High Performance Web Sites
Much of the material derives from
Steve Souders (SpeedCurve) and Tenni
Theurer (Visa), 2006 research at Yahoo!
1(C) 2009 – 2021 Ellis Horowitz and Marco Papa
The Importance of Front-End
The graph shows the
time taken to download
an html file and various
associated image files,
JavaScript files, and CSS files.
Note the time to download
the html is a very small
percentage of the total
(See browser tools Network
tabs showing “timeline”)
2(C) 2009 – 2021 Ellis Horowitz and Marco Papa
percentage of time spent on the front-end
Where Is The Most Of The Time Spent
Empty Cache Full Cache
amazon.com 82% 86%
aol.com 94% 86%
cnn.com 81% 92%
ebay.com 98% 92%
google.com 86% 64%
msn.com 97% 95%
myspace.com 96% 86%
wikipedia.org 80% 88%
yahoo.com 95% 88%
youtube.com 97% 95%
A study of popular
web pages and the
time to download them
showed that the vast
majority of time is spent
on the client side;
This is true even if the
page has been cached
(C) 2009 – 2021 Ellis Horowitz and Marco Papa 3
The Performance Golden Rule
• 80-90% of the end-user response time is spent
on the front-end. So, start there.
– Greater potential for improvement
– Simpler to optimize
– Proven to work
4(C) 2009 – 2021 Ellis Horowitz and Marco Papa
80/20 Performance Rule
• Vilfredo Pareto, Italian economist, “Pareto Principle”:
– “80% of the consequences come from 20% of the causes”
• Software Engineering: “80% of time spent in 20% of the code”
• Focus on the 20% that affects 80% of the end-user response
• Web pages: 10% spent fetching HTML, 90% spent on fetching
Images, scripts and stylesheets
• I.e. , start at the front-end
5(C) 2009 – 2021 Ellis Horowitz and Marco Papa
Yahoo Interface / Engineering Blogs
Most of the work on how to improve the
performance of Web sites was done by Steve
Souders and Tenni Theurer at Yahoo.com. Original
blog “Performance ” presentation (2006-2011):
Steve Souders was Head Performance Engineer at
Google, Chief Performance at Yahoo and Fastly, a
CDN, and now is at SpeedCurve. See his work at:
“SpeedCurve provides insight into the interaction
between performance and design to help
companies deliver fast and engaging user
Tenni Theurer moved to VISA.
6(C) 2009 – 2021 Ellis Horowitz and Marco Papa
The importance of cache – Experiment
• An “empty cache”means the browser bypasses the disk cache and has to request all the components to load
the page.
• A “full cache”means all (or at least most) of the components are found in the disk cache and the
corresponding HTTP requests are avoided
• Experiment: Try to determine what the percentage of people is who load a home page when there are no
elements of the page in the user’s cache?
• Solution: add a new image (a pixel) to your page, e.g.
• With the following response headers:
Expires: thu, 15 Apr 2008 20:00:00 GMT (an earlier date than today)
Last-Modified: Wed, 28 Sep 2009 23:49:57 GMT (today’s date)
• The Expires makes sure the page is not cached; the Last-Modified makes sure the server will have to check if
blank.gif has changed
• Requests from a browser will produce one of these response status codes
– 200 – the server is sending back the image implying the browser does not have the image in its cache
– 304 – the browser has the image in its cache, and the server responds saying it has not been modified
• Compute the following numbers:
– Percentage of users who view with an empty cache ::=
• (# unique users with at least one 200 response)/(total # unique users)
– Percentage of page views that are done with an empty cache ::=
• (total # of 200 responses) / (# of 200 + # of 304 responses)
(C) 2009 – 2021 Ellis Horowitz and Marco Papa 7
The importance of cache – Experiment (2)
• See: https://www.stevesouders.com/blog/2008/04/30/high-performance-web-sites-part-2/
(C) 2009 – 2021 Ellis Horowitz and Marco Papa 8
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
day of experiment
unique users with empty cache
page views with empty cache
Surprising Results Lessons:
The empty cache user is more prevalent than one might think
page views with
empty cache
users with
empty cache
9(C) 2009 – 2021 Ellis Horowitz and Marco Papa
On the first day no one
has the images cached,
but over time more people
have the image until a
steady state is reached;
Result: 40-60% of yahoo
users have an empty cache
experience and 20% of page
views are done with an
empty cache. Even if your assets
are optimized for maximum
caching, there are a significant
number of users that will
always have an empty cache.
Impact of Cookies on Response Time
Cookie Size time Delta
0 bytes 78ms 0ms
500 bytes 79ms +1 ms
1000 bytes 94ms +16ms
1500 bytes 109ms +31ms
2000 bytes 125ms +47ms
2500 bytes 141ms +63ms
3000 bytes 156ms +78ms
ms = millisecond (at ~800kbps, DSL speed)
(Note: today’s cookies are much bigger in size, as big as megabytes)
(C) 2009 – 2021 Ellis Horowitz and Marco Papa 10
Analysis of Cookie Sizes Across the Web
Website total Cookie Size (2007)
Amazon 60 bytes
Google 72 bytes
Yahoo 122 bytes
Cnn 184 bytes
Youtube 218 bytes
msn 268 bytes
eBay 331 bytes
MySpace 500 bytes
(C) 2009 – 2021 Ellis Horowitz and Marco Papa 11
• eliminate unnecessary cookies
• keep cookie sizes low
• set cookies at appropriate
domain level
• set Expires date appropriately
an earlier date or none removes
the cookie sooner
• Unfortunately, today’s cookie
sizes are much, much bigger
The “initial” 14 Rules
1. Make fewer HTTP requests
2. Use a CDN (content distribution network)
3. Add an Expires header
4. Gzip components
5. Put stylesheets at the top
6. Move scripts to the bottom
7. Avoid CSS expressions
8. Make JS and CSS external
9. Reduce DNS lookups
10. Minify JS
11. Avoid redirects
12. Remove duplicate scripts
13. Configure Etags
14. Make AJAX cacheable
See the slides: https://stevesouders.com/docs/rich-web-experience-souders-theurer.ppt
Details on all the rules to follow
12(C) 2009 – 2021 Ellis Horowitz and Marco Papa
Rule 1: Make fewer HTTP requests
• Most browsers download only two resources at a time from a given
hostname, as suggested in the HTTP/1.1 specification
– However, some browsers open more than two connections per hostname
• To reduce the number of HTTP requests
– Combine scripts
– Combine style sheets
– Combine images into an image map
– Combine images using “sprites” (see next slide)
• Drawbacks
– Images must be contiguous
– Defining area coordinates is error prone
13(C) 2009 – 2021 Ellis Horowitz and Marco Papa
CSS Sprites
• An image sprite is a collection of images put into a single image
• Using images sprites reduces the number of server requests and saves bandwidth
• Consider img_navsprites.gif
which includes 3 separate images
The code

• width:46px;height:44px; – Defines the portion of the image we want to use
• background:url(img_navsprites.gif) 0 0; – Defines the background image and its position (left 0px, top 0px)
• Check google.com with browser tools Network Net tab. See the image images/nav_logo242.png
(C) 2009 – 2021 Ellis Horowitz and Marco Papa 14
Rule 2: Use a CDN
• Content Distribution
Networks have servers
around the world
• They distribute your content
so downloads can come from
a nearby location
• Major CDN providers are
– Akamai
• Distributes MacOS and iOS updates
– SAVVis
– Limelight
– OnApp
– BityGravity
– Amazon CloudFront
• Free CDNs [for individuals]
– CloudFlare (+free Cert)
– BootstrapCDN
– Incapsula
15(C) 2009 – 2021 Ellis Horowitz and Marco Papa
amazon.com Akamai
aol.com Akamai
cnn.com cdn.turner.com
ebay.com Akamai, Mirror Image
google.com Google CDN
msn.com SAVVIS
myspace.com Akamai, Limelight
wikipedia.org – not using CDN —
yahoo.com Akamai
youtube.com Google CDN, Akamai
apple.com Akamai
More on Use a CDN: Akamai
Follow visualizing web application attacks
(C) 2009 – 2021 Ellis Horowitz and Marco Papa 16
Rule 3: Add an Expires Header
• All caches use a set of rules to determine whether to deliver an object from the cache or
request a new version
– If the object’s headers tell the cache not to keep the object, it won’t
– If the object is authenticated or secure, it won’t be cached
– A cached object is “fresh” (able to be sent to a client without checking with the server) if
• It has an expiry time or other age-controlling directive that is set and still within the fresh
• If a browser cache has already seen the object and has been set to check once a session
• If a proxy cache has seen the object recently, and it was modified long ago
– If an object is “stale”, the origin server will be asked to validate the object or tell the cache whether the
copy that is has is still good
• As part of HTTP protocol there is a Cache-Control header
– Cache-Control is an alternative to Expires
– When cache-control: max-age is present, the response is stale if its current age is greater than
the age value given (in seconds) at the time of a new request for the resource
– The max-age directive on a response implies that the response is cacheable
• HTTP headers are sent by the server before the HTML, and only seen by the browser and any
intermediate caches. Typical HTTP 1.1 response headers might look like this:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Fri, 30 Oct 1998 13:19:41 GMT
Server: Apache/1.3.3 (Unix)
Cache-Control: max-age=3600, must-revalidate
Expires: Fri, 30 Oct 1998 14:19:41 GMT
Last-Modified: Mon, 29 Jun 1998 02:28:12 GMT
ETag: “3e86-410-3596fbbc”
Content-Length: 1040
Content-Type: text/html
17(C) 2009 – 2021 Ellis Horowitz and Marco Papa
More on Adding Expire Headers
• Here is a way to add an Expires header to files using the Apache httpd.conf
file; add the lines:
Header set Expires “Thu, 15 Apr 2020 20:00:00 GMT”
• An Apache module enables / modifies expire headers:
• Apache Module mod_expire:
– http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.2/mod/mod_expires.html
– This module controls the setting of the Expires HTTP header and the max-
age directive of the Cache-Control HTTP header in server responses. The
expiration date can set to be relative to either the time the source file was last
modified, or to the time of the client access.
– ExpiresDefault “access plus 1 month”
– ExpiresByType image/gif “modification plus 5 hours 3
• For information on adding Expire headers and cache control to IIS 7, see:
– http://www.iis.net/configreference/system.webserver/staticcontent/clientcac
– http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10825497/iis-7-5-how-do-you-add-a-
18(C) 2009 – 2021 Ellis Horowitz and Marco Papa
Rule 4: Gzip Components
• Compression works when a web
server like Apache is set up to
“compress” resources and when a
client’s browser accepts such
compressed resources.
• During the initial negotiation, if
both browser and server support at
least one “common” compression
method (gzip, compress, etc) then
the transfer is compressed.
GET / HTTP/1.1
Accept-Encoding: gzip,deflate
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Vary: Accept-Encoding
Content-Encoding: gzip
• 99% of browsers support
19(C) 2009 – 2021 Ellis Horowitz and Marco Papa
More on Gzip’ing Components
• Apache Module mod_deflate (supports gzip and deflate):
– http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.0/mod/mod_deflate.html
– Allows output from the server to be compressed before being sent to the client
– AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/html text/plain text/xml
• Apache Module mod_gzip:
– http://sourceforge.net/projects/mod-gzip/
– This is the older compression module for Apache
• See “Compressing Web Content with mod_gzip and mod_deflate”:
– http://www.linuxjournal.com/article/6802
• Microsoft “Using IIS Compression”:
– https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/iis/extensions/iis-compression/using-iis-compression
• Compression with Nginx
– To enable compression, use directive “gzip on”
– By default, Nginx compresses only text/html
– https://docs.nginx.com/nginx/admin-guide/web-server/compression/
20(C) 2009 – 2021 Ellis Horowitz and Marco Papa
Rule 5: Put Stylesheets at the top
• Stylesheets block rendering in IE; IE will examine all stylesheets before starting to
render, so its best to
– Put stylesheets in the
• Firefox doesn’t wait, it renders objects immediately and re-draws if it finds a
stylesheet; that causes flashing during loading;
– Put stylesheets in the
• Use (not @import)
– There are two ways to load stylesheets
– includes the stylesheet in the web page
• General Rule for using @import
– Link to a stylesheet for a specific page, but import a stylesheet that applies to
all pages
21(C) 2009 – 2021 Ellis Horowitz and Marco Papa
Rule 6: Move Scripts to the Bottom
• As the loading of JavaScript can cause
the browser to stop rendering the page
until the JavaScript is fully loaded, one
can avoid the delay by moving scripts to
the bottom
• Example: move jQuery and Bootstrap
libraries reference right before
• A second option is the defer attribute
•“defer” script attribute indicates that
the script is not going to generate any
document content. The browser can
continue parsing and drawing the page
22(C) 2009 – 2021 Ellis Horowitz and Marco Papa
andscroll down to “defer”
Rule 7: Avoid CSS Expressions (obsolete)
• Used to set CSS properties dynamically in IE
Width: expression(document.body.clientWidth < 600 ? “600px” : “auto”);
• Problem: expression may execute many times
– Mouse moves, key press, resize, scroll, etc
• Alternatives
– One-time expressions
– Event handlers
• Expression overwrites itself
• Note: no longer relevant, as fixed in later versions of IE
function altBgcolor(elem) { elem.style.backgroundColor =
(new Date()).getHours()%2 ? “F08A00” : “#B8D4FF”; }
23(C) 2009 – 2021 Ellis Horowitz and Marco Papa
Rule 8: Make JS and CSS External
• JavaScript can be placed inline, e.g
• Or as an external script, e.g.
• Placing JavaScript and CSS inline makes the document bigger
• Making JavaScript and CSS external implies more HTTP requests, but
– As HTML documents are not typically cached, so inlining JavaScript code will cause the
same bytes to be downloaded on every page view
– External JS and CSS can be cached
• Defining JavaScript externally is typically better
• Download external files after onload
window.onload = downloadComponents;
function downloadComponents ( ) {
var elem = document.createElement(“script”);
elem.src = http://…/file1.js;
. . . . .
24(C) 2009 – 2021 Ellis Horowitz and Marco Papa
Rule 9: Reduce DNS lookups
• Typically each look up takes 20 – 120 milliseconds
• DNS lookups will block parallel downloads
• The operating system and the browser both have DNS caches
• As a general rule it is best to reduce the number of unique hostnames
used in a web page
25(C) 2009 – 2021 Ellis Horowitz and Marco Papa
Rule 10: Minify JavaScript
• Minification, or minify, is the process of removing
all unnecessary characters from source code,
without changing its functionality
– Unnecessary characters usually include:
white space characters, new line characters,
comments , block delimiters used to add
readability to code, but are not required for
• There are many programs that minify JavaScript
code, see
(JSmin, packer, Google Closure Compiler)
• See this website for example of minification (pure-
min.css: purecss.io
26(C) 2009 – 2021 Ellis Horowitz and Marco Papa
Minified JavaScript
• Example of “minified code” is the Google Maps engine at:
• An example of “minified library” is Bootstrap at:
• You can use PHP code from Google (HTTP server for minification)
to do the job of minifying CSS & JavaScript :
• The original JSMin minifier from Crockford:
• An on-the-fly minifier of JavaScript/CSS for IIS can be found here:
27(C) 2009 – 2021 Ellis Horowitz and Marco Papa
28(C) 2009 – 2021 Ellis Horowitz and Marco Papa
Minify vs. Obfuscate
An obfuscator minifies but also makes modifications to the program,
changing variable names, function names, etc. making it much harder
to understand; JSMin and Dojo are two minifiers
Rule 11: Avoid Redirects
• Redirects are used to map users from one URL to another
• However, redirects insert an extra HTTP round-trip between user and origin server
• PHP Redirect
Header( "HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently" ); Header( "Location: http://www.new-url.com" ); ?>
• JSP (Java) Redirect
response.setHeader( "Location", "http://www.new-url.com/" );
response.setHeader( "Connection", "close" );
• CGI PERL Redirect
$q = new CGI;
print $q->redirect(“http://www.new-url.com/”);
• Redirect Old domain to New domain (htaccess redirect)
– Create a .htaccess file with the below code, it will ensure that all your directories and pages of your old
domain will get correctly redirected to your new domain.
The .htaccess file needs to be placed in the root directory of your old website (i.e the same directory where
your index file is placed)
Options +FollowSymLinks
RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule (.*) http://www.newdomain.com/$1 [R=301,L]
– REPLACE www.newdomain.com in the above code with your actual domain name.
– contact every backlinking site to modify their backlink to point to your new website.
– Note* This .htaccess method of redirection works ONLY on Linux servers having the Apache Mod-Rewrite module
29(C) 2009 – 2021 Ellis Horowitz and Marco Papa
Rule 11: Avoid Redirects
30(C) 2009 – 2021 Ellis Horowitz and Marco Papa
Rule 12: Remove Duplicate Scripts
• Hurts performance
– Extra HTTP requests (IE only)
– Extra executions
• Is it atypical?
– 2 of the top 10 websites contain duplicate scripts
(JS and CSS)
31(C) 2009 – 2021 Ellis Horowitz and Marco Papa
Rule 13: Configure ETags
• Etags are used by clients and servers to verify that a cached resource is
– To check that the resource (image, script, stylesheet, etc.) in the browser’s cache
matches the one on the server
– If there is a match, the server returns a 304
• Unique identifier returned in response
Etag: “c8897e-aee-4165acf0”
Last-Modified: Thu, 07 Oct 2008 20:54:08 GMT
• Used in conditional GET requests
If-None-Match: “c8897e-aee-4165acf0”
If-Modified-Since: Thu, 07 Oct 2008 20:54:08 GMT
• If Etag doesn’t match, can’t send 304
• Etag format varies across web servers
– Apache: inode-size-timestamp
– IIS: FileTimestamp:ChangeNumber
• Use ‘em or lose ‘em
– Apache: FileETag none
– IIS: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/922703/
– http://stackoverflow.com/questions/477913/how-do-i-remove-etag-headers-from-
iis7 32(C) 2009 – 2021 Ellis Horowitz and Marco Papa
Rule 14: Make AJAX Cacheable and small
• The URL of an AJAX request is included inside the HTML; as it is not bookmarked or
linked to, the requesting page can be cached by the browser
• The AJAX request URL should include a dynamic variable, e.g., dateAndtime, so if
the page is changed at the server, the new page will be downloaded
• As long as the AJAX request page has not changed, e.g., an address book would
change infrequently, it is best to have the browser cache it
• See http://blog.httpwatch.com/2009/08/07/ajax-caching-two-important-facts/ for
more details. In general, use of these response headers that make AJAX response
– Expires, Last-Modified, Cache-Control
– Example: stock quote that updates every 10 seconds
GET /yab/[…]&r=0.5289571 HTTP/1.1
Host: us.xxx.mail.yahoo.com
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: thu, 12 Apr 2007 19:39:09 GMT
Cache-Control: private, max-age=0
Last-Modified: Sat, 31 Mar 2007 01:17:17 GMT
Content-type: text/xml; charset=utf-8
Content-Encoding: gzip
33(C) 2009 – 2021 Ellis Horowitz and Marco Papa
Updated Yahoo Best Practices (2011)
Yahoo updated their list of best practices in 2011. See:
1.Flush the buffer early
2.Use GET for AJAX requests
3.Post-load components
4.Preload Components
5.Reduce the number of DOM Elements
6.Split Components Across Domains
7.Minimize the number of iframes
8.No 404s
9.Reduce cookie size
10.Use cookie-free domains for components
11.Minimize DOM access
12.Develop smart event handlers
13.Avoid filters
14.Optimize images
15.Optimize CSS sprites
16.Don’t scale images in html
17.Make favicon.ico small and cacheable
18.Keep components under 25K
19.Pack components into a multipart document
20.Avoid Empty image src
34(C) 2009 – 2021 Ellis Horowitz and Marco Papa
Some New Rules (2011)
• Avoid empty src or href
You may expect a browser to do nothing when it encounters an empty image src.
However, it is not the case in most browsers. IE makes a request to the directory in
which the page is located; Safari, Chrome, Firefox make a request to the actual
page itself. This behavior could possibly corrupt user data, waste server computing
cycles generating a page that will never be viewed, and in the worst case, cripple
your servers by sending a large amount of unexpected traffic.
• Use GET for AJAX requests
When using the XMLHttpRequest object, the browser implements POST in two steps:
(1) send the headers, and (2) send the data. It is better to use GET instead of POST
since GET sends the headers and the data together (unless there are many
cookies). IE’s maximum URL length is 2 KB, so if you are sending more than this
amount of data you may not be able to use GET.
• Reduce the number of DOM elements
A complex page means more bytes to download, and it also means slower DOM
access in JavaScript. Reduce the number of DOM elements on the page to improve
35(C) 2009 – 2021 Ellis Horowitz and Marco Papa
Some New Rules (cont’d)
• Avoid HTTP 404 (Not Found) error
Making an HTTP request and receiving a 404 (Not Found) error is expensive and degrades the
user experience. Some sites have helpful 404 messages (for example, “Did you mean …?”),
which may assist the user, but server resources are still wasted.
• Reduce cookie size
HTTP cookies are used for authentication, personalization, and other purposes. Cookie
information is exchanged in the HTTP headers between web servers and the browser, so
keeping the cookie size small minimizes the impact on response time.
• Use cookie-free domains
When the browser requests a static image and sends cookies with the request, the server ignores
the cookies. These cookies are unnecessary network traffic. Make sure that static component
requests are cookie-free (i.e., use static.mydomain.com to serve static content).
• Do not scale images in HTML
Web page designers sometimes set image dimensions by using the width and height attributes of
the HTML image element. Avoid doing this since it can result in images being larger than
needed. For example, if your page requires image myimg.jpg which has dimensions 240×720
but displays it with dimensions 120×360 using the width and height attributes, then the
browser will download an image that is larger than necessary. (This rule conflicts with
Responsive Web Design patterns)
36(C) 2009 – 2021 Ellis Horowitz and Marco Papa
Some New Rules (cont’d)
• Make favicon small and cacheable
A favicon is an icon associated with a web page; this icon resides in the favicon.ico file in the
server’s root. Since the browser requests this file, it needs to be present; if it is missing, the
browser returns a 404 error (see “Avoid HTTP 404 (Not Found) error” above). Since
favicon.ico resides in the server’s root, each time the browser requests this file, the cookies
for the server’s root are sent. Making the favicon small and reducing the cookie size for the
server’s root cookies improves performance for retrieving the favicon. Making favicon.ico
cacheable avoids frequent requests for it. Set expires header to a few months into the future,
and limit size to 1K.
37(C) 2009 – 2021 Ellis Horowitz and Marco Papa
Updated Yahoo Best Practices (2012)
1. Minimize HTTP Requests
2. Use a Content Delivery Network
3. Add an Expires or a Cache-Control Header
4. Gzip Components
5. Put Stylesheets at the Top
6. Put Scripts at the Bottom
7. Avoid CSS Expressions
8. Make JavaScript and CSS External
9. Reduce DNS Lookups
10. Minify JavaScript and CSS
11. Avoid Redirects
12. Remove Duplicate Scripts
13. Configure Etags
14. Make Ajax Cacheable
15. Flush the Buffer Early
16. Use GET for AJAX Requests
17. Post-load Components
18. Preload Components
19. Reduce the Number of DOM Elements
20. Split Components Across Domains
21. Minimize the Number of iframes
22. No 404s
23. Reduce Cookie Size
24. Use Cookie-free Domains for Components
25. Minimize DOM Access
26. Develop Smart Event Handlers
27. Choose over @import
28. Avoid Filters
29. Optimize Images
30. Optimize CSS Sprites
31. Don’t Scale Images in HTML
32. Make favicon.ico Small and Cacheable
33. Keep Components under 25K
34. Pack Components into a Multipart Document
35. Avoid Empty Image src
38(C) 2009 – 2021 Ellis Horowitz and Marco Papa
Only 23 rules
can be tested
with YSlow (no
longer available)
Yslow (obsolete)
• http://developer.yahoo.com/yslo
w (retired)
• Grades web pages for each rule
described earlier
• Firefox add-on
• Minimize HTTP requests
• Add an expires header
• Gzip components
• Tests 23 rules (Yslow V2) or
original 14 rules (Classic V1)
• Original version stopped working
with Firefox 46.
39(C) 2009 – 2021 Ellis Horowitz and Marco Papa
Demonstrate Google’s PageSpeed Insights
• Google offers a similar service to
Yahoo’s YSlow called PageSpeed
Insights. See:
• Enter the URL to test at:
• For Chrome info go to:
• Page Speed is also available in Google
• PageSpeed can integrate with Apache
and Nginx web server to
automatically optimize your site
(C) 2009 – 2021 Ellis Horowitz and Marco Papa 40
Efficient “lazy” Loading of JavaScript
• Loading JavaScript takes time, but one possible approach is to split the initial payload.
• Problems:
– – JavaScript execution in the browser is single threaded, so while you are loading the modules in the background, the rest
of your app becomes non-responsive to user actions while the modules load.
– – It is difficult to decide when, and in what order, to load the modules.
• The Google Solution
– write each module into a separate script tag and hide the code inside a comment block (/* */). When the resource first
loads, none of the code is parsed since it is commented out. To load a module, find the DOM element for the
corresponding script tag, strip out the comment block, and eval() the code.
– Implications: Once the code arrives, modules are eval’ed on an as-needed basis, without the delay of actually
downloading the script. The eval does take time, but this is minimal and is tied to the user’s actions, so it makes sense
from the user’s perspective.
• Here is an example of how Google loads its JavaScript (see http://googlecode.blogspot.com/2009/09/gmail-for-mobile-html5-
// Make sure you strip out (or replace) comment blocks in your JavaScript first.
/* JavaScript of lazy module */
function stripOutCommentBlock(code) { return code.replace(/^[\s\xA0]+\/\*|\*\/[\s\xA0]+$/g, ""); }
function lazyLoad() { var lazyElement = document.getElementById('lazy');
var lazyElementBody = lazyElement.innerHTML;
var jsCode = stripOutCommentBlock(lazyElementBody);
eval(jsCode); }
(C) 2009 – 2021 Ellis Horowitz and Marco Papa 42
43(C) 2009 – 2021 Ellis Horowitz and Marco Papa
book: http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/9780596514211/
examples: http://stevesouders.com/examples/
image maps: http://www.w3.org/TR/html401/struct/objects.html#h-13.6
CSS sprites: http://alistapart.com/articles/sprites
inline images: http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2397
jsmin: http://crockford.com/javascript/jsmin
dojo compressor: http://dojotoolkit.org/docs/shrinksafe
HTTP status codes: http://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec10.html
Fasterfox: http://fasterfox.mozdev.org/
YUIBlog: (deleted)