CS计算机代考程序代写 data structure algorithm COMP2521

Data Structures & Algorithms

Week 7.4
Shortest Path



In this lecture


Finding the shortest path through a graph is one of the
most common use cases


Shortest Path
Edge Relaxation
Dijkstra’s Algorithm


Shortest Path

We’re going to search for the shortest path between two vertices
on a weighted graph with non-negative weights.

….Pretty much just a BFS with weighted edges….


3 . 1

Shortest Path

Shortest paths from s  to all other vertices:

dist[] V-indexed array of cost of shortest path from s
pred[] V-indexed array of predecessor in shortest path from s

3 . 2

Edge Relaxation

Edge relaxation occurs whilst we are exploring a graph for the
shortest path. This is because dist[] and pred[] show the shortest

path so far.

If we have:

dist[v] is length of shortest known path from s  to v
dist[w] is length of shortest known path from s  to w
edge (v,w,weight)

Relaxation updates data for w  if we find a shorter path from s  to w :

if  dist[v] + weight < dist[w]  then    update  dist[w]←dist[v]+weight  and  pred[w]←v 3 . 3 Edge Relaxation 3 . 4 Dijkstra's Algorithm dijkstraSSSP(G,source): dist[] // array of cost of shortest path from s pred[] // array of predecessor in shortest path from s vSet // vertices whose shortest path from s is unknown initialise all dist[] to ∞ dist[source]=0 initialise all pred[] to -1 vSet = all vertices of G while vSet is not empty: find v in vSet with minimum dist[v] for each (v,w,weight) in edges(G): relax along (v,w,weight) vSet = vSet \ {v} 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 4 . 1 Dijkstra's Algorithm 4 . 2 Dijkstra's Algorithm 4 . 3 Time Complexity Each edge needs to be considered once ⇒ O(E). Outer loop has O(V) iterations. Implementing "find s ∈ vSet with minimum dist[s]" 1. try all s in vSet ⇒ cost = O(V) ⇒ overall cost = O(E + V^2) = O(V^2) 2. using a priority queue to implement extracting minimum... can improve overall cost to O(E + V·log V) 4 . 4 Feedback 5