CS计算机代考程序代写 algorithm Fine-tune BERT for Extractive Summarization

Fine-tune BERT for Extractive Summarization

Yang Liu
Institute for Language, Cognition and Computation

School of Informatics, University of Edinburgh
10 Crichton Street, Edinburgh EH8 9AB

yang. .uk

BERT (Devlin et al., 2018), a pre-trained
Transformer (Vaswani et al., 2017) model,
has achieved ground-breaking performance on
multiple NLP tasks. In this paper, we describe
BERTSUM, a simple variant of BERT, for ex-
tractive summarization. Our system is the state
of the art on the CNN/Dailymail dataset, out-
performing the previous best-performed sys-
tem by 1.65 on ROUGE-L. The codes to repro-
duce our results are available at https://github.

1 Introduction

Single-document summarization is the task of au-
tomatically generating a shorter version of a doc-
ument while retaining its most important informa-
tion. The task has received much attention in the
natural language processing community due to its
potential for various information access applica-
tions. Examples include tools which digest textual
content (e.g., news, social media, reviews), answer
questions, or provide recommendations.

The task is often divided into two paradigms,
abstractive summarization and extractive summa-
rization. In abstractive summarization, target sum-
maries contains words or phrases that were not in
the original text and usually require various text
rewriting operations to generate, while extractive
approaches form summaries by copying and con-
catenating the most important spans (usually sen-
tences) in a document. In this paper, we focus on
extractive summarization.

Although many neural models have been
proposed for extractive summarization re-
cently (Cheng and Lapata, 2016; Nallapati et al.,
2017; Narayan et al., 2018; Dong et al., 2018;
Zhang et al., 2018; Zhou et al., 2018), the im-
provement on automatic metrics like ROUGE
†Please see https://arxiv.org/abs/1908.08345 for the full

and most current version of this paper

has reached a bottleneck due to the complex-
ity of the task. In this paper, we argue that,
BERT (Devlin et al., 2018), with its pre-training
on a huge dataset and the powerful architecture
for learning complex features, can further boost
the performance of extractive summarization .

In this paper, we focus on designing differ-
ent variants of using BERT on the extractive
summarization task and showing their results on
CNN/Dailymail and NYT datasets. We found that
a flat architecture with inter-sentence Transformer
layers performs the best, achieving the state-of-
the-art results on this task.

2 Methodology

Let d denote a document containing several sen-
tences [sent1, sent2, · · · , sentm], where senti is
the i-th sentence in the document. Extractive sum-
marization can be defined as the task of assigning a
label yi ∈ {0, 1} to each senti, indicating whether
the sentence should be included in the summary. It
is assumed that summary sentences represent the
most important content of the document.

2.1 Extractive Summarization with BERT

To use BERT for extractive summarization, we
require it to output the representation for each
sentence. However, since BERT is trained as a
masked-language model, the output vectors are
grounded to tokens instead of sentences. Mean-
while, although BERT has segmentation embed-
dings for indicating different sentences, it only has
two labels (sentence A or sentence B), instead of
multiple sentences as in extractive summarization.
Therefore, we modify the input sequence and em-
beddings of BERT to make it possible for extract-
ing summaries.

Encoding Multiple Sentences As illustrated in
Figure 1, we insert a [CLS] token before each sen-












sent one 2nd sent sent again[CLS] [SEP] [CLS] [SEP] [CLS] [SEP]

E[CLS] Esent Eone E[SEP] E[CLS] E2nd Esent E[SEP] E[CLS] Esent Eagain E[SEP]


E1 E2 E3 E4 E5 E6 E7 E8 E9 E10 E11 E12

T1 T2 T3


…… …… ……

Summar ization Layers

Y1 Y2 Y3

Input Document

Token Embeddings

Inter val Segment

Position Embeddings

Figure 1: The overview architecture of the BERTSUM model.

tence and a [SEP] token after each sentence. In
vanilla BERT, The [CLS] is used as a symbol to
aggregate features from one sentence or a pair of
sentences. We modify the model by using mul-
tiple [CLS] symbols to get features for sentences
ascending the symbol.

Interval Segment Embeddings We use inter-
val segment embeddings to distinguish multiple
sentences within a document. For senti we will
assign a segment embedding EA or EB condi-
tioned on i is odd or even. For example, for
[sent1, sent2, sent3, sent4, sent5] we will assign
[EA, EB, EA, EB, EA].

The vector Ti which is the vector of the i-th
[CLS] symbol from the top BERT layer will be
used as the representation for senti.

2.2 Fine-tuning with Summarization Layers
After obtaining the sentence vectors from BERT,
we build several summarization-specific layers
stacked on top of the BERT outputs, to capture
document-level features for extracting summaries.
For each sentence senti, we will calculate the fi-
nal predicted score Ŷi. The loss of the whole
model is the Binary Classification Entropy of Ŷi
against gold label Yi. These summarization layers
are jointly fine-tuned with BERT.

Simple Classifier Like in the original BERT pa-
per, the Simple Classifier only adds a linear layer
on the BERT outputs and use a sigmoid function

to get the predicted score:

Ŷi = σ(WoTi + bo) (1)

where σ is the Sigmoid function.

Inter-sentence Transformer Instead of a sim-
ple sigmoid classifier, Inter-sentence Transformer
applies more Transformer layers only on sen-
tence representations, extracting document-level
features focusing on summarization tasks from the
BERT outputs:

h̃l = LN(hl−1 +MHAtt(hl−1)) (2)

hl = LN(h̃l + FFN(h̃l)) (3)

where h0 = PosEmb(T ) and T are the sen-
tence vectors output by BERT, PosEmb is the
function of adding positional embeddings (indi-
cating the position of each sentence) to T ; LN
is the layer normalization operation (Ba et al.,
2016); MHAtt is the multi-head attention oper-
ation (Vaswani et al., 2017); the superscript l indi-
cates the depth of the stacked layer.

The final output layer is still a sigmoid classi-

Ŷi = σ(Woh
i + bo) (4)

where hL is the vector for senti from the top
layer (the L-th layer ) of the Transformer. In
experiments, we implemented Transformers with
L = 1, 2, 3 and found Transformer with 2 layers
performs the best.

Recurrent Neural Network Although the
Transformer model achieved great results on
several tasks, there are evidence that Recurrent
Neural Networks still have their advantages,
especially when combining with techniques in
Transformer (Chen et al., 2018). Therefore, we
apply an LSTM layer over the BERT outputs to
learn summarization-specific features.

To stabilize the training, pergate layer normal-
ization (Ba et al., 2016) is applied within each
LSTM cell. At time step i, the input to the LSTM
layer is the BERT output Ti, and the output is cal-
culated as:


 = LNh(Whhi−1) + LNx(WxTi) (5)
Ci = σ(Fi)� Ci−1

+ σ(Ii)� tanh(Gi−1) (6)
hi =σ(Ot)� tanh(LNc(Ct)) (7)

where Fi, Ii, Oi are forget gates, input gates,
output gates; Gi is the hidden vector and Ci
is the memory vector; hi is the output vector;
LNh,LNx,LNc are there difference layer normal-
ization operations; Bias terms are not shown.

The final output layer is also a sigmoid classi-

Ŷi = σ(Wohi + bo) (8)

3 Experiments

In this section we present our implementation, de-
scribe the summarization datasets and our evalua-
tion protocol, and analyze our results.

3.1 Implementation Details

We use PyTorch, OpenNMT (Klein et al., 2017)
and the ‘bert-base-uncased’∗ version of BERT to
implement the model. BERT and summarization
layers are jointly fine-tuned. Adam with β1 = 0.9,
β2 = 0.999 is used for fine-tuning. Learning rate
schedule is following (Vaswani et al., 2017) with
warming-up on first 10,000 steps:

lr = 2e−3 ·min(step−0.5, step · warmup−1.5)

All models are trained for 50,000 steps on 3
GPUs (GTX 1080 Ti) with gradient accumulation


per two steps, which makes the batch size approx-
imately equal to 36. Model checkpoints are saved
and evaluated on the validation set every 1,000
steps. We select the top-3 checkpoints based on
their evaluation losses on the validations set, and
report the averaged results on the test set.

When predicting summaries for a new docu-
ment, we first use the models to obtain the score
for each sentence. We then rank these sentences
by the scores from higher to lower, and select the
top-3 sentences as the summary.

Trigram Blocking During the predicting pro-
cess, Trigram Blocking is used to reduce redun-
dancy. Given selected summary S and a candidate
sentence c, we will skip c is there exists a trigram
overlapping between c and S. This is similar to the
Maximal Marginal Relevance (MMR) (Carbonell
and Goldstein, 1998) but much simpler.

3.2 Summarization Datasets

We evaluated on two benchmark datasets, namely
the CNN/DailyMail news highlights dataset (Her-
mann et al., 2015) and the New York Times
Annotated Corpus (NYT; Sandhaus 2008). The
CNN/DailyMail dataset contains news articles and
associated highlights, i.e., a few bullet points giv-
ing a brief overview of the article. We used the
standard splits of Hermann et al. (2015) for train-
ing, validation, and testing (90,266/1,220/1,093
CNN documents and 196,961/12,148/10,397 Dai-
lyMail documents). We did not anonymize enti-
ties. We first split sentences by CoreNLP and pre-
process the dataset following methods in See et al.

The NYT dataset contains 110,540 articles with
abstractive summaries. Following Durrett et al.
(2016), we split these into 100,834 training and
9,706 test examples, based on date of publication
(test is all articles published on January 1, 2007 or
later). We took 4,000 examples from the training
set as the validation set. We also followed their fil-
tering procedure, documents with summaries that
are shorter than 50 words were removed from the
raw dataset. The filtered test set (NYT50) in-
cludes 3,452 test examples. We first split sen-
tences by CoreNLP and pre-process the dataset
following methods in Durrett et al. (2016).

Both datasets contain abstractive gold sum-
maries, which are not readily suited to training
extractive summarization models. A greedy algo-
rithm was used to generate an oracle summary for

PGN∗ 39.53 17.28 37.98
DCA∗ 41.69 19.47 37.92
LEAD 40.42 17.62 36.67
ORACLE 52.59 31.24 48.87
REFRESH∗ 41.0 18.8 37.7
NEUSUM∗ 41.59 19.01 37.98
Transformer 40.90 18.02 37.17
BERTSUM+Classifier 43.23 20.22 39.60
BERTSUM+Transformer 43.25 20.24 39.63
BERTSUM+LSTM 43.22 20.17 39.59

Table 1: Test set results on the CNN/DailyMail dataset using ROUGE F1. Results with ∗ mark are taken from the
corresponding papers.

each document. The algorithm greedily select sen-
tences which can maximize the ROUGE scores as
the oracle sentences. We assigned label 1 to sen-
tences selected in the oracle summary and 0 other-

4 Experimental Results

The experimental results on CNN/Dailymail
datasets are shown in Table 1. For comparison,
we implement a non-pretrained Transformer base-
line which uses the same architecture as BERT, but
with smaller parameters. It is randomly initial-
ized and only trained on the summarization task.
The Transformer baseline has 6 layers, the hidden
size is 512 and the feed-forward filter size is 2048.
The model is trained with same settings follow-
ing Vaswani et al. (2017). We also compare our
model with several previously proposed systems.

• LEAD is an extractive baseline which uses the
first-3 sentences of the document as a sum-

• REFRESH (Narayan et al., 2018) is an extrac-
tive summarization system trained by glob-
ally optimizing the ROUGE metric with rein-
forcement learning.

• NEUSUM (Zhou et al., 2018) is the state-of-
the-art extractive system that jontly score and
select sentences.

• PGN (See et al., 2017), is the Pointer Gener-
ator Network, an abstractive summarization
system based on an encoder-decoder archi-

• DCA (Celikyilmaz et al., 2018) is the Deep
Communicating Agents, a state-of-the-art ab-
stractive summarization system with multi-
ple agents to represent the document as well
as hierarchical attention mechanism over the
agents for decoding.

As illustrated in the table, all BERT-based mod-
els outperformed previous state-of-the-art models
by a large margin. BERTSUM with Transformer
achieved the best performance on all three met-
rics. The BERTSUM with LSTM model does not
have an obvious influence on the summarization
performance compared to the Classifier model.

Ablation studies are conducted to show the con-
tribution of different components of BERTSUM.
The results are shown in in Table 2. Interval seg-
ments increase the performance of base model.
Trigram blocking is able to greatly improve the
summarization results. This is consistent to pre-
vious conclusions that a sequential extractive de-
coder is helpful to generate more informative sum-
maries. However, here we use the trigram block-
ing as a simple but robust alternative.

Model R-1 R-2 R-L
BERTSUM+Classifier 43.23 20.22 39.60
-interval segments 43.21 20.17 39.57
-trigram blocking 42.57 19.96 39.04

Table 2: Results of ablation studies of BERTSUM on
CNN/Dailymail test set using ROUGE F1 (R-1 and R-
2 are shorthands for unigram and bigram overlap, R-L
is the longest common subsequence).

The experimental results on NYT datasets are
shown in Table 3. Different from CNN/Dailymail,
we use the limited-length recall evaluation, fol-

lowing Durrett et al. (2016). We truncate the pre-
dicted summaries to the lengths of the gold sum-
maries and evaluate summarization quality with
ROUGE Recall. Compared baselines are (1) First-
k words, which is a simple baseline by extract-
ing first k words of the input article; (2) Full
is the best-performed extractive model in Dur-
rett et al. (2016); (3) Deep Reinforced (Paulus
et al., 2018) is an abstractive model, using rein-
force learning and encoder-decoder structure. The
BERTSUM+Classifier can achieve the state-of-the-
art results on this dataset.

Model R-1 R-2 R-L
First-k words 39.58 20.11 35.78
Full∗ 42.2 24.9 –
Deep Reinforced∗ 42.94 26.02 –
BERTSUM+Classifier 46.66 26.35 42.62

Table 3: Test set results on the NYT50 dataset using
ROUGE Recall. The predicted summary are truncated
to the length of the gold-standard summary. Results
with ∗ mark are taken from the corresponding papers.

5 Conclusion

In this paper, we explored how to use BERT for
extractive summarization. We proposed the BERT-
SUM model and tried several summarization layers
can be applied with BERT. We did experiments
on two large-scale datasets and found the BERT-
SUM with inter-sentence Transformer layers can
achieve the best performance.

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