CS计算机代考程序代写 hadoop AWS Microsoft Word – Homework 3.docx

Microsoft Word – Homework 3.docx

BU.330.740. Large Scale Computing with Hadoop

Homework 3: Frequent Itemset Mining Using MapReduce

Learning Goal: using MapReduce framework to implement frequent doubleton itemsets

Input Data:

The original data is stored in transaction.dat. Each line is a transaction containing multiple items
separated by space (item1 item2 item3 · · · itemn)

Output results:

Set support threshold s = 2, which means the output should be all doubletons that appear at least
two times in the transactions.


The mapper class
Your map function would take this original file and generate an intermediate output. The input
key would be line number in input file. The input value would be the content in each line. The
output key would be the doubleton itemsets. The output value is 1. You can use tab to separate
the key and the value.

For example:

1 2 3 ⇒

(1,2) 1

(1,3) 1

(2,3) 1

2 3 ⇒

(2,3) 1

The reducer class
Your reduce function would aggregate all values for each key. The output key would be itemsets.
The output value is the number of occurrence of each corresponding key. In the example case, it
will generate the following outputs:

(2,3) 2


You need to submit one zipped file, containing all .py scripts and output results (using AWS
Hadoop cluster), and submit it through the blackboard. Please try to comment your
codes for critical sections and make your codes as readable as possible.

Resources on GitHub:



Extension Materials:

There are frequent itemset mining dataset repository on http://fimi.uantwerpen.be/data/, and
some extra resources on the website for you to explore after you finish with assignment 1.