How Multilingual is Multilingual BERT?
Proceedings of the 57th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics, pages 4996–5001
Florence, Italy, July 28 – August 2, 2019. c©2019 Association for Computational Linguistics
How multilingual is Multilingual BERT?
Telmo Pires∗ Eva Schlinger Dan Garrette
Google Research
In this paper, we show that Multilingual BERT
(M-BERT), released by Devlin et al. (2019)
as a single language model pre-trained from
monolingual corpora in 104 languages, is
surprisingly good at zero-shot cross-lingual
model transfer, in which task-specific annota-
tions in one language are used to fine-tune the
model for evaluation in another language. To
understand why, we present a large number of
probing experiments, showing that transfer is
possible even to languages in different scripts,
that transfer works best between typologically
similar languages, that monolingual corpora
can train models for code-switching, and that
the model can find translation pairs. From
these results, we can conclude that M-BERT
does create multilingual representations, but
that these representations exhibit systematic
deficiencies affecting certain language pairs.
1 Introduction
Deep, contextualized language models provide
powerful, general-purpose linguistic represen-
tations that have enabled significant advances
among a wide range of natural language process-
ing tasks (Peters et al., 2018b; Devlin et al., 2019).
These models can be pre-trained on large corpora
of readily available unannotated text, and then
fine-tuned for specific tasks on smaller amounts of
supervised data, relying on the induced language
model structure to facilitate generalization beyond
the annotations. Previous work on model prob-
ing has shown that these representations are able to
encode, among other things, syntactic and named
entity information, but they have heretofore fo-
cused on what models trained on English capture
about English (Peters et al., 2018a; Tenney et al.,
∗Google AI Resident.
In this paper, we empirically investigate the
degree to which these representations generalize
across languages. We explore this question us-
ing Multilingual BERT (henceforth, M-BERT), re-
leased by Devlin et al. (2019) as a single language
model pre-trained on the concatenation of mono-
lingual Wikipedia corpora from 104 languages.1
M-BERT is particularly well suited to this probing
study because it enables a very straightforward ap-
proach to zero-shot cross-lingual model transfer:
we fine-tune the model using task-specific super-
vised training data from one language, and evalu-
ate that task in a different language, thus allowing
us to observe the ways in which the model gener-
alizes information across languages.
Our results show that M-BERT is able to
perform cross-lingual generalization surprisingly
well. More importantly, we present the results of
a number of probing experiments designed to test
various hypotheses about how the model is able to
perform this transfer. Our experiments show that
while high lexical overlap between languages im-
proves transfer, M-BERT is also able to transfer
between languages written in different scripts—
thus having zero lexical overlap—indicating that
it captures multilingual representations. We fur-
ther show that transfer works best for typolog-
ically similar languages, suggesting that while
M-BERT’s multilingual representation is able to
map learned structures onto new vocabularies, it
does not seem to learn systematic transformations
of those structures to accommodate a target lan-
guage with different word order.
2 Models and Data
Like the original English BERT model (hence-
forth, EN-BERT), M-BERT is a 12 layer trans-
former (Devlin et al., 2019), but instead of be-
Fine-tuning \ Eval EN DE NL ES
EN 90.70 69.74 77.36 73.59
DE 73.83 82.00 76.25 70.03
NL 65.46 65.68 89.86 72.10
ES 65.38 59.40 64.39 87.18
Table 1: NER F1 results on the CoNLL data.
ing trained only on monolingual English data with
an English-derived vocabulary, it is trained on the
Wikipedia pages of 104 languages with a shared
word piece vocabulary. It does not use any marker
denoting the input language, and does not have
any explicit mechanism to encourage translation-
equivalent pairs to have similar representations.
For NER and POS, we use the same sequence
tagging architecture as Devlin et al. (2019). We to-
kenize the input sentence, feed it to BERT, get the
last layer’s activations, and pass them through a fi-
nal layer to make the tag predictions. The whole
model is then fine-tuned to minimize the cross en-
tropy loss for the task. When tokenization splits
words into multiple pieces, we take the prediction
for the first piece as the prediction for the word.
2.1 Named entity recognition experiments
We perform NER experiments on two datasets:
the publicly available CoNLL-2002 and -2003
sets, containing Dutch, Spanish, English, and Ger-
man (Tjong Kim Sang, 2002; Sang and Meulder,
2003); and an in-house dataset with 16 languages,2
using the same CoNLL categories. Table 1 shows
M-BERT zero-shot performance on all language
pairs in the CoNLL data.
2.2 Part of speech tagging experiments
We perform POS experiments using Universal De-
pendencies (UD) (Nivre et al., 2016) data for 41
languages.3 We use the evaluation sets from Ze-
man et al. (2017). Table 2 shows M-BERT zero-
shot results for four European languages. We see
that M-BERT generalizes well across languages,
achieving over 80% accuracy for all pairs.
2Arabic, Bengali, Czech, German, English, Spanish,
French, Hindi, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Por-
tuguese, Russian, Turkish, and Chinese.
3Arabic, Bulgarian, Catalan, Czech, Danish, German,
Greek, English, Spanish, Estonian, Basque, Persian, Finnish,
French, Galician, Hebrew, Hindi, Croatian, Hungarian, In-
donesian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Latvian, Marathi, Dutch,
Norwegian (Bokmaal and Nynorsk), Polish, Portuguese (Eu-
ropean and Brazilian), Romanian, Russian, Slovak, Slove-
nian, Swedish, Tamil, Telugu, Turkish, Urdu, and Chinese.
Fine-tuning \ Eval EN DE ES IT
EN 96.82 89.40 85.91 91.60
DE 83.99 93.99 86.32 88.39
ES 81.64 88.87 96.71 93.71
IT 86.79 87.82 91.28 98.11
Table 2: POS accuracy on a subset of UD languages.
Figure 1: Zero-shot NER F1 score versus entity word
piece overlap among 16 languages. While performance
using EN-BERT depends directly on word piece over-
lap, M-BERT’s performance is largely independent of
overlap, indicating that it learns multilingual represen-
tations deeper than simple vocabulary memorization.
3 Vocabulary Memorization
Because M-BERT uses a single, multilingual vo-
cabulary, one form of cross-lingual transfer occurs
when word pieces present during fine-tuning also
appear in the evaluation languages. In this sec-
tion, we present experiments probing M-BERT’s
dependence on this superficial form of generaliza-
tion: How much does transferability depend on
lexical overlap? And is transfer possible to lan-
guages written in different scripts (no overlap)?
3.1 Effect of vocabulary overlap
If M-BERT’s ability to generalize were mostly
due to vocabulary memorization, we would expect
zero-shot performance on NER to be highly depen-
dent on word piece overlap, since entities are of-
ten similar across languages. To measure this ef-
fect, we compute Etrain and Eeval, the sets of word
pieces used in entities in the training and evalu-
ation datasets, respectively, and define overlap as
the fraction of common word pieces used in the
entities: overlap = |Etrain∩Eeval| / |Etrain∪Eeval|.
Figure 1 plots NER F1 score versus entity over-
lap for zero-shot transfer between every language
pair in an in-house dataset of 16 languages, for
both M-BERT and EN-BERT.4 We can see that
4Results on CoNLL data follow the same trends, but those
trends are more apparent with 16 languages than with 4.
Lample et al. (2016) 90.94 78.76 81.74 85.75
EN-BERT 91.07 73.32 84.23 81.84
Table 3: NER F1 results fine-tuning and evaluating on
the same language (not zero-shot transfer).
performance using EN-BERT depends directly on
word piece overlap: the ability to transfer dete-
riorates as word piece overlap diminishes, and F1
scores are near zero for languages written in differ-
ent scripts. M-BERT’s performance, on the other
hand, is flat for a wide range of overlaps, and even
for language pairs with almost no lexical overlap,
scores vary between 40% and 70%, showing that
M-BERT’s pretraining on multiple languages has
enabled a representational capacity deeper than
simple vocabulary memorization.5
To further verify that EN-BERT’s inability to
generalize is due to its lack of a multilingual rep-
resentation and not an inability of its English-
specific word piece vocabulary to represent data in
other languages, we evaluate on non-cross-lingual
NER and see that it performs comparably to a pre-
vious state of the art model (see Table 3).
3.2 Generalization across scripts
M-BERT’s ability to transfer between languages
that are written in different scripts, and thus have
effectively zero lexical overlap, is surprising given
that it was trained on separate monolingual cor-
pora and not with a multilingual objective. To
probe deeper into how the model is able to per-
form this generalization, Table 4 shows a sample
of POS results for transfer across scripts.
Among the most surprising results, an M-BERT
model that has been fine-tuned using only POS-
labeled Urdu (written in Arabic script), achieves
91% accuracy on Hindi (written in Devanagari
script), even though it has never seen a single POS-
tagged Devanagari word. This provides clear ev-
idence of M-BERT’s multilingual representation
ability, mapping structures onto new vocabularies
based on a shared representation induced solely
from monolingual language model training data.
However, cross-script transfer is less accurate
for other pairs, such as English and Japanese, indi-
cating that M-BERT’s multilingual representation
is not able to generalize equally well in all cases.
A possible explanation for this, as we will see in
section 4.2, is typological similarity. English and
Japanese have a different order of subject, verb
5Individual language trends are similar to aggregate plots.
HI 97.1 85.9
UR 91.1 93.8
EN 96.8 87.1 49.4
BG 82.2 98.9 51.6
JA 57.4 67.2 96.5
Table 4: POS accuracy on the UD test set for languages
with different scripts. Row=fine-tuning, column=eval.
and object, while English and Bulgarian have the
same, and M-BERT may be having trouble gener-
alizing across different orderings.
4 Encoding Linguistic Structure
In the previous section, we showed that M-BERT’s
ability to generalize cannot be attributed solely
to vocabulary memorization, and that it must be
learning a deeper multilingual representation. In
this section, we present probing experiments that
investigate the nature of that representation: How
does typological similarity affect M-BERT’s abil-
ity to generalize? Can M-BERT generalize from
monolingual inputs to code-switching text? Can
the model generalize to transliterated text without
transliterated language model pretraining?
4.1 Effect of language similarity
Following Naseem et al. (2012), we compare lan-
guages on a subset of the WALS features (Dryer
and Haspelmath, 2013) relevant to grammatical
ordering.6 Figure 2 plots POS zero-shot accuracy
against the number of common WALS features.
As expected, performance improves with similar-
ity, showing that it is easier for M-BERT to map
linguistic structures when they are more similar,
although it still does a decent job for low similar-
ity languages when compared to EN-BERT.
4.2 Generalizing across typological features
Table 5 shows macro-averaged POS accuracies for
transfer between languages grouped according to
two typological features: subject/object/verb or-
der, and adjective/noun order7 (Dryer and Haspel-
math, 2013). The results reported include only
zero-shot transfer, i.e. they do not include cases
681A (Order of Subject, Object and Verb), 85A (Order of
Adposition and Noun), 86A (Order of Genitive and Noun),
87A (Order of Adjective and Noun), 88A (Order of Demon-
strative and Noun), and 89A (Order of Numeral and Noun).
7SVO languages: Bulgarian, Catalan, Czech, Danish,
English, Spanish, Estonian, Finnish, French, Galician, He-
brew, Croatian, Indonesian, Italian, Latvian, Norwegian
(Bokmaal and Nynorsk), Polish, Portuguese (European and
Brazilian), Romanian, Russian, Slovak, Slovenian, Swedish,
and Chinese. SOV Languages: Basque, Farsi, Hindi,
Japanese, Korean, Marathi, Tamil, Telugu, Turkish, and
Figure 2: Zero-shot POS accuracy versus number of
common WALS features. Due to their scarcity, we ex-
clude pairs with no common features.
SVO 81.55 66.52
SOV 63.98 64.22
(a) Subj./verb/obj. order.
AN 73.29 70.94
NA 75.10 79.64
(b) Adjective/noun order.
Table 5: Macro-average POS accuracies when trans-
ferring between SVO/SOV languages or AN/NA lan-
guages. Row = fine-tuning, column = evaluation.
training and testing on the same language. We
can see that performance is best when transferring
between languages that share word order features,
suggesting that while M-BERT’s multilingual rep-
resentation is able to map learned structures onto
new vocabularies, it does not seem to learn sys-
tematic transformations of those structures to ac-
commodate a target language with different word
4.3 Code switching and transliteration
Code-switching (CS)—the mixing of multi-
ple languages within a single utterance—and
transliteration—writing that is not in the lan-
guage’s standard script—present unique test cases
for M-BERT, which is pre-trained on monolingual,
standard-script corpora. Generalizing to code-
switching is similar to other cross-lingual trans-
fer scenarios, but would benefit to an even larger
degree from a shared multilingual representation.
Likewise, generalizing to transliterated text is sim-
ilar to other cross-script transfer experiments, but
has the additional caveat that M-BERT was not
pre-trained on text that looks like the target.
We test M-BERT on the CS Hindi/English UD
corpus from Bhat et al. (2018), which provides
texts in two formats: transliterated, where Hindi
words are written in Latin script, and corrected,
where annotators have converted them back to De-
vanagari script. Table 6 shows the results for mod-
Corrected Transliterated
Train on monolingual HI+EN
M-BERT 86.59 50.41
Ball and Garrette (2018) — 77.40
Train on code-switched HI/EN
M-BERT 90.56 85.64
Bhat et al. (2018) — 90.53
Table 6: M-BERT’s POS accuracy on the code-switched
Hindi/English dataset from Bhat et al. (2018), on
script-corrected and original (transliterated) tokens,
and comparisons to existing work on code-switch POS.
els fine-tuned using a combination of monolingual
Hindi and English, and using the CS training set
(both fine-tuning on the script-corrected version of
the corpus as well as the transliterated version).
For script-corrected inputs, i.e., when Hindi
is written in Devanagari, M-BERT’s performance
when trained only on monolingual corpora is com-
parable to performance when training on code-
switched data, and it is likely that some of the
remaining difference is due to domain mismatch.
This provides further evidence that M-BERT uses
a representation that is able to incorporate infor-
mation from multiple languages.
However, M-BERT is not able to effectively
transfer to a transliterated target, suggesting that
it is the language model pre-training on a particu-
lar language that allows transfer to that language.
M-BERT is outperformed by previous work in
both the monolingual-only and code-switched su-
pervision scenarios. Neither Ball and Garrette
(2018) nor Bhat et al. (2018) use contextualized
word embeddings, but both incorporate explicit
transliteration signals into their approaches.
5 Multilingual characterization of the
feature space
In this section, we study the structure of
M-BERT’s feature space. If it is multilingual, then
the transformation mapping between the same
sentence in 2 languages should not depend on the
sentence itself, just on the language pair.
5.1 Experimental Setup
We sample 5000 pairs of sentences from WMT16
(Bojar et al., 2016) and feed each sentence (sep-
arately) to M-BERT with no fine-tuning. We
then extract the hidden feature activations at each
layer for each of the sentences, and average the
representations for the input tokens except [CLS]
and [SEP], to get a vector for each sentence, at
each layer l, v(l)LANG. For each pair of sentences,
Figure 3: Accuracy of nearest neighbor translation for
EN-DE, EN-RU, and HI-UR.
e.g. (v(l)ENi , v
), we compute the vector point-
ing from one to the other and average it over all
pairs: v̄(l)EN→DE =
− v(l)ENi
, where M
is the number of pairs. Finally, we translate each
sentence, v(l)ENi , by v̄
EN→DE, find the closest Ger-
man sentence vector8, and measure the fraction
of times the nearest neighbour is the correct pair,
which we call the “nearest neighbor accuracy”.
5.2 Results
In Figure 3, we plot the nearest neighbor accu-
racy for EN-DE (solid line). It achieves over 50%
accuracy for all but the bottom layers,9 which
seems to imply that the hidden representations, al-
though separated in space, share a common sub-
space that represents useful linguistic information,
in a language-agnostic way. Similar curves are ob-
tained for EN-RU, and UR-HI (in-house dataset),
showing this works for multiple languages.
As to the reason why the accuracy goes down in
the last few layers, one possible explanation is that
since the model was pre-trained for language mod-
eling, it might need more language-specific infor-
mation to correctly predict the missing word.
6 Conclusion
In this work, we showed that M-BERT’s ro-
bust, often surprising, ability to generalize cross-
lingually is underpinned by a multilingual repre-
sentation, without being explicitly trained for it.
The model handles transfer across scripts and to
code-switching fairly well, but effective transfer to
typologically divergent and transliterated targets
8In terms of `2 distance.
9Our intuition is that the lower layers have more “token
level” information, which is more language dependent, par-
ticularly for languages that share few word pieces.
will likely require the model to incorporate an ex-
plicit multilingual training objective, such as that
used by Lample and Conneau (2019) or Artetxe
and Schwenk (2018).
As to why M-BERT generalizes across lan-
guages, we hypothesize that having word pieces
used in all languages (numbers, URLs, etc) which
have to be mapped to a shared space forces the
co-occurring pieces to also be mapped to a shared
space, thus spreading the effect to other word
pieces, until different languages are close to a
shared space.
It is our hope that these kinds of probing exper-
iments will help steer researchers toward the most
promising lines of inquiry by encouraging them to
focus on the places where current contextualized
word representation approaches fall short.
7 Acknowledgements
We would like to thank Mark Omernick, Livio
Baldini Soares, Emily Pitler, Jason Riesa, and Slav
Petrov for the valuable discussions and feedback.
Mikel Artetxe and Holger Schwenk. 2018. Mas-
sively multilingual sentence embeddings for zero-
shot cross-lingual transfer and beyond. arXiv
preprint arXiv:1812.10464.
Kelsey Ball and Dan Garrette. 2018. Part-of-speech
tagging for code-switched, transliterated texts with-
out explicit language identification. In Proceedings
Irshad Bhat, Riyaz A. Bhat, Manish Shrivastava, and
Dipti Sharma. 2018. Universal dependency parsing
for Hindi-English code-switching. In Proceedings
Ondřej Bojar, Yvette Graham, Amir Kamran, and
Miloš Stanojević. 2016. Results of the WMT16
metrics shared task. In Proceedings of the First Con-
ference on Machine Translation: Volume 2, Shared
Task Papers.
Jacob Devlin, Ming-Wei Chang, Kenton Lee, and
Kristina Toutanova. 2019. BERT: Pre-training of
deep bidirectional transformers for language under-
standing. In Proceedings of NAACL.
Matthew S. Dryer and Martin Haspelmath, edi-
tors. 2013. WALS Online. Max Planck In-
stitute for Evolutionary Anthropology, Leipzig.
Guillaume Lample, Miguel Ballesteros, Sandeep Sub-
ramanian, Kazuya Kawakami, and Chris Dyer. 2016.
Neural architectures for named entity recognition.
In Proceedings of NAACL.
Guillaume Lample and Alexis Conneau. 2019. Cross-
lingual language model pretraining. arXiv preprint
Tahira Naseem, Regina Barzilay, and Amir Globerson.
2012. Selective sharing for multilingual dependency
parsing. In Proceedings of ACL.
Joakim Nivre, Marie-Catherine de Marneffe, Filip
Ginter, Yoav Goldberg, Jan Hajic, Christopher D.
Manning, Ryan T. McDonald, Slav Petrov, Sampo
Pyysalo, Natalia Silveira, Reut Tsarfaty, and Daniel
Zeman. 2016. Universal dependencies v1: A mul-
tilingual treebank collection. In Proceedings of
Matthew Peters, Mark Neumann, Luke Zettlemoyer,
and Wen-tau Yih. 2018a. Dissecting contextual
word embeddings: Architecture and representation.
In Proceedings of EMNLP.
Matthew E. Peters, Mark Neumann, Mohit Iyyer, Matt
Gardner, Christopher Clark, Kenton Lee, and Luke
Zettlemoyer. 2018b. Deep contextualized word rep-
resentations. In Proceedings of NAACL.
Erik F. Tjong Kim Sang and Fien De Meulder.
2003. Introduction to the CoNLL-2003 shared task:
Language-independent named entity recognition. In
Proceedings of CoNLL.
Ian Tenney, Dipanjan Das, and Ellie Pavlick. 2019a.
BERT rediscovers the classical NLP pipeline. In
Proceedings of ACL.
Ian Tenney, Patrick Xia, Berlin Chen, Alex Wang,
Adam Poliak, R Thomas McCoy, Najoung Kim,
Benjamin Van Durme, Sam Bowman, Dipanjan Das,
and Ellie Pavlick. 2019b. What do you learn from
context? Probing for sentence structure in contex-
tualized word representations. In Proceedings of
Erik F. Tjong Kim Sang. 2002. Introduction to the
CoNLL-2002 shared task: Language-independent
named entity recognition. In Proceedings of
Daniel Zeman, Martin Popel, Milan Straka, Jan Ha-
jic, Joakim Nivre, Filip Ginter, Juhani Luotolahti,
Sampo Pyysalo, Slav Petrov, Martin Potthast, Fran-
cis Tyers, Elena Badmaeva, Memduh Gokirmak,
Anna Nedoluzhko, Silvie Cinkova, Jan Hajic jr.,
Jaroslava Hlavacova, Václava Kettnerová, Zdenka
Uresova, Jenna Kanerva, Stina Ojala, Anna Mis-
silä, Christopher D. Manning, Sebastian Schuster,
Siva Reddy, Dima Taji, Nizar Habash, Herman Le-
ung, Marie-Catherine de Marneffe, Manuela San-
guinetti, Maria Simi, Hiroshi Kanayama, Valeria de-
Paiva, Kira Droganova, Héctor Martı́nez Alonso,
Çağrı Çöltekin, Umut Sulubacak, Hans Uszkor-
eit, Vivien Macketanz, Aljoscha Burchardt, Kim
Harris, Katrin Marheinecke, Georg Rehm, Tolga
Kayadelen, Mohammed Attia, Ali Elkahky, Zhuoran
Yu, Emily Pitler, Saran Lertpradit, Michael Mandl,
Jesse Kirchner, Hector Fernandez Alcalde, Jana Str-
nadová, Esha Banerjee, Ruli Manurung, Antonio
Stella, Atsuko Shimada, Sookyoung Kwak, Gustavo
Mendonca, Tatiana Lando, Rattima Nitisaroj, and
Josie Li. 2017. CoNLL 2017 shared task: Multi-
lingual parsing from raw text to universal dependen-
cies. In Proceedings of CoNLL.
A Model Parameters
All models were fine-tuned with a batch size
of 32, and a maximum sequence length of
128 for 3 epochs. We used a learning rate
of 3e−5 with learning rate warmup during the
first 10% of steps, and linear decay after-
wards. We also applied 10% dropout on the
last layer. No parameter tuning was performed.
We used the BERT-Base, Multilingual
Cased checkpoint from https://github.
B CoNLL Results for EN-BERT
Fine-tuning \Eval EN DE NL ES
EN 91.07 24.38 40.62 49.99
DE 55.36 73.32 54.84 50.80
NL 59.36 27.57 84.23 53.15
ES 55.09 26.13 48.75 81.84
Table 7: NER results on the CoNLL test sets for
EN-BERT. The row is the fine-tuning language, the
column the evaluation language. There is a big
gap between this model’s zero-shot performance and
M-BERT’s, showing that the pre-training is helping in
cross-lingual transfer.
C Some POS Results for EN-BERT
Fine-tuning \Eval EN DE ES IT
EN 96.94 38.31 50.38 46.07
DE 28.62 92.63 30.23 25.59
ES 28.78 46.15 94.36 71.50
IT 52.48 48.08 76.51 96.41
Table 8: POS accuracy on the UD test sets for a subset
of European languages using EN-BERT. The row spec-
ifies a fine-tuning language, the column the evaluation
language. There is a big gap between this model’s zero-
shot performance and M-BERT’s, showing the pre-
training is helping learn a useful cross-lingual repre-
sentation for grammar.