# nerdata.py
from typing import List
Copyright By PowCoder代写 加微信 powcoder
class Token:
Abstraction to bundle words with POS and syntactic chunks for featurization
word: string
pos: string part-of-speech
chunk: string representation of the syntactic chunk (e.g., I-NP). These can be useful
features but you don’t need to use them.
def __init__(self, word: str, pos: str, chunk: str):
self.word = word
self.pos = pos
self.chunk = chunk
def __repr__(self):
return “Token(%s, %s, %s)” % (self.word, self.pos, self.chunk)
def __str__(self):
return self.__repr__()
class Chunk:
Thin wrapper around a start and end index coupled with a label, representing,
e.g., a chunk PER over the span (3,5). Indices are semi-inclusive, so (3,5)
contains tokens 3 and 4 (0-based indexing).
label: str
def __init__(self, start_idx: int, end_idx: int, label: str):
self.start_idx = start_idx
self.end_idx = end_idx
self.label = label
def __repr__(self):
return “(” + repr(self.start_idx) + “, ” + repr(self.end_idx) + “, ” + self.label + “)”
def __str__(self):
return self.__repr__()
def __eq__(self, other):
if isinstance(other, self.__class__):
return self.start_idx == other.start_idx and self.end_idx == other.end_idx and self.label == other.label
return False
def __ne__(self, other):
return not self.__eq__(other)
def __hash__(self):
return hash(self.start_idx) + hash(self.end_idx) + hash(self.label)
class LabeledSentence:
Thin wrapper over a sequence of Tokens representing a sentence and an optional set of chunks
representation NER labels, which are also stored as BIO tags
tokens: list[Token]
chunks: list[Chunk]
bio_tags: list[str]
def __init__(self, tokens: List[Token], chunks: List[Chunk]):
self.tokens = tokens
self.chunks = chunks
if chunks is None:
self.bio_tags = None
self.bio_tags = bio_tags_from_chunks(self.chunks, len(self.tokens))
def __repr__(self):
return repr([repr(tok) for tok in self.tokens]) + “\n” + repr([repr(chunk) for chunk in self.chunks])
def __str__(self):
return self.__repr__()
def __len__(self):
return len(self.tokens)
def get_bio_tags(self):
return self.bio_tags
def isB(ner_tag: str):
We store NER tags as strings, but they contain two pieces: a coarse tag type (BIO) and a label (PER), e.g. B-PER
:param ner_tag:
return ner_tag.startswith(“B”)
def isI(ner_tag: str):
return ner_tag.startswith(“I”)
def isO(ner_tag: str):
return ner_tag == “O”
def get_tag_label(ner_tag: str):
:param ner_tag:
:return: The label component of the NER tag: e.g., returns PER for B-PER
if len(ner_tag) > 2:
return ner_tag[2:]
return None
def chunks_from_bio_tag_seq(bio_tags: List[str]) -> List[Chunk]:
Convert BIO tags to (start, end, label) chunk representations.
He met Barack Obama yesterday
=> [Chunk(2, 4, PER)]
N.B. this method only works because chunks are non-overlapping in this data
:param bio_tags: list[str] of BIO tags
:return: list[Chunk] encodings of the NER chunks
chunks = []
curr_tok_start = -1
curr_tok_label = “”
for idx, tag in enumerate(bio_tags):
if isB(tag):
label = get_tag_label(tag)
if curr_tok_label != “”:
chunks.append(Chunk(curr_tok_start, idx, curr_tok_label))
curr_tok_label = label
curr_tok_start = idx
elif isI(tag):
label = get_tag_label(tag)
if label != curr_tok_label:
print(“WARNING: invalid tag sequence (I after O); ignoring the I: %s” % bio_tags)
else: # isO(tag):
if curr_tok_label != “”:
chunks.append(Chunk(curr_tok_start, idx, curr_tok_label))
curr_tok_label = “”
curr_tok_start = -1
# If the sentence ended in the middle of a tag
if curr_tok_start >= 0:
chunks.append(Chunk(curr_tok_start, len(bio_tags), curr_tok_label))
return chunks
def bio_tags_from_chunks(chunks: List[Chunk], sent_len: int) -> List[str]:
Converts a chunk representation back to BIO tags
:param chunks:
:param sent_len:
for i in range(0, sent_len):
matching_chunks = list(filter(lambda chunk: chunk.start_idx <= i and i < chunk.end_idx, chunks))
if len(matching_chunks) > 0:
if i == matching_chunks[0].start_idx:
tags.append(“B-” + matching_chunks[0].label)
tags.append(“I-” + matching_chunks[0].label)
return tags
def read_data(file: str) -> List[LabeledSentence]:
Reads a dataset in the CoNLL format from a file
The format is one token per line:
[word] [POS] [syntactic chunk] *potential junk column* [NER tag]
One blank line appears after each sentence
:param file: string filename to read
:return: list[LabeledSentence]
f = open(file)
sentences = []
curr_tokens = []
curr_bio_tags = []
for line in f:
stripped = line.strip()
if stripped != “”:
fields = stripped.split(” “)
if len(fields) == 4 or len(fields) == 5:
curr_tokens.append(Token(fields[0], fields[1], fields[2]))
elif stripped == “” and len(curr_tokens) > 0:
sentences.append(LabeledSentence(curr_tokens, chunks_from_bio_tag_seq(curr_bio_tags)))
curr_tokens = []
curr_bio_tags = []
return sentences
def print_evaluation(gold_sentences: List[LabeledSentence], guess_sentences: List[LabeledSentence], print_out: bool=True) -> List[float]:
Evaluates the guess sentences with respect to the gold sentences
:param gold_sentences:
:param guess_sentences:
:return: List[float] containing precision, recall, and f1 as proportions ([0-1])
correct = 0
num_pred = 0
num_gold = 0
for gold, guess in zip(gold_sentences, guess_sentences):
correct += len(set(guess.chunks) & set(gold.chunks))
num_pred += len(guess.chunks)
num_gold += len(gold.chunks)
if num_pred == 0:
prec = correct/float(num_pred)
if num_gold == 0:
rec = correct/float(num_gold)
if prec == 0 and rec == 0:
f1 = 2 * prec * rec / (prec + rec)
if print_out:
print(“Labeled F1: ” + “{0:.2f}”.format(f1 * 100) +\
“, precision: %i/%i” % (correct, num_pred) + ” = ” + “{0:.2f}”.format(prec * 100) + \
“, recall: %i/%i” % (correct, num_gold) + ” = ” + “{0:.2f}”.format(rec * 100))
return [prec, rec, f1]
# Writes labeled_sentences to outfile in the CoNLL format
def print_output(labeled_sentences, outfile):
f = open(outfile, ‘w’)
for sentence in labeled_sentences:
bio_tags = sentence.get_bio_tags()
for i in range(0, len(sentence)):
tok = sentence.tokens[i]
f.write(tok.word + ” ” + tok.pos + ” ” + tok.chunk + ” ” + bio_tags[i] + “\n”)
print(“Wrote predictions on %i labeled sentences to %s” % (len(labeled_sentences), outfile))
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