CS计算机代考程序代写 gr5215 fall 2021 lec 13 Further issues in consumption

gr5215 fall 2021 lec 13 Further issues in consumption


Further issues in consumption

Miller GR5215

The precautionary motive for


Recall the Hall result was certainty
equivalence when there is quadratic utility:
increasing the amount of uncertainty in
income has no effect
But this does not seem like actual behavior
– we expect people to save more when the
environment is riskier, that is, to self-insure
This kind of response is called the
precautionary motive for saving

The precautionary motive for
saving (II)


Since there’s no precautionary motive with
quadratic utility, we can guess that the
precautionary motive depends on the third
derivative of the utility function
We know (assume) the second derivative is
negative. Let’s draw a picture of marginal
utility if the 3rd derivative is positive. This
will make marginal utility convex to the
origin. Assume just two states of the world:
low consumption and high consumption.

The precautionary motive for
saving (II)


Since there’s no precautionary motive with
quadratic utility, we can guess that the
precautionary motive depends on the third
derivative of the utility function
We know (assume) the second derivative is
negative. Let’s draw a picture of marginal
utility if the 3rd derivative is positive. This
will make marginal utility convex to the
origin. Assume just two states of the world:
low consumption and high consumption.

The precautionary motive in


1= (1+ r)β E[ ′u (Ct+1)]

′u (C

The precautionary motive for
saving (III)


So, the curvature in marginal utility makes
the expected marginal utility higher than the
marginal utility with certainty.
Now consider a mean-preserving spread.
Here, this means a decrease in CL and an
increase in CH such that the mean is
unchanged. This is an unambiguous
increase in the riskiness of outcomes.

The precautionary motive in
pictures (II)


1= (1+ r)β E[ ′u (Ct+1)]

′u (C

The precautionary motive for
saving (IV)


The mean-preserving spread in future
consumption increases the expectation of
future marginal utility.
Current marginal utility must increase to
maintain equality in the Euler equation. So
current consumption must fall, savings
increase, thus precautionary savings.
This isn’t a proof, because future C depends
on current savings, but gives the intuition
for the result.

The precautionary motive for
saving (V)


So the third derivative of the period utility
function needs to be positive in order to
have an operational precautionary motive

Most commonly-used utility functions,
including CRRA have this property

Result strongly suggests that we should only
use utility functions with positive 3rd

Beyond the simple consumption


• Credit constraints are probably important
• Gross and Souleles (2002) find significant

response of individual consumption to
higher credit card limits

• They also find many people both have
credit card debt and liquid assets –
appears to be irrational

Beyond the simple
consumption model (II)


• Parker, Souleles, Johnson and McClelland
looked at consumer response to “stimulus

• Found households spent 12-30% of ESP
(stimulus checks) on non-durable

• Significant effect on semi-durables and
durables for a total effect of 50-90%

• Largest effect for older and poorer

Beyond the simple
consumption model (III)


• Their effects were for the receipt of a

• Payments should have been expected and
were explicitly one-time

• Indicates either credit constraints or a
different kind of decision making, or both

Beyond the simple
consumption model (IV)


• Many economists think that (at least) the
following factors are important:
• Bequest motives
• Non-diversifiable labor income

(precautionary motive)
• Credit constraints
• Medical risk (at least in the US)
• Uncertain life spans