CS计算机代考程序代写 deep learning Bayesian finance decision tree AI algorithm The Mythos of Model Interpretability

The Mythos of Model Interpretability

The Mythos of Model Interpretability

Zachary C. Lipton 1


Supervised machine learning models boast re-
markable predictive capabilities. But can you
trust your model? Will it work in deployment?
What else can it tell you about the world? We
want models to be not only good, but inter-
pretable. And yet the task of interpretation ap-
pears underspecified. Papers provide diverse and
sometimes non-overlapping motivations for in-
terpretability, and offer myriad notions of what
attributes render models interpretable. Despite
this ambiguity, many papers proclaim inter-
pretability axiomatically, absent further explana-
tion. In this paper, we seek to refine the dis-
course on interpretability. First, we examine the
motivations underlying interest in interpretabil-
ity, finding them to be diverse and occasionally
discordant. Then, we address model properties
and techniques thought to confer interpretability,
identifying transparency to humans and post-hoc
explanations as competing notions. Throughout,
we discuss the feasibility and desirability of dif-
ferent notions, and question the oft-made asser-
tions that linear models are interpretable and that
deep neural networks are not.

1. Introduction
As machine learning models penetrate critical areas like
medicine, the criminal justice system, and financial mar-
kets, the inability of humans to understand these mod-
els seems problematic (Caruana et al., 2015; Kim, 2015).
Some suggest model interpretability as a remedy, but few
articulate precisely what interpretability means or why it is
important. Despite the absence of a definition, papers fre-
quently make claims about the interpretability of various
models. From this, we might conclude that either: (i) the
definition of interpretability is universally agreed upon, but

1University of California, San Diego. Correspondence to:
Zachary C. Lipton < .edu>.

2016 ICML Workshop on Human Interpretability in Machine
Learning (WHI 2016), New York, NY, USA. Copyright by the

no one has managed to set it in writing, or (ii) the term in-
terpretability is ill-defined, and thus claims regarding inter-
pretability of various models may exhibit a quasi-scientific
character. Our investigation of the literature suggests the
latter to be the case. Both the motives for interpretability
and the technical descriptions of interpretable models are
diverse and occasionally discordant, suggesting that inter-
pretability refers to more than one concept. In this paper,
we seek to clarify both, suggesting that interpretability is
not a monolithic concept, but in fact reflects several dis-
tinct ideas. We hope, through this critical analysis, to bring
focus to the dialogue.

Here, we mainly consider supervised learning and not other
machine learning paradigms, such as reinforcement learn-
ing and interactive learning. This scope derives from our
original interest in the oft-made claim that linear models
are preferable to deep neural networks on account of their
interpretability (Lou et al., 2012). To gain conceptual clar-
ity, we ask the refining questions: What is interpretability
and why is it important? Broadening the scope of discus-
sion seems counterproductive with respect to our aims. For
research investigating interpretability in the context of rein-
forcement learning, we point to (Dragan et al., 2013) which
studies the human interpretability of robot actions. By the
same reasoning, we do not delve as much as other papers
might into Bayesian methods, however try to draw these
connections where appropriate.

To ground any discussion of what might constitute inter-
pretability, we first consider the various desiderata put forth
in work addressing the topic (expanded in §2). Many pa-
pers propose interpretability as a means to engender trust
(Kim, 2015; Ridgeway et al., 1998). But what is trust?
Does it refer to faith in a model’s performance (Ribeiro
et al., 2016), robustness, or to some other property of the
decisions it makes? Does interpretability simply mean a
low-level mechanistic understanding of our models? If
so does it apply to the features, parameters, models, or
training algorithms? Other papers suggest a connection
between an interpretable model and one which uncovers
causal structure in data (Athey & Imbens, 2015). The legal
notion of a right to explanation offers yet another lens on

Often, our machine learning problem formulations are im-












The Mythos of Model Interpretability

perfect matches for the real-life tasks they are meant to
solve. This can happen when simplified optimization ob-
jectives fail to capture our more complex real-life goals.
Consider medical research with longitudinal data. Our real
goal may be to discover potentially causal associations, as
with smoking and cancer (Wang et al., 1999). But the opti-
mization objective for most supervised learning models is
simply to minimize error, a feat that might be achieved in a
purely correlative fashion.

Another such divergence of real-life and machine learning
problem formulations emerges when the off-line training
data for a supervised learner is not perfectly representative
of the likely deployment environment. For example, the
environment is typically not stationary. This is the case for
product recommendation, as new products are introduced
and preferences for some items shift daily. In more ex-
treme cases, actions influenced by a model may alter the
environment, invalidating future predictions.

Discussions of interpretability sometimes suggest that hu-
man decision-makers are themselves interpretable because
they can explain their actions (Ridgeway et al., 1998). But
precisely what notion of interpretability do these expla-
nations satisfy? They seem unlikely to clarify the mech-
anisms or the precise algorithms by which brains work.
Nevertheless, the information conferred by an interpreta-
tion may be useful. Thus, one purpose of interpretations
may be to convey useful information of any kind.

After addressing the desiderata of interpretability, we con-
sider what properties of models might render them in-
terpretable (expanded in §3). Some papers equate in-
terpretability with understandability or intelligibility (Lou
et al., 2013), i.e., that we can grasp how the models
work. In these papers, understandable models are some-
times called transparent, while incomprehensible models
are called black boxes. But what constitutes transparency?
We might look to the algorithm itself. Will it converge?
Does it produce a unique solution? Or we might look to its
parameters: do we understand what each represents? Al-
ternatively, we could consider the model’s complexity. Is it
simple enough to be examined all at once by a human?

Other papers investigate so-called post-hoc interpretations.
These interpretations might explain predictions without
elucidating the mechanisms by which models work. Ex-
amples of post-hoc interpretations include the verbal ex-
planations produced by people or the saliency maps used
to analyze deep neural networks. Thus, humans decisions
might admit post-hoc interpretability despite the black box
nature of human brains, revealing a contradiction between
two popular notions of interpretability.

2. Desiderata of Interpretability Research
At present, interpretability has no formal technical mean-
ing. One aim of this paper is to propose more specific def-
initions. Before we can determine which meanings might
be appropriate, we must ask what the real-world objectives
of interpretability research are. In this section we spell out
the various desiderata of interpretability research through
the lens of the literature.

While these desiderata are diverse, it might be instructive
to first consider a common thread that persists throughout
the literature: The demand for interpretability arises when
there is a mismatch between the formal objectives of super-
vised learning (test set predictive performance) and the real
world costs in a deployment setting.



Figure 1. Typically, evaluation metrics require only predictions
and ground truth labels. When stakeholders additionally demand
interpretability, we might infer the existence of desiderata that
cannot be captured in this fashion.

Consider that most common evaluation metrics for su-
pervised learning require only predictions, together with
ground truth, to produce a score. These metrics can be
be assessed for every supervised learning model. So the
very desire for an interpretation suggests that in some sce-
narios, predictions alone and metrics calculated on these
predictions do not suffice to characterize the model (Figure
1). We should then ask, what are these other desiderata and
under what circumstances are they sought?

However inconveniently, it turns out that many situations
arise when our real world objectives are difficult to en-
code as simple real-valued functions. For example, an al-
gorithm for making hiring decisions should simultaneously
optimize productivity, ethics, and legality. But typically,
ethics and legality cannot be directly optimized. The prob-
lem can also arise when the dynamics of the deployment
environment differ from the training environment. In all
cases, interpretations serve those objectives that we deem
important but struggle to model formally.

The Mythos of Model Interpretability

2.1. Trust

Some papers motivate interpretability by suggesting it to be
prerequisite for trust (Kim, 2015; Ribeiro et al., 2016). But
what is trust? Is it simply confidence that a model will per-
form well? If so, a sufficiently accurate model should be
demonstrably trustworthy and interpretability would serve
no purpose. Trust might also be defined subjectively. For
example, a person might feel more at ease with a well-
understood model, even if this understanding served no ob-
vious purpose. Alternatively, when the training and deploy-
ment objectives diverge, trust might denote confidence that
the model will perform well with respect to the real objec-
tives and scenarios.

For example, consider the growing use of machine learning
models to forecast crime rates for purposes of allocating
police officers. We may trust the model to make accurate
predictions but not to account for racial biases in the train-
ing data for the model’s own effect in perpetuating a cy-
cle of incarceration by over-policing some neighborhoods.
Another sense in which we might trust a machine learn-
ing model might be that we feel comfortable relinquishing
control to it. In this sense, we might care not only about
how often a model is right but also for which examples it
is right. If the model tends to make mistakes in regions
of input space where humans also make mistakes, and is
typically accurate when humans are accurate, then it may
be considered trustworthy in the sense that there is no ex-
pected cost of relinquishing control. But if a model tends to
make mistakes for inputs that humans classify accurately,
then there may always be an advantage to maintaining hu-
man supervision of the algorithms.

2.2. Causality

Although supervised learning models are only optimized
directly to make associations, researchers often use them
in the hope of inferring properties or generating hypotheses
about the natural world. For example, a simple regression
model might reveal a strong association between thalido-
mide use and birth defects or smoking and lung cancer
(Wang et al., 1999).

The associations learned by supervised learning algorithms
are not guaranteed to reflect causal relationships. There
could always exist unobserved causes responsible for both
associated variables. One might hope, however, that by
interpreting supervised learning models, we could gener-
ate hypotheses that scientists could then test experimen-
tally. Liu et al. (2005), for example, emphasizes regression
trees and Bayesian neural networks, suggesting that mod-
els are interpretable and thus better able to provide clues
about the causal relationships between physiologic signals
and affective states. The task of inferring causal relation-
ships from observational data has been extensively studied

(Pearl, 2009). But these methods tend to rely on strong
assumptions of prior knowledge.

2.3. Transferability

Typically we choose training and test data by randomly par-
titioning examples from the same distribution. We then
judge a model’s generalization error by the gap between
its performance on training and test data. However, hu-
mans exhibit a far richer capacity to generalize, transfer-
ring learned skills to unfamiliar situations. We already use
machine learning algorithms in situations where such abil-
ities are required, such as when the environment is non-
stationary. We also deploy models in settings where their
use might alter the environment, invalidating their future
predictions. Along these lines, Caruana et al. (2015) de-
scribe a model trained to predict probability of death from
pneumonia that assigned less risk to patients if they also
had asthma. In fact, asthma was predictive of lower risk of
death. This owed to the more aggressive treatment these
patients received. But if the model were deployed to aid
in triage, these patients would then receive less aggressive
treatment, invalidating the model.

Even worse, we could imagine situations, like machine
learning for security, where the environment might be ac-
tively adversarial. Consider the recently discovered sus-
ceptibility of convolutional neural networks (CNNs) to ad-
versarial examples. The CNNs were made to misclassify
images that were imperceptibly (to a human) perturbed
(Szegedy et al., 2013). Of course, this isn’t overfitting in
the classical sense. The results achieved on training data
generalize well to i.i.d. test data. But these are mistakes a
human wouldn’t make and we would prefer models not to
make these mistakes either.

Already, supervised learning models are regularly subject
to such adversarial manipulation. Consider the models
used to generate credit ratings, scores that when higher
should signify a higher probability that an individual re-
pays a loan. According to their own technical report, FICO
trains credit models using logistic regression (Fair Isaac
Corporation, 2011), specifically citing interpretability as
a motivation for the choice of model. Features include
dummy variables representing binned values for average
age of accounts, debt ratio, and the number of late pay-
ments, and the number of accounts in good standing.

Several of these factors can be manipulated at will by
credit-seekers. For example, one’s debt ratio can be im-
proved simply by requesting periodic increases to credit
lines while keeping spending patterns constant. Similarly,
the total number of accounts can be increased by simply
applying for new accounts, when the probability of accep-
tance is reasonably high. Indeed, FICO and Experian both
acknowledge that credit ratings can be manipulated, even

The Mythos of Model Interpretability

suggesting guides for improving one’s credit rating. These
rating improvement strategies do not fundamentally change
one’s underlying ability to pay a debt. The fact that individ-
uals actively and successfully game the rating system may
invalidate its predictive power.

2.4. Informativeness

Sometimes we apply decision theory to the outputs of su-
pervised models to take actions in the real world. However,
in another common use paradigm, the supervised model
is used instead to provide information to human decision
makers, a setting considered by Kim et al. (2015); Huys-
mans et al. (2011). While the machine learning objec-
tive might be to reduce error, the real-world purpose is to
provide useful information. The most obvious way that a
model conveys information is via its outputs. However, it
may be possible via some procedure to convey additional
information to the human decision-maker.

By analogy, we might consider a PhD student seeking ad-
vice from her advisor. Suppose the student asks what venue
would best suit a paper. The advisor could simply name one
conference, but this may not be especially useful. Even if
the advisor is reasonably intelligent, the terse reply doesn’t
enable the student to meaningfully combine the advisor’s
knowledge with her own.

An interpretation may prove informative even without
shedding light on a model’s inner workings. For exam-
ple, a diagnosis model might provide intuition to a human
decision-maker by pointing to similar cases in support of a
diagnostic decision. In some cases, we train a supervised
learning model, but our real task more closely resembles
unsupervised learning. Here, our real goal is to explore the
data and the objective serves only as weak supervision.

2.5. Fair and Ethical Decision-Making

At present, politicians, journalists and researchers have
expressed concern that we must produce interpretations
for the purpose of assessing whether decisions produced
automatically by algorithms conform to ethical standards
(Goodman & Flaxman, 2016).

The concerns are timely: Algorithmic decision-making
mediates more and more of our interactions, influencing
our social experiences, the news we see, our finances, and
our career opportunities. We task computer programs with
approving lines of credit, curating news, and filtering job
applicants. Courts even deploy computerized algorithms to
predict risk of recidivism, the probability that an individual
relapses into criminal behavior (Chouldechova, 2016). It
seems likely that this trend will only accelerate as break-
throughs in artificial intelligence rapidly broaden the capa-
bilities of software.

Recidivism predictions are already used to determine who
to release and who to detain, raising ethical concerns. 1

How can we be sure that predictions do not discriminate on
the basis of race? Conventional evaluation metrics such as
accuracy or AUC offer little assurance that a model and via
decision theory, its actions, behave acceptably. Thus de-
mands for fairness often lead to demands for interpretable

New regulations in the European Union propose that indi-
viduals affected by algorithmic decisions have a right to
explanation (Goodman & Flaxman, 2016). Precisely what
form such an explanation might take or how such an ex-
planation could be proven correct and not merely appeas-
ing remain open questions. Moreover the same regulations
suggest that algorithmic decisions should be contestable.
So in order for such explanations to be useful it seems they
must (i) present clear reasoning based on falsifiable propo-
sitions and (ii) offer some natural way of contesting these
propositions and modifying the decisions appropriately if
they are falsified.

3. Properties of Interpretable Models
We turn now to consider the techniques and model proper-
ties that are proposed either to enable or to comprise inter-
pretations. These broadly fall into two categories. The first
relates to transparency, i.e., how does the model work? The
second consists of post-hoc explanations, i.e., what else
can the model tell me? This division is a useful organi-
zationally, but we note that it is not absolute. For example
post-hoc analysis techniques attempt to uncover the signif-
icance of various of parameters, an aim we group under the
heading of transparency.

3.1. Transparency

Informally, transparency is the opposite of opacity or
blackbox-ness. It connotes some sense of understanding
the mechanism by which the model works. We consider
transparency at the level of the entire model (simulatabil-
ity), at the level of individual components (e.g. parameters)
(decomposability), and at the level of the training algorithm
(algorithmic transparency).


In the strictest sense, we might call a model transparent if
a person can contemplate the entire model at once. This
definition suggests that an interpretable model is a simple
model. We might think, for example that for a model to
be fully understood, a human should be able to take the

1 It seems reasonable to argue that under most circumstances,
risk-based punishment is fundamentally unethical, but this discus-
sion requires exceeds the present scope.

The Mythos of Model Interpretability

input data together with the parameters of the model and in
reasonable time step through every calculation required to
produce a prediction. This accords with the common claim
that sparse linear models, as produced by lasso regression
(Tibshirani, 1996), are more interpretable than dense linear
models learned on the same inputs. Ribeiro et al. (2016)
also adopt this notion of interpretability, suggesting that an
interpretable model is one that “can be readily presented to
the user with visual or textual artifacts.”

For some models, such as decision trees, the size of the
model (total number of nodes) may grow much faster than
the time to perform inference (length of pass from root to
leaf). This suggests that simulatability may admit two sub-
types, one based on the total size of the model and another
based on the computation required to perform inference.

Fixing a notion of simulatability, the quantity denoted by
reasonable is subjective. But clearly, given the limited
capacity of human cognition, this ambiguity might only
span several orders of magnitude. In this light, we suggest
that neither linear models, rule-based systems, nor deci-
sion trees are intrinsically interpretable. Sufficiently high-
dimensional models, unwieldy rule lists, and deep decision
trees could all be considered less transparent than compar-
atively compact neural networks.


A second notion of transparency might be that each part of
the model – each input, parameter, and calculation – admits
an intuitive explanation. This accords with the property of
intelligibility as described by (Lou et al., 2012). For exam-
ple, each node in a decision tree might correspond to a plain
text description (e.g. all patients with diastolic blood pres-
sure over 150). Similarly, the parameters of a linear model
could be described as representing strengths of association
between each feature and the label.

Note that this notion of interpretability requires that in-
puts themselves be individually interpretable, disqualifying
some models with highly engineered or anonymous fea-
tures. While this notion is popular, we shouldn’t accept it
blindly. The weights of a linear model might seem intuitive,
but they can be fragile with respect to feature selection and
pre-processing. For example, associations between flu risk
and vaccination might be positive or negative depending
on whether the feature set includes indicators of old age,
infancy, or immunodeficiency.


A final notion of transparency might apply at the level of
the learning algorithm itself. For example, in the case of
linear models, we understand the shape of the error surface.
We can prove that training will converge to a unique solu-

tion, even for previously unseen datasets. This may give
some confidence that the model might behave in an online
setting requiring programmatic retraining on previously
unseen data. On the other hand, modern deep learning
methods lack this sort of algorithmic transparency. While
the heuristic optimization procedures for neural networks
are demonstrably powerful, we don’t understand how they
work, and at present cannot guarantee a priori that they will
work on new problems. Note, however, that humans exhibit
none of these forms of transparency.

3.2. Post-hoc Interpretability

Post-hoc interpretability presents a distinct approach to ex-
tracting information from learned models. While post-
hoc interpretations often do not elucidate precisely how a
model works, they may nonetheless confer useful infor-
mation for practitioners and end users of machine learn-
ing. Some common approaches to post-hoc interpreta-
tions include natural language explanations, visualizations
of learned representations or models, and explanations by
example (e.g. this tumor is classified as malignant because
to the model it looks a lot like these other tumors).

To the extent that we might consider humans to be inter-
pretable, it is this sort of interpretability that applies. For
all we know, the processes by which we humans make de-
cisions and those by which we explain them may be dis-
tinct. One advantage of this concept of interpretability is
that we can interpret opaque models after-the-fact, without
sacrificing predictive performance.


Humans often justify decisions verbally. Similarly, we
might train one model to generate predictions and a sep-
arate model, such as a recurrent neural network language
model, to generate an explanation. Such an approach is
taken in a line of work by Krening et al. (2016). They pro-
pose a system in which one model (a reinforcement learner)
chooses actions to optimize cumulative discounted return.
They train another model to map a model’s state represen-
tation onto verbal explanations of strategy. These explana-
tions are trained to maximize the likelihood of previously
observed ground truth explanations from human players,
and may not faithfully describe the agent’s decisions, how-
ever plausible they appear. We note a connection between
this approach and recent work on neural image caption-
ing in which the representations learned by a discriminative
convolutional neural network (trained for image classifica-
tion) are co-opted by a second model to generate captions.
These captions might be regarded as interpretations that ac-
company classifications.

In work on recommender systems, McAuley & Leskovec
(2013) use text to explain the decisions of a latent factor

The Mythos of Model Interpretability

model. Their method consists of simultaneously training a
latent factor model for rating prediction and a topic model
for product reviews. During training they alternate between
decreasing the squared error on rating prediction and in-
creasing the likelihood of review text. The models are con-
nected because they use normalized latent factors as topic
distributions. In other words, latent factors are regularized
such that they are also good at explaining the topic distri-
butions in review text. The authors then explain user-item
compatibility by examining the top words in the topics cor-
responding to matching components of their latent factors.
Note that the practice of interpreting topic models by pre-
senting the top words is itself a post-hoc interpretation tech-
nique that has invited scrutiny (Chang et al., 2009).


Another common approach to generating post-hoc interpre-
tations is to render visualizations in the hope of determin-
ing qualitatively what a model has learned. One popular
approach is to visualize high-dimensional distributed rep-
resentations with t-SNE (Van der Maaten & Hinton, 2008),
a technique that renders 2D visualizations in which nearby
data points are likely to appear close together.

Mordvintsev et al. (2015) attempt to explain what an im-
age classification network has learned by altering the input
through gradient descent to enhance the activations of cer-
tain nodes selected from the hidden layers. An inspection
of the perturbed inputs can give clues to what the model
has learned. Likely because the model was trained on a
large corpus of animal images, they observed that enhanc-
ing some nodes caused the dog faces to appear throughout
the input image.

In the computer vision community, similar approaches
have been explored to investigate what information is re-
tained at various layers of a neural network. Mahendran
& Vedaldi (2015) pass an image through a discriminative
convolutional neural network to generate a representation.
They then demonstrate that the original image can be re-
covered with high fidelity even from reasonably high-level
representations (level 6 of an AlexNet) by performing gra-
dient descent on randomly initialized pixels.


While it may be difficult to succinctly describe the full
mapping learned by a neural network, some papers focus
instead on explaining what a neural network depends on
locally. One popular approach for deep neural nets is to
compute a saliency map. Typically, they take the gradient
of the output corresponding to the correct class with re-
spect to a given input vector. For images, this gradient can
be applied as a mask (Figure 2), highlighting regions of the
input that, if changed, would most influence the output (Si-

monyan et al., 2013; Wang et al., 2015).

Note that these explanations of what a model is focusing
on may be misleading. The saliency map is a local expla-
nation only. Once you move a single pixel, you may get
a very different saliency map. This contrasts with linear
models, which model global relationships between inputs
and outputs.

Figure 2. Saliency map by Wang et al. (2015) to convey intuition
over what the value function and advantage function portions of
their deep Q-network are focusing on.

Another attempt at local explanations is made by Ribeiro
et al. (2016). In this work, the authors explain the deci-
sions of any model in a local region near a particular point,
by learning a separate sparse linear model to explain the
decisions of the first.


One post-hoc mechanism for explaining the decisions of a
model might be to report (in addition to predictions) which
other examples the model considers to be most similar, a
method suggested by Caruana et al. (1999). After training
a deep neural network or latent variable model for a dis-
criminative task, we then have access not only to predic-
tions but also to the learned representations. Then, for any
example, in addition to generating a prediction, we can use
the activations of the hidden layers to identify the k-nearest
neighbors based on the proximity in the space learned by
the model. This sort of explanation by example has prece-
dent in how humans sometimes justify actions by analogy.
For example, doctors often refer to case studies to support
a planned treatment protocol.

In the neural network literature, Mikolov et al. (2013) use
such an approach to examine the learned representations of
words after word2vec training. While their model is trained
for discriminative skip-gram prediction, to examine what
relationships the model has learned, they enumerate near-

The Mythos of Model Interpretability

est neighbors of words based on distances calculated in the
latent space. We also point to related work in Bayesian
methods: Kim et al. (2014) and Doshi-Velez et al. (2015)
investigate cased-base reasoning approaches for interpret-
ing generative models.

4. Discussion
The concept of interpretability appears simultaneously im-
portant and slippery. Earlier, we analyzed both the motiva-
tions for interpretability and some attempts by the research
community to confer it. In this discussion, we consider the
implications of our analysis and offer several takeaways to
the reader.

4.1. Linear models are not strictly more interpretable
than deep neural networks

Despite this claim’s enduring popularity, its truth content
varies depending on what notion of interpretability we em-
ploy. With respect to algorithmic transparency, this claim
seems uncontroversial, but given high dimensional or heav-
ily engineered features, linear models lose simulatability or
decomposability, respectively.

When choosing between linear and deep models, we must
often make a trade-off between algorithic transparency and
decomposability. This is because deep neural networks
tend to operate on raw or lightly processed features. So
if nothing else, the features are intuitively meaningful, and
post-hoc reasoning is sensible. However, in order to get
comparable performance, linear models often must operate
on heavily hand-engineered features. Lipton et al. (2016)
demonstrates such a case where linear models can only ap-
proach the performance of RNNs at the cost of decompos-

For some kinds of post-hoc interpretation, deep neural net-
works exhibit a clear advantage. They learn rich represen-
tations that can be visualized, verbalized, or used for clus-
tering. Considering the desiderata for interpretability, lin-
ear models appear to have a better track record for studying
the natural world but we do not know of a theoretical reason
why this must be so. Conceivably, post-hoc interpretations
could prove useful in similar scenarios.

4.2. Claims about interpretability must be qualified

As demonstrated in this paper, the term does not reference
a monolithic concept. To be meaningful, any assertion
regarding interpretability should fix a specific definition.
If the model satisfies a form of transparency, this can be
shown directly. For post-hoc interpretability, papers ought
to fix a clear objective and demonstrate evidence that the
offered form of interpretation achieves it.

4.3. In some cases, transparency may be at odds with
the broader objectives of AI

Some arguments against black-box algorithms appear to
preclude any model that could match or surpass our abil-
ities on complex tasks. As a concrete example, the short-
term goal of building trust with doctors by developing
transparent models might clash with the longer-term goal
of improving health care. We should be careful when giv-
ing up predictive power, that the desire for transparency is
justified and isn’t simply a concession to institutional bi-
ases against new methods.

4.4. Post-hoc interpretations can potentially mislead

We caution against blindly embracing post-hoc notions of
interpretability, especially when optimized to placate sub-
jective demands. In such cases, one might – deliberately or
not – optimize an algorithm to present misleading but plau-
sible explanations. As humans, we are known to engage in
this behavior, as evidenced in hiring practices and college
admissions. Several journalists and social scientists have
demonstrated that acceptance decisions attributed to virtues
like leadership or originality often disguise racial or gender
discrimination (Mounk, 2014). In the rush to gain accep-
tance for machine learning and to emulate human intelli-
gence, we should be careful not to reproduce pathological
behavior at scale.

4.5. Future Work

We see several promising directions for future work. First,
for some problems, the discrepancy between real-life and
machine learning objectives could be mitigated by develop-
ing richer loss functions and performance metrics. Exem-
plars of this direction include research on sparsity-inducing
regularizers and cost-sensitive learning. Second, we can
expand this analysis to other ML paradigms such as rein-
forcement learning. Reinforcement learners can address
some (but not all) of the objectives of interpretability re-
search by directly modeling interaction between models
and environments. However, this capability may come at
the cost of allowing models to experiment in the world, in-
curring real consequences. Notably, reinforcement learners
are able to learn causal relationships between their actions
and real world impacts. However, like supervised learn-
ing, reinforcement learning relies on a well-defined scalar
objective. For problems like fairness, where we struggle
to verbalize precise definitions of success, a shift of ML
paradigm is unlikely to eliminate the problems we face.

5. Contributions
This paper identifies an important but under-recognized
problem: the term interpretability holds no agreed upon

The Mythos of Model Interpretability

meaning, and yet machine learning conferences fre-
quently publish papers which wield the term in a quasi-
mathematical way. For these papers to be meaningful and
for this field to progress, we must critically engage the is-
sue of problem formulation. Moreover, we identify the in-
compatibility of most presently investigated interpretability
techniques with pressing problems facing machine learning
in the wild. For example, little in the published work on
model intepretability addresses the idea of contestability.

This paper makes a first step towards providing a compre-
hensive taxonomy of both the desiderata and methods in
interpretability research. We argue that the paucity of criti-
cal writing in the machine learning community is problem-
atic. When we have solid problem formulations, flaws in
methodology can be addressed by articulating new meth-
ods. But when the problem formulation itself is flawed,
neither algorithms nor experiments are sufficient to address
the underlying problem.

Moreover, as machine learning continues to exert influence
upon society, we must be sure that we are solving the right
problems. While lawmakers and policymakers must in-
creasingly consider the impact of machine learning, the re-
sponsibility to account for the impact of machine learning
and to ensure its alignment with societal desiderata must
ultimately be shared by practitioners and researchers in the
field. Thus, we believe that such critical writing ought to
have a voice at machine learning conferences.

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