2022/4/5 18:08 FIT2081_S1_2022: Lab Week 6
FIT2081 Mobile application development – S1 2022
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Lab Week 6
Copyright By PowCoder代写 加微信 powcoder
Task 1 (6 marks)
Movie Library Application
Add the following features to the Week 5 Movie Library Application:
Add a new item to the navigation view (drawer) named “List All Movies”
The new item should start another activity that implements RecyclerView and CardView and is responsi CardView should display all the attributes of the movie.
Expected Output
Task 2:(4 marks)
Develop an application that fetches the current weather conditions for a location and displays them. The four weather conditions are:
1. Temperature (temp_c)
2. Precipitation (precip_mm) 3. Humidity (humidity)
4. Wind (wind_kph)
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Web service Address:https://api.weatherapi.com/v1/current.json?key=cde75afa40ce4179b278192522300 Where the last segment (location) is the target city to fetch its weather conditions.
For example
https://api.weatherapi.com/v1/current.json?key=cde75afa40ce4179b2781925223003&q=Canberra https://api.weatherapi.com/v1/current.json?key=cde75afa40ce4179b2781925223003&q=London
An excerpt from the response of the first example (Canberra)
“location”: {
“name”: “Canberra”,
“region”: “Australian Capital Territory”, “country”: “Australia”,
“lat”: -35.28,
“lon”: 149.22,
“tz_id”: “Australia/Sydney”, “localtime_epoch”: 1648630395, “localtime”: “2022-03-30 19:53”
}, “current”: {
“last_updated_epoch”: 1648629900, “last_updated”: “2022-03-30 19:45”, “temp_c”: 17.0,
“temp_f”: 62.6,
“is_day”: 0, “condition”: {
“text”: “Light rain”,
“icon”: “//cdn.weatherapi.com/weather/64×64/night/296.png”, “code”: 1183
“wind_mph”: 8.1, “wind_kph”: 13.0, “wind_degree”: 110, “wind_dir”: “ESE”, “pressure_mb”: 1013.0, “pressure_in”: 29.91, “precip_mm”: 0.0, “precip_in”: 0.0, “humidity”: 94, “cloud”: 100, “feelslike_c”: 17.0, “feelslike_f”: 62.6, “vis_km”: 10.0, “vis_miles”: 6.0, “uv”: 5.0,
“gust_mph”: 7.6, “gust_kph”: 12.2
Expected output:
2022/4/5 18:08 FIT2081_S1_2022: Lab Week 6
Last modified: Wednesday, 30 March 2022, 7:58 PM
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程序代写 CS代考 加微信: powcoder QQ: 1823890830 Email: powcoder@163.com