CS计算机代考程序代写 data structure algorithm COMP2521

Data Structures & Algorithms

Week 7.3
Minimum Spanning Trees


In this lecture


We need efficient ways to generate minimum spanning
trees from a graph


Minimum Spanning Trees
Kruskal’s Algorithm
Prim’s Algorithm


Minimum Spanning Tree

Spanning Tree (ST) of a graph G = (V, E):
Contains all vertices (spanning)
Contains no cycles (tree)
ST is a connected subgraph of G

Minimum Spanning Tree (MST) of a graph G = (V, E)
MST is a spanning tree of G
Sum of edge weights is no larger than any other ST

Applications? Electrical grids, networks. Essentially anything where we

want to connect nodes assuming that edge lengths are costly.

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Minimum Spanning Tree

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Minimum Spanning Tree

How do we find the MSTs for a Graph?

One possible strategy is to just brute force: Generate all spanning
trees, calculate total weight of each, and find the minimum. However,

this is very expensive.

Thankfully, others have developed algorithms for us. Today we will
explore just two of them.

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Kruskal’s Algorithm

Kruskal’s algorithm is one approach for computing an MST:

1. Start with an empty MST
2. Consider edges in increasing weight order:

1. Add edge if it does not form a cycle in the MST
3. Repeat until V-1 edges are added

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Kruskal’s Algorithm

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Kruskal’s Algorithm

MST=empty graph
sort edges(G) by weight
for each e ∈ sortedEdgeList:
MST = MST ∪ {e} // add edge
if MST has a cyle:
MST = MST \ {e} // drop edge
if MST has n-1 edges:
return MST


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Kruskal’s Algorithm

Rough time complexity analysis …

sorting edge list is O(E·log E)
at least V  iterations over sorted edges
on each iteration …

getting next lowest cost edge is O(1)
checking whether adding it forms a cycle: cost = O(V^2)

Possibilities for cycle checking:

use DFS … too expensive?
could use Union-Find data structure (see Sedgewick Ch.1)

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Prim’s Algorithm

Prim’s algorithm is one approach for computing an MST:

1. start from any vertex v and empty MST
2. choose edge not already in MST to add to MST;  must be:

connects a vertex in MST to a vertex not in MST
minimal weight of all such edges

3. repeat until MST covers all vertices

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Prim’s Algorithm

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Prim’s Algorithm

MST = empty graph
usedV = {0}
unusedE = edges(g)
while |usedV| < n: find e = (s,t,w) ∈ unusedE such that { s ∈ usedV ∧ t ∉ usedV (∧ w is min weight of all such edges) } MST = MST ∪ {e} usedV = usedV ∪ {t} unusedE = unusedE \ {e} return MST 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 5 . 3 Prim's Algorithm Rough time complexity analysis … V  iterations of outer loop in each iteration, finding min-weighted edge … with set of edges is O(E) ⇒ O(V·E) overall with priority queue is O(log E) ⇒ O(V·log E) overall Note: have seen stack-based (DFS) and queue-based (BFS) traversals using a priority queue gives another non-recursive traversal 5 . 4 Feedback 6