Assignment 3: Sequential CRF for NER
Academic Honesty Please see the course syllabus for information about collaboration in this course.
While you may discuss the assignment with other students, all work you submit must be your own!
Goal In this project you’ll implement a CRF sequence tagger for NER. You’ll implement the Viterbi al-
gorithm on a fixed model first (an HMM), then generalize that to forward-backward and implement learning
and decoding for a feature-based CRF as well. The primary goal of this assignment is to expose you to
inference and learning for a simple structured model where exact inference is possible. Secondarily, you
will learn some of the engineering factors that need to be considered when implementing a model like this.
The expectation in this project is that you understand CRFs and HMMs from scratch using the code we
give you. You should not call existing CRF libraries in your solution to this project.
Peer Grading The last part of this project uses peer grading once the assignment is submitted. There is a
short written component submitted on Canvas.
Named entity recognition is the task of identifying references to named entities of certain types in text. We
use data presented in the CoNLL 2003 Shared Task (Tjong Kim Sang and De Meulder, 2003). An example
of the data is given below:
Singapore NNP I-NP B-ORG
Refining NNP I-NP I-ORG
Company NNP I-NP I-ORG
expected VBD I-VP O
to TO I-VP O
shut VB I-VP O
. . O NONE O
There are four columns here: the word, the POS tag, the chunk bit (a form of shallow parsing—you
can ignore this), and the column containing the NER tag. NER labels are given in a BIO tag scheme:
beginning, inside, outside. In the example above, two named entities are present: Singapore Refining
Company and CDU 3. O tags denote text not part of a named entity. B tags indicate the start of a named
entity, and I tags indicate the continuation of the previous named entity. Both B and I tags are hyphenated
and contain a type after the hyphen, which in this dataset is one of PER, ORG, LOC, or MISC. A B tag can
immediately follow another B tag in the case where a one-word entity is followed immediately by another
entity. However, note that an I tag can only follow an I tag or B tag of the same type.
An NER system’s job is to predict the NER chunks of an unseen sentence, i.e., predict the last column
given the others. Output is typically evaluated according to chunk-level F-measure.1 To evaluate a single
sentence, let C denote the predicted set of labeled chunks represented by a tuple of (label, start index, end
1Tag-level accuracy isn’t used because of the prevalence of the O class—always predicting O would give extremely high accu-
index) and let C∗ denote the gold set of chunks. We compute precision, recall, and F1 as follows:
Precision =
|C ∩ C∗|
; Recall =
|C ∩ C∗|
; F1 =
Precision +
The gold labeled chunks from the example above are (ORG, 0, 3) and (ORG, 6, 8) using 0-based indexing
and semi-inclusive notation for intervals.
To generalize to corpus-level evaluation, the numerators and denominators of precision and recall are
aggregated across the corpus. State-of-the-art systems can get above 90 F1 on this dataset; we’ll be aiming
to get close to this and build systems that can get in at least the mid-80s.
Your Task
You will be building a CRF NER system. This is broken down for you into a few steps:
1. Implementing Viterbi decoding for a generative HMM.
2. Generalizing your Viterbi decoding to forward-backward to compute marginals, then using those to
train a simple feature-based CRF for this task.
3. Extending the CRF for NER to use beam search.
Getting Started
Download the data and code from Canvas. You will need Python 3 and numpy. Try running
This will run a very bad NER system, one which simply outputs the most common tag for every token, or O
if it hasn’t been seen before. The system will print a bunch of warnings on the dev set—this baseline doesn’t
even produce consistent tag sequences.
Data eng.train is the training set, eng.testa is the standard NER development set, and eng.testb.blind
is a blind test set you will submit results on. The deu* files are German data that you can optionally exper-
iment with, but you’re not required to do anything with these.
Code We provide: Contains the implementation of BadNerModel and the main function which reads the data,
trains the appropriate model, and evaluates it on the test set. Note that this code can also read/write
your trained model (described more below under Part 3). Utilities for reading NER data, evaluation code, and functions for converting from BIO
to chunk representation and back. The main abstraction to pay attention to here is LabeledSentence,
which contains a sequence of Token objects (wrappers around words, POS tags, and chunk informa-
tion) and a set of Chunk objects representing a labeling. Gold examples are LabeledSentence
and this is also what your system will return as predictions. Indexer is as before, with Indexer additionally being useful for mapping between
labels and indices in dynamic programming. A Beam data structure is also provided for Part 3.
2 Three optimizer classes are provided implementing SGD, unregularized Adagrad,
and L1-regularized Adagrad. These wrap the weight vector, exposing access and score methods to
use it, and are updated by apply gradient update, which takes as input a Counter of feature
values for this gradient as well as the size of the batch the gradient was computed on. You should feel free to modify anything in this file as you need, but the scaffolding will
likely serve you well. We will describe the code here in more detail in the following sections.
Next, try running
python –model HMM
This will crash with an error message. You have to implement Viterbi decoding as the first step to make the
HMM work.
Part 1: Viterbi Decoding (25 points)
Look in train hmm model estimates initial state, transition, and emission probabilities
from the labeled data and returns a new HmmNerModel with these probabilities. Your task is to implement
Viterbi decoding in this model so it can return LabeledSentence predictions in decode.
We’ve provided an abstraction for you in ProbabilisticSequenceScorer. This abstraction is
meant to help you build inference code that can work for both generative and probabilistic scoring as well
as feature-based scoring. score init scores the initial HMM state, score transition scores an
HMM state transition, and score emission scores the HMM emission. All of these are implemented
as log probabilities. Note that this abstraction operates in terms of indexed tags, where the indices have
been produced by tag indexer. This allows you to score tags directly in the dynamic programming state
space without converting back and forth to strings all the time.
You should implement the Viterbi algorithm with scores that come from log probabilities to find the high-
est log-probability path. See the provided Viterbi lecture notes for a detailed description of the algorithm.
Note that the code here does not estimate STOP probabilities! These aren’t too important in practice
when using the tagger for posterior inference (as opposed to sampling from it), and it simplifies the code and
keeps it more similar to Part 2. So you should simply disregard the transition to STOP in any pseudocode
you reference.
If you’re not sure about the interface to the code, take a look at BadNerModel decoding and use that as
a template.
The instructors’ reference implementation of Viterbi decoding for the HMM gets 76.89 F1 on the devel-
opment set, though yours may differ slightly.
Implementation tips
• Python data structures like lists and dictionaries can be pretty inefficient. Consider using numpy arrays
in dynamic programs.
• Once you run your dynamic program, you still need to extract the best answer. Typically this is done
by either storing a backpointer for each cell to know how that cell’s value was derived or by using a
backward pass over the chart to reconstruct the sequence.
Part 2: CRF Training (50 points)
In the CRF training phase, you will implement learning and inference for a CRF sequence tagger with a fixed
feature set. We provide a simple CRF feature set with emission features only. We do impose constraints
in the model to only produce valid BIO sequences (prohibiting a transition to I-X from anything except I-X
and B-X), which are implemented as described below.
We provide a code skeleton in CrfNerModel and train crf model. The latter calls feature extrac-
tion in extract emission features and builds a cache of features for each example. It then loops
through each example and applies the gradient updates appropriately.
We also provide a FeatureBasedSequenceScorer. This is analogous to ProbabilisticSequenceScorer,
but implements the CRF potentials on emissions and transitions. Crucially, this model does not rely on tran-
sition features, but instead uses hardcoded transitions.
You can use the following command to run this part of the code.
python –model CRF
You should take the following steps to implement your CRF:
1. Implement compute gradient by generalizing your Viterbi code to forward-backward and using
forward-backward to compute the gradient for the provided emission features. You can extend your
code to use FeatureBasedSequenceScorer, which can be substituted in for ProbabilisticSequenceScorer.
2. Implement decode in CrfNerModel, which should be able to follow your Viterbi code using the
new scorer.
To get full credit on the assignment, you should get a score of at least 85 F1 on the development
set. Assignments falling short of this will be judged based on completeness and awarded partial credit
accordingly The instructors’ reference implementation was able to get around 88 F1 in 3 epochs (taking
about 12 minutes) using the given emission features and unregularized Adagrad as the optimizer.
Implementation Tips
• Make sure that your probabilities from forward-backward normalize correctly! You should be able to
sum the forward x backward chart values at each sentence index and get the same value (the normalizing
constant). You can check your forward-backward implementation in the HMM model if that’s useful.
• When implementing forward-backward, you’ll probably want to do so in log space rather than real
space. (+, x) in real space translates to (log-sum-exp, +) in log space. Use numpy.logaddexp.
• The NER tag definition has hard constraints in it (only B-X or I-X can transition to I-X), which are
built into the FeatureBasedSequenceScorer. You do not need to learn transition features!
• If your code is too slow, make sure your forward-backward pass doesn’t do unnecessary computation
and that you’re exploiting appropriate sparsity in the gradients. Run your code with python -m
cProfile to print a profile and help identify bottlenecks.
• Implement things in baby steps! First make sure that your marginal probabilities look correct on a
single example. Then make sure that your optimizer can fit a very small training set (10 examples);
you might want to write a small amount of extra code to compute log-likelihood and check that this
goes up, along with train accuracy. Then work on scaling things up to more data and optimizing for
development performance.
Part 3: Beam Search (25 points)
Finally, you should implement beam search for your CRF model. Beam search is an approximate inference
scheme that only maintains a certain number of hypotheses at each timestep during inference, unlike Viterbi
which keeps track of all of them. At each state, the highest-scoring hypotheses are kept in a data structure
called a beam.
You should implement this modification in the decode beam method in CrfNerModel. You can use
whatever data structures you want to implement the beam, but the Beam class provided in
provides a natural way to handle a beam of scored hypotheses, although it’s not as efficient as it could be.
Your inference (decoding the test set) using a beam size of 2 should not lose more than 5 F1 com-
pared to your Viterbi implementation.
Note that using the –inference BOTH flag allows you to run both beam and Viterbi at the same
time, to facilitate comparison of these. Furthermore, once you’ve implemented and run Q2 correctly, you
don’t need to retrain the model every time. Every time the CRF is trained, the CRF model are written to
crf model.pkl. You can add the –crf model path crf model.pkl argument to your script to
skip training and load this saved model. Thus, you can test your inference without having to retrain the
model, which is quite time-consuming.
Autograder 5 points of this part is autograded based on the score criterion.
Writeup The remaining 20 points of this part is decided on the basis of a short writeup. In your writeup,
you should report three things:
1. Report accuracy and runtime for your CRF model using both Viterbi and at least 4 different values
of the beam size, including beam size 1. (You can plot these values as a graph or in a table.)
2. Describe what trends you see in accuracy and runtime. How does beam search compare to your expec-
tations here?
3. Under what circumstances do you think beam search would be more effective relative to Viterbi? That
is, what characteristics of a problem (sequence length, number of states, model, features, etc.) would
change what you’ve observed?
Peer Assessment When doing the peer assessment, your job is not to assign a grade. Instead, comment
on the following factors:
1. Did the student complete the assignment as specified (include all the parts above)? (yes/no question)
2. Did the student’s analysis logically make sense given their results? (1-3 sentences)
3. How did the student’s analysis of their results compare to yours? Did you observe similar or different
trends? If you observed differences, describe why you think these might’ve happened. (1-3 sentences)
Submission and Grading
You will upload your code and trained model to Gradescope. (Training is time-consuming, so the auto-
grader will not be retraining your model; it’ll use the one you upload.) Additionally, you will submit your
short writeup to Canvas under “Assignment 3 Part 3.”
Whenever you train your model, it’s written to crf model.pkl in the current directory. If you specify
–crf model path filename as an argument, the script reads the trained model from filename instead
of training.
Your code will be graded on the following criteria:
1. Execution: your code should train and evaluate within the time limits without crashing
2. Accuracy of your models on the development set
3. Accuracy on the blind test set: this is not explicitly reported by the autograder but we may consider it
Make sure that the following commands work before you submit (for Parts 1 and 2+3, respectively):
python –model HMM
python –model CRF –inference BOTH -crf model path crf model.pkl
Erik F. Tjong Kim Sang and Fien De Meulder. 2003. Introduction to the CoNLL-2003 Shared Task: Language-
Independent Named Entity Recognition. In Proceedings of the Conference on Natural Language Learning