CS计算机代考程序代写 prolog .





















Declarative Programming
More on Constraint Logic Programming

Geraint A. Wiggins

Professor of Computational Creativity
Department of Computer Science

Vrije Universiteit Brussel





















Propositional Constraints

▶ In the last lecture, we saw the use of propositional
constraints in the store_boxes program

▶ Syntax of propositional constraints:
not: #\ C
and: C1 #/\ C2
or: C1 #\/ C2
ex-or: C1 #\ C2
implies: C1 #==> C2
if: C1 #<== C2 iff: C1 #<==> C2

▶ For these goals to be acceptable, C, C1 and C2 must be





















Propositional Constraints (2)
▶ We can use propositional constraints for applying different

sets of constraints in our system in different cases, eg
( X #= 1 #==> Y in 1..10 ) #/\
( X #\= 1 #==> Y in 20..30 )

is the CLP way of saying
if X = 1
1 ≤ Y ≤ 10
20 ≤ Y ≤ 30

▶ Propositional constraints allow us to delay decisions
about the structure of the constraint system itself, so we
can reduce backtracking even more than by just using
numerical constraints





















Reified Constraints

▶ Reified means “made into a thing” (Latin: res) or, better,
made concrete

▶ Here, it means associating an explicit truth value (0 or 1)
with a constraint

▶ To do this, we usually use the propositional constraint
#<==>, because that tells us the exact value of the
constraint we are reifying

▶ Constraints are reified if their definitions are given in a
certain way; the details are beyond the scope of this





















Reified Constraints (2)

▶ For example, in the constraint
( A #= B ) #<==> R

R is the reification of A #= B…
which means

R = 1 iff A = B
R = 0 iff A ̸= B





















Reified Constraints (3)

▶ So we can check whether or not a constraint holds, or if
it is as yet undecided – constraint meta-programming!

▶ But note that we can also force a value on R and force
the constraint to be true or false:

?- ( A #= B ) #<==> R,
A in 1..10, B in 5..15,
R #= 1.

R = 1,
B in 5..10,
A in 5..10





















Reified Constraints (4)

▶ Now, we can specify a system, and demand that as many
constraints as possible are satisfied:

satisfy( W, X, Y, Z ) :-
constraint1( W ) #<==> R1,
constraint2( X ) #<==> R2,
constraint3( Y ) #<==> R3,
constraint4( Z ) #<==> R4,
R #= R1 + R2 + R3 + R4,
labeling( [max(R)], [W,X,Y,Z] ).

▶ Here we are abusing the notation; this works because we
represent truth values as numbers





















Reified Constraints (5)
▶ For example:

satisfy( X, Y, Z, R ) :-
X #= Y + 1 #<==> R1,
Y #= Z #<==> R2,
X #= Y + Z #<==> R3,
R #= R1 + R2 + R3,
labeling( [max(R)], [X,Y,Z] ).

?- domain( [X,Y,Z], -10, 10 ),
satisfy( X, Y, Z, R ).

R = 3,
X = 2,
Y = 1,
Z = 1 ?





















Reified Constraints (6)
▶ For example:

satisfy( X, Y, Z, R ) :-
X #= Y + 1 #<==> R1,
Y #= Z #<==> R2,
X #= Y + Z #<==> R3,
R #= R1 + R2 + R3,
labeling( [max(R)], [X,Y,Z] ).

?- domain( [X,Y,Z], 2, 10 ),
satisfy( X, Y, Z, R ).

R = 2,
X = 3,
Y = 2,
Z = 2 ?





















Combinatorial Constraints

▶ Combinatorial constraints are generally used for purposes
of efficiency, where a group of constraints may be solved
more efficiently together than separately

▶ In SWI Prolog, these constraints are implemented by
term expansion, like DCGs

▶ As a consequence, we sometimes have to postpone their
expansion until runtime (or later) using call/1 (and
possibly when/2)





















Combinatorial Constraints (2)

▶ all_different/1 constrains each element of the list of
variables in its argument to be different

▶ Note that, for efficiency reasons, this predicate is
incomplete – it is a fast version which works most of the

▶ This means that sometimes it will fail to rule out an
inconsistent constraint system…
…but it will never rule out a consistent one

▶ If you need a complete (but slower) version, you can use





















Combinatorial Constraints (3)

▶ element/3 constrains two variables, X and Y, and a
ground list, L, so that the Xth element of L is in the
domain of Y for every value in the domain of X

?- X in 2..3,
element( X, [10,20,30,40], Y ).

X in 2..3,
Y in{20}\/{30} ?






















Combinatorial Constraints (4)

▶ relation/3 constrains two variables, X and Y and a list
of integer/range pairs, L, so that the domain of Y is
consistent with the ranges associated with all integers in
the domain of X

?- X in 2..3,
relation( X, [1-(1..3),

3-(5..7)], Y ).

X in 2..3,
Y in 4..7





















Constraints over other Domains

▶ We can make constraints over other mathematical
structures in SWI Prolog:

Booleans – a solver for simple Boolean algebra
Reals – a solver for the real numbers; note that

answers will be floating point approximations
to the reals

Rationals – a solver for the rational numbers (numbers
which can be expressed as fractions with
integer components, eg 12 ,

47 )

▶ We won’t discuss Booleans here, as Boolean algebra is
possible in the FD package





















Constraints over other Domains (2)

▶ To post constraints in the reals, we use the following

?- { X < 2.0, Y > 1.0, Y = X + 1.0 }.

{X<2.0} ▶ The same notation is used for rationals, except that the numbers are represented using rat/2 terms, eg rat(1,2), rat(2005,47) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Constraints over other Domains (3) ▶ Note that we cannot generate a labelling for the real numbers, because there are uncountably many of them ▶ Therefore, we need access to the constraint solutions themselves to search explicitly for a proof ▶ To do this, we use the call_residue_vars/2 predicate: ?- call_residue_vars( {X < 2.0, Y > 1.0,
Y = X + 1.0}, R )

R = [[Y]-Y=1.0+X,[Y]-X>0.0,[X]-X<2.0] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Constraints over other Domains (4) ▶ We can mix real and rational constraints, but we cannot mix reals with rationals ▶ Prolog will work out which is which and use the appropriate definition (like polymorphic types) ▶ To use CLP(QR): :- use_module( library(clpqr), [] ). ▶ Note that some versions of Prolog have two separate modules for this.