CS计算机代考程序代写 data structure Haskell algorithm slides.dvi



Part I: Functional Programming in Haskell

Tony Field


Course Outline

1. Expressions and basic types

2. Functions

3. List processing

4. Higher-order functions

5. User-defined types

6. Type classes

7. I/O and Monads


Suggested Books:

� Haskell: The Craft of Functional Programming

Simon Thompson (3rd ed.)

Addison Wesley 2011

� Thinking Functionally with Haskell

Richard Bird

Cambridge University Press 2014

� Real World Haskell

Bryan O’Sullivan, John Goerzen and Donald Bruce Stewart

O’Reilly Media 2008


� The Haskell School of Expression

Paul Hudak, 2000

Cambridge University Press

� Functional Programming

Tony Field and Peter Harrison

Addison Wesley 1988

� Also, take a look at the Haskell web site: http://haskell.org/


1. Expressions and basic types
� Mathematical expressions are already familiar to you. GHCi will

evaluate an expression if you enter it after the prompt, e.g.:

Prelude> 2501


Prelude> 2 – 3 * 4


Prelude> sin (24.9) + sin 24.9


� +, -, *, / etc. are called operators or infix functions

� sin, cos, etc. are prefix functions (we usually drop the word


� x means the same as (x) and juxtaposition means function

application, e.g. sin (24.9) or sin 24.9 both apply sin to 24.9


� A Haskell type represents a set of “like” values; every value

(hence every expression) “has a type”
� The type Int is the set of supported integers (“whole” numbers),

like 3, 4, -10 etc.; for now, think “4 has type Int”, but see later

� Ints occupy a fixed amount of space, typically 32 or 64 bits; the

smallest 64-bit integer is -9223372036854775808 and the largest

is +9223372036854775807

� Type Integer is the set of arbitrary-precision integers (uses as

many digits as necessary, but it’s SLOW)

� Float and Double are the types of single- and double-precision

“floating-point” numbers – a finite subset of the reals, e.g. 2.75,

-123.64 etc.; the largest Double is 1.7976931348623157× 10308

� Only a subset of the real numbers can be represented so

floating-point arithmetic is not always accurate


� If necessary, brackets (parentheses) can be used to get the right

meaning. For example

2 – 3 * 4 / sin 24.9 * pi

is bracketed implicitly by Haskell as

(2 – (((3 * 4) / (sin 24.9)) * pi))


– ‘*’ and ‘/’ have higher precedence than ‘-’

– ‘*’ and ‘/’ are left-associative

– Prefix function application has higher precedence than infix

function application

� We can put brackets where we want to make the meaning clear


Qualified Expressions
� We can also name values and use the name instead of the value

� This can be done in Haskell using a let expression, e.g. instead

of 24.9 * cos 1.175 we could equally write

let f = 24.9 in f * cos 1.175

let f = 24.9 ; theta = 1.175 in f * cos theta

let g = cos in 24.9 * g 1.175

All three produce the same value 9.600022533036805

� f, g and theta are called ‘variables’ or ‘identifiers’

� let expressions are sometimes called qualified expressions; the

bits before the ‘in’ are the qualifiers and the final expression is

called the resultant


Characters and Truth Values
� Two more predefined base types:

– Characters (Char), e.g. ’a’, ’b’, ’A’, ’3’, ’!’ etc.

– Truth values (Bool), which are either True or False

� Some Haskell operators work on Bools, including and (&&), or

(||) and not (not); for example

Prelude> not False


Prelude> False && (not True)


Prelude> not (True && (False || not True))



� Values of type Bool are produced by comparison operators:

== Equal, as in 5 == (4 + 1)

/= Not equal, as in ’a’ /= ’p’

> Greater than, as in 12 > 9

< Less than, as in (12.8 * 9) < 2 <= Less than or equal, as in 5 <= 6 >= Greater than or equal, as in 44 >= 45

� So, we can put things together, e.g.

Prelude> (1 < 9) || ((4 == 7) && (’a’ > ’m’))


Prelude> 3 > (9 – 2) || 4 / 5 <= 0.7 False 10 � Some predefined prefix functions also generate Bools, e.g.: even – Returns True iff a given number is even odd – Returns True iff a given number is odd isDigit – Returns True iff a given character is one of ’0’...’9’ isUpper – Returns True iff a given character is upper case (’A’...’Z’) � For example (note that isUpper and isDigit are defined in module Char): Prelude> :m +Data.Char

Prelude Data.Char> isDigit ’*’ || isUpper ’n’


Prelude Data.Char> not (odd 7 && even 11)



� Conditional expressions are of the form

if P then Q else R

where P, Q and R are expressions

� P is a predicate, i.e. an expression of type Bool; the types of Q

and R must be the same

� if P evaluates to True then the overall result is Q; if it evaluates

to False then the result is R, e.g.

Prelude> if False then 5 – 3 * 4 else 2


Prelude> let p = ’a’ > ’z’ in if p then True else False


? Can you simplify if p then True else False?


Aside: type classes and contexts
� What does GHC think the type of 3 is? We can ask it:

Prelude> :type 3 (or Prelude> :t 3)

3 :: Num t => t

Prelude> :t (3, 3)

(3,3) :: (Num t, Num t1) => (t1, t)

� Num is a type class – think of Num as the set of types (of things)

that can be added, multiplied, negated etc.

� The literal 3 can thus be interpreted as having any numeric type

that supports basic arithmetic on numbers, e.g. Int, Integer,

Float, Double etc.

� Num t => .. is called a context and Num t => t means “any

type t that’s a member type of class Num” – much more later…


� Sometimes it is convenient to be able to group a fixed number of

values together, possibly of different types, e.g.

– Triples of Double for representing vectors in three dimensions

– Triples of Int for representing birth dates (day, month and


– Pairs comprising a Char and an Int for representing chess

board positions

� We can build such tuples by enclosing the required components

in parentheses, e.g.

– (1.0, 0.0, 0.0) might represent the unit vector i (in three


– (3, 4, 1999) might represent 3rd March 1999

– (’d’, 5) might represent position d5 on a chess board


� Tuple types are written using the same bracketing syntax as the

tuple values

Prelude> (1, 5, 7)

(1, 5, 7)

Prelude> :t (’c’, (True, False))

(’c’, (True, False)) :: (Char, (Bool, Bool))

Prelude> :t (6, ’a’, True)

(6, ’a’, True) :: Num t => (t, Char, Bool)

� Remark: as we’ve seen, a one-tuple isn’t really a tuple at all, so

(5) is the same as 5 and Int is the same as (Int)

� There is, however a zero-tuple, (), which is equivalent to void in

some other languages; the type of () is () – the unit type


� Lists are sequences of objects; list constants are written using

square brackets, with [] being the empty list

� The same square brackets are used for types

Prelude> []


Prelude> [False,True,False]


Prelude> :t [False,True,False]

[False,True,False] :: [Bool]

Prelude> :t [(80, True)]

[(80, True)] :: Num t => [(t, Bool)]

? What is the type of []?


� Lists should not be confused with sets in mathematics, e.g.

– The order in which the elements appear is important (lists

can be indexed in a meaningful way)

– Values may occur more than once

� Lists can be arbitrarily long (even infinite!) but the elements

must have the same type, so [True, 2, ’u’] is invalid (“type


� Compare this with tuples where the elements can be of mixed


? How come tuple elements can be of mixed type, whereas list

elements must all have the same type?


� Lists of characters (i.e. [Char]) are called strings (type String)

and can be

written by enclosing the characters in double quotation marks, e.g.

Prelude> [’h’, ’a’, ’n’, ’d’, ’b’, ’a’, ’g’]


Prelude> “handbag”


Prelude> :t “handbag”

“handbag” :: String

? How is ’k’ different from “k”?


Arithmetic Sequences
� The special form [a,b..c] builds the list of numbers

[a, a+(b-a), a+2(b-a), …] and so on until the value c is

exceeded, e.g.

Prelude> [1..5]


Prelude> [2,4..11]


Prelude> [10,9..0]


Prelude> [0,0.5..4]


� Note: sequences work with Ints, Floats etc., and also Chars,

Bools etc. – try them out


List Comprehensions
� A list comprehension takes the form

[e | x1 <- g1, ..., xm <- gm, P1, ..., Pn] where xi is a variable (1 ≤ i ≤ m) gi is a generator list (1 ≤ i ≤ m) Pj is a predicate (1 ≤ j ≤ n) e is an expression, possibly involving the xi m + n > 0

� It is read “the list of all e where x1 comes from list g1, …, xm

comes from list gm, and where P1, …, Pn are all True”


� The target variable of a generator can only be used to the right

of the generator and may optionally appear to the left of the ‘|’
� The terms after the ‘|’ can appear in any order, subject to the


Prelude> [x^2 | x <- [1..10], even x] [4,16,36,64,100] Prelude> [x | even x, x <- [1..10]] ERROR: Undefined variable "x" Prelude> [’a’ | True]


Prelude> [x+y | x <- [1..3], y <- [1..3]] [2,3,4,3,4,5,4,5,6] Prelude> [(x, y) | x <- [1..3], y <- [1..x]] [(1,1),(2,1),(2,2),(3,1),(3,2),(3,3)] � Note that the evaluation order is left to right 21 � The operators ==, /=, >, <,>=, <= are defined on lists in an obvious way (we’ll see exactly how later), e.g. Prelude> [1, 1] == [1]


Prelude> [True, False] == [True, False]


Prelude> “False” /= “False”


Prelude> [1, 7, 9] < [2, 5, 8] True Prelude> “big” < "bigger" True Prelude> “big” < "big" False 22 2. Functions � Programming is all about the packaging and subsequent use of computational “building blocks” of varying size and complexity � In Haskell, the building blocks are functions; you have already seen some built-in functions like +, *, div, sqrt, cos etc. but we can define our own � A function f is a rule for associating each element of a source type A with a unique member of a target type B (cf domain and range in mathematics); we express this thus: f :: A -> B

� f is said to “take an argument” (or “have a parameter”) of type

A and “return a result” of type B

� If the function takes several arguments their types are listed in

sequence, e.g. g :: A -> B -> C -> D


� We say what the function does, using one or more rules

(sometimes called equations)
� A rule has a left-hand side which lists the argument(s) and a

right-hand side which is an expression

� The rule looks like a conventional mathematical function

definition except that we omit brackets around the argument(s),


successor :: Int -> Int

successor x

= x + 1

(Note: this is similar to the built-in function succ which has a

more general type)

� Observe that function names must begin with a lower-case letter


� Some more examples…

magnitude :: (Float, Float) -> Float

magnitude (x, y)

= sqrt (x^2 + y^2)

isUpper :: Char -> Bool

isUpper ch

= ch >= ’A’ && ch <= ’Z’ even :: Int -> Bool

even x

= x ‘mod‘ 2 == 0

� Note: we DON’T write if x ‘mod‘ 2 == 0 then True else



� Note: Sometimes there are constraints on the values a function

can take as arguments, e.g. the function to compute log x

requires that x > 0

� Ideally, we should prevent function calls with invalid arguments

(see later)

� If we don’t do that we should at least state the precondition (a

predicate) which must be true for the function to work as defined

� We’ll use Haskell comments to specify preconditions; comments

are simply annotations designed to help the reader – they are not


� A Haskell comment is prefixed with –, e.g.:

log :: Float -> Float

— Pre: x > 0

log x = …


� Once we have defined a function, we can apply it to given

argument(s) provided the argument(s) have the right type
� The application

of function f to an argument a is done by the juxtaposition f a, e.g.

*Main> successor 569


*Main> even 15


*Main> even (successor 19)


� However, successor ’b’ is a type error (note that badly typed

programs cannot be executed)


Guarded Rules

� Rules can contain one or more guards

of the form guard = expression – a generalisation of conditionals

difference :: Float -> Float -> Float

difference x y

| x >= y = x – y

| otherwise = y – x

(alternatively difference x y = abs (x – y))

signum :: Int -> Int

signum n

| n < 0 = -1 | n == 0 = 0 | otherwise = 1 28 � Note the layout: e.g. for signum we can lay out the clauses any way we want so long as they all lie textually to the right of the ‘s’ � But line them up anyway! � Guards are tested in sequence from top to bottom: – If the guard condition is True the expression on the right of the = is evaluated – If it is False we proceed to the next guard – If we run out of guards we proceed to the next rule for the same function, if there is one – If we run out of rules we get an error (the function must be partial in that case) ? What is the definition of otherwise?! 29 Local Definitions � In the same way that let expressions introduce definitions local to an expression, where clauses introduce definitions local to a rule � This is useful for breaking a function down into simpler named components, e.g. turns :: Float -> Float -> Float -> Float

turns start end r

= totalDistance / distancePerTurn


totalDistance = kmToMetres * (end – start)

distancePerTurn = 2 * pi * r

kmToMetres = 1000

� Note that the where must be to the right of the left-hand side


� A where clause can also avoid replication and redundant

computation, e.g.

normalise :: (Float, Float) -> (Float, Float)

normalise (x, y)

= (x / sqrt (x^2 + y^2), y / sqrt (x^2 + y^2))

The common subexpression can be factored out thus:

normalise :: (Float, Float) -> (Float, Float)

normalise (x, y)

= (x / m, y / m)


m = sqrt (x^2 + y^2)

sqrt (x^2 + y^2) will now be evaluated once


� They are also useful for naming the components of a tuple using

pattern matching, e.g.

quotrem :: Int -> Int -> (Int, Int)

quotrem x y = (x ‘div‘ y, x ‘mod‘ y)

— Converts distance in yards to a triple

— (miles, furlongs, yards)

raceLength :: Int -> (Int, Int, Int)

raceLength y

= (m, f, y’’)


(m, y’) = quotrem y 1760

(f, y’’) = quotrem y’ 220

E.g. raceLength 2640 = (1, 4, 0), i.e. 1.5 miles exactly


� Note that you can define local functions too, e.g.

raceLength :: Int -> (Int, Int, Int)

raceLength y

= (m, f, y’’)


(m, y’) = quotrem y 1760

(f, y’’) = quotrem y’ 220

quotrem :: Int -> Int -> (Int, Int)

quotrem x y = (x ‘div‘ y, x ‘mod‘ y)

� Here, quotrem cannot be used outside the definition of


� Remark: I’ll often omit the type signature on local function



� Remark: To aid readability we can name types using a type

synonym, e.g. (assuming g is already defined),

type Mass = Float

type Position = (Float, Float)

type Force = (Float, Float)

type Object = (Mass, Position)

force :: Object -> Object -> Force

force (m1, (x1, y1)) (m2, (x2, y2))

= (f * dx / r, f * dy / r)

where dx = abs (x1 – x2)

dy = abs (y1 – y2)

r = sqrt (dx^2 + dy^2)

f = g * m1 * m2 / r^2

� Rule: Type synonyms must begin with a capital letter


� The scope of an identifier is that part of the program in which

the identifier has a meaning

� All identifiers defined at the “top level” (i.e. non-local) are in

scope over the entire program (they are global)

� Within each rule, each argument identifier and each local

identifier is in scope everywhere throughout the rule

� Identifiers introduced in (nested) where clauses attached to local

rules are in scope only in that local rule i.e. not in the outer rule

as well


� Identifiers in where clauses supersede argument identifiers with

the same name
� Similarly, identifiers in a nested where clause supersede

those with the same name in an outer where clause, and so on, e.g.

f :: Int -> Int -> Int

f x y

= x + y


y = x^2


x = 3

� Here, the function has the same meaning as f x y = x + 9; the

y argument identifier is in scope nowhere


� Haskell evaluates an expression by reducing it to its simplest

equivalent form (called its normal form) and printing the result

� Evaluation can be thought of as rewriting or reduction (meaning

simplification); a reducible expression is called a redex

� Reduction works by repeatedly reducing redexes until no more

redexes exist; the expression is then in normal form

� E.g. consider double (3 + 4), where

double :: Int -> Int

double x

= x + x


� One possible reduction sequence is call-by-value:

double (3 + 4)

-> double 7 by built-in rules for +

-> 7 + 7 by the rule for double

-> 14 by built-in rules for +

� 14 cannot be further reduced (it is in normal form) and will be

printed by the evaluator

� Another possible reduction sequence is call-by-name:

double (3 + 4)

-> (3 + 4) + (3 + 4) by the rule for double

-> 7 + (3 + 4) by built-in rules for +

-> 7 + 7 by built-in rules for +

-> 14 by built-in rules for +


� Thus evaluation is a simple process of substitution and

simplification, using primitive rules for the built-in functions and

additional function rules supplied by the programmer

� If an expression has a well-defined value, then the order in which

the evaluation is carried out does not affect the result (the

Church-Rosser property)

� But, the evaluator selects a redex (from the set of possible

redexes) in a consistent way. This is called its

evaluation/reduction strategy

� Haskell’s reduction strategy is called lazy evaluation, or

call-by-need ≡ call-by-name without redundant repeated
computation; it is equivalent to choosing the leftmost-outermost

redex each time


� Lazy evaluation reduces a redex only

if the value of the redex is required to produce the normal form, e.g.

f :: Float -> Float -> Float

f x y

| x < 0 = 0 | otherwise = y � If x is negative, the second argument (y) is not required, hence *Main> f 3 5


*Main> f 3 (6 / 0)


*Main> f (-5) (6 / 0)


� More of this later…


Recursive Functions
� Let us consider functions for taking the second, third and fourth

powers of a given Float:

square :: Float -> Float

square x = x * x

cube :: Float -> Float

cube x = x * x * x

fourthpower :: Float -> Float

fourthpower x = x * x * x * x

� What about computing xn for an arbitrary value of n ≥ 0?

� Problem: Written out explicitly, the number of terms in

right-hand side expression would depend on the value of n


� The solution is to use a recurrence relationship—in this case one

that defines xn in terms of xn−1:

xn =

n times
︷ ︸︸ ︷

x× x× x× …× x
= x× xn−1

� This suggests the recursive Haskell function:

power :: Float -> Int -> Float

— Pre: n >= 0

power x n

= x * power x (n – 1)

� However, this is not quite right, e.g.


power 2 3

-> 2 * power 2 (3 – 1) = 2 * power 2 2

-> 2 * 2 * power 2 1

-> 2 * 2 * 2 * power 2 0

-> 2 * 2 * 2 * 2 * power 2 -1

-> …

� Oops! We want things to stop at power 2 0, since this should

give 1

� The case power 2 0 is called a base case

� Note: the function is not designed to work for n<0, although we can easily fix that 43 � Hence: power :: Float -> Int -> Float

— Pre: n >= 0

power x n

| n == 0 = 1

| otherwise = x * power x (n – 1)

� This function/definition is said to be recursive, since it calls itself

� Note that a measure of the cost of the function power is the

number of multiplications required to compute power n for an

arbitrary n

� Here the “cost” is n and we say that the function’s complexity is

“order n”, written O(n)

? How would you make power work for all integers n?


Recursive structure
� This is how we build all recursive functions

1. Define the base case(s)

2. Define the recursive case(s)

(a) Split the problem into one or more subproblems

(b) Solve the subproblems

(c) Combine results from (b) to get the answer

� The subproblems are solved by a recursive call to the (same)



� Important: the subproblems must be “smaller” than the original

problem otherwise the recursion never stops, e.g.

loop :: Int -> Int

loop x

| x == 0 = 0

| x > 0 = 1 + loop x

� For example…

loop 4

-> 1 + loop 4

-> 1 + 1 + loop 4

-> …

� This is called an infinite loop or a black hole; the program runs

forever, or until it runs out of memory


A better version of power
� Idea: use the fact that xn can be written xn/2 × xn/2 = (xn/2)2 if

n is even and x× (x⌊n/2⌋)2 if n is odd

� Graphically, for even n:

xn =

n times
︷ ︸︸ ︷

x× x× …× x


n/2 times
︷ ︸︸ ︷

x× …× x
︸ ︷︷ ︸


n/2 times
︷ ︸︸ ︷

x× …× x
︸ ︷︷ ︸


� Similarly for odd n


� The term x⌊n/2⌋ is referred to several times, so we’ll define it

using a where; also we’ll arbitrarily use guards instead of

power :: Float -> Int -> Float

— Pre: n >= 0

power x n

| n == 0 = 1

| even n = k * k

| odd n = x * k * k (or x * power x (n-1))


k = power x (n ‘div‘ 2)

? What is the cost now, in terms of the number of multiplications,

for a given n?


� Another example: Newton’s method for finding the square roots

of numbers. This repeatedly improves approximations to the

answer until the required degree of accuracy is achieved.

� Given x, if an is the n
th approximation to

x then

an+1 =
an + x/an


gives the next approximation

� Let’s define a function squareRoot which given a number x

returns a “good” approximation to


� Here we will use x/2 as the first approximation of

x, i.e.

a0 = x/2


� We want to stop when the approximation is “close” to


� We thus check the relative error between x and a2n. If

|x− a2n|/x < ǫ for some small value of ǫ (here 0.0001), we’ll terminate the recursion: squareRoot :: Float -> Float

— Pre: x >= 0

squareRoot x

= squareRoot’ (x / 2)


squareRoot’ :: Float -> Float

squareRoot’ a

| abs (x – a * a) / x < 0.0001 = a | otherwise = squareRoot’ ((a + x/a) / 2) 50 � For example: squareRoot 12 -> squareRoot’ 6.0

-> squareRoot’ 4.0

-> squareRoot’ 3.5

-> squareRoot’ 3.464286

-> squareRoot’ 3.464102

-> 3.464102

since |12-3.464102*3.464102|/12 < 0.0001 51 3. List Processing � The list square bracket notation ([, , ,]) is actually a shorthand � At the simplest level lists are put together using two types of building block: [] (pronounced “nil” or “empty-list”) is used to build an empty list : (pronounced “cons”) is an infix operator which adds a new element to the front of a list � These work like any other function, but are called constructors for reasons which will become apparent 52 � New lists can be built by repeated use of ‘:’, starting with [], e.g. Prelude> []


Prelude> True : []


Prelude> 1 : 2 : []

[1, 2]

� Thus, the expression [x1, …, xn] is just a convenient

shorthand for x1 : … : xn : [] (we can use either)

� Note also that : associates to the right so that

x : x’ : xs is interpreted as

x : (x’ : xs)


� Importantly, the constructors [] and : can be used to build lists

of arbitrary type. They are therefore said to be polymorphic

� To express this in type definitions, we use a type variable, which

is an identifier beginning with a lower-case letter

� For example, the types of the two list constructors are:

[] :: [a]

(:) :: a -> [a] -> [a]

� Here a is a type variable; the second line reads: “(:) is a

function which takes an object of any type a and a list of objects

of (the same) type a and delivers a list of objects of (the same)

type a”


� A variable in a type (e.g. a above) stands for any type (for all a,

or ∀a), but once determined each a in the type must be the same
� For example, Int -> [Int] -> [Int] is a valid instance of type

a -> [a] -> [a], but Char -> [Int] -> [Int] is not

� Many other Haskell prelude functions are polymorphic, e.g.

id :: a -> a The identity function

fst :: (a, b) -> a Pair index

snd :: (a, b) -> b Pair index

� Note that the type of fst and snd involve two type variables

since pair elements can be of any type


� [] and : can be used in function definitions to build lists

� As an exercise, let’s write a recursive function that computes the

sequence [n, n-1 .. 1] for a given n

ints :: Int -> [Int]

— Pre: n >= 0

ints n

| n == 0 = []

| n > 0 = n : ints (n – 1)

� What about generating the list in increasing order, [1 .. n]?

– We could use Haskell’s “append” function (++) and replace

the RHS n : ints (n – 1) with ints (n – 1) ++ [n]

– We could use a helper function that counts up from 1 to n

– We could use a helper function that carries an accumulating



� Here are the second and third versions; in the second, ks is the

accumulating parameter, initially []…

ints n

= ints’ 1


ints’ k

| k > n = []

| otherwise = k : ints’ (k + 1)

ints n

= ints’ n []


ints’ k ks

| k == 0 = ks

| otherwise = ints’ (k – 1) (k : ks)

� What about functions which consume lists?


Method 1: null, head and tail
� Example: a variant of Haskell’s built-in sum function: this version

sums the elements of a list of Ints using the built-in functions:

– null :: [a] -> Bool asks whether a list is empty;

– head :: [a] -> a returns the head of a given list

– tail :: [a] -> [a] returns the tail of a given list

� This works fine, but DO NOT DO IT THIS WAY!:

sum :: [Int] -> Int

sum xs

= if null xs

then 0

else head xs + sum (tail xs)


� For example:

sum [10, 20, 30]

-> if null [10, 20, 30]

then 0

else head [10, 20, 30] + sum (tail [10, 20, 30])

-> head [10, 20, 30] + sum (tail [10, 20, 30])

-> 10 + sum [20, 30]

-> 10 + if null [20, 30] then … else …

-> 10 + head [20, 30] + sum (tail [20, 30])

-> 10 + 20 + sum [30]

-> 10 + 20 + if null [30] then … else …

-> 10 + 20 + head [30] + sum (tail [30])

-> 10 + 20 + 30 + if null [] then 0 else …

-> 10 + 20 + 30 + 0

-> 60


Method 2 (much better): Pattern Matching
� Note that there are exactly two ways to build a list ([] and 🙂

and hence exactly two ways to take them apart

� If we need to take a list apart then, when we look at the list,


1. The list is empty, i.e. “of the form” []

2. The list is non-empty, i.e. “of the form” (x : xs) for some

x and xs

� There are no other possibilities

� Here, “of the form” means “matches the pattern”

� Another way to define sum is by pattern matching…


� There are two possible patterns, so we have two rules:

sum :: [Int] -> Int

sum [] = 0

sum (x : xs) = x + sum xs

� Think of the whole of each left-hand side as a pattern; patterns

are tested from left to right and from top to bottom

� If the pattern matches the expression we are trying to evaluate,

we return the result of evaluating the right-hand side

� Note: the pattern (x : xs) also serves to name the two ‘things’

attached to the first :, namely the head and tail of the given list

� You should use pattern matching in preference to the use of

null, head and tail


� Pattern matching simplifies how we think about reduction

(although it’s

actually implemented similarly to the previous version above), e.g.

sum [10, 20, 30]

-> 10 + sum [20, 30]

-> 10 + (20 + sum [30])

-> 10 + (20 + (30 + sum []))

-> 10 + (20 + (30 + 0))

-> 60


Aside: Case expressions
� It’s pos-

sible to do pattern matching in expressions using case syntax, e.g.

sum :: [Int] -> Int

sum xs

= case xs of

[] -> 0

(x : xs) -> x + sum xs

� Note that this has a single rule with a single right hand side

(RHS), cf. two rules each with patterns on the left hand side

(LHS); they both compile to the same code, however

� There is no “right” way, but pattern matching rules are arguably

more idiomatic, so we’ll (mostly) stick with them


More on the Haskell Prelude
� As an exercise, we’ll build our own versions of some of Haskell’s

predefined functions (we’ve simplified the types in some cases):

null :: [a] -> Bool

head :: [a] -> a

tail :: [a] -> [a]

length :: [a] -> Int

elem :: Eq a => a -> [a] -> Bool

(!!) :: [a] -> Int -> a

(++) :: [a] -> [a] -> [a]

take :: Int -> [a] -> [a]

drop :: Int -> [a] -> [a]

zip :: [a] -> [b] -> [(a, b)]

unzip :: [(a, b)] -> ([a], [b])


Aside: back to type classes
� Recall the Num class:

Prelude> :type 3

3 :: Num t => t

� Another type class is Eq – the set of types for which there is a

notion of (in)equality:

Prelude> :type (==)

(==) :: Eq a => a -> a -> Bool

Prelude> :type (/=)

(/=) :: Eq a => a -> a -> Bool

� E.g. our version of elem (list membership) will only work with

types a for which == (and /=) are defined, hence: elem :: Eq a

=> a -> [a] -> Bool – we’ll see why later


� Recall: The function null delivers True if a given list is empty

([]); False otherwise
� The function null is defined using pattern matching…

null :: [a] -> Bool

null [] = True

null (x : xs) = False

� Alternatively, as there is no need to name the head and tail,

null :: [a] -> Bool

null [] = True

null any = False

� In fact, we don’t even need to name the list in the second rule;

the special wildcard pattern can be used to save inventing a

name, viz. null = False


� Recall: The function head selects the first element of a list, and

tail selects the remaining portion
� The prelude versions report an error if you try to take the head

or tail of an empty list; let’s do something similar…

head :: [a] -> a

head [] = error “Prelude.head: empty list”

head (x : xs) = x

tail :: [a] -> [a]

tail [] = error “Prelude.tail: empty list”

tail (x : xs) = xs

� Note that error :: String -> a – it can return an object of

arbitrary type

? What is tail [1]


� The function length

returns the length of a list (i.e. the number of elements it contains):

Prelude> length “brontosaurus”


Prelude> length [(True, True, False)]


Prelude> length []


� A recursive definition using pattern matching…

length :: [a] -> Int

length [] = 0

length (x : xs) = 1 + length xs


� The function elem determines whether a given element is a

member of a given list:

Prelude> elem ’c’ “hatchet”


Prelude> elem (1,2) [(3,4), (5,6)]


� One of many possible definitions using pattern matching…

elem :: Eq a => a -> [a] -> Bool

elem x [] = False

elem x (y : ys) = x == y || elem x ys

� Note: the RHS of the second rule could have been written if x

== y then True else elem x ys, but the use of || is much



� The !! operator (sometimes pronounced “at”) performs list

indexing (the head is index 0):

Prelude> [11, 22, 33] !! 1


Prelude> “Tea” !! 0


Prelude> “Tea” !! 5

*** Exception: Prelude.(!!): index too large

Prelude> “Error” !! (-1)

*** Exception: Prelude.(!!): negative index


� Here is a recursive definition using pattern matching

infixl 9 !!

(!!) :: [a] -> Int -> a

(x : xs) !! n

| n == 0 = x

| n > 0 = xs !! (n – 1)

| n < 0 = error "Prelude.(!!): negative index" [] !! n = error "Prelude.(!!): index too large" � Note the syntax for introducing new left- (infixl) and right- (infixr) associative operators with a given precedence (here 9) � Operator names must be unique and built from the symbols ! # $ \% . + * @ | > < ~ - : ^ \ = / ? & 71 � The binary operator ++ (pronounced “concatenate” or “append”) joins two lists of the same type to form a new list e.g. Prelude> [1, 2, 3] ++ [1, 5]

[1, 2, 3, 1, 5]

Prelude> “” ++ “Rest”


Prelude> [head [1, 2, 3]] ++ tail [2, 8]

[1, 8]

� The recursive definition…
infixr 5 ++

(++) :: [a] -> [a] -> [a]

[] ++ ys = ys

(x : xs) ++ ys = x : (xs ++ ys)


� take n xs returns the first n elements of xs

� drop n xs returns the remainder of the list after the first n

elements have been removed

Prelude> take 4 “granted”


Prelude> drop 2 [True, False, True]


Prelude> take 1 “away” ++ drop 1 “away”


Prelude> drop 8 “letters”


? How would you define take and drop?


� zip takes two lists and forms a single list of pairs by combining

the elements pairwise
� unzip does the opposite

� Note: for zip if one

list is longer than the other then the surplus elements are discarded

Prelude> zip [5, 3] [4, 9, 8]


Prelude> zip “it” “up”


Prelude> unzip [(“your”, “jacket”)]


? How would you define zip and unzip?


A bigger example: insertion sort
� The following function takes an Int and an ordered list of Ints

and returns a new ordered list with the Int in the right place

insert :: Int -> [Int] -> [Int]

— Pre: The given list is ordered

insert x [] = [x]

insert x (y : ys)

| x < y = x : (y : ys) | otherwise = y : (insert x ys) 75 � For example: insert 3 [1, 4, 9] proceeds as follows: -> 1 : (insert 3 [4, 9])

-> 1 : (3 : [4, 9])

-> [1, 3, 4, 9]

� If we repeatedly insert (unsorted) items into a sorted list, the

final list will also be sorted, hence:

iSort :: [Int] -> [Int]

iSort [] = []

iSort (x : xs) = insert x (iSort xs)

� This ‘algorithm’ is called (linear) insertion sort


� An example:

iSort [4, 9, 1]

-> insert 4 (iSort [9, 1])

-> insert 4 (insert 9 (iSort [1]))

-> insert 4 (insert 9 (insert 1 (iSort [])))

-> insert 4 (insert 9 (insert 1 []))

-> insert 4 (insert 9 [1])

-> insert 4 [1, 9]

-> [1, 4, 9]

? How many calls to ‘:’ are made on average to sort a list with n



Another sorting function – merge sort
� Haskell’s splitAt function takes an Int index n and a list of

type [a] and splits the list at position n

� How does Haskell implement it? A quick solution:

splitAt :: Int -> [a] -> ([a], [a])

— Pre: n >= 0

splitAt n xs

= (take n xs, drop n xs)

� However, this traverses the first n elements of xs twice

� We can avoid this but the resulting function is more



splitAt :: Int -> [a] -> ([a], [a])

— Pre: n >= 0

splitAt n []

= ([], [])

splitAt n (x : xs)

| n == 0 = ([], x : xs)

| otherwise = (x : xs’, xs’’)


(xs’, xs’’) = splitAt (n – 1) xs


� We need one more ingredient: the function merge takes two

ordered lists of Ints and merges them to produce a single

ordered list

merge :: [Int] -> [Int] -> [Int]

— Pre: both argument lists are ordered

merge [] []

= []

merge [] (x : xs)

= x : xs

merge (x : xs) []

= x : xs

merge (x : xs) (y : ys)

| x < y = x : merge xs (y : ys) | otherwise = y : merge (x : xs) ys 80 � Now, a beautiful rendition of a classic sorting algorithm: mergeSort :: [Int] -> [Int]

mergeSort []

= []

mergeSort xs

= merge (mergeSort xs’) (mergeSort xs’’)


(xs’, xs’’) = splitAt (length xs ‘div‘ 2) xs

? This definition isn’t quite right. What’s wrong and how would

you fix it?

? Explicitly calculating the length each time is madness: add a

helper function (mergeSort’?) which carries round the list to be

sorted and its length.

? Which is the best sorting function: iSort or mergeSort? Why?


Aside: Enumerated Types
� Enumerated types are special forms of user-defined data

types–see later

� They introduce a new type and an associated set of elements,

called constructors, of that type, e.g.

data Day = Mon | Tue | Wed | Thu | Fri | Sat | Sun

� This says that Day is a new type and that objects of type Day

may either be Mon, Tue, …, Sun

� Constructor names must be unique within a program

� When Haskell spots a constructor it knows immediately its type,

e.g. Fri is immediately recognisable as an object of type Day


� Type and constructor names must begin with a capital letter but

are otherwise completely arbitrary
� Some more examples:

data Switch = Off | On

data Colour = Black | Blue | Green | Cyan

| Red | Magenta | Yellow | White

data Kerrrpowwww = Plink | Plank | Plonk

� It’s up to you to choose type and constructor names that make

sense to you


� Functions can be defined on objects of type Day, Kerrrpowwww,

Switch etc. using pattern matching, e.g.

bothOn :: Switch -> Switch -> Bool

bothOn On On = True

bothOn On Off = False

bothOn Off On = False

bothOn Off Off = False

? Can we replace the final three rules by a single rule, e.g.:

bothOn s s’ = False?

� Note: Don’t be tempted to use == instead of pattern matching,

e.g. bothOn s s’ = s == On && s’ == On, or if xs == []

then … etc. – these are HORRID!


� Secret: internally, constructors are encoded 0, 1, 2…, e.g. Off

and On are encoded 0, and 1, but the type system ensures there is

no confusion between 0 for Off, for example, and 0 for Plink

� (We can arrange for a function fromEnum to tell us the internal

code of a constructor – if you want to play with this check out

the Enum type class)

� Note that the type Bool is just a data type with two constructors:

data Bool = False | True


� Haskell’s boolean func-

tions can be straightforwardly defined using pattern matching, e.g.

not :: Bool -> Bool

not False = True

not True = False

infixr 3 &&

True && True = True

b && b’ = False


? What if we wrote four equations: True && True = True, True

&& False = False, False && True = False, False && False =

False. Is this the same as the above?


4. Higher-order functions
� Higher-order functions take other functions as arguments, e.g.

map :: (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]

filter :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a]

zipWith :: (a -> b -> c) -> [a] -> [b] -> [c]

foldr :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> [a] -> b

foldl :: (a -> b -> a) -> a -> [b] -> a

foldr1, foldl1 :: (a -> a -> a) -> [a] -> a

scanr :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> [a] -> [b]

scanl :: (a -> b -> a) -> a -> [b] -> [a]

takeWhile, dropWhile

:: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a]

iterate :: (a -> a) -> a -> [a]

� (Again, we’ve simplified some of the types)


� The function map applies a given function (passed as a

parameter) to every element of a given list, e.g.

Prelude> map succ [1, 2, 3, 4]


Prelude> map head [“Random”, “Access”, “Memory”]


� Note that the expression map f xs is equivalent to the list

comprehension [f x | x <- xs] so one way to define map would be map :: (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]

map f xs

= [f x | x <- xs] � Recall that juxtaposition (here of f and x) means function application in Haskell 88 � We can define map recursively using pattern matching as well... map :: (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]

map f []

= []

map f (x : xs)

= f x : map f xs

� Let’s see how it works with an example:

map not [True, False, False]

-> not True : map not [False, False]

-> not True : not False : map not [False]

-> not True : not False : not False : map not []

-> not True : not False : not False : []

-> [False, True, True]


� The function filter filters out elements of a list using a given

predicate (a function that returns a Bool)
� The predicate is applied to each element of a given list; if the

result is False the element is excluded from the result, e.g.

Prelude> filter even [1 .. 10]


Prelude> let f x = x > 6 in filter f [4,7,6,9,1]


Prelude> let f x = x /= ’s’ in filter f “scares”


� The expression filter f xs is equivalent to the list

comprehension [x | x <- xs, f x] ? How would you define filter recursively? 90 � The function zipWith applies a given function pairwise to the elements of two given lists, e.g. Prelude> zipWith (+) [1, 2, 3] [9, 5, 8]


Prelude> zipWith elem “abp” [“dog”, “cat”, “pig”]


Prelude> zipWith max [(2,1),(4,9)] [(1,1),(8,5)]


� Recall: (op) is the prefix version of op; also, elem e xs is True

iff e is an element of list xs

� The expression zipWith f xs ys is equivalent to the list

comprehension [f x y | (x, y) <- zip xs ys] ? How would you define zipWith recursively? 91 � The functions foldr and foldl reduce a list to a value by ‘inserting’ a given function between each element: foldr f u [] −→ u foldr f u [x1, x2, ..., xn] −→ f x1 (f x2 (...(f xn u)...)) foldl f u [] −→ u foldl f u [x1, x2, ..., xn] −→ f (...(f (f u x1) x2)...) xn � The additional parameter, u, is the unit of f – computationally, it defines what to do when the given list is empty � The types of foldr and foldl are: foldr :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> [a] -> b

foldl :: (b -> a -> b) -> b -> [a] -> b


� Some examples:

Prelude> foldr (+) 0 [3, 5, 7, -3, 9]


Prelude> foldl (+) 0 [3, 5, 7, -3, 9]


Prelude> foldl (*) 1 [2, 4, 6, -1]


Prelude> foldr (++) [] [“a”, “bb”, “ccc”]


Prelude> foldr (:) [] [3, 5, 7, -3, 9]


? How would you define foldr? What about foldl?


� The functions foldr1 and foldl1 are versions of foldr and

foldl without the unit:

foldr1 f [x1, x2, …, xn] −→ f x1 (f x2 (…(f xn−1 xn)…))
foldl1 f [x1, x2, …, xn] −→ f (…(f (f x1 x2) x3)…) xn

� Crucially, foldr1 and foldl1 are undefined for empty lists

� The types are:

foldr1, foldl1 :: (a -> a -> a) -> [a] -> a


� Some examples:

Prelude> let f x y = y in foldr1 f [1, 2, 3, 4]


Prelude> foldr1 min [4,7,6,2,7,3]


Prelude> foldr1 min []

*** Exception: Prelude.foldr1: empty list

? Is there a sensible answer to foldr1 min []?

? Under what conditions is foldr1 op xs = foldl1 op xs?

? How would you define foldr1 and foldl1?


� Sometimes it’s useful to know each intermediate result computed

during a fold, e.g. when summing the elements of the list [3, 2,

9, 5] we may want each of:


0 + 3

0 + 3 + 2

0 + 3 + 2 + 9

0 + 3 + 2 + 9 + 5

as partial sums or prefix sums

� The functions scanr and scanl (and their ’1 variants) do exactly


scanr :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> [a] -> [b]

scanl :: (a -> b -> a) -> a -> [b] -> [a]


� Some examples:

Prelude> scanl (+) 0 [3,2,9,5]


Prelude> scanr (+) 0 [3,2,9,5]


Prelude> scanr (:) [] “gobi”


Prelude> scanl1 min [4, 7, 3, 2, 5, 1, 8, 7]


? How would you define scanr and scanl?


� Three more built-in higher-order functions…

takeWhile :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a]

takeWhile p []

= []

takeWhile p (x : xs)

| p x = x : takeWhile p xs

| otherwise = []

dropWhile :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a]

— Exercise: write it

iterate :: (a -> a) -> a -> [a]

iterate f x

= x : iterate f (f x)


� For example,

Prelude> take 10 (iterate succ 0)


Prelude> take 6 (iterate tail “suffix”)


Prelude> takeWhile even [2, 4, 7, 6]


Prelude> dropWhile isSpace ” Begin”


� Note that lazy evaluation is essential for evaluating expressions

involving iterate


Binary Operator Extensions
� Some binary operators have corresponding generalisations over

lists, for example:

Operator Generalisation

+ sum :: Num a => [a] -> a

* product :: Num a => [a] -> a

&& and :: [Bool] -> Bool

|| or :: [Bool] -> Bool

++ concat :: [[a]] -> [a]

max maximum :: Ord a => [a] -> a

min minimum :: Ord a => [a] -> a

� Note: see later for a proper explanation of the types


� Examples…

Prelude> sum [1..6]


Prelude> product [2, 4, 1, 6]


Prelude> and [True, False, True]


Prelude> or [x < 3 | x <- [5, 4, 8, 1, 9]] True Prelude> concat [“Three “, “small “, “lists”]

“Three small lists”

Prelude> maximum [1, 4, 3, 1, 9]



� Note: these operators can be defined recursively using pattern

matching, e.g.

product :: [Int] -> Int

product [] = 1

product (x : xs) = x * product xs

and :: [Bool] -> Bool

and [] = True

and (b : bs) = b && and bs

� However, in each case all we’re doing is ‘inserting’ a binary

operator in between each list element and using an appropriate

unit element

� But this is just what fold does


� So, alternatively:

product xs = foldr (*) 1 xs

and xs = foldr (&&) True xs

� Subtle point: It is easy to see that for all lists (of numbers) xs,

foldr (*) 1 xs ≡ foldl (*) 1 xs, so which is best?
– foldl (*) 1 xs is tail recursive, which means that it’s more

efficient to implement

– However, because && works “left to right” it’s better to use

foldr for and

? If we write foldl (&&) True [False, b2, …, bn] are b2, …,

bn evaluated?


� By picking the most efficient implementation in each case we have:

sum xs = foldl (+) 0 xs

product xs = foldl (*) 1 xs

and xs = foldr (&&) True xs

or xs = foldr (||) False xs

concat xs = foldr (++) [] xs

maximum xs = foldl1 max xs

minimum xs = foldl1 min xs

� Note: maximum [] and minimum [] are not defined – hence the

use of foldl1.

? Could we use foldr1 instead?


Currying and Partial Application
� Functions can also return other functions as their result (another

type of higher-order function)

� Q: How can we evaluate something and end up with a new

function? A: Partial application…

� Consider the function
plus :: Int -> Int -> Int

plus x y

= x + y

� Why do we write Int -> Int -> Int?

� The answer is that plus actually introduces two single-argument



1. plus is really a single-argument function whose type signature is

Int -> (Int -> Int)

2. If a :: Int then plus a is a function of type Int -> Int

� So, plus 4 is a perfectly meaningful expression—it is the

function which adds 4 to things

� This suggests we can map partial applications over lists; let’s try:

Prelude> map (plus 4) [1, 3, 8]

[5, 7, 12]

Prelude> map (elem ’e’) [“No”, “No again”, “Yes”]


� An application which only partially completes the arguments of a

function f is called a partial application of f


� The idea of treating all multi-argument functions “one argument

at a time” is called currying after the mathematician

HASKELL B. Curry!!

� Partial applications of operators are called sections and Haskell

has some special notation to help. For example:

(1/) is the ‘reciprocal’ function

(/2) is the ‘halving’ function

(^3) is the ‘cubing’ function

(+1) is the ‘successor’ function

(!!0) is the ‘head’ function

(==0) is the ‘is-zero’ function


Prelude> map (==0) [4, 0, 8, 0]


Prelude> map (^2) [1..4]


Prelude> map (!!2) [“one”, “two”, “three”]


Prelude> takeWhile (<20) (iterate (+3) 1) [1,4,7,10,13,16,19] Prelude> filter (/=0) (map (‘mod‘ 2) [1..10])



� So functions really are ‘first-class’ citizens in Haskell. Indeed,

even function composition can be expressed as a higher-order


(.) :: (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> (a -> c)

f . g = h where h x = f (g x)

� Note: there are several other ways we can write this, e.g.

(f . g) x = f (g x)

f . g = \x -> f (g x)

g f
x f ( g x )

x f ( g x )
f . g


� Example: here are two equivalent definitions of functions

notNull and allZero

notNull :: [a] -> Bool

notNull xs = not (null xs)

— Or…

notNull xs = (not . null) xs

allZero :: [Int] -> Bool

allZero xs = and (map (==0) xs)

— Or…

allZero xs = (and . map (==0)) xs


� A useful rule for simplifying some definitions is the extensionality

rule from mathematics:

if ∀x, f x = g x then f = g

� This means, for example, that in our notNull and allZero

functions we can instead cancel the xs and write
notNull = not . null

allZero = and . map (==0)


� Similarly for our earlier examples, e.g.

sum = foldl (+) 0

product = foldl (*) 1

and = foldr (&&) True

or = foldr (||) False

concat = foldr (++) []

maximum = foldl1 max

minimum = foldl1 min


� These exploit the fact that function application associates to the

left, i.e. f x y z ≡ ( ( f x ) y ) z


squareRoot as a function “pipeline”

� Here is an alternative definition of squareRoot:

squareRoot :: Float -> Float

— Pre: x >= 0

squareRoot x

= (head . dropWhile isBad . iterate next . (/2)) x


next a = (a + x / a) / 2

isBad a = abs (x – a^2) / x > 0.0001

� The x is passed from one function to the next, from right to left,

cf. a pipeline

? Can you cancel the x in the LHS and RHS of squareRoot?


6. User-defined data types
� We have already seen enumerated types, for example:

data Bool = False | True

data Color = Black | Blue | Green | Cyan

| Red | Magenta | Yellow | White

� In general, constructors can also take arguments and both they

(and the associated type) can be polymorphic

� These data types are sometimes called user-defined types or

algebraic data types, or quite often just “data types”


� Haskell’s built-in Maybe type:

data Maybe a = Nothing | Just a

� This is very handy for computations that might fail in some

recoverable way (Nothing ≡ “fail”, Just x ≡ “success with
answer x”)

– Nothing is a constructor of type Maybe a (i.e. Nothing ::

Maybe a)

– Just is a constructor of type a -> Maybe a (i.e. Just :: a

-> Maybe a)

� Constructors are thus functions with no rules

� They are defined implicitly when they appear in a data definition


� Haskell’s lookup function returns a Maybe – it’s a really useful


lookup key []

= Nothing

lookup key ((k, v) : table)

| key == k = Just v

| otherwise = lookup key table

(We’ll work out its exact type later.)

� For example:

Prelude> lookup ’x’ [(’a’, 9), (’c’, 2)]


Prelude> lookup 4 [(9, “nine”), (4, “four”), (1, “one”)]

Just “four”


� Uses of lookup are ubiquitous – we might use them like this:

f x table

= … f’ (lookup x table) …


f’ Nothing

= b

f’ (Just res)

= g res

� Notice how we have used the constructors on the left of the = to

form patterns, c.f. enumerated types

� However, we can make this type of code much shorter by using

the functions in Data.Maybe…

import Data.Maybe


� Two commonly-used functions in Data.Maybe:

maybe :: b -> (a -> b) -> Maybe a -> b

maybe x f Nothing

= x

maybe x f (Just y)

= f y

fromJust :: Maybe a -> a

fromJust Nothing

= error …

fromJust (Just x)

= x


� For example, f above can be written:

import Data.Maybe

f x table

= … maybe b g (lookup x table) …

� If we happen

to know that there will always be a binding for x in the table then:

f x table

= … g (fromJust (lookup x table)) …

� For a bit of homework,

check out the type Either which implements a union of two types:

data Either a b = Left a | Right b

Note that it is parameterised by two type variables, as you’d



Recursive data types
� User-defined types can also be recursive, e.g. a “hand-made” list


data List a = Nil | Cons a (List a)

� The type List a is isomorphic to Haskell’s list type [a]

� Indeed, Haskell’s prelude essentially has this:

data [a] = [] | a : [a]

although this is not legal syntax


� If we stick with our own definition of lists (List a) we’ll need to

use Nil and Cons instead of [] and ‘:’ e.g.


Cons 6 Nil

Cons “this” (Cons “that” Nil)

generate objects of type List Int and List String respectively

� We can also pattern match on terms involving Nil and Cons in

the obvious way, e.g.

length :: List a -> Int

length Nil

= 0

length (Cons x xs)

= 1 + length xs


� Trees are powerful generalisations of lists and have a

two-dimensional branching structure

� An example: a binary tree where each node has two subtrees
An empty tree

An internal node

� Usually (but not always) elements are stored at the nodes, as

assumed here


Why trees are important
� If a tree is perfectly balanced, i.e. every node has identical-sized

subtrees then a tree with n items has log2(n+ 1) depth, e.g.

Balanced tree, n = 7, depth = 3

� It is thus possible to implement common operations on trees in

logarithmic time, cf. linear time, as for a list

� Even if a tree is unbalanced it is often more efficient than using a

list (it depends…)


� We can describe the structure of trees using a data type

� E.g. for tress like the above we’ll call the constructor for an

empty tree Empty and that for an internal node Node

� We’ll allow any type of object to sit in the nodes, so we’ll make

the trees polymorphic:

data Tree a = Empty | Node (Tree a) a (Tree a)

� Note we could rearrange the arguments of Node, e.g.

data Tree a = Empty | Node a (Tree a) (Tree a)

� It doesn’t matter so long as we are consistent; we’ll use the



� Some example trees




(a) (b)




� (a) is a Tree Int, (b) is a Tree Char and (c) is a Tree Float

element is smaller than every right subtree element

� We can write Haskell expressions that represent these, e.g. (b)

corresponds to Node Empty ’g’ (Node Empty ’k’ Empty) ?

What about (a) and (c)?


� As with lists we can write functions on Trees using pattern

� There are two types of tree, hence two types of pattern to


� Example: size for computing the number of nodes in a tree

size :: Tree a -> Int

size Empty

= 0

size (Node l x r)

= 1 + size l + size r

� Compare this with length for lists; here size has two “sub-trees”

to explore beneath each Node hence two recursive calls to size


� Another example: flatten which will reduce a Tree a to a list

of type [a] by performing an in-order traversal of the tree
� In-order traversal visits the nodes from left to right

flatten :: Tree a -> [a]

flatten Empty

= []

flatten (Node t1 x t2)

= flatten t1 ++ (x : flatten t2)

� Note that the flattened version of t1 is the leftmost argument of

++ and therefore will appear first in the resulting list; hence the

left-to-right order

? How many calls to ‘:’ are required to flatten a prefectly balanced

tree containing n = 2k − 1 elements? How would you redefine
flatten so that exactly one ‘:’ is required for each element?


� Example: a function to insert a number into an ordered tree

� An ordered tree satisfies the property that for every node:

– Every element of the left subtree is smaller than (or equal to)

the element at the node

– The node element is smaller than every element in the right


insert :: Int -> Tree Int -> Tree Int

— Pre: The tree is ordered

insert n Empty

= Node Empty n Empty

insert n (Node t1 x t2)

| n <= x = Node (insert n t1) x t2 | otherwise = Node t1 x (insert n t2) ? Note that insert as defined is not polymorphic. Why? 128 � Example: a function to construct an ordered tree from an unordered list of numbers: build :: [Int] -> Tree Int


= foldr insert Empty

� Hence, yet another program for sorting a list of numbers:

treeSort :: [Int] -> [Int]


= flatten . build

? On average, how many nodes have to be visited for each insertion?

? If you use the optimised version of flatten (see above) how

many constructor calls (list and tree constructors) are required on

average to sort a list of n elements?


� The composition of build and flatten can be seen clearly with

a pretty picture:


Empty Empty

Empty 7 9




[9, 2, 7, 8, 4, 5] [2, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9]



Empty Empty Empty Empty


6. Type classes
� In contrast to polymorphic functions such as length, some

functions, e.g. ==, are overloaded :

– they can be used at more than one type

– their definitions are different at different types

� The collection of types over which a function is defined is called a


� The set of types over which == is defined is called the equality

class, Eq

� We say that == is a member function of Eq

� Note that /= is also a member of Eq

� The Haskell equality class is defined by:


class Eq t where

(==), (/=) :: t -> t -> Bool

x /= y = not (x == y)

x == y = not (x /= y)

� Note the default definition of == and /=; as we add new types to

the equality class, /= will de defined automatically (in terms of


� The member types of a class (the types that t can be above) are

called instances of that class; for Eq the instances include Int,

Float, Bool, Char

� It is this which enables use to write things like

True == True || ’a’ == ’b’ && 13 /= 7


Extending a Class

� Recall from earlier:

data Switch = Off | On

� Suppose we wish to check whether two Switch values are equal.

We could define a new function, e.g.

eqSwitch :: Switch -> Switch -> Bool

eqSwitch On On = True

eqSwitch Off Off = True

eqSwitch s1 s2 = False

� This is fine, but it would be much more convenient if we could

use == instead, as in Off == On, for example

� Problem: Switch is not a member type of Eq, but we can add it

in one of two ways:


1 Explicitly by adding a definition of ‘==’ on values of type Switch:

instance Eq Switch where

On == On = True

Off == Off = True

s1 == s2 = False

(Note that /= is defined in terms of == by default in the class

definition but we could override it here if we wanted)

2 Implicitly using the keyword deriving in the data definition:

data Switch = On | Off

deriving (Eq)

� The use of deriving saves us a lot of work—the system builds

the definition of == over Switch values automatically

� To appreciate the benefits, try writing == for type Day, defined



Puzzle: Given the Eq class definition:

class Eq t where

(==), (/=) :: t -> t -> Bool

x /= y = not (x == y)

x == y = not (x /= y)

and the following data type and instance declaration:

data D = C Int

instance Eq D

(i.e. D uses Eq’s default definitions for == and /=), what happens if

we try to compute C 1 == C 2?



� Some function types need to be restricted to reflect the

operations that they perform on their arguments

� Here is a valid definition
equals :: Int -> Int -> Bool

equals x y

= x == y

� However, if we try to make this polymorphic, as in

equals :: t -> t -> Bool

equals x y

= x == y

we get an error

� A type variable t in a type means (literally) “for all t”, but

equals will only work if values of type t are comparable


� To make the type of equals as general as possible, we need to

give t a context thus

equals :: Eq t => t -> t -> Bool

equals x y = x == y

� Eq t => … now means “any t that is a member of Eq” rather

than “for all t”

� Example: Haskell provides a built-in function elem for testing

membership of a list, e.g.

*Main> elem 1 [2, 4, 9]


*Main> elem ’a’ “Harry”


*Main> elem True []



� So, what is the type of elem?

� The basic type structure is clearly of the form

a -> [a] -> Bool

� However, the list elements (the things of type a) must be

comparable, i.e. a must be an instance of Eq

� In the Haskell standard prelude, we find:

elem :: Eq a => a -> [a] -> Bool

� Q: What is the most general type of Haskell’s lookup function?

lookup key []

= Nothing

lookup key ((k, v) : table)

| key == k = Just v

| otherwise = lookup key table


Derived Classes

� Some classes may restrict their instance types to belong to

certain other classes

� The simplest example is another built-in class called Ord

representing the ordered types

� For a type to be a member of Ord it must also be a member of

the superclass Eq

� Given the data type:

data Ordering = LT | EQ | GT

Ord can be defined using a context thus (see over):


class (Eq a) => Ord a where

compare :: a -> a -> Ordering

(<), (<=), (>=), (>) :: a -> a -> Bool

max, min :: a -> a -> a

compare x y

| x == y = EQ

| x <= y = LT | otherwise = GT x <= y = compare x y /= GT x < y = compare x y == LT x >= y = compare x y /= LT

x > y = compare x y == GT

� We say that Ord inherits the operations of Eq


� Note that we can only compute x <= y if we can also compute x == y � The basic types Int, Float, Bool, Char are all instances of Ord � This enables us to write, e.g. 4 <= 9, ’d’ > ’t’,

max True False

� If necessary, we can add new types

to Ord in the same way that we added new types to Eq, for example

data Day = Mon | Tue | Wed | Thu | Fri | Sat | Sun

deriving (Eq, Ord)

? Because Ord inherits from Eq do we always have to derive

both Eq and Ord?


� The automatically-generated definitions of <, <= , >, …

assume the constructors to be ordered as they are written
� Thus

More> Tue < Mon False More> Thu >= Mon


More> Sun <= Sun True More> Fri == Sat



� Recursive data types can also be added to classes Eq and Ord,

e.g. for our List type above:

data List a = Nil | Cons a (List a)

deriving (Eq, Ord)

� We can compare two List a values provided that a is also an

instance of Ord, e.g.

More> Cons 8 Nil > Cons 7 Nil


More> Cons Mon Nil >= Nil


More> Cons False (Cons True Nil) < Nil False � Note, however, that Cons Off Nil > Nil is an error because the

type Switch is not an instance of Ord


� Another important class is called Show which has a member

function show :: a -> String for converting an object of

instance type a into a string

� Haskell uses this to print the value of an expression at the

terminal, e.g.

Prelude> 74.6


Prelude> show 74.6


Prelude> show “74.6”



� If a type t is not a member of Show then we can’t display objects

of type t
� For example,

at the moment there is no instance of Show for the Day data type so:

*Main> Mon

ERROR: Cannot find “show” function for:

*** expression : Mon

*** of type : Day

� We can fix it by deriving Show in the definition of Day…


� This will define Show’s member function show automati-

cally; the constructor name will then be used as its representation:

data Day = Mon | Tue | Wed | Thu | Fri | Sat | Sun

deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)

� Whereupon:

*Main> Mon


*Main> (Mon, Fri)



� Alternatively, we might want to display values of type Day


instance Show Day where

show Mon = “Monday”

show Tue = “Tuesday”

show Wed = “Wednesday”

show Thu = “Thursday”

show Fri = “Friday”

show Sat = “Saturday”

show Sun = “Sunday”

� For example,

*Main> (Mon, Fri)



Multiple Constraints

� Contexts can include an arbitrary number of constraints, for


showSmaller x y = if x < y then show x else show y � Both x and y must be comparable by < and valid arguments to show, i.e. instances of both Ord and Show Prelude> :t showSmaller

showSmaller :: (Ord a, Show a) => a -> a -> String


� Multiple constraints can occur in instance declarations

� For example, the pair type (t, u) is already defined to be an

instance of Eq

� For two pairs to be comparable using == their components must

also be comparable

� Hence, Haskell implements something like this:

instance (Eq t, Eq u) => Eq (t, u) where

(a, b) == (c, d) = if a == c

then b == d

else False


� Finally… suppose we have a data type and evaluator for


data Exp = Const Int | Add Exp Exp | Sub Exp Exp |

Mul Exp Exp

deriving (Show, Eq)

eval :: Exp -> Int

eval (Const x)

= x

eval (Add e e’)

= eval e + eval e’

eval (Sub e e’)

= eval e – eval e’

eval (Mul e e’)

= eval e * eval e’


� For example, 3 * 6 + 7 would be represented by:

Add (Mul (Const 3) (Const 6)) (Const 7)
� We can evaluate expressions like this using eval, e.g.:

*Main> eval (Add (Mul (Const 3) (Const 6)) (Const 7))


� This is all a bit of a mouthful. It would be much better if we

could just type 3 * 6 + 7 and have it interpreted as Add (Mul

(Const 3) (Const 6)) (Const 7) automatically

� We can do this by making Exp an instance of the Num class and

defining +, * etc. accordingly

� This essentially defines a new “language” for expressions – we are

embedding one language within another


� Here are the member functions of Num…
class Num a where

(+) :: a -> a -> a

(*) :: a -> a -> a

(-) :: a -> a -> a

negate :: a -> a

abs :: a -> a

signum :: a -> a

fromInteger :: Integer -> a

Predefined member types: Integer, Int, Float, Double

� Note that we must define at least one of – and negate as they

are mutually defined by default


� To make the instance, note that e + e’ needs to be interpreted

as Add e e’, i.e. (+) = Add; similarly the other functions:

instance Num Exp where

(+) = Add

(-) = Sub

(*) = Mul

abs x = error “abs not implemented”

signum x = error “signum not implemented”

fromInteger = Const . fromInteger

� Note that for fromInteger a definition like fromInteger n =

Const n, for example, would attempt to apply Const to an

Integer rather than an Int

� Amazingly, we can now use the type system to build the

representation of an expression, rather than evaluate it…


� For example:

*Main> 3*6+7


*Main> 3*6+7 :: Exp

Add (Mul (Const 3) (Const 6)) (Const 7)

*Main> sum [8*9, 4]


*Main> sum [8*9, 4] :: Exp

Add (Add (Const 0) (Mul (Const 8) (Const 9))) (Const 4)

*Main> eval (sum [8*9, 4])


� Note that integer constants on the command line are

automatically translated to calls to fromInteger

� Note also that the default instance for the Num class is Integer,

e.g. 7::Exp essentially overrides the default 7::Integer


7. I/O and monads

Q: How can we implement I/O in a pure functional language, which

has no side effects?

� To understand why Haskell’s I/O is the way it is, it’s useful to

try to construct the problem ‘bottom up’

� Doing I/O necessarily changes the state of the ‘world’, e.g. by

reading characters from a keyboard or writing data to a file

� To do this purely functionally means that we somehow have to

carry round the state of the world

� To understand the issues, we’ll begin by thinking of the world

state as being something explicit, i.e. a data structure, that is

passed to and from functions explicitly


� Let’s focus on input from and output to a user terminal – when

we get this right it’s easy to see how it can be generalised
� Assume that we magically know all the user’s keyboard input in

advance (a String) and keep track of the state of the screen

output (another String), e.g.

type World = (String, String)

— Some magical initial world…

w0 :: World

w0 = (“abcdefgh”, “”)

� In practice, the World will be much more complicated and will

need to encode the current status of all I/O devices maintained

by the operating system


� Using our very simple ‘terminal’ model of I/O,

we can now write a function to read a character from the keyboard:

getChar :: World -> (Char, World)

getChar (c : cs, out)

= (c, (cs, out))

� What about printing a character to the screen? We’ll see in a

moment that it’s convenient to think of this returning a void

result, (), in addition to the modified world:

putChar :: Char -> World -> ((), World)

putChar c (cs, out)

= ((), (cs, out ++ [c]))


� For example, assuming our initial world, w0

*Main> getChar w0 — Read ’a’ from the keyboard


*Main> putChar ’X’ w0 — Write ’X’ to the screen

((), (“abcdefgh”,”X”))

� We see the effect of the I/O in the form of a pair, but this is only

a model: in practice, the I/O functions will invoke the operating

system to side effect physical devices, e.g. the keyboard reader

and screen in this case


� Notice that getChar and putChar have similar

type signatures, so we can tidy things up by using a type synonym:

type IO a = World -> (a, World)

� Whereupon…

getChar :: IO Char

getChar (c : cs, out)

= (c, (cs, out))

putChar :: Char -> IO ()

putChar c (cs, out)

= ((), (cs, out ++ [c]))

� Note, for example, that in the case of putChar, Char -> World

-> ((), World) is the same as Char -> (World -> ((),

World)), which is the same as Char -> IO ()


� Q: How can we perform two or more I/O actions in sequence?
� A: Take the (possibly modified) world generated by the first and

then execute the second with respect to it

� However, all we have at the moment are just I/O actions (IO a,

for some a) so the only way we can do this is to provide some

additional ‘sequencing’ functions to help:

� We’ll “invent” two useful generic functions – actually, we’ll make

them infix operators:

>> Perform two independent actions, one after the other

>>= Perform an action that produces some result, r say, and then

pass r to a second action

� Here are their definitions…


infixl 1 >>, >>=

(>>) :: IO a -> IO b -> IO b

(a1 >> a2) w

= let (r1, w1) = a1 w

(r2, w2) = a2 w1

in (r2, w2)

Alternatively (and we could, of course, use where):

(a1 >> a2) w

= let (_, w1) = a1 w

in a2 w1


(>>=) :: IO a -> (a -> IO b) -> IO b

(a1 >>= a2) w

= let (r1, w1) = a1 w

(r2, w2) = a2 r1 w1

in (r2, w2)


(a1 >>= a2) w

= let (r1, w1) = a1 w

in a2 r1 w1


� For example:

printHI :: IO ()


= putChar ’H’ >> putChar ’I’

� Short aside: In order to run a program with type IO, we have to

give it the hidden (initial) world, w0 say

� In practice, this will be done by the run-time system at the

topmost level, but we can mock this up:

runIO :: IO a -> (a, World)

runIO p

= p w0

� So, runIO printHI returns ((),(“abcdefgh”,”HI”)), which,

using our simple I/O model, corresponds to printing “HI” on the



� Another example – read a character and then print it (c is the

character read by getChar):

readAndPrint :: IO ()


= getChar >>= \c -> putChar c


= getChar >>= putChar

� E.g., runIO readAndPrint returns ((),(“bcdefgh”,”a”))


� So far so good, but we have a problem: if we expose the

representation of the world then we can sneakily read input as a

side effect of pattern matching, e.g. for our simple world model:

peek :: World -> Char

peek (c : cs, out)

= c

� Much more serious, any function that does I/O can ‘corrupt’ the


hack :: IO ()

hack (in, out)

= (in, “Nasty message: I hate you!”)


� The solution is essentially to hide the representation of the world

from the user and just publish the types of the I/O primitives as

an “interface” to the hidden world:
getChar :: IO Char

putChar :: IO ()

� Important: there is only one world

– Each interface function only ever interacts with the single,

hidden world

– Users cannot see the world and so cannot duplicate it

– There is no ‘duplicate world’ function in the interface


� In Haskell, IO is a built-in type and getChar and putChar are

defined in a low-level I/O module (System.IO); interaction with

the “real” world is via low-level I/O operations

� The functions >> and >>= are member functions of a class called

Monad describing “sequencable” types:

class Applicative m => Monad (m :: * -> *) where

(>>=) :: m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b

(>>) :: m a -> m b -> m b

return :: a -> m a

fail :: String -> m a

� The ‘m’ here represents a type constructors (cf. a type), e.g. [],


� More details will be provided in the in Advanced Programming,

including an explanation of Applicative, * -> * etc.


� return allows a sequence, e.g. of I/O actions, to deliver a result

which is something other than the result of the final action, e.g.

checkInput :: IO Bool


= getChar >>= \c -> return (c == ’\n’)

� Note that we can’t just “return” a result in the traditional sense,

because we’d get a type error, e.g.

getChar >>= \c -> (c == ’\n’) — TYPE ERROR
In this case, Bool does not match IO Bool

� fail describes what to do in the event of failure when

implementing the ‘do’ syntax – more of that later


Important notes
� All I/O has to happen at the topmost level, because the only way

to propagate the world is via >> and >>=

� For an I/O program to type check, we must always use functions

like >> and >>= for the result to be an IO a, for some a

� Turning it around, if you try to do anything other than I/O at

the topmost level, or try to use I/O

anywhere other than the topmost level, you’ll get a type error, e.g.

*Main> getChar >>= \c -> (c == ’\n’) — TYPE ERROR

*Main> getChar : “hello” — TYPE ERROR

� Thus, amazingly, the the type checker prevents you from

violating referential transparency!


‘do’ notation
� Haskell has a ‘do’ notation to make it easier to write ‘monadic’


� The following are equivalent – indeed, the ‘do’ syntax on the left

is just sugar for the expression on the right:

do a1 ; a2 a1 >> a2

do x <- a1; a2 a1 >>= \x -> a2

� The semicolons (;) can also be replaced with new lines, provided

we indent appropriately


� An example (putStrLn and putStr print strings with and

without new lines):

ioTest :: IO ()


= do

putStr “Please enter a character: ”

c <- getChar putStrLn ("\nYou entered ’" ++ [c] ++ "’") � This looks very much like I/O code in a conventional programming language; however, it’s shorthand for putStr "Please enter a character: " >> getChar >>=

\c -> putStrLn (“\nYou entered ’” ++ [c] ++ “’”)

� Haskell has many other I/O primitives, e.g. getLine, readFile

etc. Explore…!


Lots of things are monads
� Maybes are monads, e.g.

lookupTwice x y table1 table2

= do

v <- lookup x table1 v’ <- lookup y table2 return (v, v’) 172 � A Nothing in either lookup gets propagated, e.g. *Main> lookupTwice 1 2 [] []


*Main> lookupTwice 1 2 [] [(2,’a’)]


*Main> lookupTwice 1 2 [(1,5)] []


*Main> lookupTwice 1 2 [(1,5)] [(2,’a’)]

Just (5,’a’)

? What does the Monad instance of Maybe look like?


� Lists are monads too, e.g.

*Main> do x <- "abc"; return x "abc" *Main> [x | x <- "abc"] "abc" *Main> do x <- [1,2,3]; y <- [4,5]; return (x, y) [(1,4),(1,5),(2,4),(2,5),(3,4),(3,5)] *Main> [(x, y) | x <- [1,2,3], y <- [4,5]] [(1,4),(1,5),(2,4),(2,5),(3,4),(3,5)] � Yes - list comprehensions are just shorthands for monadic do expressions! ? What does the Monad instance of [] look like? 174 � Remark: the fail function in the Monad class is used to handle pattern matching failure on the left of a <-, e.g. *Main> fail “Oops” :: IO ()

*** Exception: user error (Oops)

*Main> fail “Oops” :: Maybe Int


*Main> fail “Oops” :: [Int]


*Main> do ’a’ <- Just ’z’; return ’a’ Nothing 175 � Thus, when translating do blocks, the expression do pat <- a1; a2 must be mapped to something like: a1 >>= \arg -> case arg of
pat = a2

_ = fail “Pattern match fail…”

� See GHC.Base for the details