Midterm exam DEMO2002 “Population Analysis”
i. On Wattle, students have access to the exam and data used at 9am.
ii. In the exam there are 10 questions each with equal value.
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iii. Calculations will be needed to solve the exam and students can use any software for that (R, excel, any…). Please do NOT include excel files or R code in your answers, just the final output, either a Table or a Figure.
iv. Students should submit a PDF of their exam/answers in turnitin by noon (12pm). Late submission (5% rate).
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1) Demographic transition: In Wattle you can find UN Population Estimates database (UN_PopulationEstimates.txt) with information on regions of the world (POP_WORLD = mid-year population, BIRTHS_WORLD = Births, DEATHS_WORLD = Deaths).
1.a) Explain the demographic transition (max 200 words).
1.b) Explain which specific calculations you will need to make, to indicate in which phase of the demographic transition each region of the world of the data given is found (max 200 words).
1.c) Now calculate those indicators in (1.b), present your findings (in a Figure), and explain your allocation of regions of the world in the phases of the demographic transition (max 200 words).
2) Fertility: In Wattle you can find the fertility data from the Human Fertility Database on period (TFR, tfr.txt) and cohort (CCF, ccf.txt).
2.a) Show the time trends of TFR and CCF for Sweden in one plot, and discuss those trends (max 200 words).
2.b) Present in a Table the advantages and disadvantages of TFR and CCF. Which measures would you have included to complement the information seen in the TFR and CCF? (max 200 words).
2.c) Explain the “Proximate determinants of fertility” and argue which of those could be responsible for the disparities between TFR and CCF observed in Sweden (max 200 words).
3) Mortality and life tables: In Wattle you can find the data on deaths, mid-year population and life table “ax” for Females from Taiwan (TWN.txt) and Japan (JPN.txt), obtained from the Human Mortality Database (POP_Female = Female mid-year population; DEATH_Female = Female Deaths; ax_Female = life table ax for females).
3.a) Construct a population Pyramid for the observed death counts Dx, for each of these populations, describe them and include your plot as part of your answer for this exercise (max 200 words).
3.b) Construct a life table for each of the populations. Present a combined population plot of the life table death distribution dx (in one Figure dx for JPN and TWN), from your calculated life tables, and describe them (max 200 words).
3.c) Calculate the crude death rate and life expectancy at birth for each population and present the values in a Table and interpret them (max 200 words).
3.d) Did we gain anything on applying the life table technique as opposed to looking at the observed distribution of deaths and crude death rate? Explain your answer (max 200 words).
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