CS计算机代考程序代写 python Bioinformatics deep learning algorithm Assignment 1

Assignment 1

COMP9517: Computer Vision

2021 Term 3

Group Project Specification

Maximum Marks Achievable: 40

The group project is worth 40% of the total course marks.


The goal of the group project is to work together with peers in a team of 4-5 students to
solve a computer vision problem and present the solution in both oral and written form.

Each group can meet with their assigned tutor once per week in Weeks 6-9 during the usual
consultation session on Thursdays 7-8pm to discuss progress and get feedback.


Tracking of biological cells in time-lapse microscopy images is a common and important
computer vision tasks in cell biology [1-3]. To study how cells move, divide, and interact
under different conditions (healthy versus diseased), biologists often culture cells in a petri
dish and then image them over time using a microscope. The resulting image sequences
(videos) are usually too large and contain too many cells to track by hand.

Thus, computer vision methods are needed to automate the segmentation and tracking of
the cells, as well as to perform subsequent quantitative analysis of cell motion. Many well-
established computer vision methods in conjunction with machine learning methods can
be useful in these tasks. These may perform image preprocessing, feature extraction,
classification, motion detection, tracking and recognition, using either unsupervised or
supervised approaches, including various types of deep neural networks [4-10].

In this project you will develop your own methods for cell segmentation, tracking, and
analysis, based on concepts taught in this course or your own ideas.

Project work is in Weeks 6-10 with a demo and report due in Week 10.

Refer to the separate marking criteria for detailed information on marking.

Submission instructions and a demo schedule will be released later.


The group project consists of two tasks described below, each of which needs to be
completed as a group and will be evaluated for the whole group.

Microscopy Dataset
The image dataset to be used in the group project is provided in WebCMS and consists of
four image sequences (each from a separate time-lapse microscopy recording).

For two of the sequences, limited “ground truth” manual annotations are provided (in the
corresponding GT folders) in case you want to use/train supervised methods (this is not
required but certainly allowed). If more training data would be needed for your methods,
you could manually create more annotations yourself.

The ground truth (GT folder) contains both segmentation annotations (SEG subfolder) and
tracking annotations (TRA subfolder). The segmentation annotations show cell masks, each
with a unique label, for only some of the images in the sequence (the file names of the
images indicate the corresponding time points). The tracking annotations show simple cell
markers (circles) for all images in the sequence, with a unique label for different cells, but
the label is the same for the same cell over time.

Notice that all images are 16-bits/pixel, so make sure to load them as such.

Task 1: Segment and Track Cells
Develop a Python program to segment and track all the cells in the image sequences. This
means the program needs to perform the following steps:
1-1. Segment all the cells and show their contours in the images as overlays. The contour of

each cell should have a unique color and that color should remain the same for the
same cell over time. For each image in a sequence, the program should show the
contours for the cells in that image only.

1-2. Track all the cells over time and show their trajectories (also called tracks, paths,
histories) as overlays. That is, for each image in a sequence, the program should show
for each cell its trajectory up to that time point. The trajectory of a cell is a piecewise
linear curve connecting the centroid positions of the cell, from the time when the cell
first appeared up to the current time point. For each cell, draw its trajectory using the
same color as the contour, for visual consistency. If a cell divides, the two daughter
cells should each get a new color/ID.

Task 2: Analyze Cell Motion
Extend the program so that it can quantitatively analyze the cells. Specifically, the program
should be able to perform the following analyses. For each image in a sequence, show (by
printing either in the terminal window or as overlay in the image window):

3-1. The cell count (the number of cells) in the image.
3-2. The average size (in pixels) of all the cells in the image. To avoid getting distorted

measurements, the program needs to ignore cells on the boundary of the image that
are not completely contained in the image.

3-3. The average displacement (in pixels) of all the cells, from the previous image to the
current image in the sequence. The displacement of a cell can be estimated by taking
the Euclidean distance (in pixels) between the centroid positions of the cell (already
computed in Task 1-2) from one image to the next. Notice this means for the first
image in the sequence, no displacement can be computed.

3-4. The number of cells that are in the process of dividing. Cell division is characterized by
a significant change in cell shape (from circular to more bar-like and then resulting in
two separate daughter cells changing from bar-like back to circular) and may take
multiple time points to complete. In addition to reporting the number of cell divisions,
the program should also visually alert the viewer where in the image these divisions
are happening (for example, by drawing a thick red circle around dividing cells, or
showing some other alert symbol of choice).


The deliverables of the group project are 1) a group video demo with Q&A and 2) a group
report. Both are due in Week 10. More detailed information on the two deliverables:

Demo: Each group will prepare a video presentation of at most 10 minutes showing their
work. The presentation must start with an introduction of the problem and then explain the
used methods, show the obtained results, and discuss these results as well as ideas for
future improvements. This part of the presentation should be in the form of a short
PowerPoint slideshow. Following this part, the presentation should include a demonstration
of the methods/software in action. Of course, some methods may take a long time to
compute, so you may record a live demo and then edit it to stay within time.

The entire presentation must be in the form of a video (720p or 1080p mp4 format) of at
most 10 minutes (anything beyond that will be cut off). All group members must present
(points may be deducted if not), but it is up to you to decide who presents which part
(introduction, methods, results, discussion, demonstration). In order for us to verify that all
group members are indeed presenting, the head of each student presenting their part must
be visible in a corner of the presentation, and when they start presenting, they must
mention their name. Overlaying a webcam recording can be easily done using either the
video recording functionality of PowerPoint itself (see for example this tutorial) or using
other recording software such as OBS Studio, Camtasia, Adobe Premiere, and many others. It
is up to you (depending on your preferences and experiences) which software to use, as long
as the final video satisfies the requirements mentioned above.

During the scheduled lecture/consultation hours in Week 10, that is Tuesday 16 November
2021 6-8 PM and Thursday 18 November 2021 6-8 PM, the video demos will be shown to the
tutors and lecturers, who will mark them and may ask questions about them to the group
members. Other students may tune in and ask questions as well. Therefore, all members of
each group must be present when their video is shown. A roster will be made and released
closer to Week 10, showing when each group is scheduled to present.

Report: Each group will also submit a report (max. 10 pages, 2-column IEEE format) along
with the source codes, before 19 November 2021 23:55:00. The report should include:
1. Introduction: Discuss your understanding of the task specification and dataset.
2. Literature Review: Review relevant techniques in literature, along with any necessary

background to understand the methods you selected.
3. Methods: Justify and explain the selection of the methods you implemented, using

relevant references and theories where necessary.
4. Experimental Results: Explain the experimental setup you used to evaluate the

performance of the developed methods and the results you obtained.
5. Discussion: Provide a discussion of the results and method performance, in particular

reasons for any failures of the method (if applicable).
6. Conclusion: Summarize what worked / did not work and recommend future work.
7. Contribution of Group Members: State each group member’s contribution. In at most 3

lines per member, describe the component(s) each group member contributed to.
8. References: List the literature references and other resources used in your work. All

external sources (including websites) used in the project must be referenced.


The following papers provide much useful information about microscopic image analysis and
cell tracking. If the papers are not directly available (open access) by clicking the links, they
should be available online via the UNSW Library.

[1] E. Meijering, O. Dzyubachyk, I. Smal, W. A. van Cappellen. Tracking in cell and developmental biology.
Seminars in Cell and Developmental Biology, vol. 20, no. 8, pp. 894-902, October 2009.

[2] C.-M. Svensson et al. Untangling cell tracks: quantifying cell migration by time lapse image data analysis.
Cytometry Part A, vol. 93, no. 3, pp. 357-370, March 2018. https://doi.org/10.1002/cyto.a.23249

[3] A.-A. Liu et al. Mitosis detection in phase contrast microscopy image sequences of stem cell populations: a
critical review. IEEE Transactions on Big Data, vol. 3, no. 4, pp. 443-457, October 2017.

[4] J. C. Caicedo et al. Evaluation of deep learning strategies for nucleus segmentation in fluorescence images.
Cytometry Part A, vol. 95, no. 9, pp. 952-965, September 2019. https://doi.org/10.1002/cyto.a.23863

[5] T. Falk et al. U-Net: deep learning for cell counting, detection, and morphometry. Nature Methods, vol.
16, no. 1, pp. 67-70, January 2019. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41592-018-0261-2


[6] E. Moen et al. Deep learning for cellular image analysis. Nature Methods, vol. 16, no. 12, pp. 1233-1246,
December 2019. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41592-019-0403-1

[7] Y. Li et al. Detection and tracking of overlapping cell nuclei for large scale mitosis analyses. BMC
Bioinformatics, vol. 17, no. 1, p. 183, April 2016. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12859-016-1030-9

[8] X. Lou et al. Active structured learning for cell tracking: algorithm, framework, and usability. IEEE
Transactions on Medical Imaging, vol. 33, no. 4, pp. 849-860, April 2014.

[9] E. Meijering et al. Methods for cell and particle tracking. Methods in Enzymology, vol. 504, no. 9, pp. 183-
200, February 2012. https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-391857-4.00009-4

[10] V. Ulman et al. An objective comparison of cell-tracking algorithms. Nature Methods, vol. 14, no. 2, pp.
1141-1152, December 2017. https://doi.org/10.1038/nmeth.4473

Copyright: UNSW CSE COMP9517 Team

Released: 15 October 2021
