COMP1003 – Lab 3 (6%+4%)
MIPS Assembly Programming 3
Due 11:59pm, Saturday, 20 November 2021
• Mergesort (6%):
Convert “merge” in Lab 3 into a subroutine. Write a “main” program to perform merge-sorting of
a list of integers by calling “merge” repeatedly. For example, if the sorting program takes
(6,5,9,1,7,0,-3,2) as input, it will produce a sorted list (-3,0,1,2,4,6,7,9).
The original unsorted list of integers should be received from the keyboard input. Your program
should first ask for the user to input the number of integers in the original list, and then ask for
inputting all the integers. The total number of integers to be sorted by this program should be a
power of 2. This means, the program should work with a list of 2, 4, 8, 16, or 32 (…) integers
(but your program needs only to handle up to 32 integers).
The final sorted list (in increasing order) should be stored in the data area, that starts with the
label “list:”. The sorted list should also be displayed on the screen (console).
You should not do this part by implementing a different sorting algorithm (e.g. quick sort). You
will receive 0% if you do not make use of “merge”, or if your sorted list is in decreasing order.
[HINTS]: The bottom-up approach of implementation without using recursion is to initially sort
the smallest possible sub-lists, and then merge every two neighboring sub-lists, until the whole
list is merged and sorted. This non-recursive approach is more efficient in general, and is thus
required for this assignment. [An alternative is to sort the list by dividing it into two sub-lists,
recursively sorting the sub-lists, and then joining the sub-lists together to give the sorted list. But
this recursive approach is not required in this assignment.]
• Speed Contest (Bonus 2%)
The top FOUR fastest submissions will be awarded with 0.5% – 2% bonus. The fastest gets 2%,
the 2nd fastest gets 1.5%, 3rd gets 1%, and 4th gets 0.5%. You should use the provided QtSPIM
version with clock cycle count. The only measure for the speed is the cycle count.
• Machine code -> MIPS (Bonus 2%)
During 2021 Zhuhai Hackers Conference, your company’s server computer was crashed by a
hacker (fabricated story☺). The hacker has left behind a paper with the following piece of
.globl count
count: .word 8
.globl list
list: .word -2,3,12,0,10,-3,9,5
.globl str
str: .asciiz “The result is:”
.globl space
space: .asciiz ” ”
.globl newln
newln: .asciiz “\n”
.align 2
.globl main
[0x00400020] 0x3c011001
[0x00400024] 0x342b0004
[0x00400028] 0x3c011001
[0x0040002c] 0x8c2e0000
[0x00400030] 0x000e6080
[0x00400034] 0x000ca021
[0x00400038] 0x000e6843
[0x0040003c] 0x018b6020
[0x00400040] 0x000d6880
[0x00400044] 0x01ab6820
[0x00400048] 0x218cfffc
[0x0040004c] 0x8d6f0000
[0x00400050] 0x8d900000
[0x00400054] 0xad700000
[0x00400058] 0xad8f0000
[0x0040005c] 0x216b0004
[0x00400060] 0x016d8822
[0x00400064] 0x1620fff9
[0x00400068] 0x34020004
[0x0040006c] 0x3c011001
[0x00400070] 0x34240024
li $15, 0
print: li $v0, 4
la $a0, space
lw $a0, list($15)
li $v0, 1
addi $15, $15, 4
slt $8, $15, $20
bnez $8, print
li $v0, 4
la $a0, newln
li $v0, 10
As an acknowledged expert of MIPS assembly, you realize that this is the critical part of the
server software with addresses (labels) on the left and machine code on the right. You now try to
save the server by translating the machine code to make a complete and sensible MIPS program.
(Your tasks: write down the sequence of equivalent MIPS assembly instructions, and state what
will be printed on the console window if the complete program is executed).
You should store your mergesort program in one SINGLE file called “X.s”, where “X” is your
last name (use only the first eight characters if it is more than eight). At the top of the program,
use comments (starting with “#”) to write your name and also comment how your programs are
implemented. Your submitted program must be in plain text format and must be runnable on the
provided QtSPIM. Put your answers to the Bonus question AND YOUR NAME in a WORD or
plain text document (call it “Bonus.doc”, or “Bonus.txt”), and compress it with your mergesort
program before submitting to iSpace.
In general, you need to document clearly which instruction does what in terms of the problem
solving (instead of saying “#add 4 to $s1 and send back” for “addi $s1, $s1, 4”), and which
register stores what data (e.g. list index, counter, etc). Write your general comments on top of
your program and specific comments after individual instructions.
There will be no extension of the deadline and late submissions will be penalized (1% deducted
for each day delay and no submissions accepted after 3-day delay).