arXiv:1510.03055v2 [cs.CL] 7 Jan 2016
A Diversity-Promoting Objective Function for Neural Conversation Models
Jiwei Li1∗ Michel Galley2 Chris Brockett2 Jianfeng Gao2 Bill Dolan2
1Stanford University, Stanford, CA, USA
2Microsoft Research, Redmond, WA, USA
Sequence-to-sequence neural network mod-
els for generation of conversational responses
tend to generate safe, commonplace responses
(e.g., I don’t know) regardless of the input.
We suggest that the traditional objective func-
tion, i.e., the likelihood of output (response)
given input (message) is unsuited to response
generation tasks. Instead we propose using
Maximum Mutual Information (MMI) as the
objective function in neural models. Experi-
mental results demonstrate that the proposed
MMI models produce more diverse, interest-
ing, and appropriate responses, yielding sub-
stantive gains in BLEU scores on two conver-
sational datasets and in human evaluations.
1 Introduction
Conversational agents are of growing importance
in facilitating smooth interaction between humans
and their electronic devices, yet conventional dia-
log systems continue to face major challenges in the
form of robustness, scalability and domain adapta-
tion. Attention has thus turned to learning conversa-
tional patterns from data: researchers have begun to
explore data-driven generation of conversational re-
sponses within the framework of statistical machine
translation (SMT), either phrase-based (Ritter et al.,
2011), or using neural networks to rerank, or directly
in the form of sequence-to-sequence (SEQ2SEQ)
models (Sordoni et al., 2015; Vinyals and Le, 2015;
Shang et al., 2015; Serban et al., 2015; Wen et al.,
2015). SEQ2SEQ models offer the promise of scala-
bility and language-independence, together with the
capacity to implicitly learn semantic and syntactic
relations between pairs, and to capture contextual de-
pendencies (Sordoni et al., 2015) in a way not possi-
ble with conventional SMT approaches (Ritter et al.,
An engaging response generation system should
be able to output grammatical, coherent responses
that are diverse and interesting. In practice, how-
ever, neural conversation models tend to generate
trivial or non-committal responses, often involving
high-frequency phrases along the lines of I don’t
know or I’m OK (Sordoni et al., 2015; Serban et al.,
2015; Vinyals and Le, 2015). Table 1 illustrates this
phenomenon, showing top outputs from SEQ2SEQ
models. All the top-ranked responses are generic.
Responses that seem more meaningful or specific
can also be found in the N-best lists, but rank much
lower. In part at least, this behavior can be ascribed
to the relative frequency of generic responses like
I don’t know in conversational datasets, in contrast
with the relative sparsity of more contentful alterna-
tive responses.1 It appears that by optimizing for
the likelihood of outputs given inputs, neural mod-
els assign high probability to “safe” responses. This
objective function, common in related tasks such as
machine translation, may be unsuited to generation
tasks involving intrinsically diverse outputs. Intu-
itively, it seems desirable to take into account not
only the dependency of responses on messages, but
also the inverse, the likelihood that a message will
be provided to a given response.
We propose to capture this intuition by using Max-
imum Mutual Information (MMI), first introduced in
1In our training dataset from the OpenSubtitles database
(OSDb), 0.45% sentences contain the sequence I don’t know,
a high rate considering huge diversity of this dataset.
Input: What are you doing?
-0.86 I don’t know. -1.09 Get out of here.
-1.03 I don’t know! -1.09 I’m going home.
-1.06 Nothing. -1.09 Oh my god!
-1.09 Get out of the way. -1.10 I’m talking to you.
Input: what is your name?
-0.91 I don’t know. …
-0.92 I don’t know! -1.55 My name is Robert.
-0.92 I don’t know, sir. -1.58 My name is John.
-0.97 Oh, my god! -1.59 My name’s John.
Input: How old are you?
-0.79 I don’t know. …
-1.06 I’m fine. -1.64 Twenty-five.
-1.17 I’m all right. -1.66 Five.
-1.17 I’m not sure. -1.71 Eight.
Table 1: Responses generated by a 4-layer SEQ2SEQ
neural model trained on 20 million conversation pairs
take from the OpenSubtitles dataset. Decoding is imple-
mented with beam size set to 200. The top examples are
the responses with the highest average probability log-
likelihoods in the N-best list. Lower-ranked, less-generic
responses were manually chosen.
speech recognition (Bahl et al., 1986; Brown, 1987),
as an optimization objective that measures the mu-
tual dependence between inputs and outputs. Below,
we present practical strategies for neural generation
models that use MMI as an objective function. We
show that use of MMI results in a clear decrease in
the proportion of generic response sequences, gen-
erating correspondingly more varied and interesting
2 Related work
Earlier efforts to build statistical methods into dia-
log systems have relied on one of two approaches.
The first is stochastic models built on top of hand-
coded rules or templates (Levin et al., 2000; Young
et al., 2010; Walker et al., 2003; Pieraccini et al.,
2009; Wang et al., 2011). This approach is both ex-
pensive and difficult to extend to open-domain sce-
narios. The second approach attempts to learn gen-
eration rules from a minimal set of authored rules or
labels (Oh and Rudnicky, 2000; Ratnaparkhi, 2002;
Banchs and Li, 2012; 0; Nio et al., 2014; Chen et al.,
2013), which also implies handcrafting.
A newer line of investigation, introduced by Rit-
ter et al. (2011), frames response generation as a
statistical machine translation (SMT) problem. Re-
cent progress in SMT stemming from the use of neu-
ral language models (Sutskever et al., 2014; Gao
et al., 2014; Bahdanau et al., 2015; Luong et al.,
2015) has inspired attempts to extend these neural
techniques to response generation. Sordoni et al.
(2015) improved upon Ritter et al. (2011) by rescor-
ing the output of a phrasal SMT-based conversation
system with a SEQ2SEQ model that incorporates
prior context. There have other attempts to apply
SEQ2SEQ models (Serban et al., 2015; Shang et al.,
2015; Vinyals and Le, 2015; Wen et al., 2015) using
Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) neural networks
(Hochreiter and Schmidhuber, 1997), which can im-
plicitly capture compositionality and long-span de-
Prior work in generation has sought to increase
diversity, but with different goals and techniques.
Carbonell and Goldstein (1998) and Gimpel (2013)
produce multiple outputs that are mutually diverse,
either non-redundant summary sentences or N-best
lists. Our goal, however, is to produce a single non-
trivial output, and our method does not require iden-
tifying lexical overlap to foster diversity.2
3 Sequence-to-Sequence Models
Given a sequence of inputs X = {x1, x2, …, xnX},
an LSTM associates each time step with an input
gate, a memory gate and an output gate, respectively
denoted as it, ft and ot. We distinguish e and h
where et denotes the vector for an individual text
unit (for example, a word or sentence) at time step
t while ht denotes the vector computed by LSTM
model at time t by combining et and ht−1. ct is the
cell state vector at time t, and σ denotes the sigmoid
function. Then, the vector representation ht for each
time step t is given by:
it = σ(Wi · [ht−1, et]) (1)
ft = σ(Wf · [ht−1, et]) (2)
ot = σ(Wo · [ht−1, et]) (3)
lt = tanh(Wl · [ht−1, et]) (4)
ct = ft · ct−1 + it · lt (5)
t = ot · tanh(ct) (6)
2Augmenting our technique with MMR-based (Carbonell
and Goldstein, 1998) diversity helped increase lexical but not
semantic diversity (e.g., I don’t know vs. I haven’t a clue), and
with no gain in performance.
where Wi, Wf , Wo, Wl ∈ R
generation tasks, each input X is paired with a se-
quence of outputs to predict: Y = {y1, y2, …, ynY }.
The LSTM defines a distribution over outputs and se-
quentially predicts tokens using a softmax function:
p(Y |X) =
p(yt|x1, x2, …, xt, y1, y2, …, yt−1)
exp(f(ht−1, eyt))
y′ exp(f(ht−1, ey′))
where f(ht−1, eyt) denotes the activation function
between ht−1 and eyt , where ht−1 is the representa-
tion output from the LSTM at time t− 1. Each sen-
tence concludes with a special end-of-sentence sym-
bol EOS. Commonly, input and output use different
LSTMs with separate compositional parameters to
capture different compositional patterns.
During decoding, the algorithm terminates when
an EOS token is predicted. At each time step, either
a greedy approach or beam search can be adopted
for word prediction. Greedy search selects the to-
ken with the largest conditional probability, the em-
bedding of which is then combined with preceding
output to predict the token at the next step.
4 MMI Models
4.1 Notation
In the response generation task, let S denote an input
message sequence (source) S = {s1, s2, …, sNS}
where NS denotes the number of words in S. Let
T (target) denote a sequence in response to source
sequence S, where T = {t1, t2, …, tNT , EOS}, NT
is the length of the response (terminated by an EOS
token) and t denotes a word token that is associated
with a K dimensional distinct word embedding et.
V denotes vocabulary size.
4.2 MMI Criterion
The standard objective function for sequence-to-
sequence models is the log-likelihood of target T
given source S, which at test time yields the statisti-
cal decision problem:
T̂ = argmax
log p(T |S)
As discussed in the introduction, we surmise that
this formulation leads to generic responses being
generated, since it only selects for targets given
sources, not the converse. To remedy this, we re-
place it with Maximum Mutual Information (MMI)
as the objective function. In MMI, parameters are
chosen to maximize (pairwise) mutual information
between the source S and the target T :
p(S, T )
p(S)p(T )
This avoids favoring responses that unconditionally
enjoy high probability, and instead biases towards
those responses that are specific to the given input.
The MMI objective can written as follows:3
T̂ = argmax
log p(T |S)− log p(T )
We use a generalization of the MMI objective which
introduces a hyperparameter λ that controls how
much to penalize generic responses:
T̂ = argmax
log p(T |S)− λ log p(T )
An alternate formulation of the MMI objective uses
Bayes’ theorem:
log p(T ) = log p(T |S) + log p(S)− log p(S|T )
which lets us rewrite Equation 9 as follows:
T̂ = argmax
(1− λ) log p(T |S)
+ λ log p(S|T )− λ log p(S)
= argmax
(1− λ) log p(T |S) + λ log p(S|T )
This weighted MMI objective function can thus be
viewed as representing a tradeoff between sources
given targets (i.e., p(S|T )) and targets given sources
(i.e., p(T |S)).
Although the MMI optimization criterion has
been comprehensively studied for other tasks, such
as acoustic modeling in speech recognition (Huang
et al., 2001), adapting MMI to SEQ2SEQ training
is empirically nontrivial. Moreover, we would like
to be able to adjust the value λ in Equation 9 with-
out repeatedly training neural network models from
scratch, which would otherwise be extremely time-
consuming. Accordingly, we did not train a joint
model (log p(T |S)−λ log p(T )), but instead trained
maximum likelihood models, and used the MMI cri-
terion only during testing.
3Note: log p(S,T )
p(S)p(T )
= log
p(T |S)
p(T )
= log p(T |S)−log p(T )
4.3 Practical Considerations
Responses can be generated either from Equation 9,
i.e., log p(T |S) − λ log p(T ) or Equation 10, i.e.,
(1 − λ) log p(T |S) + λ log p(S|T ). We will refer to
these formulations as MMI-antiLM and MMI-bidi,
respectively. However, these strategies are difficult
to apply directly to decoding since they can lead
to ungrammatical responses (with MMI-antiLM) or
make decoding intractable (with MMI-bidi). In the
rest of this section, we will discuss these issues and
explain how we resolve them in practice.
4.3.1 MMI-antiLM
The second term of log p(T |S)−λ log p(T ) func-
tions as an anti-language model. It penalizes not
only high-frequency, generic responses, but also flu-
ent ones and thus can lead to ungrammatical out-
puts. In theory, this issue should not arise when λ is
less than 1, since ungrammatical sentences should al-
ways be more severely penalized by the first term of
the equation, i.e., log p(T |S). In practice, however,
we found that the model tends to select ungrammati-
cal outputs that escaped being penalized by p(T |S).
Solution Let LT be the length of target T . p(T ) in
Equation 9 can be written as:
p(T ) =
p(ti|t1, t2, …, ti−1) (11)
We replace the language model p(T ) with U(T ),
which adapts the standard language model by multi-
plying by a weight g(i) that is decremented mono-
tonically as the index of the current token i in-
U(T ) =
p(ti|t1, t2, …, tI) · g(i) (12)
The underlying intuition here is as follows: First,
neural decoding combines the previously built rep-
resentation with the word predicted at the current
step. As decoding proceeds, the influence of the
initial input on decoding (i.e., the source sentence
representation) diminishes as additional previously-
predicted words are encoded in the vector represen-
tations.4 In other words, the first words to be pre-
dicted significantly determine the remainder of the
4Attention models (Xu et al., 2015) may offer some promise
of addressing this issue.
sentence. Penalizing words predicted early on by
the language model contributes more to the diversity
of the sentence than it does to words predicted later.
Second, as the influence of the input on decoding de-
clines, the influence of the language model comes
to dominate. We have observed that ungrammatical
segments tend to appear in the latter part of the sen-
tences, especially in long sentences.
We adopt the most straightforward form of g(i) by
by setting up a threshold (γ) by penalizing the first
γ words where5
g(i) =
1 if i ≤ γ
0 if i > γ
The objective Equation 9 can thus be rewritten as:
log p(T |S)− λ logU(T ) (14)
where direct decoding is tractable.
4.3.2 MMI-bidi
Direct decoding from (1 − λ) log p(T |S) +
λ log p(S|T ) is intractable, as the second part (i.e.,
p(S|T )) requires completion of target generation be-
fore p(S|T ) can be effectively computed. Due to
the enormous search space for target T , exploring
all possibilities is infeasible.
For practical reasons, then, we turn to an ap-
proximation approach that involves first generating
N-best lists given the first part of objective func-
tion, i.e., standard SEQ2SEQ model p(T |S). Then
we rerank the N-best lists using the second term of
the objective function. Since N-best lists produced
by SEQ2SEQ models are generally grammatical, the
final selected options are likely to be well-formed.
Model reranking has obvious drawbacks. It results
in non-globally-optimal solutions by first emphasiz-
ing standard SEQ2SEQ objectives. Moreover, it re-
lies heavily on the system’s success in generating a
sufficiently diverse N-best set, requiring that a long
list of N-best lists be generated for each message.
Nevertheless, these two variants of the MMI cri-
terion work well in practice, significantly improv-
ing both the interestingness and the diversity of re-
5We experimented with a smooth decay in g(i) rather than a
stepwise function, but this did not yield better performance.
4.4 Training
Recent research has shown that deep LSTMs work
better than single-layer LSTMs for SEQ2SEQ tasks
(Vinyals et al., 2015; Sutskever et al., 2014). We
adopt a deep structure with four LSTM layers for
encoding and four LSTM layers for decoding, each
of which consists of a different set of parameters.
Each LSTM layer consists of 1,000 hidden neurons,
and the dimensionality of word embeddings is set
to 1,000. Other training details are given below,
broadly aligned with Sutskever et al. (2014).
• LSTM parameters and embeddings are initial-
ized from a uniform distribution in [-0.08,
• Stochastic gradient decent is implemented us-
ing a fixed learning rate of 0.1.
• Batch size is set to 256.
• Gradient clipping is adopted by scaling gradi-
ents when the norm exceeded a threshold of 1.
Our implementation on a single GPU processes at
a speed of approximately 600-1200 tokens per sec-
The p(S|T ) model described in Section 4.3.1 was
trained using the same model as that of p(T |S), with
messages (S) and responses (T ) interchanged.
4.5 Decoding
4.5.1 MMI-antiLM
As described in Section 4.3.1, decoding using
log p(T |S)−λU(T ) can be readily implemented by
predicting tokens at each time-step. In addition, we
found in our experiments that it is also important to
take into account the length of responses in decod-
ing. We thus linearly combine the loss function with
length penalization, leading to an ultimate score for
a given target T as follows:
Score(T ) = p(T |S)− λU(T ) + γLT (15)
where LT denotes the length of the target and γ de-
notes associated weight. We optimize γ and λ using
MERT (Och, 2003) on N-best lists of response can-
didates. The N-best lists are generated using the de-
coder with beam size 200. We set a maximum length
of 20 for generated candidates. N-best lists are then
constructed so that sentences generated with an EOS
token at each decoding time step are stored as decod-
ing proceeds.
6Tesla K40m, 1 Kepler GK110B, 2880 CUDA cores.
4.5.2 MMI-bidi
We generate N-best lists based on P (T |S) and
then rerank the list by linearly combining p(T |S),
λp(S|T ), and γLT . We use MERT to tune the
weights λ and γ on the development set.
5 Experiments
5.1 Datasets
Twitter Conversation Triple Dataset We used
an extension of the dataset described in Sordoni et
al. (2015), which consists of 23 million conversa-
tional snippets randomly selected from a collection
of 129M context-message-response triples extracted
from the Twitter Firehose over the 3-month period
from June through August 2012. For the purposes
of our experiments, we limited context to the turn
in the conversation immediately preceding the mes-
sage. In our LSTM models, we used a simple input
model in which contexts and messages are concate-
nated to form the source input.
For tuning and evaluation, we used the devel-
opment dataset (2118 conversations) and the test
dataset (2114 examples), augmented using informa-
tion retrieval methods to create a multi-reference set,
as described by Sordoni et al. (2015). The selection
criteria for these two datasets included a component
of relevance/interestingness, with the result that dull
responses will tend to be penalized in evaluation.
OpenSubtitles dataset In addition to unscripted
Twitter conversations, we also used the OpenSub-
titles (OSDb) dataset (Tiedemann, 2009), a large,
noisy, open-domain dataset containing roughly 60M-
70M scripted lines spoken by movie characters. This
dataset does not specify which character speaks
each subtitle line, which prevents us from inferring
speaker turns. Following Vinyals et al. (2015), we
make the simplifying assumption that each line of
subtitle constitutes a full speaker turn. Our models
are trained to predict the current turn given the pre-
ceding ones based on the assumption that consecu-
tive turns belong to the same conversation. This in-
troduces a degree of noise, since consecutive lines
may not appear in the same conversation or scene,
and may not even be spoken by the same character.
This limitation potentially renders the OSDb
dataset unreliable for evaluation purposes. For eval-
uation purposes, we therefore used data from the In-
Model # of training instances BLEU distinct-1 distinct-2
SEQ2SEQ (baseline) 23M 4.31 .023 .107
SEQ2SEQ (greedy) 23M 4.51 .032 .148
MMI-antiLM: log p(T |S)− λU(T ) 23M 4.86 .033 .175
MMI-bidi: (1 − λ) log p(T |S) + λ log p(S|T ) 23M 5.22 .051 .270
SMT (Ritter et al., 2011) 50M 3.60 .098 .351
SMT+neural reranking (Sordoni et al., 2015) 50M 4.44 .101 .358
Table 2: Performance on the Twitter dataset of 4-layer SEQ2SEQ models and MMI models. distinct-1 and distinct-2
are respectively the number of distinct unigrams and bigrams divided by total number of generated words.
Model BLEU distinct-1 distinct-2
SEQ2SEQ 1.28 0.0056 0.0136
MMI-antiLM 1.74 0.0184 0.066
(+35.9%) (+228%) (407%)
MMI-bidi 1.44 0.0103 0.0303
(+28.2%) (+83.9%) (+122%)
Table 3: Performance on the OpenSubtitles dataset for the
SEQ2SEQ baseline and two MMI models.
ternet Movie Script Database (IMSDB),7 which ex-
plicitly identifies which character speaks each line
of the script. This allowed us to identify consecutive
message-response pairs spoken by different charac-
ters. We randomly selected two subsets as devel-
opment and test datasets, each containing 2K pairs,
with source and target length restricted to the range
of [6,18].
5.2 Evaluation
For parameter tuning and final evaluation, we used
BLEU (Papineni et al., 2002), which was shown to
correlate reasonably well with human judgment on
the response generation task (Galley et al., 2015).
In the case of the Twitter models, we used multi-
reference BLEU. As the IMSDB data is too limited
to support extraction of multiple references, only sin-
gle reference BLEU was used in training and evalu-
ating the OSDb models.
We did not follow Vinyals et al. (2015) in us-
ing perplexity as evaluation metric. Perplexity is un-
likely to be a useful metric in our scenario, since
our proposed model is designed to steer away from
the standard SEQ2SEQ model in order to diversify
the outputs. We report degree of diversity by calcu-
lating the number of distinct unigrams and bigrams
7IMSDB ( is a relatively
small database of around 0.4 million sentences and thus not suit-
able for open domain dialogue training.
in generated responses. The value is scaled by total
number of generated tokens to avoid favoring long
sentences (shown as distinct-1 and distinct-2 in Ta-
bles 2 and 3).
5.3 Results
Twitter Dataset We first report performance on
Twitter datasets in Table 2, along with results for
different models (i.e., Machine Translation and
MT+neural reranking) reprinted from Sordoni et al.
(2015) on the same dataset. The baseline is the
SEQ2SEQ model with its standard likelihood objec-
tive and a beam size of 200. We compare this base-
line against greedy-search SEQ2SEQ (Vinyals and
Le, 2015), which achieves higher diversity by in-
creasing search errors.
Machine Translation is the phrase-based MT sys-
tem described in (Ritter et al., 2011). MT features in-
clude commonly used ones in Moses (Koehn et al.,
2007), e.g., forward and backward maximum like-
lihood “translation” probabilities, word and phrase
penalties, linear distortion, etc. For more details, re-
fer to Sordoni et al. (2015).
MT+neural reranking is the phrase-based MT sys-
tem, reranked using neural models. N-best lists are
first generated from the MT system. Recurrent neu-
ral models generate scores for N-best list candidates
given the input messages. These generated scores
are re-incorporated to rerank all the candidates. Ad-
ditional features to score [1-4]-gram matches be-
tween context and response and between message
and context (context and message match CMM fea-
tures) are also employed, as in Sordoni et al. (2015).
MT+neural reranking achieves a BLEU score of
4.44, which to the best of our knowledge repre-
sents the previous state-of-the-art performance on
this Twitter dataset. Note that Machine Translation
and MT+neural reranking are trained on a much
larger dataset of roughly 50 million examples. A sig-
nificant performance boost is observed from MMI-
bidi over baseline SEQ2SEQ, both in terms of BLEU
score and diversity.
OpenSubtitles Dataset All models achieve signif-
icantly lower BLEU scores on this dataset than on
the Twitter dataset, primarily because the IMSDB
data provides only single references for evaluation.
We note, however, that baseline SEQ2SEQ models
yield lower levels of unigram diversity (distinct-1)
on the OpenSubtitles dataset than on the Twitter data
(0.0056 vs 0.017), which suggests that other fac-
tors may be in play. It is likely that movie dialogs
are much more concise and information-rich than
typical conversations on Twitter, making it harder
to match gold-standard responses and causing the
learned models to strongly favor safe, conservative
Table 3 shows that the MMI-antiLM model yields
a significant performance boost, with a BLEU score
increase of up to 36% and a more than 200% jump
in unigram diversity. Our interpretation of this
huge performance improvement is that the diver-
sity and complexity of input messages lead standard
SEQ2SEQ models to generate very conservative re-
sponses,8 which fail to match more the interesting
reference strings typical of this dataset. This inter-
pretation is also supported by the fact that the MMI-
bidi model does not produce as significant a perfor-
mance boost as MMI-antiLM. In the case of MMI-
bidi, N-best lists generated using standard SEQ2SEQ
models remain conservative and uninteresting, atten-
uating the impact of later reranking. An important
potential limitation of MMI-bidi model is thus that
its performance hinges on the initial generation of a
highly diverse, informative N-best list.
Qualitative Evaluation We employed crowd-
sourced judges to provide evaluations for a random
sample of 1000 items in the Twitter test dataset. Ta-
ble 6 shows the results of human evaluations be-
tween paired systems. Each output pair was ranked
by 5 judges, who were asked to decide which of the
two outputs was better. They were instructed to pre-
fer outputs that were more specific (relevant) to the
8The strings I don’t know, I don’t know what you are talking
about, I don’t think that is a good idea, and Oh my god consti-
tute 32% percent of all generated responses.
Comparator Gain 95% CI
SMT (Ritter et al., 2011) 0.29 [0.25, 0.32]
SMT+neural reranking 0.28 [0.25, 0.32]
SEQ2SEQ (baseline) 0.11 [0.07, 0.14]
SEQ2SEQ (greedy) 0.08 [0.04, 0.11]
Table 6: MMI-bidi gains over comparator systems, based
on pairwise human judgments.
Input: What are you doing?
1. I’ve been looking for you. 4. I told you to shut up.
2. I want to talk to you. 5. Get out of here.
3. Just making sure you’re OK. 6. I’m looking for a doctor.
Input: What is your name?
1. Blue! 4. Daniel.
2. Peter. 5. My name is John.
3. Tyler. 6. My name is Robert.
Input: How old are you?
1. Twenty-eight. 4. Five.
2. Twenty-four. 5. 15.
3. Long. 6. Eight.
Table 7: Examples generated by the MMI-antiLM model
on the OpenSubtitles dataset.
message and preceding context, as opposed to those
that were more generic. Ties were permitted. Iden-
tical strings were algorithmically assigned the same
score. The mean of differences between outputs is
shown as the gain for MMI-bidi over the competing
system. At a significance level of α = 0.05, we find
that MMI-bidi outperforms both baseline and greedy
SEQ2SEQ systems, as well as the weaker SMT and
SMT+RNN baselines. MMI-bidi outperforms SMT
in human evaluations despite the greater lexical di-
versity of MT output.
Separately, judges were also asked to rate overall
quality of MMI-bidi output over the same 1000-item
sample in isolation, each output being evaluated by
7 judges in context using a 5-point scale. The mean
rating was 3.84 (median: 3.85, 1st Qu: 3.57, 3rd Qu:
4.14), suggesting that overall MMI-bidi output does
appear reasonably acceptable to human judges.
Table 7 presents the N-best candidates generated
using the MMI-bidi model for the inputs of Table 1.
We see that MMI generates significantly more inter-
esting outputs than SEQ2SEQ.
In Tables 4 and 5, we present responses generated
by different models. All examples were randomly
sampled (without cherry picking). We see that the
message SEQ2SEQ MMI P (T |S)− λP (T )
I did not get the report from an mi-6
I don’t think that’s a good idea. You did the right thing, did you?
You haven’t been given an assignment
in this case.
I don’t know what you are talking
I’ve been looking all over for you.
I’m losing my grip. I don’t know what you are talking
I’m the only one in the world.
I am ready to help. Come on, come on I have something we need to talk about.
You programmed me to gather intelli-
gence. That’s all I’ve ever done.
You know that, don’t you? You do have fun, don’t you?
I mean, we’d have to talk to him. I mean, I don’t know. I mean, he’s a good guy.
This has nothing to do with him. You don’t know anything about him, do
I know him as much.
How come you never say it? I don’t know Because I don’t want to hurt you
He is the one behind this scheme to
crash x-net.
I don’t know what you are talking about Yes, he is, isn’t he?
How much time do you have here? I don’t know. Not long enough. Sorry, sir.
Table 4: Responses from the SEQ2SEQ baseline and MMI-antiLM models on the OpenSubtitles dataset.
message SEQ2SEQ MMI-bidi
Ohh I’ve never seen that! How long
does it take you guys to learn the drill?
I don’t even know. Like 2 weeks ago!!
You’ll know when we sign Heskey in 2
I’ll see what I can do I sure hope so..
I’m waiting!! I have even got biscuits
waiting for you??
I have no idea what you’re talking about I’ll send you a pic when I get home xx
My parents actually had touch too much
played at their wedding.
I have no idea what you’re talking about How old are they??
Say anything you want… I know you
love me and I love you.
I love you so much. I love you too, baby.
I am off all week next week What time you going? What time you going?
How are you doing? I’m good, thanks. I’m good, you?
Table 5: Responses from the SEQ2SEQ baseline and MMI-bidi models on the Twitter dataset.
baseline SEQ2SEQ model tends to generate reason-
able responses to simple messages such as How are
you doing? or I love you. As the complexity of
the message increases, however, the outputs switch
to more conservative, duller forms, such as I don’t
know or I don’t know what you are talking about.
An occasional answer of this kind might go unno-
ticed in a natural conversation, but a dialog agent
that always produces such responses risks being per-
ceived as uncooperative. MMI-bidi models, on the
other hand, produce far more diverse and interesting
6 Conclusions
We investigated an issue encountered when applying
SEQ2SEQ models to conversational response gen-
eration. These models tend to generate safe, com-
monplace responses (e.g., I don’t know) regardless
of the input. Our analysis suggests that the issue
is at least in part attributable to the use of unidi-
rectional likelihood of output (responses) given in-
put (messages). To remedy this, we have proposed
using Maximum Mutual Information (MMI) as the
objective function. Our results demonstrate that the
proposed MMI models produce more diverse and in-
teresting responses, while improving quality as mea-
sured by BLEU and human evaluation.
To the best of our knowledge, this paper repre-
sents the first work to address the issue of output
diversity in the neural generation framework. We
have focused on the algorithmic dimensions of the
problem. Unquestionably numerous other factors
such as grounding, persona (of both user and agent),
and intent also play a role in generating diverse, con-
versationally interesting outputs. These must be left
for future investigation. Since the challenge of pro-
ducing interesting outputs also arises in other neural
generation tasks, including image-description gener-
ation, question answering, and potentially any task
where mutual correspondences must be modeled,
the implications of this work extend well beyond
conversational response generation.
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