CS计算机代考程序代写 scheme database flex ER algorithm Byte Pair Encoding is Suboptimal for Language Model Pretraining

Byte Pair Encoding is Suboptimal for Language Model Pretraining

Kaj Bostrom and Greg Durrett
Department of Computer Science
The University of Texas at Austin



The success of pretrained transformer lan-
guage models (LMs) in natural language
processing has led to a wide range of
pretraining setups. In particular, these models
employ a variety of subword tokenization
methods, most notably byte-pair encoding
(BPE) (Sennrich et al., 2016; Gage, 1994), the
WordPiece method (Schuster and Nakajima,
2012), and unigram language modeling (Kudo,
2018), to segment text. However, to the
best of our knowledge, the literature does not
contain a direct evaluation of the impact of
tokenization on language model pretraining.
We analyze differences between BPE and un-
igram LM tokenization, finding that the latter
method recovers subword units that align more
closely with morphology and avoids problems
stemming from BPE’s greedy construction
procedure. We then compare the fine-tuned
task performance of identical transformer
masked language models pretrained with these
tokenizations. Across downstream tasks and
two languages (English and Japanese), we
find that the unigram LM tokenization method
matches or outperforms BPE. We hope that
developers of future pretrained LMs will
consider adopting the unigram LM method
over the more prevalent BPE.

1 Introduction

Large transformers (Vaswani et al., 2017) pre-
trained with variants of a language modeling ob-
jective, such as BERT (Devlin et al., 2019), have
proven their effectiveness at flexibly transferring to
a variety of domains and tasks. One design deci-
sion that makes them particularly adaptable is their
graceful handling of the open vocabulary problem
through subword tokenization. Subword tokeniza-
tion, popularized in the neural machine translation
literature (Sennrich et al., 2016; Vaswani et al.,
2017; Wu et al., 2016), produces tokens at multiple

levels of granularity, from individual characters to
full words. As a result, rare words are broken down
into a collection of subword units, bottoming out
in characters in the worst case.

Critically, a pretrained language model’s sub-
word vocabulary cannot be altered: any down-
stream application of these models must tokenize
input or generate output using the original subword
vocabulary, making the choice of tokenization a
particularly significant decision.

A variety of subword tokenization methods have
seen use in pretrained language models. BERT
uses the WordPiece method (Schuster and Naka-
jima, 2012), a language-modeling based variant of
BPE; T5 (Raffel et al., 2019) uses character-level
BPE; GPT2 (Radford et al., 2019) and ROBERTA
(Liu et al., 2019) use BPE over raw bytes instead
of unicode characters; XLNET (Yang et al., 2019)
and ALBERT (Lan et al., 2019) use the Sentence-
Piece library (Kudo and Richardson, 2018) which
implements both BPE and unigram language model
tokenization, but in both cases fail to clarify which
of these methods they chose. The effects of tok-
enization are not examined in a reported experi-
ment in any of the above works except Liu et al.
(2019), who note that WordPiece gave a small ad-
vantage over BPE in their preliminary investigation.
In the machine translation literature, Kudo (2018)
introduced the unigram language model tokeniza-
tion method in the context of machine translation
and found it comparable in performance to BPE.
Domingo et al. (2018) performed further experi-
ments to investigate the effects of tokenization on
neural machine translation, but used a shared BPE
vocabulary across all experiments. Gallé (2019)
examined algorithms in the BPE family, but did not
compare to unigram language modeling.

In this work, we characterize the space of pro-
posed subword tokenization algorithms and ana-
lyze the differences between the two methods with












publicly available implementations: BPE (merg-
ing tokens based on bigram frequency) and uni-
gram language modeling (pruning tokens based on
unigram LM perplexity). While the vocabularies
resulting from these schemes are heavily overlap-
ping, we compare each method to reference mor-
phological segmentations and find that the unigram
LM method produces tokens better aligned with
morphology. To understand whether this more nat-
ural tokenization leads to improved performance,
we pretrain separate language models using the
ROBERTA objective (Liu et al., 2019) with each
tokenization for both English and Japanese, two
typologically distant languages. On downstream
tasks, we find a performance gap across tasks and
languages, with the unigram LM method provid-
ing an improvement over BPE of up to 10% in
our Japanese QA experiments, indicating the ben-
efits of adopting this technique in the context of
language model pretraining.

2 Algorithms

Subword tokenization algorithms consist of two
components: a vocabulary construction procedure,
which takes a corpus of text and returns a vocabu-
lary with the desired size, and a tokenization proce-
dure, which takes the built vocabulary and applies it
to new text, returning a sequence of tokens. In the-
ory, these two steps can be independent, although
for the algorithms we examine the tokenization
procedure is tightly coupled to the vocabulary con-
struction procedure.

A BPE vocabulary is constructed as follows:

Algorithm 1 Byte-pair encoding (Sennrich et al.,
2016; Gage, 1994)

1: Input: set of strings D, target vocab size k
2: procedure BPE(D, k)
3: V ← all unique characters in D
4: (about 4,000 in English Wikipedia)
5: while |V | < k do . Merge tokens 6: tL, tR ←Most frequent bigram in D 7: tNEW ← tL + tR . Make new token 8: V ← V + [tNEW] 9: Replace each occurrence of tL, tR in 10: D with tNEW 11: end while 12: return V 13: end procedure BPE tokenization takes the vocabulary V con- taining ordered merges and applies them to new text in the same order as they occurred during vo- cabulary construction. The WordPiece algorithm (Schuster and Naka- jima, 2012), used to construct BERT’s vocabulary, closely resembles BPE. However, instead of merg- ing the most frequent token bigram, each poten- tial merge is scored based on the likelihood of an n-gram language model trained on a version of the corpus incorporating that merge. Schuster and Nakajima (2012) note that the process of estimat- ing language model parameters for every potential merge is prohibitive, so they employ aggressive heuristics to reduce the number of potential merges considered. As their implementation is not public,1 we are unable to make a comparison to this method. The unigram LM method (Kudo, 2018), in con- trast to the bottom-up construction process of BPE and WordPiece, begins with a superset of the final vocabulary, pruning it to the desired size: Algorithm 2 Unigram LM (Kudo, 2018) 1: Input: set of strings D, target vocab size k 2: procedure UNIGRAMLM(D, k) 3: V ← all substrings occurring more than 4: once in D (not crossing words) 5: while |V | > k do . Prune tokens
6: Fit unigram LM θ to D
7: for t ∈ V do . Estimate token ‘loss’
8: Lt ← pθ(D)− pθ′(D)
9: where θ′ is the LM without token t

10: end for
11: Remove min(|V | − k, bα|V |c) of the
12: tokens t with highest Lt from V ,
13: where α ∈ [0, 1] is a hyperparameter
14: end while
15: Fit final unigram LM θ to D
16: return V, θ
17: end procedure

Unigram LM tokenization takes the vocabulary
V and unigram LM parameters θ and performs
Viterbi inference to decode the segmentation with
maximum likelihood under θ. This method is
similar to Morfessor’s unsupervised segmentation
(Creutz and Lagus, 2005) without its informed prior
over token length.

1Although its name and association with Google might sug-
gest otherwise, the SentencePiece library (Kudo and Richard-
son, 2018) does not, in fact, implement the WordPiece algo-
rithm; it provides implementations of BPE and unigram LM
based tokenization.

Original: furiously
BPE: fur iously

Uni. LM: fur ious ly

Original: tricycles
BPE: t ric y cles

Uni. LM: tri cycle s

Original: nanotechnology
BPE: n an ote chn ology

Uni. LM: nano technology

Original: Completely preposterous suggestions
BPE: Comple t ely prep ost erous suggest ions

Unigram LM: Complete ly pre post er ous suggestion s

Original: corrupted
BPE: cor rupted

Unigram LM: corrupt ed

Original: 1848 and 1852,
BPE: 184 8 and 185 2,

Unigram LM: 1848 and 1852 ,

Original 磁性は様々に分類がなされている。
BPE 磁 性は 様々 に分類 がなされている 。

Unigram LM 磁 性 は 様々 に 分類 がなされている 。
Gloss magnetism (top.) various ways in classification is done .

Translation Magnetism is classified in various ways.

Figure 1: Example tokenizations. The character ‘ ’ is a word boundary marker. BPE merges common tokens,
such as English inflectional suffixes and Japanese particles, into their neighbors even when the resulting unit is not
semantically meaningful.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Token length







r o

f t


Unigram LM

(a) Token length distributions within each vocabulary

1 20000
Token frequency rank











Unigram LM

(b) Token frequency profiles over the corpus

Figure 2: English subword vocabulary and corpus profiles. The unigram LM method produces longer tokens on
average (a) and uses its vocabulary space more effectively (b), with more tokens of moderate frequency.

In the course of our experiments we did not ob-
serve a major difference in speed between the two
algorithms. Both require similar amounts of time to
construct a vocabulary, and both have a negligible
impact on overall model inference latency.

3 Comparison of Segmentations

3.1 Morphology

In Figure 1 we illustrate the differences in tok-
enization output between BPE and the unigram
LM method. We observe that the unigram LM
method produces subword units that qualitatively
align with morphology much better than those pro-
duced by BPE. In particular, we note that the un-
igram LM method recovers common affixes such
as -ly, -s, pre-, and tri- while BPE does not, instead
absorbing them into adjacent units (-cles) while
also producing meaningless single-character units.

This trend is supported by Table 1, in which

More frequent in
BPE Unigram LM


s . , ed d
ing e ly t a

Table 1: Tokens with the highest difference in fre-
quency between tokenizations. The unigram LM
method tends to produce more parsimonious prefixes
and suffixes.

BPE Unigram LM

Tokens per word type 4.721 4.633
Tokens per word 1.343 1.318

Table 2: Mean subword units per word for each method
across all of English Wikipedia.

we observe that recognizable affixes appear much
more frequently in the unigram LM tokenization of
our pretraining corpus than in the BPE tokenization.

Method English (w.r.t. CELEX2) Japanese (w.r.t. MeCab)
Precision Recall F1 Precision Recall F1

BPE 38.6% 12.9% 19.3% 78.6% 69.5% 73.8%
Uni. LM 62.2% 20.1% 30.3% 82.2% 72.8% 77.2%

Table 3: Correspondence of subword boundaries between unsupervised tokenization methods and morphological
reference segmentations.

As the BPE tokenization is constructed greedily
according to frequency, common affixes (and punc-
tuation) are frequently absorbed into other tokens.2

We see in Figure 2a that the unigram LM tok-
enization tends to have longer subword units than
BPE. This is closer to the length distribution of
gold-standard English morphs, which have a mean
length of approximately 6 characters (Creutz and
Linden, 2004).

Comparison with morphological segmenters
In Table 3, we further corroborate these observa-
tions by performing a quantitative evaluation of the
degree to which each unsupervised segmentation
algorithm aligns with morphological baselines for
each language. For English, we produce gold sur-
face allomorph boundaries from the CELEX2 lexi-
cal database (Baayen et al., 1995) in the manner of
Creutz and Lindén (2004). We then compare each
algorithm’s subword unit boundaries with gold mor-
pheme boundaries for words with 2 or more mor-
phemes, weighted by their frequency in English
Wikipedia. For Japanese, we compare subword
tokenizations of Japanese Wikipedia sentences to
morphological reference tokenizations produced
using the MeCab morphological analysis and tok-
enization tool (Kudo, 2006) using version 2.3.0 of
the UniDic dictionary (Den et al., 2007).

We find that for both languages, the segmenta-
tions produced by the unigram LM method cor-
respond more closely to the morphological refer-
ences, confirming our qualitative analysis. On En-
glish data, both unsupervised methods exhibit low
boundary recall; we attribute this to the fact that
they represent many common words with underly-
ing derivational morphology as single tokens, al-
though for BPE this is compounded by effects we
discuss in Section 3.2.

The ability of the unigram LM method to recover
the morphological structure of the text without ex-
plicit supervision aligns with the main findings of

2Note that the BPE vocabulary still includes these affixes,
but when they are encountered during tokenization, they are
almost always merged into larger units as in Figure 1.

Creutz and Lagus (2005), who successfully use
maximum-a-posteriori unigram language models
to perform unsupervised morphological segmenta-
tion of English and Finnish.

3.2 Vocabulary Allocation

By surfacing subword units that align with mor-
phology, the unigram LM tokenization provides
the opportunity for the model to learn composable
subword embeddings. If an affix reliably signals a
linguistic feature, rather than needing to store that
information redundantly across the embeddings of
many tokens containing the affix, the model can
store it in just the embedding of the affix.

These results suggest that the unigram LM
method may allocate its vocabulary more economi-
cally. We note in Figure 2b that both vocabularies
contain a “dead zone” of tokens whose frequency
is much lower than the rest of the vocabulary. This
is largely the result of the presence of a number of
very uncommon characters, including Chinese and
Japanese kanji, in the training corpus. In the BPE
tokenization, however, this effect is exacerbated,
with the dead zone containing about 1500 more
entries as a result of the tendency of its vocabulary
construction process to produce intermediate “junk”
tokens. For example, in the case where three tokens
almost always occur as a group, in order to merge
them into a single token, BPE must first merge one
pair before incorporating the third token; this leaves
an intermediate token in the vocabulary that will
only occur rarely on its own. Additionally, tokens
that appear in many contexts, such as inflectional
affixes (-s, -ed), will tend to merge with many adja-
cent units due to their frequency. However, these
merges lead to embedding redundancy, as these
affixes usually have the same linguistic function in
every context. Since the unigram LM method se-
lects tokens during vocabulary construction using a
global optimization procedure, it does not produce
junk tokens; this property also allows it to avoid
merging frequent tokens with their neighbors too

Japanese vocabulary comparisons are included

English Japanese

Model SQuAD 1.1 (dev.) MNLI (dev.) CoNLL NER TyDi QA (dev.)
EM F1 Acc. (m) Acc. (mm) Dev. F1 Test F1 EM F1

Ours, BPE 80.6± .2 88.2± .1 81.4± .3 82.4± .3 94.0± .1 90.2± .0 41.4± 0.6 42.1± 0.6
Ours, Uni. LM 81.8± .2 89.3± .1 82.8± .2 82.9± .2 94.3± .1 90.4± .1 53.7± 1.3 54.4± 1.2

BERTBASE 80.5 88.5 84.6 83.4 96.4 92.4 – –

Table 4: Fine-tuning results. Metrics are averaged across 5 fine-tuning seeds with standard deviations indicated
by ±; due to computational constraints we did not pretrain more than once per tokenization. We include fine-
tuning results for a transformer with a comparable architecture, BERTBASE, for reference, although we note that a
direct comparison cannot be made due to BERTBASE using both a larger pretraining corpus and a larger subword

in Appendix B.

4 Downstream Task Experiments

In order to make a fair experimental comparison be-
tween these two methods on downstream tasks, we
do not use an existing pretrained language model
like BERT, but instead train our own language mod-
els from scratch, controlling for the data, training
objective, and optimization procedure. We pre-
train four transformer masked language models
using the architecture and training objective of
ROBERTA-BASE (Liu et al., 2019) using the refer-
ence fairseq implementation (Ott et al., 2019).
Two are pretrained on the text of English Wikipedia,
comprising ∼3B tokens under either tokenization.
The other two are pretrained on the text of Japanese
Wikipedia, comprising ∼0.6B tokens. In each pair,
one model is pretrained on the BPE tokenization of
the corpus, and the other on the unigram LM tok-
enization, each with a vocabulary of 20,000 tokens.
Hyperparameters are listed in Appendix A.

We subsequently fine-tune each of the pretrained
English models on the SQuAD question-answering
task (Rajpurkar et al., 2016), the MNLI textual
entailment task (Williams et al., 2018), and the
English portion of the CoNLL 2003 named-entity
recognition shared task (Tjong Kim Sang and
De Meulder, 2003). We fine-tune the Japanese
models on the Japanese minimal-answer subset
of the TyDi question-answering task (Clark et al.,
2020). We base our fine-tuning implementations on
those of the transformers toolkit (Wolf et al.,

The results of our fine-tuning experiments are
presented in Table 4. We show that fine-tuning
models pretrained with unigram LM tokenization
produces better performance than fine-tuning mod-
els pretrained with BPE tokenization for all tasks.
These results suggest that the higher morpholog-

ical plausibility of the unigram LM tokenization
may translate into better downstream task perfor-
mance as well. Larger performance gaps are ev-
ident on SQuAD and MNLI, but the largest gap
appears on Japanese TyDi. Differences in pretrain-
ing may be more evident in this setting due to the
fact that the Japanese portion of the TyDi train-
ing split only contains ∼5k examples, compared
to the ∼88k examples available for fine-tuning on
SQuAD. Additionally, written Japanese does not
feature whitespace between words, so it is possi-
ble for tokenizations to differ in word boundary
placement as well as subword segmentation.

5 Conclusion

In this work we show that the choice of input en-
coding makes a difference in how well pretrained
language models are able to perform end tasks.
This indicates that tokenization encodes a surpris-
ing amount of inductive bias, and we suggest that
unigram LM tokenization may be the better choice
for development of future pretrained models.


This work was partially supported by NSF Grant
IIS-1814522 and a gift from Arm. This material
is also based on research that is supported by the
Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL), DARPA,
for the KAIROS program under agreement num-
ber FA8750-19-2-1003. The U.S. Government is
authorized to reproduce and distribute reprints for
Governmental purposes notwithstanding any copy-
right notation thereon. The views and conclusions
contained herein are those of the authors and should
not be interpreted as necessarily representing the
official policies or endorsements, either expressed
or implied, of the Air Force Research Laboratory
(AFRL), DARPA, or the U.S. Government.

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A Hyperparameters


Model architecture
(Liu et al., 2019)

(Ott et al., 2019)

ADAM, � = 1e-6
β = (0.9, 0.98)
(Kingma and Ba, 2015)

Learning rate decay Polynomial
Peak learning rate 0.0005
Warmup steps 10000
Weight decay 0.01
Batch size 2048
Sequence length 512
Total updates 125000
MLP dropout 0.1
Attention dropout 0.1
Precision 16-bit


(Wolf et al., 2019)

ADAM, � = 1e-8
β = (0.9, 0.999)

Learning rate decay Linear
Peak learning rate 5e-5
Warmup steps 0
Weight decay 0
Batch size 32
Sequence length
(SQuAD, TyDi QA) 512

Passage stride
(SQuAD, TyDi QA) 192

Sequence length
(MNLI, NER) 128

Epochs 3
Precision 16-bit


(Kudo and Richardson, 2018)

Vocabulary size 20000
Unigram LM α 0.25


B Japanese vocabulary comparison

More frequent in
BPE Unigram LM

)、 )。 ) ンの スの
は のは の 、2 ンは

li lo ていく vi てしまう
hi 0% to no ta

Table 5: Tokens with the highest difference in frequency between tokenizations. The BPE method merges common
tokens, such as particles and punctuation, even when they do not form meaningful units. The unigram LM method
recovers the units ていく and てしまう, which are productive components of the Japanese verb conjugation

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Token length







r o

f t


Unigram LM

(a) Token length distributions within each vocabulary

1 20000
Token frequency rank








Unigram LM

(b) Token frequency profiles over the corpus

Figure 3: Japanese subword vocabulary and corpus profiles. (a) The unigram LM method produces longer tokens,
as it does in English. (b) Token frequency profiles resemble those of English, though the effect of the “dead zone”
is less pronounced.