package client_test
// You MUST NOT change these default imports. ANY additional imports it will
// break the autograder and everyone will be sad.
import (
// Some imports use an underscore to prevent the compiler from complaining
// about unused imports. Normally, you will want to avoid underscore imports
// unless you know exactly what you are doing. You can read more about
// underscore imports here:
_ “encoding/hex”
_ “errors”
_ “strconv”
_ “strings”
// A “dot” import is used here so that the functions in the ginko and gomega
// modules can be used without an identifier. For example, Describe() and
// Expect() instead of ginko.Describe() and gomega.Expect(). You can read more
// about dot imports here:
. “”
. “”
userlib “”
// The client implementation is intentionally defined in a different package.
// This forces us to follow best practice and write tests that only rely on
// client API that is exported from the client package, and avoid relying on
// implementation details private to the client package.
func TestSetupAndExecution(t *testing.T) {
// We are using 2 libraries to help us write readable and maintainable tests:
// (1) Ginkgo, a Behavior Driven Development (BDD) testing framework that
// makes it easy to write expressive specs that describe the
// behavior of your code in an organized manner; and
// (2) Gomega, an assertion/matcher library that allows us to write individual
// assertion statements in tests that read more like natural
// language. For example “Expect(ACTUAL).To(Equal(EXPECTED))”.
// In the Ginko framework, a test case signals failure by calling Ginkgo’s
// Fail(description string) function. However, we are using the Gomega library
// to execute our assertion statements. When a Gomega assertion fails, Gomega
// calls a GomegaFailHandler, which is a function that must be provided using
// gomega.RegisterFailHandler(). Here, we pass Ginko’s Fail() function to
// Gomega so that Gomega can report failed assertions to the Ginko test
// framework, which can take the appropriate action when a test fails.
// This is the sole connection point between Ginkgo and Gomega.
RunSpecs(t, “Client Tests”)
// ================================================
// Here are some optional global variables that can be used throughout the test
// suite to make the tests more readable and maintainable than defining these
// values in each test. You can add more variables here if you want and think
// they will help keep your code clean!
// ================================================
const someFilename = “file1.txt”
const someOtherFilename = “file2.txt”
const nonExistentFilename = “thisFileDoesNotExist.txt”
const aliceUsername = “Alice”
const alicePassword = “AlicePassword”
const bobUsername = “Bob”
const bobPassword = “BobPassword”
const nilufarUsername = “Nilufar”
const nilufarPassword = “NilufarPassword”
const olgaUsername = “Olga”
const olgaPassword = “OlgaPassword”
const marcoUsername = “Marco”
const marcoPassword = “MarcoPassword”
const nonExistentUsername = “NonExistentUser”
var alice *client.User
var bob *client.User
var nilufar *client.User
var olga *client.User
var marco *client.User
var someFileContent []byte
var someShortFileContent []byte
var someLongFileContent []byte
// ================================================
// The top level Describe() contains all tests in
// this test suite in nested Describe() blocks.
// ================================================
var _ = Describe(“Client Tests”, func() {
BeforeEach(func() {
// This top-level BeforeEach will be run before each test.
// Resets the state of Datastore and Keystore so that tests do not
// interfere with each other.
userlib.SymbolicDebug = false
userlib.SymbolicVerbose = false
BeforeEach(func() {
// This top-level BeforeEach will be run before each test.
// Byte slices cannot be constant, so this BeforeEach resets the content of
// each global variable to a predefined value, which allows tests to rely on
// the expected value of these variables.
someShortFileContent = []byte(“some short file content”)
someFileContent = someShortFileContent
Describe(“Creating users”, func() {
It(“should not error when creating a new user”, func() {
_, err := client.InitUser(“Alice”, “password”)
Expect(err).To(BeNil(), “Failed to initialized user Alice.”)
It(“should error if a username is already taken by another user”, func() {
// TODO: implement this function
It(“should error if a user does not exist with that username”, func() {
// TODO: implement function
// TODO: you probably want more test cases about creating users here
Describe(“Single user storage”, func() {
var alice *client.User
BeforeEach(func() {
// This BeforeEach will run before each test in this Describe block.
alice, _ = client.InitUser(“Alice”, “some password”)
It(“should upload content without erroring”, func() {
content := []byte(“This is a test”)
err := alice.StoreFile(“file1”, content)
Expect(err).To(BeNil(), “Failed to upload content to a file”, err)
It(“should download the expected content that was previously uploaded”, func() {
uploadedContent := []byte(“This is a test”)
alice.StoreFile(someFilename, uploadedContent)
downloadedContent, _ := alice.LoadFile(someFilename)
“Downloaded content is not the same as uploaded content”,
It(“should error when trying to download a file that does not exist”, func() {
_, err := alice.LoadFile(nonExistentFilename)
Expect(err).ToNot(BeNil(), “Was able to load a non-existent file without error.”)
// TODO: you probably want more test cases for store/load/append with a
// single user here
Describe(“Sharing files”, func() {
BeforeEach(func() {
// Initialize each user to ensure the variable has the expected value for
// the tests in this Describe() block.
alice, _ = client.InitUser(aliceUsername, alicePassword)
bob, _ = client.InitUser(bobUsername, bobPassword)
nilufar, _ = client.InitUser(nilufarUsername, nilufarPassword)
olga, _ = client.InitUser(olgaUsername, olgaPassword)
marco, _ = client.InitUser(marcoUsername, marcoPassword)
It(“should share a file without erroring”, func() {
alice.StoreFile(someFilename, someShortFileContent)
shareFileInfoPtr, err := alice.CreateInvitation(someFilename, bobUsername)
Expect(err).To(BeNil(), “Alice failed to share a file with Bob.”)
err = bob.AcceptInvitation(aliceUsername, shareFileInfoPtr, someOtherFilename)
Expect(err).To(BeNil(), “Bob could not receive the file that Alice shared.”)
downloadedContent, err := bob.LoadFile(someOtherFilename)
Expect(err).To(BeNil(), “Bob could not load the file that Alice shared.”)
“The file contents that Bob downloaded was not the same as what Alice uploaded.”)
// TODO: you probably want more test cases for sharing files here
// TODO: you probably want more Describe() blocks to contain tests related to
// logical test groupings other than the ones suggested above