Addressing the Rare Word Problem in
Neural Machine Translation
Minh-Thang Luong† ∗
Ilya Sutskever†
Quoc V. Le†
Oriol Vinyals
Wojciech Zaremba∗
New York University
Neural Machine Translation (NMT) is a
new approach to machine translation that
has shown promising results that are com-
parable to traditional approaches. A sig-
nificant weakness in conventional NMT
systems is their inability to correctly trans-
late very rare words: end-to-end NMTs
tend to have relatively small vocabularies
with a single unk symbol that represents
every possible out-of-vocabulary (OOV)
word. In this paper, we propose and im-
plement an effective technique to address
this problem. We train an NMT system
on data that is augmented by the output
of a word alignment algorithm, allowing
the NMT system to emit, for each OOV
word in the target sentence, the position of
its corresponding word in the source sen-
tence. This information is later utilized in
a post-processing step that translates every
OOV word using a dictionary. Our exper-
iments on the WMT’14 English to French
translation task show that this method pro-
vides a substantial improvement of up to
2.8 BLEU points over an equivalent NMT
system that does not use this technique.
With 37.5 BLEU points, our NMT sys-
tem is the first to surpass the best result
achieved on a WMT’14 contest task.
1 Introduction
Neural Machine Translation (NMT) is a novel
approach to MT that has achieved promising
results (Kalchbrenner and Blunsom, 2013;
Sutskever et al., 2014; Cho et al., 2014;
Bahdanau et al., 2015; Jean et al., 2015). An
NMT system is a conceptually simple large neural
∗Work done while the authors were in Google. † indicates
equal contribution.
network that reads the entire source sentence
and produces an output translation one word at a
time. NMT systems are appealing because they
use minimal domain knowledge which makes
them well-suited to any problem that can be
formulated as mapping an input sequence to
an output sequence (Sutskever et al., 2014). In
addition, the natural ability of neural networks to
generalize implies that NMT systems will also
generalize to novel word phrases and sentences
that do not occur in the training set. In addition,
NMT systems potentially remove the need to store
explicit phrase tables and language models which
are used in conventional systems. Finally, the
decoder of an NMT system is easy to implement,
unlike the highly intricate decoders used by
phrase-based systems (Koehn et al., 2003).
Despite these advantages, conventional NMT
systems are incapable of translating rare words
because they have a fixed modest-sized vocab-
ulary1 which forces them to use the unk sym-
bol to represent the large number of out-of-
vocabulary (OOV) words, as illustrated in Fig-
ure 1. Unsurprisingly, both Sutskever et al. (2014)
and Bahdanau et al. (2015) have observed that
sentences with many rare words tend to be trans-
lated much more poorly than sentences contain-
ing mainly frequent words. Standard phrase-
based systems (Koehn et al., 2007; Chiang, 2007;
Cer et al., 2010; Dyer et al., 2010), on the other
hand, do not suffer from the rare word problem to
the same extent because they can support a much
larger vocabulary, and because their use of ex-
plicit alignments and phrase tables allows them to
memorize the translations of even extremely rare
1 Due to the computationally intensive nature of the soft-
max, NMT systems often limit their vocabularies to be the
top 30K-80K most frequent words in each language. How-
ever, Jean et al. (2015) has very recently proposed an efficient
approximation to the softmax that allows for training NTMs
with very large vocabularies. As discussed in Section 2, this
technique is complementary to ours.
en: The ecotax portico in Pont-de-Buis , . . . [truncated] . . . , was taken down on Thursday morning
fr: Le portique écotaxe de Pont-de-Buis , . . . [truncated] . . . , a été démonté jeudi matin
nn: Le unk de unk à unk , . . . [truncated] . . . , a été pris le jeudi matin
Figure 1: Example of the rare word problem – An English source sentence (en), a human translation to
French (fr), and a translation produced by one of our neural network systems (nn) before handling OOV
words. We highlight words that are unknown to our model. The token unk indicates an OOV word. We
also show a few important alignments between the pair of sentences.
Motivated by the strengths of standard phrase-
based system, we propose and implement a novel
approach to address the rare word problem of
NMTs. Our approach annotates the training cor-
pus with explicit alignment information that en-
ables the NMT system to emit, for each OOV
word, a “pointer” to its corresponding word in the
source sentence. This information is later utilized
in a post-processing step that translates the OOV
words using a dictionary or with the identity trans-
lation, if no translation is found.
Our experiments confirm that this approach is
effective. On the English to French WMT’14
translation task, this approach provides an im-
provement of up to 2.8 (if the vocabulary is rel-
atively small) BLEU points over an equivalent
NMT system that does not use this technique.
Moreover, our system is the first NMT that out-
performs the winner of a WMT’14 task.
2 Neural Machine Translation
A neural machine translation system is any neural
network that maps a source sentence, s1, . . . , sn,
to a target sentence, t1, . . . , tm, where all sen-
tences are assumed to terminate with a special
“end-of-sentence” token
cretely, an NMT system uses a neural network to
parameterize the conditional distributions
p(tj |t
None the early work in neural machine transla-
tion systems has addressed the rare word problem,
but the recent work of Jean et al. (2015) has tack-
led it with an efficient approximation to the soft-
max to accommodate for a very large vocabulary
(500K words). However, even with a large vocab-
ulary, the problem with rare words, e.g., names,
numbers, etc., still persists, and Jean et al. (2015)
found that using techniques similar to ours are
beneficial and complementary to their approach.
3 Rare Word Models
Despite the relatively large amount of work done
on pure neural machine translation systems, there
has been no work addressing the OOV problem
in NMT systems, with the notable exception of
Jean et al. (2015)’s work mentioned earlier.
en: The unk1 portico in unk2 . . .
fr: Le unk∅ unk1 de unk2 . . .
Figure 2: Copyable Model – an annotated exam-
ple with two types of unknown tokens: “copyable”
unkn and null unk∅.
We propose to address the rare word problem
by training the NMT system to track the origins
of the unknown words in the target sentences. If
we knew the source word responsible for each un-
known target word, we could introduce a post-
processing step that would replace each unk in
the system’s output with a translation of its source
word, using either a dictionary or the identity
translation. For example, in Figure 1, if the
model knows that the second unknown token in
the NMT (line nn) originates from the source word
ecotax, it can perform a word dictionary lookup
to replace that unknown token by écotaxe. Sim-
ilarly, an identity translation of the source word
Pont-de-Buis can be applied to the third un-
known token.
We present three annotation strategies
that can easily be applied to any NMT
system (Kalchbrenner and Blunsom, 2013;
Sutskever et al., 2014; Cho et al., 2014). We treat
the NMT system as a black box and train it on
a corpus annotated by one of the models below.
First, the alignments are produced with an unsu-
pervised aligner. Next, we use the alignment links
to construct a word dictionary that will be used
for the word translations in the post-processing
step.2 If a word does not appear in our dictionary,
then we apply the identity translation.
The first few words of the sentence pair in Fig-
ure 1 (lines en and fr) illustrate our models.
3.1 Copyable Model
In this approach, we introduce multiple tokens
to represent the various unknown words in the
source and in the target language, as opposed to
using only one unk token. We annotate the OOV
words in the source sentence with unk1, unk2,
unk3, in that order, while assigning repeating un-
known words identical tokens. The annotation
2When a source word has multiple translations, we use
the translation with the highest probability. These translation
probabilities are estimated from the unsupervised alignment
links. When constructing the dictionary from these alignment
links, we add a word pair to the dictionary only if its align-
ment count exceeds 100.
en: The unk portico in unk . . .
fr: Le p0 unk p−1 unk p1 de p∅ unk p−1 . . .
Figure 3: Positional All Model – an example of
the PosAll model. Each word is followed by the
relative positional tokens pd or the null token p∅.
of the unknown words in the target language is
slightly more elaborate: (a) each unknown target
word that is aligned to an unknown source word
is assigned the same unknown token (hence, the
“copy” model) and (b) an unknown target word
that has no alignment or that is aligned with a
known word uses the special null token unk∅. See
Figure 2 for an example. This annotation enables
us to translate every non-null unknown token.
3.2 Positional All Model (PosAll)
The copyable model is limited by its inability to
translate unknown target words that are aligned
to known words in the source sentence, such as
the pair of words, “portico” and “portique”, in our
running example. The former word is known on
the source sentence; whereas latter is not, so it
is labelled with unk∅. This happens often since
the source vocabularies of our models tend to be
much larger than the target vocabulary since a
large source vocabulary is cheap. This limita-
tion motivated us to develop an annotation model
that includes the complete alignments between the
source and the target sentences, which is straight-
forward to obtain since the complete alignments
are available at training time.
Specifically, we return to using only a single
universal unk token. However, on the target
side, we insert a positional token pd after ev-
ery word. Here, d indicates a relative position
(d = −7, . . . ,−1, 0, 1, . . . , 7) to denote that a tar-
get word at position j is aligned to a source word
at position i = j − d. Aligned words that are too
far apart are considered unaligned, and unaligned
words rae annotated with a null token pn. Our an-
notation is illustrated in Figure 3.
3.3 Positional Unknown Model (PosUnk)
The main weakness of the PosAll model is that
it doubles the length of the target sentence. This
makes learning more difficult and slows the speed
of parameter updates by a factor of two. How-
ever, given that our post-processing step is con-
cerned only with the alignments of the unknown
words, so it is more sensible to only annotate the
unknown words. This motivates our positional un-
known model which uses unkposd tokens (for d
in −7, . . . , 7 or ∅) to simultaneously denote (a)
the fact that a word is unknown and (b) its rela-
tive position d with respect to its aligned source
word. Like the PosAll model, we use the symbol
unkpos∅ for unknown target words that do not
have an alignment. We use the universal unk for
all unknown tokens in the source language. See
Figure 4 for an annotated example.
en: The unk portico in unk . . .
fr: Le unkpos1 unkpos−1 de unkpos1 . . .
Figure 4: Positional Unknown Model – an exam-
ple of the PosUnk model: only aligned unknown
words are annotated with the unkposd tokens.
It is possible that despite its slower speed, the
PosAll model will learn better alignments because
it is trained on many more examples of words and
their alignments. However, we show that this is
not the case (see §5.2).
4 Experiments
We evaluate the effectiveness of our OOV mod-
els on the WMT’14 English-to-French transla-
tion task.Translation quality is measured with the
BLEU metric (Papineni et al., 2002) on the new-
stest2014 test set (which has 3003 sentences).
4.1 Training Data
To be comparable with the results reported by
previous work on neural machine translation
systems (Sutskever et al., 2014; Cho et al., 2014;
Bahdanau et al., 2015), we train our models on
the same training data of 12M parallel sentences
(348M French and 304M English words), obtained
from (Schwenk, 2014). The 12M subset was se-
lected from the full WMT’14 parallel corpora us-
ing the method proposed in Axelrod et al. (2011).
Due to the computationally intensive nature of
the naive softmax, we limit the French vocabulary
(the target language) to the either the 40K or the
80K most frequent French words. On the source
side, we can afford a much larger vocabulary, so
we use the 200K most frequent English words.
The model treats all other words as unknowns.3
3When the French vocabulary has 40K words, there are
on average 1.33 unknown words per sentence on the target
side of the test set.
We annotate our training data using the three
schemes described in the previous section. The
alignment is computed with the Berkeley aligner
(Liang et al., 2006) using its default settings. We
discard sentence pairs in which the source or the
target sentence exceed 100 tokens.
4.2 Training Details
Our training procedure and hyperparame-
ter choices are similar to those used by
Sutskever et al. (2014). In more details, we
train multi-layer deep LSTMs, each of which has
1000 cells, with 1000 dimensional embeddings.
Like Sutskever et al. (2014), we reverse the words
in the source sentences which has been shown to
improve LSTM memory utilization and results
in better translations of long sentences. Our hy-
perparameters can be summarized as follows: (a)
the parameters are initialized uniformly in [-0.08,
0.08] for 4-layer models and [-0.06, 0.06] for 6-
layer models, (b) SGD has a fixed learning rate of
0.7, (c) we train for 8 epochs (after 5 epochs, we
begin to halve the learning rate every 0.5 epoch),
(d) the size of the mini-batch is 128, and (e) we
rescale the normalized gradient to ensure that its
norm does not exceed 5 (Pascanu et al., 2012).
We also follow the GPU parallelization scheme
proposed in (Sutskever et al., 2014), allowing us
to reach a training speed of 5.4K words per
second to train a depth-6 model with 200K
source and 80K target vocabularies ; whereas
Sutskever et al. (2014) achieved 6.3K words per
second for a depth-4 models with 80K source and
target vocabularies. Training takes about 10-14
days on an 8-GPU machine.
4.3 A note on BLEU scores
We report BLEU scores based on both: (a)
detokenized translations, i.e., WMT’14 style, to
be comparable with results reported on the WMT
website4 and (b) tokenized translations, so as to be
consistent with previous work (Cho et al., 2014;
Bahdanau et al., 2015; Schwenk, 2014;
Sutskever et al., 2014; Jean et al., 2015).5
The existing WMT’14 state-of-the-art sys-
tem (Durrani et al., 2014) achieves a detokenized
BLEU score of 35.8 on the newstest2014 test set
for English to French language pair (see Table 2).
5The tokenizer.perl and multi-bleu.pl
scripts are used to tokenize and score translations.
System Vocab Corpus BLEU
State of the art in WMT’14 (Durrani et al., 2014) All 36M 37.0
Standard MT + neural components
Schwenk (2014) – neural language model All 12M 33.3
Cho et al. (2014)– phrase table neural features All 12M 34.5
Sutskever et al. (2014) – 5 LSTMs, reranking 1000-best lists All 12M 36.5
Existing end-to-end NMT systems
Bahdanau et al. (2015) – single gated RNN with search 30K 12M 28.5
Sutskever et al. (2014) – 5 LSTMs 80K 12M 34.8
Jean et al. (2015) – 8 gated RNNs with search + UNK replacement 500K 12M 37.2
Our end-to-end NMT systems
Single LSTM with 4 layers 40K 12M 29.5
Single LSTM with 4 layers + PosUnk 40K 12M 31.8 (+2.3)
Single LSTM with 6 layers 40K 12M 30.4
Single LSTM with 6 layers + PosUnk 40K 12M 32.7 (+2.3)
Ensemble of 8 LSTMs 40K 12M 34.1
Ensemble of 8 LSTMs + PosUnk 40K 12M 36.9 (+2.8)
Single LSTM with 6 layers 80K 36M 31.5
Single LSTM with 6 layers + PosUnk 80K 36M 33.1 (+1.6)
Ensemble of 8 LSTMs 80K 36M 35.6
Ensemble of 8 LSTMs + PosUnk 80K 36M 37.5 (+1.9)
Table 1: Tokenized BLEU on newstest2014 – Translation results of various systems which differ in
terms of: (a) the architecture, (b) the size of the vocabulary used, and (c) the training corpus, either
using the full WMT’14 corpus of 36M sentence pairs or a subset of it with 12M pairs. We highlight
the performance of our best system in bolded text and state the improvements obtained by our technique
of handling rare words (namely, the PosUnk model). Notice that, for a given vocabulary size, the more
accurate systems achieve a greater improvement from the post-processing step. This is the case because
the more accurate models are able to pin-point the origin of an unknown word with greater accuracy,
making the post-processing more useful.
In terms of the tokenized BLEU, its performance
is 37.0 points (see Table 1).
System BLEU
Existing SOTA (Durrani et al., 2014) 35.8
Ensemble of 8 LSTMs + PosUnk 36.6
Table 2: Detokenized BLEU on newstest2014 –
translation results of the existing state-of-the-art
system and our best system.
4.4 Main Results
We compare our systems to others,including
the current state-of-the-art MT system
(Durrani et al., 2014), recent end-to-end neu-
ral systems, as well as phrase-based baselines
with neural components.
The results shown in Table 1 demonstrate that
our unknown word translation technique (in par-
ticular, the PosUnk model) significantly improves
the translation quality for both the individual (non-
ensemble) LSTM models and the ensemble mod-
els.6 For 40K-word vocabularies, the performance
gains are in the range of 2.3-2.8 BLEU points.
With larger vocabularies (80K), the performance
gains are diminished, but our technique can still
provide a nontrivial gains of 1.6-1.9 BLEU points.
It is interesting to observe that our approach is
more useful for ensemble models as compared to
the individual ones. This is because the useful-
ness of the PosUnk model directly depends on the
ability of the NMT to correctly locate, for a given
OOV target word, its corresponding word in the
source sentence. An ensemble of large models
identifies these source words with greater accu-
6 For the 40K-vocabulary ensemble, we combine 5 mod-
els with 4 layers and 3 models with 6 layers. For the 80K-
vocabulary ensemble, we combine 3 models with 4 layers and
5 models with 6 layers. Two of the depth-6 models are reg-
ularized with dropout, similar to Zaremba et al. (2015) with
the dropout probability set to 0.2.
racy. This is why for the same vocabulary size,
better models obtain a greater performance gain
our post-processing step. e Except for the very re-
cent work of Jean et al. (2015) that employs a sim-
ilar unknown treatment strategy7 as ours, our best
result of 37.5 BLEU outperforms all other NMT
systems by a arge margin, and more importanly,
our system has established a new record on the
WMT’14 English to French translation.
5 Analysis
We analyze and quantify the improvement ob-
tained by our rare word translation approach and
provide a detailed comparison of the different
rare word techniques proposed in Section 3. We
also examine the effect of depth on the LSTM
architectures and demonstrate a strong correla-
tion between perplexities and BLEU scores. We
also highlight a few translation examples where
our models succeed in correctly translating OOV
words, and present several failures.
5.1 Rare Word Analysis
To analyze the effect of rare words on
translation quality, we follow Sutskever et
al. (Sutskever et al., 2014) and sort sentences in
newstest2014 by the average inverse frequency
of their words. We split the test sentences into
groups where the sentences within each group
have a comparable number of rare words and
evaluate each group independently. We evaluate
our systems before and after translating the OOV
words and compare with the standard MT systems
– we use the best system from the WMT’14
contest (Durrani et al., 2014), and neural MT
systems – we use the ensemble systems described
in (Sutskever et al., 2014) and Section 4.
Rare word translation is challenging for neu-
ral machine translation systems as shown in Fig-
ure 5. Specifically, the translation quality of our
model before applying the postprocessing step is
shown by the green curve, and the current best
7Their unknown replacement method and ours both track
the locations of target unknown words and use a word dic-
tionary to post-process the translation. However, the mech-
anism used to achieve the “tracking” behavior is different.
Jean et al. (2015)’s uses the attentional mechanism to track
the origins of all target words, not just the unknown ones. In
contrast, we only focus on tracking unknown words using un-
supervised alignments. Our method can be easily applied to
any sequence-to-sequence models since we treat any model
as a blackbox and manipulate only at the input and output
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000
SOTA Durrani et al. (37.0)
Sutskever et al. (34.8)
Ours (35.6)
Ours + PosUnk (37.5)
Figure 5: Rare word translation – On the x-axis,
we order newstest2014 sentences by their aver-
age frequency rank and divide the sentences into
groups of sentences with a comparable prevalence
of rare words. We compute the BLEU score of
each group independently.
NMT system (Sutskever et al., 2014) is the pur-
ple curve. While (Sutskever et al., 2014) pro-
duces better translations for sentences with fre-
quent words (the left part of the graph), they
are worse than best system (red curve) on sen-
tences with many rare words (the right side of
the graph). When applying our unknown word
translation technique (purple curve), we signifi-
cantly improve the translation quality of our NMT:
for the last group of 500 sentences which have
the greatest proportion of OOV words in the test
set, we increase the BLEU score of our system
by 4.8 BLEU points. Overall, our rare word
translation model interpolates between the SOTA
system and the system of Sutskever et al. (2014),
which allows us to outperform the winning en-
try of WMT’14 on sentences that consist predom-
inantly of frequent words and approach its perfor-
mance on sentences with many OOV words.
5.2 Rare Word Models
We examine the effect of the different rare word
models presented in Section 3, namely: (a) Copy-
able – which aligns the unknown words on both
the input and the target side by learning to copy in-
dices, (b) the Positional All (PosAll) – which pre-
dicts the aligned source positions for every target
word, and (c) the Positional Unknown (PosUnk)
– which predicts the aligned source positions for
only the unknown target words.8 It is also interest-
8In this section and in section 5.3, all models are trained
on the unreversed sentences, and we use the following hyper-
NoAlign (5.31) Copyable (5.38) PosAll (5.30, 1.37) PosUnk (5.32)
Figure 6: Rare word models – translation perfor-
mance of 6-layer LSTMs: a model that uses no
alignment (NoAlign) and the other rare word mod-
els (Copyable, PosAll, PosUnk). For each model,
we show results before (left) and after (right) the
rare word translation as well as the perplexity (in
parentheses). For PosAll, we report the perplexi-
ties of predicting the words and the positions.
ing to measure the improvement obtained when no
alignment information is used during training. As
such, we include a baseline model with no align-
ment knowledge (NoAlign) in which we simply as-
sume that the ith unknown word on the target sen-
tence is aligned to the ith unknown word in the
source sentence.
From the results in Figure 6, a simple mono-
tone alignment assumption for the NoAlign model
yields a modest gain of 0.8 BLEU points. If we
train the model to predict the alignment, then the
Copyable model offers a slightly better gain of 1.0
BLEU. Note, however, that English and French
have similar word order structure, so it would
be interesting to experiment with other language
pairs, such as English and Chinese, in which the
word order is not as monotonic. These harder lan-
guage pairs potentially imply a smaller gain for the
NoAlign model and a larger gain for the Copyable
model. We leave it for future work.
The positional models (PosAll and PosUnk) im-
prove translation performance by more than 2
BLEU points. This proves that the limitation of the
copyable model, which forces it to align each un-
known output word with an unknown input word,
is considerable. In contrast, the positional mod-
parameters: we initialize the parameters uniformly in [-0.1,
0.1], the learning rate is 1, the maximal gradient norm is 1,
with a source vocabulary of 90k words, and a target vocab-
ulary of 40k (see Section 4.2 for more details). While these
LSTMs do not achieve the best possible performance, it is
still useful to analyze them.
Depth 3 (6.01) Depth 4 (5.71) Depth 6 (5.46)
Figure 7: Effect of depths – BLEU scores
achieved by PosUnk models of various depths (3,
4, and 6) before and after the rare word transla-
tion. Notice that the PosUnk model is more useful
on more accurate models.
els can align the unknown target words with any
source word, and as a result, post-processing has a
much stronger effect. The PosUnk model achieves
better translation results than the PosAll model
which suggests that it is easier to train the LSTM
on shorter sequences.
5.3 Other Effects
Deep LSTM architecture – We compare PosUnk
models trained with different number of layers (3,
4, and 6). We observe that the gain obtained by
the PosUnk model increases in tandem with the
overall accuracy of the model, which is consistent
with the idea that larger models can point to the ap-
propriate source word more accurately. Addition-
ally, we observe that on average, each extra LSTM
layer provides roughly 1.0 BLEU point improve-
ment as demonstrated in Figure 7.
5.6 5.8 6 6.2 6.4 6.6 6.8
Figure 8: Perplexity vs. BLEU – we show the
correlation by evaluating an LSTM model with 4
layers at various stages of training.
Perplexity and BLEU – Lastly, we find it inter-
esting to observe a strong correlation between the
perplexity (our training objective) and the transla-
tion quality as measured by BLEU. Figure 8 shows
src An additional 2600 operations including orthopedic and cataract surgery will
help clear a backlog .
trans En outre , unkpos1 opérations supplémentaires , dont la chirurgie unkpos5
et la unkpos6 , permettront de résorber l’ arriéré .
+unk En outre , 2600 opérations supplémentaires , dont la chirurgie orthopédiques
et la cataracte , permettront de résorber l’ arriéré .
tgt 2600 opérations supplémentaires , notamment dans le domaine de la chirurgie
orthopédique et de la cataracte , aideront à rattraper le retard .
src This trader , Richard Usher , left RBS in 2010 and is understand to have be
given leave from his current position as European head of forex spot trading at
JPMorgan .
trans Ce unkpos0 , Richard unkpos0 , a quitté unkpos1 en 2010 et a compris qu’
il est autorisé à quitter son poste actuel en tant que leader européen du marché
des points de vente au unkpos5 .
+unk Ce négociateur , Richard Usher , a quitté RBS en 2010 et a compris qu’ il est
autorisé à quitter son poste actuel en tant que leader européen du marché des
points de vente au JPMorgan .
tgt Ce trader , Richard Usher , a quitté RBS en 2010 et aurait été mis suspendu
de son poste de responsable européen du trading au comptant pour les devises
chez JPMorgan
src But concerns have grown after Mr Mazanga was quoted as saying Renamo was
abandoning the 1992 peace accord .
trans Mais les inquiétudes se sont accrues après que M. unkpos3 a déclaré que la
unkpos3 unkpos3 l’ accord de paix de 1992 .
+unk Mais les inquiétudes se sont accrues après que M. Mazanga a déclaré que la
Renamo était l’ accord de paix de 1992 .
tgt Mais l’ inquiétude a grandi après que M. Mazanga a déclaré que la Renamo
abandonnait l’ accord de paix de 1992 .
Table 3: Sample translations – the table shows the source (src) and the translations of our best model
before (trans) and after (+unk) unknown word translations. We also show the human translations (tgt)
and italicize words that are involved in the unknown word translation process.
the performance of a 4-layer LSTM, in which we
compute both perplexity and BLEU scores at dif-
ferent points during training. We find that on aver-
age, a reduction of 0.5 perplexity gives us roughly
1.0 BLEU point improvement.
5.4 Sample Translations
We present three sample translations of our best
system (with 37.5 BLEU) in Table 3. In our
first example, the model translates all the un-
known words correctly: 2600, orthopédiques, and
cataracte. It is interesting to observe that the
model can accurately predict an alignment of dis-
tances of 5 and 6 words. The second example
highlights the fact that our model can translate
long sentences reasonably well and that it was able
to correctly translate the unknown word for JP-
Morgan at the very far end of the source sentence.
Lastly, our examples also reveal several penalties
incurred by our model: (a) incorrect entries in the
word dictionary, as with négociateur vs. trader in
the second example, and (b) incorrect alignment
prediction, such as when unkpos3 is incorrectly
aligned with the source word was and not with
abandoning, which resulted in an incorrect trans-
lation in the third sentence.
6 Conclusion
We have shown that a simple alignment-based
technique can mitigate and even overcome one
of the main weaknesses of current NMT systems,
which is their inability to translate words that are
not in their vocabulary. A key advantage of our
technique is the fact that it is applicable to any
NMT system and not only to the deep LSTM
model of Sutskever et al. (2014). A technique like
ours is likely necessary if an NMT system is to
achieve state-of-the-art performance on machine
We have demonstrated empirically that on the
WMT’14 English-French translation task, our
technique yields a consistent and substantial im-
provement of up to 2.8 BLEU points over various
NMT systems of different architectures. Most im-
portantly, with 37.5 BLEU points, we have estab-
lished the first NMT system that outperformed the
best MT system on a WMT’14 contest dataset.
We thank members of the Google Brain team
for thoughtful discussions and insights. The first
author especially thanks Chris Manning and the
Stanford NLP group for helpful comments on the
early drafts of the paper. Lastly, we thank the an-
nonymous reviewers for their valuable feedback.
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1 Introduction
2 Neural Machine Translation
3 Rare Word Models
3.1 Copyable Model
3.2 Positional All Model (PosAll)
3.3 Positional Unknown Model (PosUnk)
4 Experiments
4.1 Training Data
4.2 Training Details
4.3 A note on BLEU scores
4.4 Main Results
5 Analysis
5.1 Rare Word Analysis
5.2 Rare Word Models
5.3 Other Effects
5.4 Sample Translations
6 Conclusion