Proceedings of the 55th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics
Proceedings of the 55th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics, pages 1870–1879
Vancouver, Canada, July 30 – August 4, 2017. c©2017 Association for Computational Linguistics
Proceedings of the 55th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics, pages 1870–1879
Vancouver, Canada, July 30 – August 4, 2017. c©2017 Association for Computational Linguistics
Reading Wikipedia to Answer Open-Domain Questions
Danqi Chen∗
Computer Science
Stanford University
Stanford, CA 94305, USA
Adam Fisch, Jason Weston & Antoine Bordes
Facebook AI Research
770 Broadway
New York, NY 10003, USA
This paper proposes to tackle open-
domain question answering using
Wikipedia as the unique knowledge
source: the answer to any factoid question
is a text span in a Wikipedia article.
This task of machine reading at scale
combines the challenges of document re-
trieval (finding the relevant articles) with
that of machine comprehension of text
(identifying the answer spans from those
articles). Our approach combines a search
component based on bigram hashing
and TF-IDF matching with a multi-layer
recurrent neural network model trained to
detect answers in Wikipedia paragraphs.
Our experiments on multiple existing QA
datasets indicate that (1) both modules
are highly competitive with respect to
existing counterparts and (2) multitask
learning using distant supervision on
their combination is an effective complete
system on this challenging task.
1 Introduction
This paper considers the problem of answering
factoid questions in an open-domain setting us-
ing Wikipedia as the unique knowledge source,
such as one does when looking for answers in an
encyclopedia. Wikipedia is a constantly evolv-
ing source of detailed information that could fa-
cilitate intelligent machines — if they are able to
leverage its power. Unlike knowledge bases (KBs)
such as Freebase (Bollacker et al., 2008) or DB-
Pedia (Auer et al., 2007), which are easier for
computers to process but too sparsely populated
for open-domain question answering (Miller et al.,
∗Most of this work was done while DC was with Face-
book AI Research.
2016), Wikipedia contains up-to-date knowledge
that humans are interested in. It is designed, how-
ever, for humans – not machines – to read.
Using Wikipedia articles as the knowledge
source causes the task of question answering (QA)
to combine the challenges of both large-scale
open-domain QA and of machine comprehension
of text. In order to answer any question, one must
first retrieve the few relevant articles among more
than 5 million items, and then scan them care-
fully to identify the answer. We term this setting,
machine reading at scale (MRS). Our work treats
Wikipedia as a collection of articles and does not
rely on its internal graph structure. As a result, our
approach is generic and could be switched to other
collections of documents, books, or even daily up-
dated newspapers.
Large-scale QA systems like IBM’s DeepQA
(Ferrucci et al., 2010) rely on multiple sources
to answer: besides Wikipedia, it is also paired
with KBs, dictionaries, and even news articles,
books, etc. As a result, such systems heavily rely
on information redundancy among the sources to
answer correctly. Having a single knowledge
source forces the model to be very precise while
searching for an answer as the evidence might
appear only once. This challenge thus encour-
ages research in the ability of a machine to read,
a key motivation for the machine comprehen-
sion subfield and the creation of datasets such
as SQuAD (Rajpurkar et al., 2016), CNN/Daily
Mail (Hermann et al., 2015) and CBT (Hill et al.,
However, those machine comprehension re-
sources typically assume that a short piece of rel-
evant text is already identified and given to the
model, which is not realistic for building an open-
domain QA system. In sharp contrast, methods
that use KBs or information retrieval over docu-
ments have to employ search as an integral part of
the solution. Instead MRS is focused on simul-
taneously maintaining the challenge of machine
comprehension, which requires the deep under-
standing of text, while keeping the realistic con-
straint of searching over a large open resource.
In this paper, we show how multiple existing
QA datasets can be used to evaluate MRS by re-
quiring an open-domain system to perform well on
all of them at once. We develop DrQA, a strong
system for question answering from Wikipedia
composed of: (1) Document Retriever, a mod-
ule using bigram hashing and TF-IDF matching
designed to, given a question, efficiently return
a subset of relevant articles and (2) Document
Reader, a multi-layer recurrent neural network
machine comprehension model trained to detect
answer spans in those few returned documents.
Figure 1 gives an illustration of DrQA.
Our experiments show that Document Retriever
outperforms the built-in Wikipedia search engine
and that Document Reader reaches state-of-the-
art results on the very competitive SQuAD bench-
mark (Rajpurkar et al., 2016). Finally, our full sys-
tem is evaluated using multiple benchmarks. In
particular, we show that performance is improved
across all datasets through the use of multitask
learning and distant supervision compared to sin-
gle task training.
2 Related Work
Open-domain QA was originally defined as find-
ing answers in collections of unstructured docu-
ments, following the setting of the annual TREC
competitions1. With the development of KBs,
many recent innovations have occurred in the con-
text of QA from KBs with the creation of re-
sources like WebQuestions (Berant et al., 2013)
and SimpleQuestions (Bordes et al., 2015) based
on the Freebase KB (Bollacker et al., 2008), or on
automatically extracted KBs, e.g., OpenIE triples
and NELL (Fader et al., 2014). However, KBs
have inherent limitations (incompleteness, fixed
schemas) that motivated researchers to return to
the original setting of answering from raw text.
A second motivation to cast a fresh look at
this problem is that of machine comprehension of
text, i.e., answering questions after reading a short
text or story. That subfield has made consider-
able progress recently thanks to new deep learning
architectures like attention-based and memory-
augmented neural networks (Bahdanau et al.,
2015; Weston et al., 2015; Graves et al., 2014) and
release of new training and evaluation datasets like
QuizBowl (Iyyer et al., 2014), CNN/Daily Mail
based on news articles (Hermann et al., 2015),
CBT based on children books (Hill et al., 2016), or
SQuAD (Rajpurkar et al., 2016) and WikiReading
(Hewlett et al., 2016), both based on Wikipedia.
An objective of this paper is to test how such
new methods can perform in an open-domain QA
QA using Wikipedia as a resource has been ex-
plored previously. Ryu et al. (2014) perform open-
domain QA using a Wikipedia-based knowledge
model. They combine article content with multi-
ple other answer matching modules based on dif-
ferent types of semi-structured knowledge such
as infoboxes, article structure, category structure,
and definitions. Similarly, Ahn et al. (2004) also
combine Wikipedia as a text resource with other
resources, in this case with information retrieval
over other documents. Buscaldi and Rosso (2006)
also mine knowledge from Wikipedia for QA. In-
stead of using it as a resource for seeking answers
to questions, they focus on validating answers re-
turned by their QA system, and use Wikipedia
categories for determining a set of patterns that
should fit with the expected answer. In our work,
we consider the comprehension of text only, and
use Wikipedia text documents as the sole resource
in order to emphasize the task of machine reading
at scale, as described in the introduction.
There are a number of highly developed full
pipeline QA approaches using either the Web, as
does QuASE (Sun et al., 2015), or Wikipedia as a
resource, as do Microsoft’s AskMSR (Brill et al.,
2002), IBM’s DeepQA (Ferrucci et al., 2010) and
YodaQA (Baudiš, 2015; Baudiš and Šedivỳ, 2015)
— the latter of which is open source and hence
reproducible for comparison purposes. AskMSR
is a search-engine based QA system that relies
on “data redundancy rather than sophisticated lin-
guistic analyses of either questions or candidate
answers”, i.e., it does not focus on machine com-
prehension, as we do. DeepQA is a very sophisti-
cated system that relies on both unstructured infor-
mation including text documents as well as struc-
tured data such as KBs, databases and ontologies
to generate candidate answers or vote over evi-
dence. YodaQA is an open source system mod-
eled after DeepQA, similarly combining websites,
Q: How many of Warsaw’s inhabitants
spoke Polish in 1933?
Open-domain QA
SQuAD, TREC, WebQuestions, WikiMovies
Figure 1: An overview of our question answering system DrQA.
information extraction, databases and Wikipedia
in particular. Our comprehension task is made
more challenging by only using a single resource.
Comparing against these methods provides a use-
ful datapoint for an “upper bound” benchmark on
Multitask learning (Caruana, 1998) and task
transfer have a rich history in machine learning
(e.g., using ImageNet in the computer vision com-
munity (Huh et al., 2016)), as well as in NLP
in particular (Collobert and Weston, 2008). Sev-
eral works have attempted to combine multiple
QA training datasets via multitask learning to (i)
achieve improvement across the datasets via task
transfer; and (ii) provide a single general system
capable of asking different kinds of questions due
to the inevitably different data distributions across
the source datasets. Fader et al. (2014) used We-
bQuestions, TREC and WikiAnswers with four
KBs as knowledge sources and reported improve-
ment on the latter two datasets through multi-
task learning. Bordes et al. (2015) combined We-
bQuestions and SimpleQuestions using distant su-
pervision with Freebase as the KB to give slight
improvements on both datasets, although poor per-
formance was reported when training on only one
dataset and testing on the other, showing that task
transfer is indeed a challenging subject; see also
(Kadlec et al., 2016) for a similar conclusion. Our
work follows similar themes, but in the setting of
having to retrieve and then read text documents,
rather than using a KB, with positive results.
3 Our System: DrQA
In the following we describe our system DrQA for
MRS which consists of two components: (1) the
Document Retriever module for finding relevant
articles and (2) a machine comprehension model,
Document Reader, for extracting answers from a
single document or a small collection of docu-
3.1 Document Retriever
Following classical QA systems, we use an effi-
cient (non-machine learning) document retrieval
system to first narrow our search space and focus
on reading only articles that are likely to be rel-
evant. A simple inverted index lookup followed
by term vector model scoring performs quite well
on this task for many question types, compared to
the built-in ElasticSearch based Wikipedia Search
API (Gormley and Tong, 2015). Articles and ques-
tions are compared as TF-IDF weighted bag-of-
word vectors. We further improve our system by
taking local word order into account with n-gram
features. Our best performing system uses bigram
counts while preserving speed and memory effi-
ciency by using the hashing of (Weinberger et al.,
2009) to map the bigrams to 224 bins with an un-
signed murmur3 hash.
We use Document Retriever as the first part of
our full model, by setting it to return 5 Wikipedia
articles given any question. Those articles are then
processed by Document Reader.
3.2 Document Reader
Our Document Reader model is inspired by the re-
cent success of neural network models on machine
comprehension tasks, in a similar spirit to the At-
tentiveReader described in (Hermann et al., 2015;
Chen et al., 2016).
Given a question q consisting of l tokens
{q1, . . . , ql} and a document or a small set of doc-
uments of n paragraphs where a single paragraph
p consists of m tokens {p1, . . . , pm}, we develop
an RNN model that we apply to each paragraph in
turn and then finally aggregate the predicted an-
swers. Our method works as follows:
Paragraph encoding We first represent all to-
kens pi in a paragraph p as a sequence of feature
vectors p̃i ∈ Rd and pass them as the input to a
recurrent neural network and thus obtain:
{p1, . . . ,pm} = RNN({p̃1, . . . , p̃m}),
where pi is expected to encode useful context
information around token pi. Specifically, we
choose to use a multi-layer bidirectional long
short-term memory network (LSTM), and take pi
as the concatenation of each layer’s hidden units
in the end.
The feature vector p̃i is comprised of the fol-
lowing parts:
• Word embeddings: femb(pi) = E(pi). We
use the 300-dimensional Glove word em-
beddings trained from 840B Web crawl data
(Pennington et al., 2014). We keep most of
the pre-trained word embeddings fixed and
only fine-tune the 1000 most frequent ques-
tion words because the representations of
some key words such as what, how, which,
many could be crucial for QA systems.
• Exact match: fexact match(pi) = I(pi ∈ q).
We use three simple binary features, indicat-
ing whether pi can be exactly matched to one
question word in q, either in its original, low-
ercase or lemma form. These simple features
turn out to be extremely helpful, as we will
show in Section 5.
• Token features:
ftoken(pi) = (POS(pi),NER(pi),TF(pi)).
We also add a few manual features which re-
flect some properties of token pi in its con-
text, which include its part-of-speech (POS)
and named entity recognition (NER) tags and
its (normalized) term frequency (TF).
• Aligned question embedding:
Following (Lee et al., 2016) and other re-
cent works, the last part we incorporate is
an aligned question embedding falign(pi) =∑
j ai,jE(qj), where the attention score ai,j
captures the similarity between pi and each
question words qj . Specifically, ai,j is com-
puted by the dot products between nonlinear
mappings of word embeddings:
ai,j =
exp (α(E(pi)) · α(E(qj)))∑
j′ exp
α(E(pi)) · α(E(qj′))
) ,
and α(·) is a single dense layer with ReLU
nonlinearity. Compared to the exact match
features, these features add soft alignments
between similar but non-identical words
(e.g., car and vehicle).
Question encoding The question encoding is
simpler, as we only apply another recurrent neu-
ral network on top of the word embeddings of qi
and combine the resulting hidden units into one
single vector: {q1, . . . ,ql} → q. We compute
q =
j bjqj where bj encodes the importance of
each question word:
bj =
exp(w · qj)∑
j′ exp(w · qj′)
and w is a weight vector to learn.
Prediction At the paragraph level, the goal is to
predict the span of tokens that is most likely the
correct answer. We take the the paragraph vectors
{p1, . . . ,pm} and the question vector q as input,
and simply train two classifiers independently for
predicting the two ends of the span. Concretely,
we use a bilinear term to capture the similarity be-
tween pi and q and compute the probabilities of
each token being start and end as:
Pstart(i) ∝ exp (piWsq)
Pend(i) ∝ exp (piWeq)
During prediction, we choose the best span from
token i to token i′ such that i ≤ i′ ≤ i + 15 and
Pstart(i)×Pend(i′) is maximized. To make scores
compatible across paragraphs in one or several re-
trieved documents, we use the unnormalized expo-
nential and take argmax over all considered para-
graph spans for our final prediction.
4 Data
Our work relies on three types of data: (1)
Wikipedia that serves as our knowledge source for
finding answers, (2) the SQuAD dataset which is
our main resource to train Document Reader and
(3) three more QA datasets (CuratedTREC, We-
bQuestions and WikiMovies) that in addition to
SQuAD, are used to test the open-domain QA abil-
ities of our full system, and to evaluate the ability
of our model to learn from multitask learning and
distant supervision. Statistics of the datasets are
given in Table 2.
4.1 Wikipedia (Knowledge Source)
We use the 2016-12-21 dump2 of English
Wikipedia for all of our full-scale experiments as
the knowledge source used to answer questions.
For each page, only the plain text is extracted and
all structured data sections such as lists and fig-
ures are stripped.3 After discarding internal dis-
ambiguation, list, index, and outline pages, we
retain 5,075,182 articles consisting of 9,008,962
unique uncased token types.
4.2 SQuAD
The Stanford Question Answering Dataset
(SQuAD) (Rajpurkar et al., 2016) is a dataset
for machine comprehension based on Wikipedia.
The dataset contains 87k examples for training
and 10k for development, with a large hidden
test set which can only be accessed by the
SQuAD creators. Each example is composed of
a paragraph extracted from a Wikipedia article
and an associated human-generated question. The
answer is always a span from this paragraph and
a model is given credit if its predicted answer
matches it. Two evaluation metrics are used: exact
string match (EM) and F1 score, which measures
the weighted average of precision and recall at the
token level.
In the following, we use SQuAD for training
and evaluating our Document Reader for the stan-
dard machine comprehension task given the rel-
3We use the WikiExtractor script: https://github.
evant paragraph as defined in (Rajpurkar et al.,
2016). For the task of evaluating open-domain
question answering over Wikipedia, we use the
SQuAD development set QA pairs only, and we
ask systems to uncover the correct answer spans
without having access to the associated para-
graphs. That is, a model is required to answer
a question given the whole of Wikipedia as a re-
source; it is not given the relevant paragraph as in
the standard SQuAD setting.
4.3 Open-domain QA Evaluation Resources
SQuAD is one of the largest general purpose QA
datasets currently available. SQuAD questions
have been collected via a process involving show-
ing a paragraph to each human annotator and ask-
ing them to write a question. As a result, their
distribution is quite specific. We hence propose to
train and evaluate our system on other datasets de-
veloped for open-domain QA that have been con-
structed in different ways (not necessarily in the
context of answering from Wikipedia).
CuratedTREC This dataset is based on the
benchmarks from the TREC QA tasks that have
been curated by Baudiš and Šedivỳ (2015). We use
the large version, which contains a total of 2,180
questions extracted from the datasets from TREC
1999, 2000, 2001 and 2002.4
WebQuestions Introduced in (Berant et al.,
2013), this dataset is built to answer questions
from the Freebase KB. It was created by crawling
questions through the Google Suggest API, and
then obtaining answers using Amazon Mechani-
cal Turk. We convert each answer to text by us-
ing entity names so that the dataset does not refer-
ence Freebase IDs and is purely made of plain text
question-answer pairs.
WikiMovies This dataset, introduced in (Miller
et al., 2016), contains 96k question-answer pairs in
the domain of movies. Originally created from the
OMDb and MovieLens databases, the examples
are built such that they can also be answered by us-
ing a subset of Wikipedia as the knowledge source
(the title and the first section of articles from the
movie domain).
4This dataset is available at
Dataset Example Article / Paragraph
SQuAD Q: How many provinces did the Ottoman
empire contain in the 17th century?
A: 32
Article: Ottoman Empire
Paragraph: … At the beginning of the 17th century the em-
pire contained 32 provinces and numerous vassal states. Some
of these were later absorbed into the Ottoman Empire, while
others were granted various types of autonomy during the
course of centuries.
CuratedTREC Q: What U.S. state’s motto is “Live free
or Die”?
A: New Hampshire
Article: Live Free or Die
Paragraph: ”Live Free or Die” is the official motto of the
U.S. state of New Hampshire, adopted by the state in 1945. It
is possibly the best-known of all state mottos, partly because it
conveys an assertive independence historically found in Amer-
ican political philosophy and partly because of its contrast to
the milder sentiments found in other state mottos.
WebQuestions Q: What part of the atom did Chadwick
A: neutron
Article: Atom
Paragraph: … The atomic mass of these isotopes varied by
integer amounts, called the whole number rule. The explana-
tion for these different isotopes awaited the discovery of the
neutron, an uncharged particle with a mass similar to the pro-
ton, by the physicist James Chadwick in 1932. …
WikiMovies Q: Who wrote the film Gigli?
A: Martin Brest
Article: Gigli
Paragraph: Gigli is a 2003 American romantic comedy film
written and directed by Martin Brest and starring Ben Affleck,
Jennifer Lopez, Justin Bartha, Al Pacino, Christopher Walken,
and Lainie Kazan.
Table 1: Example training data from each QA dataset. In each case we show an associated paragraph
where distant supervision (DS) correctly identified the answer within it, which is highlighted.
Dataset Train Test
Plain DS
SQuAD 87,599 71,231 10,570†
CuratedTREC 1,486∗ 3,464 694
WebQuestions 3,778∗ 4,602 2,032
WikiMovies 96,185∗ 36,301 9,952
Table 2: Number of questions for each dataset
used in this paper. DS: distantly supervised train-
ing data. ∗: These training sets are not used as
is because no paragraph is associated with each
question. †: Corresponds to SQuAD development
4.4 Distantly Supervised Data
All the QA datasets presented above contain train-
ing portions, but CuratedTREC, WebQuestions
and WikiMovies only contain question-answer
pairs, and not an associated document or para-
graph as in SQuAD, and hence cannot be used
for training Document Reader directly. Follow-
ing previous work on distant supervision (DS) for
relation extraction (Mintz et al., 2009), we use a
procedure to automatically associate paragraphs to
such training examples, and then add these exam-
ples to our training set.
We use the following process for each question-
answer pair to build our training set. First, we
Dataset Wiki Doc. Retriever
Search plain +bigrams
SQuAD 62.7 76.1 77.8
CuratedTREC 81.0 85.2 86.0
WebQuestions 73.7 75.5 74.4
WikiMovies 61.7 54.4 70.3
Table 3: Document retrieval results. % of ques-
tions for which the answer segment appears in one
of the top 5 pages returned by the method.
run Document Retriever on the question to re-
trieve the top 5 Wikipedia articles. All paragraphs
from those articles without an exact match of the
known answer are directly discarded. All para-
graphs shorter than 25 or longer than 1500 charac-
ters are also filtered out. If any named entities are
detected in the question, we remove any paragraph
that does not contain them at all. For every remain-
ing paragraph in each retrieved page, we score all
positions that match an answer using unigram and
bigram overlap between the question and a 20 to-
ken window, keeping up to the top 5 paragraphs
with the highest overlaps. If there is no paragraph
with non-zero overlap, the example is discarded;
otherwise we add each found pair to our DS train-
ing dataset. Some examples are shown in Table 1
and data statistics are given in Table 2.
Note that we can also generate additional DS
data for SQuAD by trying to find mentions of the
answers not just in the paragraph provided, but
also from other pages or the same page that the
given paragraph was in. We observe that around
half of the DS examples come from pages outside
of the articles used in SQuAD.
5 Experiments
This section first presents evaluations of our Doc-
ument Retriever and Document Reader modules
separately, and then describes tests of their com-
bination, DrQA, for open-domain QA on the full
5.1 Finding Relevant Articles
We first examine the performance of our Docu-
ment Retriever module on all the QA datasets. Ta-
ble 3 compares the performance of the two ap-
proaches described in Section 3.1 with that of the
Wikipedia Search Engine5 for the task of find-
ing articles that contain the answer given a ques-
tion. Specifically, we compute the ratio of ques-
tions for which the text span of any of their as-
sociated answers appear in at least one the top 5
relevant pages returned by each system. Results
on all datasets indicate that our simple approach
outperforms Wikipedia Search, especially with bi-
gram hashing. We also compare doing retrieval
with Okapi BM25 or by using cosine distance in
the word embeddings space (by encoding ques-
tions and articles as bag-of-embeddings), both of
which we find performed worse.
5.2 Reader Evaluation on SQuAD
Next we evaluate our Document Reader com-
ponent on the standard SQuAD evaluation (Ra-
jpurkar et al., 2016).
Implementation details We use 3-layer bidirec-
tional LSTMs with h = 128 hidden units for both
paragraph and question encoding. We apply the
Stanford CoreNLP toolkit (Manning et al., 2014)
for tokenization and also generating lemma, part-
of-speech, and named entity tags.
Lastly, all the training examples are sorted by
the length of paragraph and divided into mini-
batches of 32 examples each. We use Adamax
for optimization as described in (Kingma and Ba,
5We use the Wikipedia Search API https://www.
2014). Dropout with p = 0.3 is applied to word
embeddings and all the hidden units of LSTMs.
Result and analysis Table 4 presents our eval-
uation results on both development and test sets.
SQuAD has been a very competitive machine
comprehension benchmark since its creation and
we only list the best-performing systems in the ta-
ble. Our system (single model) can achieve 70.0%
exact match and 79.0% F1 scores on the test set,
which surpasses all the published results and can
match the top performance on the SQuAD leader-
board at the time of writing. Additionally, we
think that our model is conceptually simpler than
most of the existing systems. We conducted an
ablation analysis on the feature vector of para-
graph tokens. As shown in Table 5 all the features
contribute to the performance of our final system.
Without the aligned question embedding feature
(only word embedding and a few manual features),
our system is still able to achieve F1 over 77%.
More interestingly, if we remove both faligned and
fexact match, the performance drops dramatically,
so we conclude that both features play a similar
but complementary role in the feature representa-
tion related to the paraphrased nature of a question
vs. the context around an answer.
5.3 Full Wikipedia Question Answering
Finally, we assess the performance of our full sys-
tem DrQA for answering open-domain questions
using the four datasets introduced in Section 4.
We compare three versions of DrQA which eval-
uate the impact of using distant supervision and
multitask learning across the training sources pro-
vided to Document Reader (Document Retriever
remains the same for each case):
• SQuAD: A single Document Reader model is
trained on the SQuAD training set only and
used on all evaluation sets.
• Fine-tune (DS): A Document Reader model
is pre-trained on SQuAD and then fine-tuned
for each dataset independently using its dis-
tant supervision (DS) training set.
• Multitask (DS): A single Document Reader
model is jointly trained on the SQuAD train-
ing set and all the DS sources.
For the full Wikipedia setting we use a stream-
lined model that does not use the CoreNLP parsed
ftoken features or lemmas for fexact match. We
Method Dev Test
Dynamic Coattention Networks (Xiong et al., 2016) 65.4 75.6 66.2 75.9
Multi-Perspective Matching (Wang et al., 2016)† 66.1 75.8 65.5 75.1
BiDAF (Seo et al., 2016) 67.7 77.3 68.0 77.3
R-net† n/a n/a 71.3 79.7
DrQA (Our model, Document Reader Only) 69.5 78.8 70.0 79.0
Table 4: Evaluation results on the SQuAD dataset (single model only). †: Test results reflect the SQuAD
leaderboard ( as of Feb 6, 2017.
Features F1
Full 78.8
No ftoken 78.0 (-0.8)
No fexact match 77.3 (-1.5)
No faligned 77.3 (-1.5)
No faligned and fexact match 59.4 (-19.4)
Table 5: Feature ablation analysis of the paragraph
representations of our Document Reader. Results
are reported on the SQuAD development set.
find that while these help for more exact paragraph
reading in SQuAD, they don’t improve results in
the full setting. Additionally, WebQuestions and
WikiMovies provide a list of candidate answers
(e.g., 1.6 million Freebase entity strings for We-
bQuestions) and we restrict the answer span must
be in this list during prediction.
Results Table 6 presents the results. Despite the
difficulty of the task compared to machine com-
prehension (where you are given the right para-
graph) and unconstrained QA (using redundant re-
sources), DrQA still provides reasonable perfor-
mance across all four datasets.
We are interested in a single, full system that
can answer any question using Wikipedia. The
single model trained only on SQuAD is outper-
formed on all four of the datasets by the multitask
model that uses distant supervision. However per-
formance when training on SQuAD alone is not far
behind, indicating that task transfer is occurring.
The majority of the improvement from SQuAD
to Multitask (DS) however is likely not from task
transfer as fine-tuning on each dataset alone using
DS also gives improvements, showing that is is the
introduction of extra data in the same domain that
helps. Nevertheless, the best single model that we
can find is our overall goal, and that is the Multi-
task (DS) system.
We compare to an unconstrained QA system us-
ing redundant resources (not just Wikipedia), Yo-
daQA (Baudiš, 2015), giving results which were
previously reported on CuratedTREC and We-
bQuestions. Despite the increased difficulty of our
task, it is reassuring that our performance is not
too far behind on CuratedTREC (31.3 vs. 25.4).
The gap is slightly bigger on WebQuestions, likely
because this dataset was created from the specific
structure of Freebase which YodaQA uses directly.
DrQA’s performance on SQuAD compared to
its Document Reader component on machine com-
prehension in Table 4 shows a large drop (from
69.5 to 27.1) as we now are given Wikipedia to
read, not a single paragraph. Given the correct
document (but not the paragraph) we can achieve
49.4, indicating many false positives come from
highly topical sentences. This is despite the fact
that the Document Retriever works relatively well
(77.8% of the time retrieving the answer, see Ta-
ble 3). It is worth noting that a large part of the
drop comes from the nature of the SQuAD ques-
tions. They were written with a specific para-
graph in mind, thus their language can be ambigu-
ous when the context is removed. Additional re-
sources other than SQuAD, specifically designed
for MRS, might be needed to go further.
6 Conclusion
We studied the task of machine reading at scale, by
using Wikipedia as the unique knowledge source
for open-domain QA. Our results indicate that
MRS is a key challenging task for researchers
to focus on. Machine comprehension systems
alone cannot solve the overall task. Our method
integrates search, distant supervision, and mul-
titask learning to provide an effective complete
system. Evaluating the individual components as
well as the full system across multiple benchmarks
showed the efficacy of our approach.
Dataset YodaQA DrQA
SQuAD +Fine-tune (DS) +Multitask (DS)
SQuAD (All Wikipedia) n/a 27.1 28.4 29.8
CuratedTREC 31.3 19.7 25.7 25.4
WebQuestions 39.8 11.8 19.5 20.7
WikiMovies n/a 24.5 34.3 36.5
Table 6: Full Wikipedia results. Top-1 exact-match accuracy (in %, using SQuAD eval script). +Fine-
tune (DS): Document Reader models trained on SQuAD and fine-tuned on each DS training set inde-
pendently. +Multitask (DS): Document Reader single model trained on SQuAD and all the distant su-
pervision (DS) training sets jointly. YodaQA results are extracted from
yodaqa/wiki/Benchmarks and use additional resources such as Freebase and DBpedia, see Section 2.
Future work should aim to improve over our
DrQA system. Two obvious angles of attack are:
(i) incorporate the fact that Document Reader ag-
gregates over multiple paragraphs and documents
directly in the training, as it currently trains on
paragraphs independently; and (ii) perform end-
to-end training across the Document Retriever and
Document Reader pipeline, rather than indepen-
dent systems.
The authors thank Pranav Rajpurkar for testing
Document Reader on the test set of SQuAD.
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Reading Wikipedia to Answer Open-Domain Questions