4] that looks like two identity
matrices stacked one above the other. Do not hand this in. Instead, print and
hand in the value of one hot([4,3,2,3,2,1,2,1,0]).
The one hot function and the code for testing it should be vectorized and should
not contain any loops. The function can easily be defined and tested in at most
11 lines of highly-readible Python code, not counting comments.
Hint: First, construct a vector C of shape [1, J ] where C[0, j] = j. Also, change
the shape of Tint to [N, 1]. Then the Python expression Tint==C generates a
boolean matrix of shape [N, J ]. If we call this matrix Thot, then Thot[n, j] = True
iff Tint[n, 0] = C[0, j], that is, iff Tint[n, 0]) = j. This is a one-hot encoding.
Use numpy casting to convert the boolean values to numbers. (i.e., to convert
True and False to 1 and 0.) This is an example of broadcasting.
2. Implementation. (? points) In this question, you will implement multi-class classifica-
tion in two ways, one based on (batch) gradient descent, and one based on stochastic
gradient descent. Use the results from Question 1(c) to vectorize the weight updates.
Your programs should work for input data of any dimension, but you will test them on
the 2D cluster data of Question 1. You should assume that the training and test data
are stored in global variables called Xtrain, Ttrain, Xtest and Ttest, respectively.
Your code should be vectorized and should use no more than the number of loops
specified below. You can (and should) use helper functions, but they may not contain
any loops. Unless specified otherwise, you should not use any functions from sklearn.
The point is to implement linear classification yourself using simple linear-algebra op-
(a) Gradient descent. Implement (batch) gradient descent for multi-class linear classi-
fication with a cross-entropy loss function. In particular, define a Python function
GDlinear(I,lrate) that performs I iterations of gradient descent where lrate
is the learning rate. The function should use only one loop, but no nested loops,
and all other code should be vectorized. In addition to gradient descent, the
GDlinear function should do the following:
i. (0 points) The first statement should be numpy.random.seed(7). This en-
sures that everyone will use the same randomly-initialized weight vector and
get the same final answers (if their programs work correctly).
ii. Print the learning rate. That is, the second line of your function should be
print(’learning rate =’,lrate).
iii. (? points) Extend the training and testing data matrices with a column of
1s, so that the bias term can be treated as just another weight, in the usual
way. The 1s should be in column 0 of each extended data matrix.
iv. (? points) Convert the target values from integers to one-hot vectors.
v. (? point) Initialize the weight matrix (including the bias term) by using randn
in numpy.random to generate a random matrix, and then dividing this matrix
by 10,000. This ensures that the initial weights are both random and near
zero (which makes the performance of gradient descent more predictable, as
there is now a smaller range of inital values.)
vi. (? points) Recall that gradient descent is an iterative algorithm that performs
weight updates at each iteration. At each iteration your function should also
compute the average cross entropies of the classifier on the training and test
data, and the accuracy of the classifier on the training and test data.2 You
should store these cross entropies and accuracies in four separate lists, to
record the progress of gradient descent. You should not compute these values
until after the first weight update has been performed. We shall refer to the
two average cross entropies as the training cross entropy and the test cross
entropy, respectfully.
vii. (? points) In a single figure, plot the list of training cross entropies (in blue),
and the list of test cross entropies (in red). Use the function semilogx in
matplotlib.pyplot to plot the lists, which puts a log scale on the horizontal
axis. Title the figure, Question 2(a): Training and test loss v.s. iterations.
Label the vertical axis Cross entropy and the horizontal axis Iteration number.
If everything is working correctly, the cross entropy should decrease smoothly
from left to right, bottoming-out and becoming flat on the right side. (There
may also be a short, flat segment at the very left.)
viii. (? points) In a single figure, plot the list of training accuracies (in blue), and
the list of testing accuracies (in red). Put a log scale on the horizontal axis.
Title the figure, Question 2(a): Training and test accuracy v.s. iterations.
Label the vertical axis Accuracy and the horizontal axis Iteration number.
Both accuracies should increase somewhat jaggedly from left to right, then
decreases more steeply, and finally flatten out.
ix. (? points) Take a closer look at the test cross entropies by plotting all but
the first 50 of them in a single plot by themselves as a red curve (without
any training cross entropies). Use a log scale on the horizontal axis. Title
the figure, Question 2(a): test loss from iteration 50 on. Label the axes as
before. If everything is working correctly, you should observe that the test
cross entropy initially decreases, then bottoms out and increases, and finally
flattens out.
x. (? points) Take a closer look at the training cross entropies by plotting all but
the first 50 of them in a single plot by themselves as a blue curve (without any
test cross entropies). Use a log scale on the horizontal axis. Title the figure,
Question 2(a): training loss from iteration 50 on. Label the axes as before.
If everything is working correctly, you should observe that the training cross
entropy decreases smoothly and flattens out, but never increases.
xi. (? points) Print the training accuracy after the final iteration of gradient de-
scent. Print the training accuracy from Question 1(a). Print their difference.
For full marks, the difference should be 0.
2Recall that accuracy is the average number of correct predictions.
xii. (? points) Print the test accuracy after the final iteration of gradient descent.
Print the test accuracy from Question 1(a). Print their difference. For full
marks, the difference should be 0.
xiii. (? points) As in Question 1(b), generate a plot of the training data with the
decision boundaries superimposed on top. You can do this with the functions
plot data and boundaries2 in the latest version of bonnerlib2D on Quercus.
You will also need your predict function from Question 1(e). In particular,
you will need to pass it as an argument to the function boundaries2. Title
the figure, Question 2(a): decision boundaries for linear classification. This
plot should look exactly the same as the one you generated in Question 1(b).
(Note that you will have to figure out what to do about the bias vector
that the predict function expects. There is more than one solution to this
Use the function GDlinear to perform 10,000 iterations of gradient descent on
the 2D cluster data in Question 1. Do this for five learning rates: 10, 1, 0.1,
0.001 and 0.00001. Do not hand in all the output from all of these runs. Instead,
choose the run with the largest learning rate that produces smooth curves of cross
entropy, and which produces the same results as Question 1(a) and (b), i.e., the
same training and test accuracies, and the same decision boundaries. Hand in all
the output from this run. (Be sure to include the print out of the learning rate.)
In addition, for each learning rate, hand in the curve of training and test cross
entropy (the curves generated in item vii, above). Hand them in in order of
decreasing learning rate (so the curve generated with a learning rate of 10 is
first). You should find that some of these curves behave as expected, that is, as
described in the items above. However, others do not. For instance, some are not
smooth and are extrememly jagged, while others are smooth but do not flatten
(b) Explain the various curves you generated in the last paragraph above. In partic-
ular, why are some curves extremely jagged, and why do some smooth curves not
flatten out?
(c) Explain the difference in the graphs in items xi and x of part (a). In particular,
why does test error increase during learning, while training error does not?
(d) Stochastic gradient descent. Modify your program in part (a) to perform stochas-
tic gradient descent with mini-batches. That is, instead of computing the gradient
of the cost function on the entire training set at once, compute the gradient on a
small, random subset of the training data (called a mini-batch), perform weight
updates, and then move on to the next mini-batch, and so on.
To produce random mini-batches, shuffle the training data randomly, then sweep
across the shuffled data from start to finish. For example, if we want mini-batches
of size 100, then the first mini-batch is the first 100 points in the training set.
The second mini-batch is the second 100 points. The third mini-batch is the third
100 points, etc. (If the number of training points is not a multiple of 100 then
the last mini-batch in a sweep will have fewer than 100 points in it.) Each such
sweep of the training data is called an epoch. Program comments should clearly
indicate where an epoch begins and where mini-batches are created.
In addition, except for an initial “burn in” period, you should decrease the learning
rate before each epoch. In particular, for the first κ epochs, the learning rate
should be held constant. We call this the initial learning rate, λ0. After that,
the learning rate in epoch i should be λ = λ0/(1 + k) where k = α(i− κ). Here,
α > 0 is the decay rate, which determines how fast the learning rate decreases.
If the decay rate is 0, then stochastic gradient descent will not converge to a
minimum, but will hop around near the minimum.
Detailed specifications: You should implement the ideas above as a Python
function called SGDlinear(I,batch size,lrate0,alpha,kappa) that performs
I epochs of stochastic gradient descent, where batch size is the number of train-
ing points in each mini batch, lrate0 is the initial learning rate, λ0, alpha is
the decay rate, α, and kappa is the burn-in period, κ. The function should have
exactly two loops, one nested inside the other. All other code should be vectorized.
The function should first print out the batch size, initial learning rate, decay rate
and burn-in period. It should also carry out the same the pre-processing as in
GDlinear, such as setting the random seed to 7, extending the data matrices with
a column of 1s, initializing the weight matrix randomly, and converting the target
values to one-hot vectors.
The function should then execute I epochs of stochastic gradient descent. At the
beginning of each epoch, you should use the function shuffle in sklearn.utils
to randomly shuffle the training data. Note that both the input vectors and target
values must be shuffled the same way. You should then sweep through the shuffled
training data, updating the weight matrix one mini-batch at time, as described
above. After each epoch, the program should record the average cross entropy
and accuracy on the training data and on the test data, as in GDlinear.
After the I epochs have completed, the function should generate all the same
output as GDlinear, that is, the output described in items vii to xiii of part (a),
with figure titles modified appropriately. The main difference you should observe
is that many of the graphs are now much more jagged.
What output to hand in: Use the function SGDlinear to perform 500 epochs
of stochastic gradient descent on the 2D cluster data in Question 1 using a batch
size of 30. Experiment with different learning rates, decay rates and burn-in times.
Choose a run that produces the same results as Question 1(a) and (b), i.e., the
same training and test accuracies and the same decision boundaries. In particular,
your program should print out a difference of 0 for the training accuracies and for
the test accuracies. In addition, all the graphs should be flat during the last 100
epochs, which indicates convergence. Hand in all the output (both printed and
graphical) produced by your function during this run. (Do not hand in output
from any other runs.)
The graphs you hand in should look similar to (but different from) those in Fig-
ures 2 to 5 at the end of this assignment, which are based on a similar (but
different) data set. Notice that most of the graphs are jagged most of the time,
but they are flat at the right-hand end, for about the last 200 epochs. Your graphs
should be flat for at least the last 100 epochs. It is not hard to get the graphs of
cross entropy to be flat during the last 100 epochs. It is much harder to get the
graphs of accuracy to be flat, but for full marks, they must be flat.
(e) As can be seen in Figures 2 to 5, there is a rapid transition at the right-hand end
of the graphs from jagged to flat. Explain why this is.
3. Probabilistic Generative Classifiers. (? points) This question focuses on Gaussian Dis-
criminant Analysis, often called Quadratic Discriminant Analysis, or QDA. Gaussian
Naive Bayes is a special case of QDA. You will be running programs in sklearn, imple-
menting programs of your own, and proving equations needed before implementation
can begin. You will run your programs on the data used in Question 1, but they should
work for data with any number of classes. Do not use any functions from sklearn other
than those specified. Before attempting the proofs, be sure to study the final section
— on proving theorems — in the important guidelines on Quercus. Be sure to justify
every step of your proofs.
(a) QDA in sklearn. (? points) Repeat Question 1 (a) and (b) using the Python
class QuadraticDiscriminantAnalysis in sklearn.discriminant analysis to
define the classifier. Use the keyword argument store covariance=True, to store
the covariance matrices for each class. Modify the figure titles appropriatey. You
should find that the accuracy (both training and testing) is about 0.89
(b) Gaussian Naive Bayes. (? points) Repeat Questions 1(a) and (b) using the
Python class GaussianNB in sklearn.naive bayes to define the classifier.
(c) (? points) You should find that the accuracy in part (b) is lower than in part (a),
and that the decision boundaries in part (b) are much more circular. Explain
both of these results.
(d) (? points) Mean Vectors: theory. On slide 49 of Lecture 5/6, the second last
equation gives the Maximum Likelihood estimate of the mean vector for each
class in QDA. Starting from this equation, prove the following:
µki =
TnkXni/Nk (9)
where Nk =
n Tnk. Here µ is a matrix whose k
th row is the estimated mean
vector for class k, X is a data matrix of input vectors, and T is a one-hot matrix
of class labels. That is, using the notation of slide 49, Xni is the i
th feature of the
input vector x(n), and µki is the i
th feature of the mean vector µ̂k. In addition,
Tnk = I{t(n) = k}. You may use each of these facts in your proof.
(e) (? points) Covariance Matrices: theory. On slide 49 of Lecture 5/6, the last
equation gives the Maximum Likelihood estimate of the covariance matrix for
each class in QDA. Starting from this equation, prove the following:
Σkij =
Tnk(Xni − µki)(Xnj − µkj)/Nk (10)
where we are using the notation from part (d). Here, Σkij is the ij
th entry in the
covariance matrix for class k. That is, using the notation of slide 49, Σkij is the
ijth entry of Σ̂k.
(f) (? points) Mean Vectors: implementation. Write a Python function EstMean(X,T)
that estimates the mean vector for each class in QDA from the data in X and T.
Here, X is a data matrix of input vectors and T is a one-hot matrix of class la-
bels. Your function should return a matrix, mu, that contains the mean vectors
for all the classes.3 Specifically, mu[k] should be the estimated mean vector for
class k. In defining your function, do not use any loops, and do not use any
functions from sklearn. Your code should be completely vectorized and should
work for any number of classes. Hint: express Equation (9) in terms of matrix
Test your function on the training data of Question 1 by comparing its estimate
of the mean vectors to those produced by the sklearn classifier in part (a).4 In
particular, if µ is the matrix of mean vectors returned by your function, and µsk is
the matrix returned by the sklearn classifier, then you should find that µ = µsk
almost exactly. To demonstrate this, print out the total squared difference in the
two matrices. That is, print out
ki(µki − µ
ki )
2. It should be less than 10−25.
(g) (? points) Covariance Matrices: implementation. Write a Python function EstCov(X,T)
that estimates the covariance matrix for each class in QDA from the data in X
and T. As above, X is a data matrix of input vectors, and T is a one-hot matrix of
class labels. Your function should return an array, Sigma, of rank 3 that contains
the covariance matrices for all the classes.5 Specifically, Sigma[k] should be the
covariance matrix for class k. In defining your function, do not use any loops,
and do not use any functions from sklearn. Your code should be completely
vectorized and should work for any number of classes.
Hint: Use broadcasting. First, read about broadcasting in the important guide-
lines on Quercus. Second, following the examples in the guidelines, implement
Equation (10) in several steps and define several intermediate arrays — A, B, C
3µ is the Greek letter mu. Consequently, when µ is used in mathematical equations, it is often represented
by a variable called mu in computer programs.
4See the documentation for QuadraticDiscriminantAnalysis in sklearn to find out how to retrieve
the estimated mean vectors.
5Σ is the upper-case Greek letter sigma. Consequently, when Σ is used in mathematical equations, it is
often represented by a variable called Sigma in computer programs. Note that the symbol Σ is often used in
two different ways: (i) to represent covariance matrices, and (ii) to represent summation. This is common in
machine learning and in statistics (and in this assignment). The meaning of Σ should be clear from context.
and D — as follows:
Anki = Xni − µki
Bnkij = AnkiAnkj
Cnkij = TnkBnkij
Dkij =
Σkij = Dkij/(Nk − 1)
where most of these steps require broadcasting. Note that B and C are rank 4
arrays, because they have 4 subscripts.
Note also the division by Nk − 1 in the last line above. This is slightly dif-
ferent from the maximum likelihood estimate in Equation (10), which divides
by Nk. This is often done in statistics when estimating variance and covari-
ance because it gives an unbiased estimate. In particular, it is done by the class
QuadraticDiscriminantAnalysis in sklearn. You should therefore do it is well,
so you can compare your estimate to theirs.
Test your function on the training data of Question 1 by comparing its estimate
of the covariance matrices to those produced by the sklearn classifier in part (a).
In particular, if Σ is the array of covariance matrices returned by your function,
and Σsk is the array returned by the sklearn classifier, then you should find
that Σ = Σsk almost exactly. To demonstrate this, print out the total squared
difference in the two arrays. That is, print out
2. It should be less
than 10−25. (This formula demonstrates the overloaded use of the Σ symbol. Here,
the large Σ is a summation sign, and the two smaller ones represent covariance
(h) (? points) Prior Probabilities. Write a Python function EstPrior(T) that esti-
mates the prior probability of each class in QDA from T, a one-hot matrix of class
labels. Your function should return a vector whose kth element is the estimated
prior probability of class k. Note that the elements of the vector should sum to
1. In defining your function, do not use any loops, and do not use any functions
from sklearn. Your code should be completely vectorized and should work for
any number of classes.
Test your function on the training data of Question 1 by comparing its estimate
of the prior probabilities to those produced by the sklearn classifier in part (a).
In particular, if P is the vector of probabilities returned by your function, and
P sk is the vector returned by the sklearn classifier, then you should find that
P = P sk. To demonstrate this, print out the total squared difference in the two
vectors. It should be exactly 0.
(i) (? points) Posterior Probabilities. By fitting mean vectors, covariance matrices
and prior probabilities to the training data, you have now trained a QDA classifier.
In the rest of this question, you will evaluate this classifier on the test data. The
first step is to estimate the posterior distribution of the test data.
Write a Python function EstPost(mean,cov,prior,X) that uses Bayes rule to
estimate the posterior probability of each class in QDA for each input vector
in data matrix X. Here, mean, cov and prior are the mean vectors, covariance
matrices and prior probabilities of each QDA class. Your function should return a
matrix whose nkth entry is p(k|x(n)), the posterior probability of class k for input
vector n.
In defining your function, you may use the function multivariate normal.pdf
in scipy.stats. You may not use any other functions in scipy and no functions
in sklearn. You may also use exactly one loop with exactly one line in its body.
Other than this, your code should be completely vectorized. It should also work
for any number of classes. Do not use any nested loops, and do not use helper
Use your function to estimate the posterior probability of the test data of Ques-
tion 1. In doing this, you should use the mean vectors, covariance matrices and
prior probabilities as estimated by your functions above on the training data.
Compare this estimate to the one generated by the sklearn classifier in part (a).
That is, let P be the vector of probabilities returned by EstPost, and let P sk
be the vector of posterior probabilities estimated by the sklearn classifier. You
should find that P = P sk almost exactly. To demonstrate this, print out the total
squared difference in the two vectors. It should be less than 10−25.
Note: if you did not complete all of the functions above, you may test EstPost
by providing it with mean vectors, covariance matrices and/or prior probabilities
estimated by the sklearn classifier from part (a), instead of values estimated
by your own functions. In this case, your testing code should print out messages
stating which values are provided by sklearn by using one or more of the following
print statements:
print(’mean vectors provided by sklearn’)
print(’covariance matrices provided by sklearn’)
print(’prior probabilities provided by sklearn’)
(j) (? points) Cross Entropy. In the previous question, you generated two posterior
distributions of the test data, one based on your QDA classifier, and one based
on sklearn’s QDA classifier. Estimate the average cross entropy of these two
posterior distributions. Print these two estimates and their difference. It should
be clear which estimate is based on your QDA classifier, and which is based on
the sklearn classifier. The two estimates should be almost exactly the same, and
the difference should be less than 10−15. Do not use any loops, and do not use
any functions from sklearn. All code should be vectorized.
(k) (? points) Accuracy. Use the posterior distribution of the test data to estimate
the test accuracy of your QDA classifier. In additition, use the score method
of the sklearn classifier to estimate its test accuracy. Print these two estimates
and their difference. It should be clear which estimate is based on your QDA
classifier, and which is based on the sklearn classifier. The two estimates should
be exactly the same, and the difference should be 0. Do not use any loops, and
do not use any functions from sklearn other than the score method. All code
should be vectorized.
4. (? points) Neural Networks. In the questions below, use the class MPLClassifier in
sklearn.neural network to define a number of neural network classifiers. In each
case, the classifier should be trained with at most 10,000 iterations of stochastic gradi-
ent descent (sgd) with an initial learning rate of 0.01 and an optimization tolerance of
10−6. Use the class methods to fit the networks to data and compute their accuracy.
Use the functions in bonnerlib2D to plot the decision boundaries on top of the training
data, as in Question 1(b). Use the training and test data from Question 1.
(a) (? points) Set the seed for the random number generator to 7. Then define a
neural net classifier with one hidden layer having 5 hidden units with a logistic
activation function. Fit the classifier to the training data. Compute and print
out the training and test accuracies. They should both be between 0.8 nd 0.9.
Plot the decision boundaries on top of the training data. Title the plot Question
4(a): neural net with 5 hidden units.
(b) (? points) Repeat part (a) for 1, 2, 4 and 10 hidden units. Use subplot in
matplotlib.pyplot to display all four graphs in a single figure, with the graph
for 1 hidden unit in the top left. Label each graph with the number of hidden
units, and label the entire figure, Question 4(b): Neural net decsion boundaries.
You may find the functions title and suptitle useful. Put the figure into full-
screen mode before saving it, to increase the resolution. Also, be sure to reset the
random seed to 7 before training each neural net. You should find that the training
and test accuracies increase as the number of hidden units increase. Your figure
should look similar to (but different from) Figure 6, which was created using a
different random seed. If you are doing things correctly, you should get exactly
the same results each time you run your code (unless you change the random
(c) (? points) In part (b), why is the decision boundary for 1 hidden unit a straight
line? Explain the decision boundary for 2 hidden units? Why is it almost piecewise
linear? Why are some of the pieces almost lined up?
(d) (? points) In part (b), do you expect the accuracies to always increase as the
number of hidden units increase? Why?
(e) (? points) Try changing the random seed in part (b) and regenerating the figure.
You should notice that the decision boundaries are similar but different. (Do
not hand this in.) Why does changing the random seed change the decision
Figure 2:
Figure 3:
Figure 4:
Figure 5:
Figure 6: