Homework 2 Part 2
Face Classification & Verification using Convolutional
Neural Networks
11-785: Introduction to Deep Learning (Fall 2021)
DUE: October 21st, 2021, 11:59 PM EST
1 Introduction
Even though face recognition may sound quite trivial to us humans, it remained a challenging
computer vision problem in the past decades. Thanks to deep learning methods, computers
now can leverage huge dataset of faces to learn rich and compact representations of human
faces, allowing models to even outperform the face recognition capabilities of humans.
Face recognition mainly consists of two parts. The task of classifying the ID of the face
is known as face classification, which is a closed-set problem. The task of determining
whether two face images are of the same person is known as face verification, which is an
open-set problem 1.
In this assignment, you will use Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) to design an end-
to-end system for both tasks (well, other techniques are required if you want to get an A.)
For the classification task, your system will be given an image of a face as input and should
output the ID of the face. For the verification task, your system will be given two images
as inputs and should output a score that quantifies the similarity between the faces in the
given images. A higher score means that the faces from the two images are more likely to
be from a same person.
You will train your model on a dataset with a few thousand images of labelled IDs (i.e., a set
of images, each labeled by an ID that uniquely identifies the person.) You will learn more
about embeddings 2, several loss functions, and, of course, convolutional layers as effective
shift-invariant feature extractors. You will also develop skills necessary for processing and
training neural networks with big data, which is often the scale at which deep neural net-
works demonstrate excellent performance in practice.
Please NOTICE: this assignment comes with two Kaggle competitions. In this way, you
can understand how classification and verification resembles and differs from each other.
1For close-set task, all testing identities are predefined in training set. For open-set task, testing identities
typically do not appear in training set.
2In this case, embeddings for face information.
• Face classification
– Goal: Given a person’s face, return the ID of the face
– Kaggle: https://www.kaggle.com/c/idl-fall21-hw2p2s1-face-classification/
• Face verification
– Goal: Given two faces, return whether they are from the same person
– Kaggle: https://www.kaggle.com/c/idl-fall21-hw2p2s2-face-verification/
2 Face Classification
2.1 Face Embedding
Before we dive into implementation, let’s ask ourselves a question: how do we differentiate
faces? Yes, your answers may contain skin tone, eye shapes, etc. Well, these are called facial
features. Intuitively, facial features vary extensively across people (and make you different
from others). Your main task in this assignment is to train a CNN model to extract and rep-
resent such important features from a person. These extracted features will be represented
in a fixed-length vector of features, known as a face embedding.
Once your model can encode sufficient discriminative facial features into face embeddings,
you can pass the face embedding to a fully-connected(FC) layer to generate corresponding
ID of the given face.
Now comes our second question: how should we train your CNN to produce high-quality
face embeddings?
2.2 Multi-class Classification
It may sound fancy, but conducting face classification is just doing a multi-class classifica-
tion: the input to your system is a face image and your model needs to predict the ID of the
Suppose the labeled dataset contains a total of M images that belong to N different people
(where M > N). Your goal is to train your model on this dataset so that it can produce
“good” face embeddings. You can do this by optimizing these embeddings for predicting
the face IDs from the images. The resulting embeddings will encode a lot of discriminative
facial features, just as desired. This suggests an N-class classification task.
A typical multi-class classifier conforms to the following architecture:
Classic multi-class classifier = feature extractor(CNN) + classifier(FC)
Figure 1: A typical face classification architecture
More concretely, your network consists of several (convolutional) layers for feature extrac-
tion. The input will be (possibly a part 3 of) the image of the face. The output of the
last such feature extraction layer is the face embedding. You will pass this face embedding
through a linear layer whose dimension is embedding dim × num of face-ids, followed by
Softmax, to classify the image among the N (i.e., num of face-ids) people. You can then use
cross-entropy loss to optimize your network to predict the correct person for every training
The ground truth will be provided in the training data (making it supervised learning).
You are also given a validation set for fine-tuning your model. Please refer to the Dataset
section where you can find more details about what dataset you are given and how it is or-
ganized. To understand how we (and you) evaluate your system, please refer to the System
Evaluation section.
That’s pretty much everything you need to know for your first Kaggle competition. Go for
3 Face Verification
Let’s switch gear to face verification. Now, the input to your system will be a trial, i.e., a
pair of face images that may or may not belong to the same person. Given a trial, your goal
is to output a numeric score that quantifies how similar the faces in the two images are. A
higher score indicates higher confidence that the faces in the two images are of the same
In the following sections, we will introduce you to a few approaches. But do not let us
constrain your imagination. There are a lot of other ways to achieve great performance.
3It depends on whether you pre-process your input images
FAIR WARNING: We do not guarantee that all the methods listed below can help you
pass the A cut-off. You need to experiment with your own judgement.
3.1 Building upon the multi-class classification
I hope you have not deleted your classification model. If your model yields high accuracy in
face classification, you might already have a good Feature Extractor for free. That being
said, if you remove the fully connected/linear layer, this leaves you with a CNN that ”can”
(probably can should be more accurate here) generate discriminative face embeddings given
arbitrary face images.
3.1.1 Feature extractor + distance calculator
We shall all agree that the face embeddings of a same person should be similar (the distance
is short) even if they are extracted from different images. Assume our CNN is competent
to generate accurate face embeddings, we only need to find a proper distance metric to
evaluate how close given face embeddings are. If two face embeddings are close 4 in distance,
they are more likely to be from a same person 5.
Here, we propose two prevalent distance metrics, but you have to experiment yourself from
there. (Hint: check Appendix A)
• Cosine Similarity
• Euclidean Distance
If you follow this design, your system should look like this. Please notice that the Feature
Extractor in Fig 2 is the same one even though it is drawn twice.
3.1.2 Take a step further
We have heard a rumor that a good job in classification is only guaranteed to help you reach
the B-cutoff in validation. Hence, you are encouraged to try other advanced loss functions
such as Center-loss [1], LM [2], L-GM[3], and other architectures such as SphereFace [4],
CosFace[5], ArcFace[6] and UniformFace[7] to go beyond this.
Alternatively, you can remove the layer entirely and optimize the net using comparator-losses
that optimize the network for the verification task, e.g. triplet-loss[8], pair wise loss[9].
You are also encouraged to explore the interconnection between classification accuracy and
verification performance.
4How close is close?
5Now, do you understand why we use fixed-length vector as face embeddings?
Figure 2: face verification architecture
3.2 Metric Learning
The multi-class classification method has a flaw here: in the real world, we can not make our
model to recognize every person on Earth. What if a new person is added to the dataset?
Do you want to re-train the whole network whenever a new person is added?
The second approach is actually called deep metric learning(DML): instead of modeling the
classes, you are directly modeling the similarity between two images. The general goal is
to make the minimum distance between negative pairs larger than the maximum distance
between positive pairs 6.
A potential approach is to build a Siamese Neural Network [10] and apply a Contrastive loss
function as follows:
L =
[y ∗ d(Pi) + (1− y) ∗ (m− d(Pi))] (1)
Where d denotes Euclidean distance, and y = 1/0 indicates the pair Pi is positive/negative
respectively. m is a margin. N denotes total number of training objectives.
There are two popular approaches to make pairs for your verification system. One is offline
selection: pairs are generated before passed through the neural network. Another is online
selection: pairs are generated in the mini-batch during training. For offline selection, please
pay attention to the ratio of #negative pairs to #positive pairs. You are advised to set
this ratio as 5:5, 6:4, 7:3. For online selection, one straightforward method is to select all
pairs within a mini-batch of size B. You can also just select hard 7 pairs within the
6Two instances in the positive pair should be from the same identity. Two instances in the negative pair
should be from different identities.
7Large similarity for negative pairs and small similarity for positive pairs.
mini-batch, which is also referred to as Hard Sample Mining[11] [12].
Instead of measuring the similarity between pairs, you can also apply Triplet loss [13] or
Quadruplet loss [14] to model the similarities among triplets or quadruplets.
If you’re wondering if there exists a Quintuplets, Sextuplets, Septuplets or even Octuplets
loss, you can refer to the N-pair Loss [15], Lifted-Structure Loss [16], Softtriplet Loss [17]
It may also be possible for other advanced loss functions such as Pair-Wise Loss [18], Multi-
Similarity(MS) [19], Mask Proxy(MP) [20] to give SOTA verification performance.
4 Dataset
The data for the assignment can be downloaded from the Kaggle competition link. The
dataset contains images of size 64 × 64 for all xyz channels. In this competition, we are
dealing with faces from 4000 people (That being said, we have 4000 classes.)
This assignment contains 2 parts:
• For classification, you will be given a human face image. What you need to do is to
learn to classify this image into correct people IDs.
• For verification, you will be given two images, and you need to calculate the similarity
score for those images using the embeddings generated by your classification network.
Notice that for verification, the test identities are disjoint from the training identities,
i.e. your network should be able to tell whether two images belong to the same person
or not, even if it has never seen those people before. This is known as open-set protocol.
4.1 File Structure
The structure of the dataset folder is as follows:
4.1.1 Kaggle Classification
• classification data: Each sub-folder in train data, val data and test data con-
tains images of one person, and the name of that sub-folder represents their ID.
– train data: You are supposed to use the train data set to train your model
both for the classification task and verification task.
– val data: You are supposed to use val data to validate the classification accu-
– test data: You are supposed to assign IDs for images in test data and submit
your result.
• classification sample submission.csv: This is a sample submission file for face
classification competition. The first column is the images path. Your task is to assign
ID to each image and generate submission file based on the order given here.
4.1.2 Kaggle Verification
• verification data: This is the directory that contains the images for both the
Verification Validation and Verification Test.
• verification pairs val.txt: This file contains the trials for Verification Validation.
The first two column are the images path of the trial. The third column contains the
true label for the pair. You are supposed to use the data in this file to validate your
AUC score.
• verification pairs test.txt: This file contains the trials for Verification Test.
The first two column are the images path of the trial. You task is to compute the
similarity between each two trials and to generate submission file based on this.
• verification sample submission.csv: This is a sample submission file for face ver-
ification competition.
4.2 Loading Training Data – ImageFolder
To load the images, we recommend that you look into the ImageFolder dataset class of
PyTorch at https://pytorch.org/vision/0.8/datasets.html#imagefolder The images
in subfolders of classification data are arranged in a way that is compatible with this
dataset class. Note that ImageFolder is helpful for both Multi-class classification, and
Metric Learning tasks.
5 System Evaluation
5.1 Kaggle 1: Face Classification
This is quite straightforward,
accuracy =
# correctly classified images
total images
5.2 Kaggle 2: Face Verification
Here, we briefly describes how the “quality” of your similarity scores will be evaluated.
Given similarity scores for many trials, some threshold score is needed to actually accept or
reject pairs as same-person pairs (i.e., when the similarity score is above the threshold) or
different-person pairs (i.e., when the score is below the threshold), respectively. For any given
threshold, there are four conditions on the results: some percentage of the different-person
pairs will be accepted (known as the false positive rate), some percentage of the same-person
pairs will be rejected (known as the false rejection rate), some percentage of the different
person pairs will be rejected (known as the true negative rate), and some percentage of the
same-person pairs will be accepted (known as the true positive rate).
The Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curve is created by plotting the True Positive
Rate (TPR) against the False Positive Rate (FPR) at various threshold settings 8. The
Area Under the Curve (AUC) for the ROC curve is equal to the probability that a classifier
will rank a randomly chosen similar pair (images of same people) higher than a randomly
chosen dissimilar one (images from two different people) (assuming ’similar’ ranks higher
than ’dissimilar’ in terms of similarity scores).
This is the metric which will be used to evaluate the performance of your model for the face
verification task.
To track your progress, after an epoch of training, you can compute a similarity score for
every trial in the validation set, write them to another file. One suggested approach to
compute AUC is to use the function provided in sklearn library 9:
• sklearn.metrics.roc auc score(true label, similarity scores). This function
is useful for Verification Validation. It loads the true label array and the generated
similarity scores array and prints out the average AUC score. Please also pay attention
to the difference between cosine similarity score and Euclidean distance score.
6 Submission
Following are the deliverables for this assignment:
• Kaggle submission for Face Classification.
• Kaggle submission for Face Verification.
• A one page write up describing your model architecture, loss function, hyper parame-
ters, any other interesting detail led to your best result for the above two competitions.
Please limit the write up to one page. The link for submitting the writeup will be posted
later on piazza/Autolab.
7 Conclusion
Nicely done! Here is the end of HW2P2, and the beginning of a new world. As always, feel
free to ask on Piazza if you have any questions. We are always here to help.
Good luck and enjoy the challenge!
Appendix A
A.1 Cosine Similarity VS Euclidean Distance
You may struggle with selecting a proper distance metric for the verification task. The
most two popular distance metrics used in verification are cosine similarity and Euclidean
distance. We would tell you in that both two metrics are able to reach SOTA score, but
at least you should get an intuition on how to choose one of them. The metric should be
training-objective-specific, where training objective refers to the loss function. Let us start
with revisiting Softmax cross entropy:
Loss = −
j=1 e
Where Yi is the label of Xi. If you take a thorough look at this formula, you will find that
the objective is to make the vector(embedding) Xi be closer to the vector WYi and be far
away from other vectors WYj . Under this rule, the WYi is actually the center of i-th class.
Because you are performing dot product between the class center and the embedding, then
each embedding would be similar to its center in the Angular Space, which could be illus-
trated in the following Figure. 3. So during verification, you are strongly suggested to apply
cosine similarity rather than Euclidean distance to compute the similarity score.
Figure 3: Angular Space [4]
Furthermore, if we design our own loss function e.g. in Eq. 3, you are suggested to apply
Euclidean distance metric to compute similarity. (Is this RBF?)
Loss = −
j=1 e
2 (3)
Question left to you, what metric is probably better if you start with metric learning and
apply the loss function in Eq. 1?
However, the aforementioned conclusions are not definitely true. We would tell you that
sometimes Euclidean distance is also good when you apply softmax XE in Eq. 2 and cosine
similarity is also good when you apply Eq. 3 as loss function. We would just give you the
following hint and let you explore it.
||U − V ||22 = ||U ||
2 + ||V ||
2 − 2U
TV (4)
Appendix B
B.1 B-way Classification
In this appendix, we are going to introduce you to a metric learning strategy called B-way
classification, in which B refers to batch size. The following figure gives an intuition of this
Figure 4: B-way classification for metric learning
Note that everything happens only within a mini-batch and batch size is 5 in this figure.
For the notation, in Xij and Eij , i is the label information(1 ≤ i ≤ BatchSize) and j is the
index of samples for each class. Here we set number of samples in each class as 2. To claim
again, if the batch size is B, then you will get 2 × B embeddings and 2 for each class. Your
task is just to classify these B classes:
L = −
j=0 e
This is actually called Prototypical loss, which is one of the SOTA metric learning losses
currently and which is likely to give you a better AUC score than classification methods(Even
better than margin-based Softmax loss functions like CosFace/ArcFace). To apply this loss
function, you may care about the following points:
• There is only one CNN backbone within a mini-batch though we present 5 in the
example. (You can also apply Siamese Network)
• Label information is ignored when computing the loss objective. Labels are just
0,1,…B-1. Labels are only useful when building your dataset.
• You need to build a powerful dataset/dataloader to pass these B × 2 data points into
the network, which is the most pivotal part in the whole work
• ETi1Ei2 could be replaced by a ·ETi1Ei2 + b , in which a and b are learnable parameters.
It would usually be better to normalize embeddings.
• There is no supervision signal in the loss objective unlike multi-class classification. (Is
this unsupervised learning?)
Just feel free to go through this method!
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Face Classification
Face Embedding
Multi-class Classification
Face Verification
Building upon the multi-class classification
Feature extractor + distance calculator
Take a step further
Metric Learning
File Structure
Kaggle Classification
Kaggle Verification
Loading Training Data – ImageFolder
System Evaluation
Kaggle 1: Face Classification
Kaggle 2: Face Verification
Cosine Similarity VS Euclidean Distance
B-way Classification