CS计算机代考程序代写 javascript database Java COMP 2406 – Fall 2021 – Tutorial #7 Due 11:59pm Sunday, November 14th, 2021

COMP 2406 – Fall 2021 – Tutorial #7 Due 11:59pm Sunday, November 14th, 2021


COMP 2406

Fall 2021 – Tutorial #7


● Create an Express app that uses MongoDB for data storage

● Practice querying MongoDB from within an Express app

Problem Background

The goal of this tutorial is to provide a card search service that allows the user to specify

a filter and have the server return cards matching that filter. This tutorial continues to

work with the dataset from tutorial #5. You do not need to have completed tutorial 5 in

order to start this tutorial. A summary of the fields available within each object of the

dataset is provided at the end of this document. Download the T07-BaseCode.zip file

from Brightspace to get started. This zip file contains the following files:

1. database-initializer.js: Run this file while your Mongo daemon is

running and it will create a database called ‘t7’ with a collection called

‘cards’ that contains all of the cards from the dataset. It would be good to

review this file to get an idea of how to create your own database

initializer script for your final assignment.

2. server.js: This file contains an Express app that provides some base

functionality for you. When you run this file, it will connect to the Mongo

database and initialize a variable called db representing the ‘t7’ database.

You can use this variable to query the database throughout your app. The

server will also serve a default index page using Pug in response to GET

requests for the route /, and respond to GET requests for the parameterized

URL /cards/{cardID} when given a valid ID from the database.

3. views/index.pug: The template file used to render the default index page. You

can add any additional elements that are necessary to this file as you

progress through the tutorial.

4. views/card.pug: The template file used for rendering single card pages.

COMP 2406 – Fall 2021 – Tutorial #7 Due 11:59pm Sunday, November 14th, 2021


Problem 1 (Finishing the Index Page)

Run the server.js file and load the index page. The class and rarity drop-down menus

do not currently have any values contained within them. Add code so that each of the

drop-down menus has a complete list of all classes/rarities within the dataset. To find all

of the classes/rarities, you can use the db.collection.distinct(“fieldName”) method within

MongoDB. For example, db.cards.distinct(“cardClass”) will give you an array of the

unique card classes within the database (note: this is the syntax for Mongo command

line and the Node.js syntax will be different). Remember that these methods are

asynchronous in Node.js – you need to specify callback functions! You may use

Pug to generate the proper HTML code to fill in the dropdown values or have your

server support requests for the class/rarity information and use AJAX requests when the

page loads to retrieve the dropdown values.

Problem 2 (Querying for Class/Rarity)

The next step will be to allow the client to use the index page to query cards based on

class and/or rarity. One way to do this is to add client-side Javascript capable of

querying the server and performing page updates. An alternative approach would be to

modify the index page to have a form that would allow the client to submit a request to

the server using the “Refresh Results” button and load an entirely new page containing

the results. You are free to take either approach, but only the client-side Javascript

approach will be explained in more detail here.

Start by creating a client-side Javascript file and adding a reference to that file into the

index page template file. Update your server so that the client Javascript can be loaded

successfully. The client-side Javascript should add a click handler to the “Refresh

Results” button. When the “Refresh Results” button is clicked, you can create an

XMLHttpRequest including the selected class/rarity values from the page and send it to

the server. The server can respond with a list of matching cards.

To facilitate this, add a route on your server to handle GET requests to the URL /cards.

Add code to handle query parameters so that card class and rarity values can be

specified in the request. Add code into the route handler to build a query document

using the query parameters (e.g., card class and rarity), query the database for

matching cards, and send a response to the client containing the matching cards.

There are multiple ways you can send the response back to the client. First, you could

send JSON data to the client and have the client-side Javascript update the HTML on

the page (like earlier tutorials). An alternative approach is to render a partial page using

Pug and send that HTML to the client directly. If you choose the Pug approach, create a

COMP 2406 – Fall 2021 – Tutorial #7 Due 11:59pm Sunday, November 14th, 2021


new Pug template file that will accept an array of card objects as input. This template

should produce a partial page (e.g., no html/head/body elements) that contains a list of

the matching cards. Each card entry should be a link to that specific card page (use the

_id field from the database) and the text of the link should be the card name. When the

client-side Javascript receives this HTML in response to its XMLHttpRequest, it can

update the HTML of the results div on the page.

Test out your code before proceeding. For reference, the correct card name results for

class=”MAGE” and rarity=”LEGENDARY” are: Rhonin, Stargazer Luna, Inkmaster Solia,

Archmage Antonidas, Toki, Time-Tinker, Archmage Arugal, Flame Leviathan,

Sindragosa, Dragoncaller Alanna, Anomalus, Pyros, and Pyros. You can also click each

card you get in your result list to ensure the values of the card match the search query.

Problem 3 (Adding Other Query Parameters)

Now add support for the remainder of the query parameters:

1. Min Attack/Health: These are integer values. A card should match if its

attack/health property is greater than or equal to the query parameter value.

2. Max Attack/Health: These are integer values. A card should match if its

attack/health property is less than or equal to the query parameter value.

3. Name/Artist: These are string values. A card should match if the card

name/artist value contains the given value. Additionally, you should ensure

that the search is done in a case-insensitive matter. You can use a $regex

query operator in MongoDB to perform a string search of these fields.

It will be easiest to add support for the integer parameters first. Note that since a card

must match all specified query parameters, you can use a single $and query with an

array containing an entry for each query parameter that has been specified in the


Once you have completed this problem, zip all of your files for this tutorial and submit

them to the Tutorial #7 submission on Brightspace. Your dependencies must be

installable via the npm install command. You should not include your node_modules

folder in your submission. You must include a README file with detailed instructions on

how to run your server and test your application. If the TA cannot run your server, you

will receive 0 marks for this tutorial. Make sure you download your zip file and check its

contents after submitting. If your zip file is missing files or corrupt, you will lose marks.

Summary of Fields in Card Documents:

Each card in the database has the following field names:

COMP 2406 – Fall 2021 – Tutorial #7 Due 11:59pm Sunday, November 14th, 2021


1. _id: the unique ID created by MongoDB when the card was inserted

2. artist: a string representing the name of the artist(s) that created the card art

3. name: a string representing the name of the card

4. cardClass: a string representing the class of player that can use the card

5. rarity: a string representing the rarity of the card

6. attack: an integer representing the attack value of the card

7. health: an integer representing the health value of the card

Additional fields have been removed from the dataset, as they are not necessary for this
