CS计算机代考程序代写 python Bayesian algorithm 06/11/2021, 15:01 Final exam 2020 (practice copy): Attempt review

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Question 1
Not answered

Marked out of

Started on Saturday, 6 November 2021, 2:39 PM
State Finished

Completed on Saturday, 6 November 2021, 3:01 PM
Time taken 22 mins

Frontier trace format
This information box appears in any quiz that includes questions on tracing the frontier of a graph search problem.

Trace format
Starting with an empty frontier we record all the calls to the frontier: to add or to get a path. We dedicate one line per call.
When we ask the frontier to add a path, we start the line with a + followed by the path that is being added.
When we ask for a path from the frontier, we start the line with a – followed by the path that is being removed.
When using a priority queue, the path is followed by a comma and then the key (e.g. cost, heuristic, f-value, …).
The lines of the trace should match the following regular expression (case and space insensitive): ^[+-][a-z]+(,\d+)?!?$
The symbol ! is used at the end of a line to indicate a pruning operation. It must be used when the path that is being added to, or is removed from the frontier is to a node that is already expanded. Note that if a path that is
removed from the frontier is pruned, it is not returned to the search algorithm; the frontier has to remove more paths until one can be returned.

You can check the format of your answer by clicking the “Precheck” button which checks the format of each line against a regular expression. Precheck only looks at the syntax of your answer and the frontier that must be used. It
does not use the information in the graph object. So for example, + a would pass the format check for a BFS or DFS question even if the graph does not have a node called a.

If your answer fails the precheck, it will fail the check. If it passes the precheck, it may pass the main check, it may not. You will not lose or gain any marks by using “Precheck”.

Frontier traces are not case sensitive – you don’t have to type capital letters.
There can be any number of white space characters between characters in a trace line and in between lines. When evaluating your answer, white spaces will be removed even if they are between characters.
You can have comments in a trace. Comments start with a hash sign, #. They can take an entire line or just appear at the end of a line. Any character string appearing after # in a line will be ignored by the grader. You can use
comments to keep track of things such as the visited set (when pruning).
In questions where the search strategy is cost-sensitive (e.g. LCFS) you must include the cost information on all lines. The ‘Precheck’ button checks this for you.
In questions where a priority queue is needed, the queue must be stable.

Given the following graph, trace the frontier of a depth-first search (DFS). Do not perform pruning.

nodes={‘A’, ‘B’, ‘C’, ‘G’},
edge_list=[(‘A’, ‘B’), (‘A’, ‘G’), (‘B’, ‘C’), (‘C’, ‘A’), (‘C’, ‘G’)],
starting_nodes=[‘A’, ‘B’],

Answer: (penalty regime: 20, 40, … %)


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Question 2

Marked out of

Write a class LCFSFrontier such that an instance of this class along with a graph object and generic_search perform lowest-cost-first search (LCFS) without pruning.

You can download search.py for local testing if needed.
Priority queues must be stable.
You can complete the code preloaded in the answer box if you wish.
Recall that a path is a sequence of Arc objects. Each arc object has a tail, a head, an action, and a cost.
Remember to include all the required import statements.
For example:

Test Result

from search import *
from student_answer import LCFSFrontier

graph = ExplicitGraph(
nodes = {‘S’, ‘A’, ‘B’, ‘G’},
edge_list=[(‘S’,’A’,3), (‘S’,’B’,1), (‘B’,’A’,1), (‘A’,’B’,1), (‘A’,’G’,5)],
starting_nodes = [‘S’],
goal_nodes = {‘G’})

solution = next(generic_search(graph, LCFSFrontier()))

Total cost: 7

Answer: (penalty regime: 0, 15, … %)

Reset answer

from search import *
import heapq

class LCFSFrontier(Frontier):
“””Implements a frontier appropriate for lowest-cost-first.”””

def __init__(self):
“””The constructor takes no argument. It initialises the
container to an empty stack.”””
self.container = []
# add more code if necessary

def add(self, path):
raise NotImplementedError # FIX THIS: Replace it with proper code

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8 ▼

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Question 3
Not answered

Marked out of

Question 4
Partially correct

Marked out of

def __iter__(self):
“””The object returns itself because it is implementing a __next__
method and does not need any additional state for iteration.”””
return self

Test Expected Got

 from search import *
from student_answer import LCFSFrontier

graph = ExplicitGraph(
nodes = {‘S’, ‘A’, ‘B’, ‘G’},
edge_list=[(‘S’,’A’,3), (‘S’,’B’,1), (‘B’,’A’,1), (‘A’,’B’,1), (‘A’,’G’,5)],
starting_nodes = [‘S’],
goal_nodes = {‘G’})

solution = next(generic_search(graph, LCFSFrontier()))

Total cost: 7

***Run error***
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “__tester__.python3”, line 46, in
solution = next(generic_search(graph, LCFSFrontier()))
File “search.py”, line 24, in generic_search
frontier.add((Arc(None, starting_node, “no action”, 0),))
File “student_answer.py”, line 16, in add
raise NotImplementedError # FIX THIS: Replace it with proper code

Testing was aborted due to error.
Your code must pass all tests to earn any marks. Try again.

Show differences

Determine whether the following statements are true or false. In all the statements “the algorithm” refers to A* graph search without pruning. In all cases assume that graphs are finite and the cost and heuristic values are positive and

If h1(node) and h2(node) are two valid heuristic functions for the algorithm, then the heuristic function h(node) defined as max(h1(node), h2(node)) is also a valid heuristic function for the algorithm. 

If h1(node) and h2(node) are two valid heuristic functions for the algorithm, then the heuristic function h(node) defined as min(h1(node), h2(node)) is also a valid heuristic function for the algorithm. 

If a heuristic function underestimates the cost to a goal node, the algorithm may find a non-optimal solution. 

If a heuristic function underestimates the cost to a goal node, the algorithm may not find a solution when there is one. 

If a heuristic function overestimates the cost to a goal node, the algorithm may find a non-optimal solution. 

If a heuristic function overestimates the cost to a goal node, the algorithm may not find a solution when there is one. 

A top-down proof procedure can be seen as a recursive procedure that takes a query, picks a relevant edge from the graph represented by the knowledge base, reduces the query to a new query and calls itself. If a reduction fails,
other alternatives (if available) will be tried.

Assume that we apply the top-down proof procedure to the query c, a and the following knowledge base. For each clause determine if it will be picked by the procedure. Do not make any assumption about the order of edges
(clauses). In cases where picking an edge depends on the order of edges or success or failure of previous picks, select “may or may not”. All the statements (including the term “never”) are for the given query.

a :- h. 

b :- f. 

a :- g. 

c :- d, f. 

d :- k. 

Will definitely be picked at some point

Will definitely be picked at some point

May or may not be picked

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Question 5
Not answered

Marked out of

Question 6
Not answered

Marked out of

e :- f. 

c. 

g. 

The word “definitely” in the above choices can also be interpreted as “eventually”.
Assume that you know that the knowledge base contains the above clauses but you don’t know in what order these clauses appear.

Will never be picked

Write a predicate all_distinct(+List) that is true if all the elements in List are distinct (i.e. no element appears more than once).

For example:

Test Result

test_answer :-


test_answer :-

Answer: (penalty regime: 0, 20, … %)

Write a predicate inorder(+Tree, ?Traversal) that determines the inorder traversal of a given binary tree. Each tree/subtree is either a leaf or of the form tree(root, left_subtree, right_subtree). An inorder traversal
records the left branch, then the current node, then the right branch.

For example:

Test Result

test_answer :- inorder(tree(1, leaf(2), leaf(3)), T), writeln(T). [2,1,3]

test_answer :- inorder(tree(a, tree(b, leaf(c), leaf(d)), leaf(e)), T),



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Question 7
Not answered

Marked out of

( )

Answer: (penalty regime: 0, 20, … %)

An instance of the constraint satisfaction problem can be specified with a set of variables, their domains, and a set of constraints. Here we use the class CSP which is available in the csp module. The class has two attributes as the

var_domains: this is a dictionary of items of the form var:domain where var is a variable name (a string) and domain is a set of values that can be taken by the variable.
constraints: a set of functions or lambda expressions (anonymous functions) such that each function takes a subset of variables, evaluates a condition, and returns true or false accordingly.

Make the following CSP arc consistent by modifying the code (if necessary) and pasting the result in the answer box.

from csp import CSP

csp_instance = CSP(
var_domains = {var:{1,2,3,4} for var in ‘abcd’},
constraints = {
lambda a, b: a >= b,
lambda a, b: b >= a,
lambda a, b, c: c > a + b,
lambda d: d <= d, } ) Note: remember to include the import statement in your answer. For example: Test Result from csp import CSP from student_answer import csp_instance assert type(csp_instance) is CSP print(sorted(csp_instance.var_domains.keys())) print(len(csp_instance.constraints)) ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'] 4  1 https://quiz2021.csse.canterbury.ac.nz/pluginfile.php/361/question/questiontext/131963/8/1960/csp.py 06/11/2021, 15:01 Final exam 2020 (practice copy): Attempt review https://quiz2021.csse.canterbury.ac.nz/mod/quiz/review.php?attempt=104687&cmid=3293 6/15 Information Question 8 Incorrect M k d f Answer: (penalty regime: 25, 50, ... %) Another way of representing a CSP is by a collection of relations. There will be one relation per constraint in the problem. A relation is basically a table that holds zero or more rows. The columns of the table are the variables that are in the scope of the constraint. See the documentation of the Relation class in the csp module. For example, the following instance of CSP CSP( var_domains = {var:{0,1,2} for var in 'ab'}, constraints = { lambda a, b: a > b,
lambda b: b > 0,

can be represented in relational form as the following:
Relation(header=[‘a’, ‘b’],
tuples={(2, 0),
(1, 0),
(2, 1)}),



Since the variable names and the effect of their domains appear in the relations, there is no need to specify them separately.
Here we are using a list for the collection of relations instead of a set to avoid the the need for creating hashable objects (required for Python sets). From an algorithmic perspective, the order of relation objects in the collection
does not matter, therefore, a set would have been a more natural choice.
Single (one-element) tuples in Python require an extra comma at the end, for example, (2,).
You can write a short function that takes a CSP object and returns a collection of Relations equivalent to the object.

Convert the following instance of CSP to an equivalent list of relations called relations. In each relation, the variables must appear in alphabetic order. The order of relations in the outer list is not important. Then use the variable
elimination algorithm to eliminate variable b and produce a new list of relations called relations_after_elimination.


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Marked out of

csp = CSP(
var_domains = {var:{-1,0,1} for var in ‘abc’},
constraints = {
lambda a, b: a * b > 0,
lambda b, c: b + c > 0,

For example:

Test Result

from student_answer import relations, relations_after_elimination
from csp import Relation

print(type(relations) is list)
print(all(type(r) is Relation for r in relations))
print(type(relations_after_elimination) is list)
print(all(type(r) is Relation for r in relations_after_elimination))



Answer: (penalty regime: 25, 50, … %)

Reset answer

from csp import Relation

relations = [

### COMPLETE ###


relations_after_elimination = [

### COMPLETE ###


Test Expected Got

 from student_answer import relations, relations_after_elimination
from csp import Relation

print(type(relations) is list)
print(all(type(r) is Relation for r in relations))
print(type(relations_after_elimination) is list)
print(all(type(r) is Relation for r in relations_after_elimination))





 from student_answer import relations
from csp import Relation


2 0 

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Question 9
Not answered

Marked out of

Question 10
Not answered

Marked out of


Testing was aborted due to error.
Your code must pass all tests to earn any marks. Try again.

Show differences

A CSP instance can be solved as an optimisation problem by using an appropriate heuristic (cost) function. When using the greedy descent algorithm to solve these problems, the algorithm may get stuck in local optima. Which of
the following is commonly used to alleviate this issue?

Select one or more:
Taking some random steps during the search;

Restarting the search from a new random state;
Using hill climbing instead of greedy descent and then inverting the solution;

Using a heuristic function that underestimates the cost;
Using a heuristic function that overestimates the cost;

Suppose we are using Genetic Algorithms to evolve antennas. For any given antenna (individual) we can measure how much error is made when it is used for communication. The aim is to evolve an individual that can provide low-
error communication.

Write a function select(population, error, max_error, r) that takes a list of individuals, an error function, the maximum error value possible, and a floating-point random number r in the interval [0, 1), and selects and returns an
individual from the population using the roulette wheel selection mechanism. The fitness of each individual must be inferred from its error and the maximum error possible. The lower the error the better.

Further notes and requirements

The error function (which is provided as the second argument) takes an individual and returns a non-negative number which is its error.
The maximum error (the third argument) is the highest communication error that is possible for any antenna. The population does not necessarily contain an antenna that produces this much error.
The fitness of an antenna that causes the maximum error is zero. The fitness of an antenna that does not make any error must be as large as the value of max_error. This means that you have to write (a very simple) expression to
convert the value of error and max_error to a fitness value.
When constructing the roulette wheel, do not change the order of individuals in the population.

For example:

Test Result

from student_answer import select

population = [‘a’, ‘b’]

def error(x):
return {‘a’: 14,
‘b’: 12}[x]

max_error = 15

for r in [0, 0.1, 0.24, 0.26, 0.5, 0.9]:
print(select(population, error, max_error, r))

# since the fitness of ‘a’ is 1 and the fitness of ‘b’ is 3,
# for r’s below 0.25 we get ‘a’, for r’s above it we get ‘b’.


Answer: (penalty regime: 0, 15, … %)


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Question 11
Not answered

Marked out of


Complete the following statements.

Compared with using a single joint distribution table:

a belief net typically requires  free parameters;

a belief net typically requires  training data to estimate the probability values;

a belief net has  (random) variables;

running inference by enumeration on a belief net takes  time (assuming that the time required to compute joint_prob(network, assignment) is negligible).

Representation of belief networks in Python
A belief (or Bayesian) network is represented by a dictionary. The keys are the names of variables. The values are dictionaries themselves. The second level dictionaries have two keys: ‘Parents’ whose value is a list of the names of the
variables that are the parents of the current variable, and ‘CPT’ whose value is a dictionary again. The keys of the third level dictionaries are tuples of Booleans which correspond to possible assignments of values to the parents of the
current node (in the order they are listed) and the values are real numbers representing the probability of the current node being true given the specified assignment to the parents.

Variable names are case sensitive.
If a node does not have any parents, the value of ‘Parents’ must be an empty list and the only key of the third level dictionary is the empty tuple.
For simplicity, we assume that all the variables are Boolean.

The following is the representation of the alarm network presented in the lecture notes.

network = {
‘Burglary’: {
‘Parents’: [],
‘CPT’: {
(): 0.001,

‘Earthquake’: {
‘Parents’: [],
‘CPT’: {
(): 0.002,

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Question 12
Not answered

Marked out of

‘Alarm’: {
‘Parents’: [‘Burglary’,’Earthquake’],
‘CPT’: {
(True,True): 0.95,
(True,False): 0.94,
(False,True): 0.29,
(False,False): 0.001,

‘John’: {
‘Parents’: [‘Alarm’],
‘CPT’: {
(True,): 0.9,
(False,): 0.05,

‘Mary’: {
‘Parents’: [‘Alarm’],
‘CPT’: {
(True,): 0.7,
(False,): 0.01,

Create a belief network called network with four random variables A, B, C, and D with the property that A and D both influence B; and A is influenced by C. The value of probabilities do not matter as long as they are valid and do not
nullify influences.

For example:

Test Result

from student_answer import network
from numbers import Number

# Checking the overall type-correctness of the network
# without checking anything question-specific

assert type(network) is dict
for node_name, node_info in network.items():
assert type(node_name) is str
assert type(node_info) is dict
assert set(node_info.keys()) == {‘Parents’, ‘CPT’}
assert type(node_info[‘Parents’]) is list
assert all(type(s) is str for s in node_info[‘Parents’])
for assignment, prob in node_info[‘CPT’].items():
assert type(assignment) is tuple
assert isinstance(prob, Number)



Answer: (penalty regime: 25, 50, … %)


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Question 13
Not answered

Marked out of

Suppose we want to predict the value of variable Y based on the values of variables X1, and X2. Assuming that we want to use a Naive Bayes model for this purpose, create a belief net for the model called network. The probabilities
must be learnt by using the dataset given below. Use Laplacian smoothing with a pseudocount of 2.

  X1     X2     Y  


Node names are case sensitive.
Since we are using Python syntax, you can use fraction expressions if you wish.

For example:

Test Result

from student_answer import network
from numbers import Number

# Checking the overall type-correctness of the network
# without checking anything question-specific

assert type(network) is dict
for node_name, node_info in network.items():
assert type(node_name) is str
assert type(node_info) is dict
assert set(node_info.keys()) == {‘Parents’, ‘CPT’}
assert type(node_info[‘Parents’]) is list
assert all(type(s) is str for s in node_info[‘Parents’])
for assignment, prob in node_info[‘CPT’].items():
assert type(assignment) is tuple
assert isinstance(prob, Number)



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Question 14
Not answered

Marked out of

Answer: (penalty regime: 20, 40, … %)

We have a collection of observations where each observation is a temperature reading at a given time. Each observation is a pair (tuple) of the form (time, temperature). The observations do not uniformly cover the time axis – for
some times there is no observation and for some times there are more than one observation. You have to write a function that given a time, it estimate the temperature by looking at neighbouring observations.

Write a function estimate(time, observations, k) that takes a time value and a collection of observations and produces a temperature estimate by by averaging the k nearest neighbours of the given time. If after selecting k nearest
neighbours, the distance to the farthest selected neighbour and the distance to the nearest unselected neighbour are the same, more neighbours must be selected until these two distances become different or all the examples are
selected. The description of the parameters of the function are as the following:

time: a number (positive or negative; integer or floating point). The origin of time and its unit do not matter to us.
observations: a collection of pairs. In each pair the first element is a time value (a number) and the second element is a temperature which is also a number. The collection might be a list , a set, or other Python collections. Do not
make any assumption about the uniqueness of observations. Multiple (possibly different) temperature readings may be available for the same time.
k: a positive integer which is the number of nearest neighbours to be selected. If there is a tie more neighbours will be selected (see the description above). If k is larger than the number of observations, then the algorithm must
use as many neighbours as possible.

For example:

Test Result

from student_answer import estimate

observations = [
(-1, 1),
(0, 0),
(-1, 1),
(5, 6),
(2, 0),
(2, 3),

for time in [-1, 1, 3, 3.5, 6]:
print(estimate(time, observations, 2))


Answer: (penalty regime: 0, 15, … %)



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Question 15
Not answered

Marked out of

Question 16
Not answered

Marked out of

Consider a binary classification problem (i.e. there are two classes in the domain) where each object is represented by 2 numeric values (2 features). We are using a single perceptron as a classifier for this domain and want to learn its
parameters. The weight update rule is . We use the following configuration.

weights = [1, 1]
bias = 1
learning_rate = 0.5
examples = [
([1, -1], 0), # index 0 (first example)
([1, 4], 0),
([-1, -1], 1),
([3, 4], 1),

Answer the following with numeric values. Do not use fractions.

After seeing the example at index 0, the value of the weight vector is [  ,  ] and the value of bias is  .

After seeing the example at index 1, the value of the weight vector is [  ,  ] and the value of bias is  .

After seeing the example at index 2, the value of the weight vector is [  ,  ] and the value of bias is  .

The smallest network of perceptrons required to perfectly learn this problem, has  layers (including the input and output layers) and has a total of  perceptrons.

w ← w + ηx(t − y)

Consider the following explicit game tree.

[0, [-1, 1], [1, -1, 1]]

Assuming that the player at the root of the tree is Min, prune the tree (if necessary). Provide two variables: pruned_tree which is the pruned game tree and pruning_events which is a list of pairs of alpha and beta, one for each time a
pruning event was triggered.

For example:

Test Result

import student_answer



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Question 17
Not answered

Marked out of

Question 18
Not answered

Not graded

Answer: (penalty regime: 25, 50 %)

Reset answer

from math import inf

pruned_tree = # COMPLETE

pruning_events = [
# (alpha, beta),

In the context of game-playing agents, game trees, and the related algorithms, answer this question.

Select one or more:
Pruning game trees is a way of reducing the search space.

One way to reduce the maximum depth of search is to use heuristic evaluation instead of actually utility.

After alpha-beta pruning, assuming that some pruning takes place, the (utility) value of the tree improves.
Reordering of subtrees in a game tree can change the amount of pruning.

Reordering of subtrees in a game tree can change the (utility) value of the tree (for either Max or Min).
The time complexity/order of alpha-beta pruning is at most as large as computing the utility value of the root of the tree.

In zero-sum games, for every non-terminal node in the game tree, the min-value and max-value are the negative of each other.

This is not an actual exam question and carries no marks. You can ignore any warning that indicates this “question” is incomplete; you can safely leave this empty. However, if you have any comments that the examiners must be
aware of, use the text area below.

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