Homework 2
COMP 302 Programming Languages and Paradigms
Francisco Ferreira and Mc : School of Computer Science
Due Date: 6 October 2017
Copyright By PowCoder代写 加微信 powcoder
Your homework is due at the beginning of class on Oct 6, 2017. All code files must be submitted electronically using my courses. Your program must compile. Solutions should correct (i.e. produce the correct result), be elegant and compact, and take advantage of OCaml’s pattern matching. Please consult the style guides posted on the course website to get more information regarding what constitutes good style.
Q1. I can’t get no SATisfaction (75 pts)
This question is about reading, understanding and then improving the design of a program. The first part describes a program and its source code, and then asks you to rewrite the program by choosing a different representation for data-types. What you need to write will be short but it requires understanding the program. So read along and pay attention to the role of each function.
Logic is ubiquitous in Computer Science. It is used in many different aspects of the field, reading “On the Unusual Effectiveness of Logic in Computer Science” by Halpern et al. gets your imagination running. In this question we will explore an important problem, whether a formula in Propositional Logic is satisfiable (i.e.: a formula is satisfiable if one can assign values to all its atoms in a way that the formula evaluates to true). This is known as the SAT problem. This problem is an important part of model checking, automated theorem provers and formal methods in general.
Let start defining a small SAT solver1 with a simple design that we will later improve. First, let’s consider propositional logic, these are formulas that link atoms that can be true or false we relate them with conjunctions, disjunctions and negation. The syntax of propositions is thus:
1This SAT solver is described in StandardML by [Paulson, 1996]
Propositions P, Q ::= A | ¬P
| P ∧ Q | P ∨ Q
A negation (Boolean not)
A conjuction (Boolean and) A disjunction (Boolean or)
You can think of atoms as the indivisible propositions, like “Socrates is a human”, in fact we will represent them using strings, the other propositions we will represent with a custom datatype:
type prop = Atom of string | Not of prop
| And of prop * prop | Or of prop * prop
With these datatype in place, we can define implication and bi-implication using the following equivalences:
P⇒Q = (¬P)∨Q
P ⇐⇒ Q = (P⇒Q)∧(Q⇒P)
We can implement this with two simple functions:
let impl (p, q) = Or(Not p, q)
let iff (p, q) = And (impl (p,q), impl (q, p))
Given this type, we can represent propositions that arbitrary nest negation, disjunction and conjunction. This makes for an expressive theory but it is difficult to write programs that manipulate such general expressions. To solve this issue one can define some stan- dardized forms, we call these normal forms. In order to do this one needs to transform the expression using rules that do not modify the meaning of the proposition.
A small example: the proposition ¬(P ∧ ¬P) is the proposition that says: it is not the case that P and its negation hold at the same time. This is known as the principle of non-contradiction. This propositions is represented as:
let nc = Not (And (Atom “P”, Not (Atom “P”))) Negation Normal Form (NNF)
The first normal form that we want to explore is called negation normal form where nega- tion is only applied to atoms. One can reach this form by pushing negations into conjunc- tions and disjunctions using the following rules, repeatedly replacing:
¬(P ∧ Q) by (¬P) ∨ (¬Q) ¬(P ∨ Q) by (¬P) ∧ (¬Q)
This can be achieved with the following function: 2
let rec nnf = function
| Atom a -> Atom a
| Not (Atom a) -> Not (Atom a)
| Not (Not p) -> p
| Not (And (p, q)) -> nnf (Or (Not p, Not q)) | Not (Or (p, q)) -> nnf (And (Not p, Not q)) | And (p, q) -> And (nnf p, nnf q)
| Or (p, q) -> Or (nnf p, nnf q)
This function leaves alone positive (Atom a) and negative atoms (Not (Atom a)), re- moves double negations according to the first rule, and it uses the two other rules (called de-Morgan rules in the literature) to push the negations under conjunctions and disjunc- tions. Finally, the last two lines just recursively call the function under the constructors for conjunction and disjunction.
For example, we can find the NNF of the principle of non-contradiction. The steps are: 1. Starting from ¬(P ∧ ¬P)
2. We apply the second rule to get ¬P ∨ ¬¬P
3. Then the first rule to eliminate the double negation to get ¬P ∨ P.
Conjunctive Normal Form (CNF)
The conjunctive normal form is when a proposition has this form:
P1 ∧ · · · ∧ Pm and each Pi is a disjunction of atoms and negated atoms. This form will be crucial to implement our SAT solver.
To put a proposition in CNF we need to write these two simple functions:
let rec distribute : prop * prop -> prop = function
| p, And (q, r) -> And(distribute (p, q), distribute (p, r)) | And(q, r), p -> And(distribute (q, p), distribute (r, p)) | p, q -> Or (p, q)
let rec nnf_to_cnf: prop -> prop = function | Or(p, q) ->
(∗ distribute the disjunction ∗)
distribute (nnf_to_cnf p, nnf_to_cnf q)
| And(p, q) -> And (nnf_to_cnf p, nnf_to_cnf q)
| Atom a -> Atom a
| Not p -> Not p
The idea of function nnf_to_cnf is to distribute disjunctions into its sub-propositions using these two replacements:
P∨(Q∧R) by (P∨Q)∧(P∨R) (Q∧R)∨P by (Q∨P)∧(R∨P)
Function distribute repeatedly rewrites the proposition using these two rules to achieve a CNF proposition. Notice, how the right side of the rewriting is somehow more in con- junctive normal form than the left side.
Our running example, the principle of non-contradiction that we stated as ¬(P ∧ ¬P) becomes ¬P ∨ P. In this case no further rewriting is needed as this proposition is simple enough to also be in CNF.
As a final example, the proposition ¬(P ∨ Q) ∧ P is: • (¬P∧¬Q)∨(¬P)inNNF
• (¬P∨¬P)∧(¬Q∨¬P)inCNF
when we mechanically apply the rules.
Finding tautologies
The CNF propositions have a very regular structure that makes computing with them very easy. The first function that we want to implement is whether the proposition is a tautology. Where a tautology is a proposition that is valid for all possible values of its atoms. One classic example is modus ponens :
(P ∧ (P ⇒ Q)) ⇒ Q Modus ponens can represented in our system as:
let mp = impl (And (Atom “P”,
impl (Atom “P”, Atom “Q”))
, Atom “Q”)
(∗ And it can be put in CNF form using this expression: ∗) let mp_in_cnf = nnf_to_cnf (nnf mp)
To check if a proposition in CNF form P1 ∧ · · · ∧ Pm is a tautology, we check that all Pi are tautologies. Because Pi is disjunction of positive and negative atoms, Pi is a tautology iff there exists a positive and negative atom in Pi. For example, if Pi = a ∨ ¬a ∨ b, then Pi is always true, since either a is true or ¬a is true.
To check that a disjunction Pi is a tautology, we first write a function that extracts the positive and the negative atoms from it and then check that the intersection between negative and positive atoms is not empty. This guarantees that there is at least one atom that appears as positive and negative in disjunction and the disjunction Pi cannot be false.
The following code implements this idea:
let rec positives = function
| Atom a -> [a]
| Not (Atom _) -> []
| Or (p, q) -> positives p @ positives q
| _ -> raise (Invalid_argument “Not␣in␣NNF␣form”)
let rec negatives = function
| Atom _ -> []
| Not (Atom a) -> [a]
| Or (p, q) -> negatives p @ negatives q
| _ -> raise (Invalid_argument “Not␣in␣NNF␣form”)
let rec cnf_tautology = function
| And (p, q) -> cnf_tautology p && cnf_tautology q
| p -> not ([] = intersection (positives p) (negatives p))
Q1.1 (5 points) The function cnf_tautology depends on a function called intersection that has not been defined yet. Define the function with type:
intersection : ’a list -> ’a list -> ’a list
This function returns all the elements that are present in both lists at the same time.
Satisfiable propositions
Now that we can check if a proposition is a tautology we can use a bit of classical logic to write a SAT solver. We call a proposition unsatisfiable if its negation is a tautology. And finally we call a proposition satisfiable if it is not unsatisfiable.
The three functions on propositions are then:
let taut p = cnf_tautology (cnf p) let unsat p = taut (Not p)
let sat p = not (unsat p)
Types are our strength
While this implementation works, there are a couple of issues that should bother us. First, if we call nnf_to_cnf with a proposition that is not in nnf it may return the wrong answer. The same thing happens if we call cnf_tautology with a proposition not in CNF. And second, the functions positives and negatives raise exceptions! if we did not have the propositions in CNF. While some of these problems might be mitigated by hiding some functions from the user, we can do better by using types.
For example, a data type that can only represent propositions in NNF would be:
(∗ Atoms and their negations ∗) type signed_atom
= PosAtom of string | NegAtom of string
(∗ In NNF negations can only be applied to atoms, this datatype only allows for propositions in NNF ∗)
= AndN of nnf * nnf
| OrN of nnf * nnf
| AtomN of signed_atom
Now, let’s rewrite our SAT solver using this kind of idea. In the file hw2_q1.ml fill in the following questions:
Q1.2 (10 points) Implement to_nnf : prop -> nnf to convert propositions to NNF.
Q1.3 (20 points) Design a type called cnf that is only able to represent propositions in
CNF, follow the ideas from type nnf for inspiration.
Q1.4 (20 points) Implement the functions:
– distribute : cnf * cnf -> cnf – nnf_to_cnf : nnf -> cnf
Be mindful, that depending on your specification of type cnf you might need to also define other helper functions.
Q1.5 (5 points) Implement the functions that collect positives and negatives from a propo- sition in conjunctive normal form.
Q1.6 (10 points) Finally we are ready to implement the function cnf_tautology: cnf -> bool that tells us when a proposition in CNF is a tautology.
Pattern matching in all these functions should be exhaustive, the point of this exercise is to design the types that allow us to implement functions that do not fail at run-time.
This concludes this question, take a moment to reflect about how pattern matching helps with the manipulation of symbolic expressions, and how good definitions help us write functions that are safe at run-time.
If after you finish this assignment you want to learn more (better algorithms and inter- esting programs with logic) you can read the “Handbook of Practical Logic and Automated Reasoning” by Harrison. It contains pointers to ideas to extend this implementation so it performs well with big formulas and many more algorithms.
Joseph Y. Halpern, , , Phokion G. Kolaitis, Moshe Y. Vardi, and . On the Unusual Effectiveness of Logic in Computer Science. Bulletin of Symbolic Logic, 7(2):213236, 2001. doi: 10.2307/2687775.
. Handbook of Practical Logic and Automated Reasoning. Cambridge Univer- sity Press, 2009.
. Paulson. ML for the Working Programmer. Cambridge University Press, second edition, 1996.
Q2. If we have a proof it’s because its proven (25pts) Hand in your proofs as a pdf file q2.pdf
When writing a tail recursive function, one may come up with this function:
let rec rev_append l1 l2 = match l1 with | [] -> l2
| x::xs -> rev_append xs (x::l2)
This function reverses the first list and appends it to the second. A similar function is available int the OCaml standard library. And in fact, the reverse function is implemented using this function. This is a nice implementation because it is tail recursive.
However, if you are asked to implement this function you might come up with:
let rec append l1 l2 = match l1 with | [] -> l2
| x::l1’ -> x::(append l1’ l2)
let rev l = match l with | [] -> []
| x::xs -> xs @[x]
let rev_append’ l1 l2 = append (rev l1) l2
This is a more obvious implementation of a function that reverses its first parameter
and appends the result to the second.
Q2.1 (25 points) Prove that the rev_append and rev_append’ are equivalent.
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