CS计算机代考程序代写 Homework 2.1: A horizontal port scan

Homework 2.1: A horizontal port scan

40 out of 100 points

In your tarball you’ll find horizontal.pcap and part1.txt. Edit part1.txt to

answer the questions, keeping in mind the format requirements below.

Then submit your edited version of the part1.txt file without any

compression or anything like that. Don’t change the name of the file.

Homework 2.2: A vertical port scan

40 out of 100 points

In your tarball you’ll find vertical.pcap and part2.txt. Edit part2.txt to

answer the questions, keeping in mind the format requirements below.

Then submit your edited version of the part2.txt file without any

compression or anything like that. Don’t change the name of the file.

Homework 2.3: A TCP/IP side channel

20 out of 100 points

In your tarball you’ll find sidechannel.pcap and part3.txt. Edit part3.txt to

answer the questions, keeping in mind the format requirements below.

Then submit your edited version of the part3.txt file without any

compression or anything like that. Don’t change the name of the file.

Format of the text file you’ll upload

It’s very important that you preserve the format of the text file you

submit for each part. We recommend simply editing part1.txt for

Homework 2.1, part2.txt for Homework 2.2, and part3.txt for Homework

2.3 and submitting that, with the questions still intact. You can delete

lines that start with #, or add lines that start with # for your own

comments if you really want to. The automatic grader will ignore all

lines that begin with #. However, if you leave the questions in place it

will make manual grading easier if that should become necessary for

some reason.

The lines that don’t begin with # are your answers. Every answer should

be a single line with no whitespace (the grader will remove all

whitespace before doing a string comparison, but if your answer has

whitespace in it it’s probably not the right answer). You should edit the

lines that don’t begin with # to put the answer there, there should be

no lines in the file that are not answers or comments/questions

(comments and homework questions begin with #).

There are only three kinds of answers:

• IP addresses, where you will replace N.N.N.N with a valid IPv4

address, such as

• MAC/hardware addresses, where you will

replace HH:HH:HH:HH:HH:HH with a valid MAC/hardware

address, like a4:50:4e:99:2d:55

• Other numbers, which contain only decimal digits and dots. For

these you’ll replace N with something like 1832 or 4.1.61