CS计算机代考程序代写 /Users/billy/gits/moc-2021/problem-sets/solps11.dvi


The University of Melbourne

School of Computing and Information Systems

COMP30026 Models of Computation

Selected Problem Set Solutions, Week 11

P11.1 This is easy enough. Let M be a decider for A. We get a decider for Ac simply by swapping

the ‘reject’ and ‘accept’ states in M .

The construction won’t work if all we know about M is that it is a recogniser for A. Namely,

M may fail to terminate for some string w ∈ Ac.

P11.2 We just show the case for concatenation. Let MA and MB be deciders for A and B, respec-

tively. We want to construct a decider for A ◦ B. It will make our task easier if we utilise

nondeterminism. We can construct a nondeterministic Turing machine to implement this


On input w:

(1) Split w nondeterministically so that w = xy.

(2) Run MA on x; reject w if MA rejects x.

(2) Run MB on y; reject w if MB rejects y.

(3) Otherwise accept w.

This makes good use of the nondeterministic Turing machine’s bias towards acceptance.

P11.3 Here is how the 2-PDA recogniser for B operates:

(a) Push a $ symbol onto stack 1 and also onto stack 2.

(b) As long as we find an a in input, consume it and push an a onto stack 1.

(c) As long as we find a b in input, consume it and push a b onto stack 2.

(d) As long as we find a c in input, consume it and pop both stacks.

(e) If the top of each stack has a $ symbol, pop these.

(f) If we got to this point and the input has been exhausted, accept.

If the 2-PDA got stuck at any point, that meant reject.

P11.4 To simulate M running on input x1x2 · · ·xn, the 2-PDA P first pushes a $ symbol onto stack

1 and also onto stack 2. It then runs through its input, pushing x1, x2, . . . xn−1, xn onto

stack 1. It then pops each symbol from stack 1, pushing it to stack 2. That is, it pushes

xn, xn−1, . . . x2, x1 onto stack 2, in that order. Note that x1 is on top.

P is now ready to simulate M . Note that it has consumed all of its input already, but it is

not yet in a position to accept or reject.

For each state of M , P has a corresponding state. Assume P is in the state that corresponds

to some M state q.

For each M -transition δ(q, a) = (r, b, R), P has a transition that pops a off stack 2 and pushes

b onto stack 1. If stack 2 now has $ on top, P pushes a blank symbol onto stack 2. Then P

goes to the state corresponding to r.

For each M -transition δ(q, a) = (r, b, L), P has a transition that first pops a off stack 2,

replacing it by b. It then pops the top element off stack 1 and transfers it to the top of stack

2, unless it happens to be $. And then of course P goes to the state corresponding to r.

If this seems mysterious, try it out for a simple Turing machine and draw some diagrams

along to way, with snapshots of the Turing machine’s tape and tape head next to the 2-PDA’s

corresponding pair of stacks. The invariant is that what sits on top of the 2-PDA’s stack 2

is exactly what is under the Turing machine’s tape head at the corresponding point in its
