ECS 140A – Programming Languages
Project 3: Lisp
Due: November 17, Wednesday, 2021, 11:59pm PT
This project specification is subject to change at any time for clarification.
This entire project must be purely functional; you are not allowed to use setq, loop or similar
Getting Started
There are three major methods of installing Common Lisp:
1. Using Portacle
Portacle is a complete IDE for Common Lisp. It has a similar interface as Emacs. It has a REPL
environment in so that you may test your code piecewise more easily.
(Note: For some reason, I couldn’t install it on MacOS 11. It worked on older versions of MacOS.
I’m not sure about MacOS 12.)
2. Using terminal:
To install: enter brew install clisp in the command line.
To execute a file (extension is .lisp): enter clisp filename in the command line.
This is the easiest way to install and run, but it doesn’t have REPL.
3. Using Emacs and SLIME
To install:
This interface is not very easy to work unless you are familiar with Emacs.
There are two (unrelated) parts of the project.
Part 1: Fibonacci Sequence
The Fibonacci sequence is defined as follows:
F0 = 0, F1 = 1, Fn = Fn−1 + Fn−2
The sequence is
0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, …
In this part, you will write three functions related to the Fibonacci sequence. All three functions are
written in the file fibonacci.lisp.
1. nth-fib
Write a function called nth-fib that given a number n, returns the nth number in the Fibonacci
Example: (nth-fib 9) should return the integer 34.
2. fib
Write a function called fib that given a number n, returns the frist n numbers in the Fibonacci
Example: (fib 9) should return the list (0 1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21).
Hint: You may define a helper function with extra parameters to store the previous two numbers
and the current result list you have computed so far.
3. fib-lt
Write a function called fib-lt that given a number n, returns all the numbers in the Fibonacci
sequence that are less than n.
Example: (fib-lt 100) should return the list (0 1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55 89).
Note: You do not need to worry about integer flow.
Part 2: Pattern Matching Program
We say an assertion is a list of strings such as (apple banana) (note: no quotations). A pattern is a list of
atoms that may contain the special symbols ! and *.
• The special symbol ! means matching zero or more atoms.
Example: The pattern (apple ! blueberry) and the assertion (apple banana orange blueberry) match.
• The special symbol * means matching zero or more characters inside an atom.
Example: The pattern (apple bl*rry) and the assertion (apple blueberry) match.
Note: An assertion cannot contain the special symbols ! and *. You may assume patterns and asser-
tions do not contain numbers as atoms. For example, (apple 2 banana) is not allowed but
(apple2 banana) is.
Write a function called match in the match.lisp file. Given a pattern and an assertion, the function
returns true (t in Lisp) when they match and returns false (nil in Lisp) otherwise.
1. (match ’(color apple red) ’(color apple red))
⇒ t
2. (match ’(color apple red) ’(color apple green))
⇒ nil
3. (match ’(! table !) ’(this table supports a block))
⇒ t
4. (match ’(this table !) ’(this table supports a block))
⇒ t
5. (match ’(! brown) ’(green red brown yellow))
⇒ nil
6. (match ’(! brown) ’(green red brown brown))
⇒ t
7. (match ’(red green ! blue) ’(red green blue))
⇒ t
8. (match ’(red gr*n blue) ’(red green blue))
⇒ t
9. (match ’(t* table is *n) ’(this table is blue))
⇒ nil
10. (match ’(color apple *) ’(color apple red))
⇒ t
11. (match ’(color * red) ’(color apple red))
⇒ t
12. (match ’(color * red) ’(color apple green))
⇒ nil
13. (match ’(color*red) ’(color apple red)
⇒ nil
14. (match ’(color ! * red) ’(color apple red))
⇒ t
Please submit both files in a zipped folder.
You should avoid using existing source code as a primer that is currently available on the Internet.
You are also not allowed to use the parser tools found on the Internet.
You must specify in your readme file any sources of code that you have viewed to help you complete
this project. All class projects will be submitted to MOSS to determine if students have excessively
collaborated. Excessive collaboration, or failure to list external code sources will result in the matter
being referred to Student Judicial Affairs.